985 resultados para Testicular Oocyte


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The present paper reports the occurrence of testicular cysts degeneration during spermatogenesis of Achroia grisella, a Lepidoptera with dimorphic spermatogenesis, through ultrastrucutural studies. Signs of cysts degeneration can be detected in the last larval instar but it increases during pupation and early adulthood. The degeneration affects the eupyrene, as well apyrene cysts but it is not always possible to recognize which cysts are degenerating. Some morphological features of cysts degeneration resemble apoptosis.


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The purpose of this work was to study the karyotype, spermatogenesis and nucleolar activity at meiosis, in the species Rhodnius domesticus (Heteroptera, Triatominae). The testicular tubules were cytologically prepared by the conventional method of cell crushing and subsequent application of cytogenetic staining techniques with lacto-acetic orcein and silver-ion impregnation. The species under study presented karyotype 2n= 20A+XY, the modal number of the subfamily Triatominae. The chromosomes presented no primary constriction and were therefore characterized as holocentric. It was observed that the sex chromosomes sometimes were located at the periphery, close to the ring formed by autosomes, at first meiotic division. At metaphases II, sex chromosomes were positioned in the center of the autosomal ring, thus evidencing a postreductional behavior. These same chromosomes showed late migration at anaphases and were clearly impregnated with silver-ions, suggesting they bore Nucleolar Organizer Regions. Dispersed nucleolar corpuscles in cytoplasm until telophase II and small dots in spermatids strongly impregnated with silver, could be seen. Thus, it may be inferred that, in triatomines, the nucleolus does not completely disappear but remains in the form of small corpuscles that have a role in cell differentiation.


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Aim: To evaluate anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels in patients with clinical and molecular diagnosis of 5α-reductase 2 deficiency. Patients and methods: Data from 14 patients whose age ranged from 21 days to 29 years were analyzed according to age and pubertal stage. Sexual ambiguity was rated as Prader III in 11 patients. LH, FSH, testosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and AMH serum levels were measured in all but two patients, who had been previously submitted to gonadectomy; T and DHT were also measured in 20 age-matched controls. Results: Gonadotropin levels were normal in all but one patient who retained gonads (six of whom had reached puberty) and T/DHT ratio was elevated in all patients when compared to controls. All prepubertal patients had AMH levels < -1 SD for age, while most pubertal patients had AMH levels compatible with pubertal stage. Conclusions: Prepubertal patients with 5α-reductase 2 deficiency have AMH values in the lower part of the normal range. These data indicate that T does not need to be converted to DHT to inhibit AMH secretion by Sertoli cells. © Freund Publishing House Ltd., London.


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Elements of oocyte of Neoponera villosa ants (workers and queen) were analyzed histochemically and ultrastructurally. It was observed that lipids are the first element to be deposited. They appear in oocytes of all stages. Lipids probably arose in the younger oocytes (stages I and II) from mitochondria of their own cytoplasm and from the nurse cells as well. In mature oocytes (stage III) the cells of the follicular epithelium appears with droplets of lipids in their cytoplasm showing that besides the other sites, this epithelium can also be active in lipid synthesis.


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The purpose of this review was to assess the efficacy of recombinant LH (r-LH) supplementation for controlled ovarian stimulation in recombinant FSH (r-FSH) and GnRH-agonist (GnRH-a) protocol for IVF/ICSI cycles. Search strategies included on-line surveys of databases from 1990 to 2006. Four trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria (Lisi et al. 2002, Humaidan et al. 2004, Marrs et al. 2004, Tarlatzis et al. 2006). When the review was carried out advantages were observed for the r-LH supplementation protocol with respect to a fewer days of stimulation, a fewer total amount of r-FSH administered and a higher serum estradiol levels on the day of hCG administration. However, these differences were not observed in number of oocyte retrieved, number of mature oocytes, clinical pregnancy per oocyte retrieval, implantation and miscarriage rates. Nevertheless, more randomized controlled trials are necessary before evidence-based recommendations regarding exogenous r-LH supplementation in ovarian stimulation protocols with r-FSH and GnRH-a for assisted reproduction treatment can be provided.


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The purpose of this investigation was to verify the efficacy of recombinant LH supplementation for controlled ovarian stimulation in GnRH-antagonist protocol for assisted reproductive technologies cycles. Search strategies included on-line surveys of databases from 1990 to 2006. In this review and meta-analysis, the observed advantages for the LH supplementation protocol were a higher serum estradiol levels on the day of hCG administration and a higher number of mature oocytes. However, there were no differences observed in the total amount of r-FSH administered, days of stimulation, number of oocyte retrieved, the clinical pregnancy rate per oocyte retrieval, the implantation rate and miscarriage rate. This result demonstrates that the association of r-LH with r-FSH may prevent any decrease in estradiol after antagonist administration and a significant higher number of mature oocytes was obtained. Nevertheless, additional randomized controlled trials are needed confirm these observations.


