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This paper presents the development and testing of an integrated low-power and low-cost dual-probe heat-pulse (DPHP) soil-moisture sensor in view of the electrical power consumed and affordability in developing countries. A DPHP sensor has two probes: a heater and a temperature sensor probe spaced 3 mm apart from the heater probe. Supply voltage of 3.3V is given to the heater-coil having resistance of 33 Omega power consumption of 330 mW, which is among the lowest in this category of sensors. The heater probe is 40 mm long with 2 mm diameter and hence is stiff enough to be inserted into the soil. The parametric finite element simulation study was performed to ensure that the maximum temperature rise is between 1 degrees C and 5 degrees C for wet and dry soils, respectively. The discrepancy between the simulation and experiment is less than 3.2%. The sensor was validated with white clay and tested with red soil samples to detect volumetric water-content ranging from 0% to 30%. The sensor element is integrated with low-power electronics for amplifying the output from thermocouple sensor and TelosB mote for wireless communication. A 3.7V lithium ion battery with capacity of 1150 mAh is used to power the system. The battery is charged by a 6V and 300 mA solar cell array. Readings were taken in 30 min intervals. The life-time of DPHP sensor node is around 3.6 days. The sensor, encased in 30 mm x 20 mm x 10 mm sized box, and integrated with electronics was tested independently in two separate laboratories for validating as well as investigating the dependence of the measurement of soil-moisture on the density of the soil. The difference in the readings while repeating the experiments was found out to be less than 0.01%. Furthermore, the effect of ambient temperature on the measurement of soil-moisture is studied experimentally and computationally. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The down conversion of radio frequency components around the harmonics of the local oscillator (LO), and its impact on the accuracy of white space detection using integrated spectrum sensors, is studied. We propose an algorithm to mitigate the impact of harmonic downconversion by utilizing multiple parallel downconverters in the system architecture. The proposed algorithm is validated on a test-board using commercially available integrated circuits and a test-chip implemented in a 130-nm CMOS technology. The measured data show that the impact of the harmonic downconversion is closely related to the LO characteristics, and that much of it can be mitigated by the proposed technique.


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The growth of Nb3Sn by bronze technique on single crystals and deformed Nb is studied. The grain boundary diffusion-controlled growth rate is found to be higher for Nb-(0 1 3) than Nb-(0 1 1) because of smaller grain size of Nb3Sn. The difference in grain size is explained with the help of surface energies leading to different nucleation barrier. Significantly finer grains and higher growth rate of the product phase is found for rolled Nb because of available defects acting as potential nucleation sites.


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The occurrence of high-pressure mafic-ultramafic bodies within major shear zones is one of the indicators of paleo-subduction. In mafic granulites of the Andriamena complex (north-eastern Madagascar) we document unusual textures including garnet-clinopyroxene-quartz coronas that formed after the breakdown of orthopyroxene-plagioclase-ilmenite. Textural evidence and isochemical phase diagram calculations in the Na2O-CaO-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-TiO2 system indicate a pressure-temperature (P-T) evolution from an isothermal (780 degrees C) pressure up to c. 24 kbar to decompression and cooling. Such a P-T trajectory is typically attained in a subduction zone setting where a gabbroic/ultramafic complex is subducted and later exhumed to the present crustal level during oceanic closure and final continental collision. The present results suggest that the presence of such deeply subducted rocks of the Andriamena complex is related to formation of the Betsimisaraka suture. LA-ICPMS U-Pb zircon dating of pelitic gneisses from the Betsimisaraka suture yields low Th/U ratios and protolith ages ranging from 2535 to 2625 Ma. A granitic gneiss from the Alaotra complex yields a zircon crystallization age of ca. 818 Ma and Th/U ratios vary from 1.08 to 2.09. K-Ar dating of muscovite and biotite from biotite-kyanite-sillimanite gneiss and garnet-biotite gneiss yields age of 486 +/- 9 Ma and 459 +/- 9 Ma respectively. We have estimated regional crustal thicknesses in NE Madagascar using a flexural inversion technique, which indicates the presence of an anomalously thick crust (c. 43 km) beneath the Antananarivo block. This result is consistent with the present concept that subduction beneath the Antananarivo block resulted in a more competent and thicker crust. The textural data, thermodynamic model, and geophysical evidence together provide a new insight to the subduction history, crustal thickening and evolution of the high-pressure Andriamena complex and its link to the terminal formation of the Betsimisaraka suture in north-eastern Madagascar. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diffusion controlled growth rate of V3Ga in the Cu(Ga)/V system changes dramatically because of a small change in Ga content in Cu(Ga). One atomic percent increase from 15 to 16 leads to more than double the product phase layer thickness and a decrease in activation energy from 255 to 142 kJ/mol. Kirkendall marker experiment indicates that V3Ga grows because of diffusion of Ga. Role of different factors influencing the diffusion rate of Ga and high growth rate of V3Ga are discussed. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nonlinear optical properties (NLO) of a graphene oxide-silver (GO-Ag) nanocomposite have been investigated by the Z-scan setup at Q-switched Nd:YAG laser second harmonic radiation i.e., at 532 nm excitation in a nanosecond regime. A noteworthy enhancement in the NLO properties in the GO-Ag nanocomposite has been reported in comparison with those of the synthesized GO nanosheet. The extracted value of third order nonlinear susceptibility (chi(3)), at a peak intensity of I-0 = 0.2 GW cm(-2), for GO-Ag has been found to be 2.8 times larger than that of GO. The enhancement in NLO properties in the GO-Ag nanocomposite may be attributed to the complex energy band structures formed during the synthesis which promote resonant transition to the conduction band via surface plasmon resonance (SPR) at low laser intensities and excited state transition (ESA) to the conduction band of GO at higher intensities. Along with this photogenerated charge carriers in the conduction band of silver or the increase in defect states during the formation of the GO-Ag nanocomposite may contribute to ESA. Open aperture Z-scan measurement indicates reverse saturable absorption (RSA) behavior of the synthesized nanocomposite which is a clear indication of the optical limiting (OL) ability of the nanocomposite.