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The aim of this meta-analysis was to compare the efficacy of gonadotrophin antagonist (GnRH-ant) versus GnRH agonist (GnRHa) as coadjuvant therapy for ovarian stimulation in poor ovarian responders in IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles. Search strategies included on-line surveys of databases such as MEDLINE, EMBASE and others. A fixed effects model was used for odds ratio (OR) and effect size (weighted mean difference, WMD). Six trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria (randomized controlled trials). There was no difference between GnRH-ant and GnRHa (long and flare-up protocols) with respect to cycle cancellation rate, number of mature oocytes and clinical pregnancy rate per cycle initiated, per oocyte retrieval and per embryo transfer. When the mete-analysis was applied to the two trials that had used GnRH-ant versus long protocols of GnRHa, a significantly higher number of retrieved oocytes was observed in the GnRH-ant protocols [P = 0.018; WMD: 1.12 (0.18, 2.05)]. However, when the meta-analysis was applied to the four trials that had used GnRH-ant versus flare-up protocols, a significantly higher number of retrieved oocytes (P = 0.032; WMD: -0.51, 95% CI -0.99, -0.04) was observed in the GnRHa protocols. Nevertheless, additional randomized controlled trials with better planning are needed to confirm these results.


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This study aims to compare the efficacy of recombinant LH (rLH) supplementation for ovarian stimulation in gonadotrophin-releasing hormone-antagonist protocol for IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles. Search strategies included online surveys of databases. The fixed effects model was used for odds ratio (OR) and effect size (weighted mean difference, WMD). Five trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria. When the meta-analysis was carried out, advantages were observed for the LH supplementation protocol with respect to higher serum oestradiol concentrations on the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin administration (P < 0.0001; WMD: 514, 95% CI 368, 660) and higher number of mature oocytes (P = 0.0098; WMD: 0.88, 95% CI 0.21, 1.54). However, these differences were not observed in the total amount of recombinant FSH (rFSH) administered, days of stimulation, number of oocytes retrieved, the clinical pregnancy rate per oocyte retrieval, the implantation rate and miscarriage rate. This result demonstrates that the association of rLH with rFSH may prevent any decrease in oestradiol after antagonist administration and that a significantly higher number of mature oocytes was available for laboratory work. Nevertheless, it failed to show any statistically significant difference in clinically significant end-points in IVF (implantation and pregnancy rates). Additional randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm these results further. © 2007 Published by Reproductive Healthcare Ltd.


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This study aimed to analyze the morphometry of hybrids' eggs under stereomicroscopy. The induced reproduction was carried out in specimens of pintado's females (P. corruscans) and cachara's males (P. fasciatum) from Cepta - Ibama, Pirassununga, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Samples were collected in extrusion moment, during the fertilization, in times of 10 and 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 45 minutes, 1 hour, at every 15 minutes until completing 2 hours, and afterwards, at every hour until the larval hatching. Oocytes and eggs' external morphology were observed, photographed and 30 samples from each moment were measured in stereomicroscopy. Oocytes, in the time of extrusion, and the eggs presented a spherical form and yellowish color. Characteristics such as wide perivitelinic space, somites, presence of optical vesicle and the main phases of embryonic development as egg-cell (blastodisc), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 blastomeres, morula, blastula, gastrula, epiboly movements, formation and larvae hatching were verified.


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In low-order streams, the high and variable water flow rates offer both advantages and disadvantages to the life cycle of fishes. Even closely related species living in similar habitats can show differences in life history patterns. Based on oocyte-size distributions, C. lauroi was classified into the fractional spawning type, and C. alipioi into the total spawning type. The absolute fecundity of C. lauroi ranged from 1,313 to 2,925 oocytes; in C. alipioi the absolute fecundity ranged from 2,213 to 25,550 oocytes. The nonparametric Spearman correlation test showed statistical significance between the gonadosomatic index and fecundity for both species. The growth parameters, natural mortality rate and survival rate for females of C. lauroi were: K = 0.68 yr -1, L ∞ = 8.7 cm, t max = 4.4 years, M= 1.62 yr -1, S = 19.79%, and for males: K = 0.78 yr -1, L ∞ = 6.9 cm, t max = 3.8 years, M = 1.89 yr -1, S = 15.11%. The growth parameters, natural mortality rate and survival rate for females of C. alipioi were: K = 0.90 yr -1, L ∞ = 12.2 cm, t max = 3.3 years, M = 1.81 yr -1, S = 16.37%, and for males: K = 0.76 yr -1, L ∞ = 10.1 cm, t max = 3.9 years, M = 1.71 yr -1, S = 18.10%.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the morphological and histological characteristics of eggs from six triatomine species in order to obtain a generic and specific characterization of this group of Trypanosoma cruzi vectors and better understand their phylogenetic and taxonomic aspects. The eggs of the respective species came from the collection of the Laboratório de Triatomíneos e Culicídeos da Faculdade de Saúde Pública/USP, from the Insetário do Serviço Especial de Saúde de Araraquara - SESA and from the Triatomine insectary of the Laboratório Nacional e Internacional de Referência em Taxonomia de Triatomíneos (FIOCRUZ), in Rio de Janeiro. Morphological studies were done with optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Histological analyses used only optical microscopy. All of the species analyzed showed a predominance of hexagonal cells. The exchorion of Triatoma breyeri Del Ponte, T. costalimai Verano & Galvão, and T. tibiamaculata (Pinto) consists of unornamented cells, overlapping or slightly separated, with a smooth, padded appearance. Meanwhile, in T. matogrossensis Leite & Barbosa, T. sherlocki Papa, Juberg, Carcavallo, Cerqueira & Barata, and T. williami Galvão, Souza & Lima, the exchorion cells are ornamented on their entire surface with perforations and fissures. Egg histology showed undulations, pores, and orifices. The study helps to expand the generic and specific knowledge of the Triatominae subfamily. The characteristics identified in the exchorion of the eggshells can help separate close species. These new parameters will back the elaboration of future dichotomous keys, help to determine each vector species' role and expand knowledge of the various species.