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Approximately 140 million years ago, the Indian plate separated from Gondwana and migrated by almost 90 degrees latitude to its current location, forming the Himalayan-Tibetan system. Large discrepancies exist in the rate of migration of Indian plate during Phanerozoic. Here we describe a new approach to paleo-latitudinal reconstruction based on simultaneous determination of carbonate formation temperature and delta O-18 of soil carbonates, constrained by the abundances of C-13-O-18 bonds in palaeosol carbonates. Assuming that the palaeosol carbonates have a strong relationship with the composition of the meteoric water, delta O-18 carbonate of palaeosol can constrain paleo-latitudinal position. Weighted mean annual rainfall delta O-18 water values measured at several stations across the southern latitudes are used to derive a polynomial equation: delta(18)Ow = -0.006 x (LAT)(2) - 0.294 x (LAT) - 5.29 which is used for latitudinal reconstruction. We use this approach to show the northward migration of the Indian plate from 46.8 +/- 5.8 degrees S during the Permian (269 M. y.) to 30 +/- 11 degrees S during the Triassic (248 M. y.), 14.7 +/- 8.7 degrees S during the early Cretaceous (135 M. y.), and 28 +/- 8.8 degrees S during the late Cretaceous ( 68 M. y.). Soil carbonate delta O-18 provides an alternative method for tracing the latitudinal position of Indian plate in the past and the estimates are consistent with the paleo-magnetic records which document the position of Indian plate prior to 135 +/- 3 M. y.


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GdxZn1-xO (x = 0, 0.02, 0.04 and 0.06) nanostructures have been synthesized using sol-gel technique and characterized to understand their structural and magnetic properties. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results show that Gd (0, 2, 4 and 6 %)-doped ZnO nanostructures crystallized in the wurtzite structure having space group C3(v) (P6(3)mc). Photoluminescence and Raman studies of Gd-doped ZnO powder show the formation of singly ionized oxygen vacancies. X-ray absorption spectroscopy reveals that Gd replaces the Zn atoms in the host lattice and maintains the crystal symmetry with slight lattice distortion. Gd L-3-edge spectra reveal charge transfer between Zn and Gd dopant ions. O K-edge spectra also depict the charge transfer through the oxygen bridge (Gd-O-Zn). Weak magnetic ordering is observed in all Gd-doped ZnO samples.


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The Southern Granulite Terrain in India is a collage of crustal blocks ranging in age from Archean to Neoproterozoic. This study investigate the tectonic evolution of one of the northernmost block- the Biligiri Block (BRB) through a multidisciplinary approach involving field investigation, petrographic studies, LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotopic analyses, metamorphic P-T phase diagram computations, and crustal thickness modeling. The garnet bearing quartzofeldspathic gneiss from the central BRB preserve Mesoarchean magmatic zircons with ages between 3207 and 2806 Ma and positive epsilon Hf value (+2.7) which possibly indicates vestiges of a Mesoarchean primitive continental crust. The occurrence of quartzite-iron formation intercalation as well as ultramafic lenses along the western boundary of the BRB is interpreted to indicate that the Kollegal structural lineament is a possible paleo-suture. Phase diagram computation of a metagabbro from the southwestern periphery of the Kollegal suture zone reveals high-pressure (similar to 18.5 kbar) and medium-temperature (similar to 840 degrees C) metamorphism, likely during eastward subduction of the Western Dharwar oceanic crust beneath the Mesoarchean BRB. In the model presented here, slab subduction, melting and underplating processes generated arc magmatism and subsequent charnockitization within the BRB between ca. 2650 Ma and ca. 2498 Ma. These results thus reveal Meso- to Neoarchean tectonic evolution of the BRB. The spatial variation of crustal thickness, derived from flexure inversion technique, provides additional constraints on the tectonic linkage of the BRB with its surrounding terrains. In conjunction with published data, the Moyar and the Kollegal suture zones are considered to mark the trace of ocean closure along which the Nilgiri and Biligiri Rangan Blocks accreted on to the Western Dharwar Craton. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Constant-volts-per-hertz induction motor drives and vector-controlled induction motor drives utilize pulsewidth modulation (PWM) to control the voltage applied on the motor. The method of PWM influences the pulsations in the torque developed by the motor. A space-vector-based approach to PWM facilitates special switching sequences involving the division of active state time. This paper proposes a space-vector-based hybrid PWM technique, which is a combination of the conventional and special switching sequences. The proposed hybrid PWM technique results in a lower peak-to-peak torque ripple than conventional space vector PWM(CSVPWM) at high speeds of an induction motor drive. Furthermore, the magnitude of the dominant torque harmonic due to the proposed hybrid PWM is significantly lower than that due to CSVPWM at high speeds of the drive. Experimental results from a 3.75-kW sensorless vector-controlled induction motor drive under various load conditions are presented to support analytical and simulation results.