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This work deals with the comparative cytogenetic analysis of four Neotropical Elateridae species and reviews the nucleolar organizer region (NOR) patterns on Coleoptera chromosomes, for the first time. The cytogenetic characterization of Conoderus malleatus (Conoderini), Pyrearinus candelarius, Pyrophorus divergens and Pyrophorus punctatissimus (Pyrophorini) was accomplished through the study of mitotic and meiotic cells submitted to standard (Giemsa) and differential staining [silver impregnation and GC-specific chromomycin A 3 (CMA 3) plus AT-specific 4′-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) fluorochromes]. The analysis of spermatogonial cells revealed the diploid numbers: 2n = 17 in C. malleatus and 2n = 15 in P. candelarius, P. divergens and P. punctatissimus. In these species, the X0 type sex-determination system and the acrocentric morphology of almost all chromosomes were observed. The study of meiotic cells of the four species revealed the occurrence of total synapsis between the autosomes, the presence of one terminal or interstitial chiasma in the majority of the bivalents, and the reductional behaviour and regular segregation of all chromosomes. Although the three Pyrophorini species demonstrated many similar karyotypical characteristics, there was one discrepancy, which was noted in the diplotene cells and concerns the number of bivalents with two chiasmata; P. candelarius only presented one bivalent, P. divergens showed two bivalents and P. punctatissimus exhibited up to four bivalents with two chiasmata. Testicular cells impregnated with silver nitrate demonstrated two terminal NORs located on the fourth autosomal pair of the Conoderini species and on the second autosomal pair of the three Pyrophorini representatives. Use of CMA 3/distamycin A (DA)/DAPI staining on the P. candelarius and P. punctatissimus chromosomes revealed that the CMA 3 labelled regions were coincident with the NORs. The main strategies of karyotypical differentiation that have occurred among the four Elateridae species and other related species, and the general trends of the NOR shifts during Coleoptera chromosomal evolution are discussed in this work. © 2007 The Authors.


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This paper reports the effect of mating delay on the queen Apis mellifera ovaries based on a light microscopy analysis. Soon after a queen emerges from the brood cell, oocytes start to differentiate in the ovaries, but if mating does not occur at the correct age (about 6 days after emergence) cell degeneration begins. Ovaries of 15-day-old virgin queens show extensive disorganization with cell death affecting all types of ovariole cells. Types of cell death and the possible causes are discussed.


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Lately, researchers have taken into consideration studies on birds since they represent an excellent nutritional source. There are several classical descriptions of the male reproductive tract, always aiming at establishing a correlation with shape, testicular size, age and sexual maturity. This study analyzed 50 male Gallus domesticus, 1 to 64 weeks old. The birds were collected with 10 days and then weekly until 24 weeks, following 37, 48, 59 and 64 weeks, and sacrificed by cervical displacement. It was observed the sintopies of testis with the other organs. Further, it was done the testicular measurement and then the statistical analysis by following the model of testis weight variation due to the animal age. Our results showed that the maximum weight of the right and left testes occurred with 167 and 210 days, respectively, what made us infer this species sexual maturity in this period.


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The objective of this study is to use different in vitro culture systems of preantral follicles from Nelore breed bovine fetuses in the last gestation quarter. The evaluation of treatments considered the time of growth of isolated follicles. Preantral follicles were mechanically isolated and submitted to the individual culture, for 9 days, in media no supplemented or supplemented with fetal calf serum (FCS), bovine serum albumin (BSA) or synthetic defined supplement substitute of serum KnockoutSR (KNO). We have also evaluated the effects of collagen gel or fetal calf fibroblast monolayer as substratum for in vitro cultures. The increase on the follicular diameter was followed in the first day (0 h), at the 72 h, 144 h and 216 h. Considering cultures of isolated follicles, the results have shown that the association between media supplemented with FCS and collagen gel was significantly more efficient on the increase of the follicular diameter than other treatments. It is not still established a system of appropriate cultivation that sustains the differentiation and multiplication of the granular cells and that maintains the contact of the same ones with the oocyte to provide molecules and factors that supply the metabolic demand. We also understand that our results also represent another promising step on the search for the ultimate system of in vitro culture of preantral follicles from bovines.