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Acoustic feature based speech (syllable) rate estimation and syllable nuclei detection are important problems in automatic speech recognition (ASR), computer assisted language learning (CALL) and fluency analysis. A typical solution for both the problems consists of two stages. The first stage involves computing a short-time feature contour such that most of the peaks of the contour correspond to the syllabic nuclei. In the second stage, the peaks corresponding to the syllable nuclei are detected. In this work, instead of the peak detection, we perform a mode-shape classification, which is formulated as a supervised binary classification problem - mode-shapes representing the syllabic nuclei as one class and remaining as the other. We use the temporal correlation and selected sub-band correlation (TCSSBC) feature contour and the mode-shapes in the TCSSBC feature contour are converted into a set of feature vectors using an interpolation technique. A support vector machine classifier is used for the classification. Experiments are performed separately using Switchboard, TIMIT and CTIMIT corpora in a five-fold cross validation setup. The average correlation coefficients for the syllable rate estimation turn out to be 0.6761, 0.6928 and 0.3604 for three corpora respectively, which outperform those obtained by the best of the existing peak detection techniques. Similarly, the average F-scores (syllable level) for the syllable nuclei detection are 0.8917, 0.8200 and 0.7637 for three corpora respectively. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Measurement while drilling (MWD) has become a popular survey technology to monitor directional data, drilling data, formation evaluation data and safety data in the world. And closed loop drilling shows promise in recent years. Obviously, the method of tr


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The property of crystal depends seriously on the solution concentration distribution near the growth surface of a crystal. However, the concentration distributions are affected by the diffusion and convection of the solution. In the present experiment, the two methods of optical measurement are used to obtained velocity field and concentration field of NaClO3 solution. The convection patterns in sodium chlorate (NaClO3) crystal growth are measured by Digital Particle image Velocimetry (DPIV) technology. The 2-dimentional velocity distributions in the solution of NaClO3 are obtained from experiments. And concentration field are obtained by a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with a phase shift servo system. Interference patterns were recorded directly by a computer via a CCD camera. The evolution of velocity field and concentration field from dissolution to crystallization are visualized clearly. The structures of velocity fields were compared with that of concentration field.


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In the previous paper, a class of nonlinear system is mapped to a so-called skeleton linear model (SLM) based on the joint time-frequency analysis method. Behavior of the nonlinear system may be indicated quantitatively by the variance of the coefficients of SLM versus its response. Using this model we propose an identification method for nonlinear systems based on nonstationary vibration data in this paper. The key technique in the identification procedure is a time-frequency filtering method by which solution of the SLM is extracted from the response data of the corresponding nonlinear system. Two time-frequency filtering methods are discussed here. One is based on the quadratic time-frequency distribution and its inverse transform, the other is based on the quadratic time-frequency distribution and the wavelet transform. Both numerical examples and an experimental application are given to illustrate the validity of the technique.


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The aggregation behaviors of two surfactants with the same hydrophobic tail, sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT) and sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate (NaDEHP), have been investigated by the fluorescence technique and z-potential (ζ) measurements. Five fine peaks of the pyrene molecule fluorescence spectroscopy appear in the surfactant solution, and the micropolarity at which pyrene locates is monitored from the intensity ratio of the first (I1) and the third peak (I3). A wide peak around 475 nm, the emission spectra of the excimer of pyrene molecules, is observed in the NaDEHP solution, while this is not found for the AOT system. The value of I1/I3 decreases in a more limited concentration range for the AOT system than for NaDEHP, indicating that small aggregates can be more easily formed by NaDEHP molecules. The z-potential results for the aggregates formed by the two surfactants show that the interaction between AOT and PVP is stronger than that between NaDEHP and PVP.