1000 resultados para Survey intercultural
The three miles of fibrous concrete resurfacing in Greene County, Iowa were placed in September and early October, 1973. It was recognized in advance that cracking and other performance characteristics of the fibrous concrete sections and of the control sections would be major factors in the evaluation of the project. A low level aerial survey was made of the old pavement. During construction of the resurfacing, the aerial survey was checked to insure that cracks in the old pavement were referenced to the 100 ft. station marks placed in the resurfacing. A final report for research project HR-165, based upon overall performance evaluation was published in December 1978.
The three miles of fibrous concrete resurfacing in Greene County, Iowa were placed in September and early October, 1973. It was recognized in advance that cracking and other performance characteristics of the fibrous concrete sections and of the central sections would be major factors in the evaluation of the project. A low level aerial survey was made of the old pavement. During construction of the resurfacing, the aerial survey was checked to insure that cracks in the old pavement were referenced to the 100 ft. station marks placed in the resurfacing. The crack survey recorded herein was made in March and April, 1974. Those cracks in the resurfacing that are reflections of cracks in the underlying slab are identified by /\ marks. Observations (not detailed crack surveys) made in June, 1974 indicate that further cracking of the resurfacing has occurred since this report was prepared. In particular, there appears to be same additional longitudinal cracking over the widening joints.
This report presents the results of a survey on the use of yellow versus white traffic paint. It was found that in most states the white paint was less expensive than the yellow. A substantial savings could be realized if an all white traffic marking system was permitted by the Federal Highway Administration. Paint costs from each state are presented, as well as by each region.
The report compares and contrasts the automated PASCO method of pavement evaluation to the manual procedures used by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) to evaluate pavement condition. Iowa DOT's use of IJK and BPR roadmeters and manual crack and patch surveys are compared to PASCO's use of 35-mm photography, artificial lighting and hairline projection, tracking wheels and lasers to measure ride, cracking and patching, rut depths, and roughness. The Iowa DOT method provides a Present Serviceability Index (PSI) value and PASCO provides a Maintenance Control Index (MCI). Seven sections of Interstate Highway, county roads and city streets, and one shoulder section were tested with different speeds of data collection, surface types and textures, and stop and start conditions. High correlation of results between the two methods in the measurement of roughness (0.93 for the tracking wheel and 0.84 for the laser method) were recorded. Rut depth correlations of 0.61 and cracking of 0.32 are attributed to PASCO's more comprehensive measurement techniques. A cost analysis of the data provided by both systems indicates that PASCO is capable of providing a comparable result with improved accuracy at a cost of $125-$150 or less per two-lane mile depending on survey mileage. Improved data collection speed, accuracy, and reliability, and a visible record of pavement condition for comparable costs are available. The PASCO system's ability to provide the data required in the Highway Pavement Distress Identification Manual, the Pavement Condition Rating Guide, and the Strategic Highway Research Program Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Studies, is also outlined in the report.
The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) evaluated the PAS I Road Survey System from PAVEDEX, Inc. of Spokane, Washington. This system uses video photograph to identify and quantify pavement cracking and patching distresses. Comparisons were made to procedures currently used in the State. Interstate highway, county roads and city streets, and two shoulder sections were evaluated. Variables included travel speeds, surface type and texture, and traffic control conditions. Repeatability and distress identification were excellent on rigid pavements. Differences in distress identification and the effect of surface textures in the flexible test sections limited the repeatability and correlation of data to that of the Iowa DOT method. Cost data indicates that PAVEDEX is capable of providing comparable results with improved accuracy at a reasonable cost, but in excess of that experienced currently by the Iowa DOT. PAVEDEX is capable of providing network level pavement condition data at highway speeds and analysis of the data to identify 1/8-inch cracks at approximately 2-3 lane miles per hour with manual evaluation. Photo-logging capability is also included in the unit.
Background: Pharmacogenetic studies are essential in understanding the interindividual variability of drug responses. DNA sample collection for genotyping is a critical step in genetic studies. A method using dried blood samples from finger-puncture, collected on DNA-cards, has been described as an alternative to the usual venepuncture technique. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the implementation of the DNA cards method in a multicentre clinical trial, and to assess the degree of investigators' satisfaction and the acceptance of the patients perceived by the investigators.Methods: Blood samples were collected on DNA-cards. The quality and quantity of DNA recovered were analyzed. Investigators were questioned regarding their general interest, previous experience, safety issues, preferences and perceived patient satisfaction. Results: 151 patients' blood samples were collected. Genotyping of GST polymorphisms was achieved in all samples (100%). 28 investigators completed the survey. Investigators perceived patient satisfaction as very good (60.7%) or good (39.3%), without reluctance to finger puncture. Investigators preferred this method, which was considered safer and better than the usual methods. All investigators would recommend using it in future genetic studies. Conclusion: Within the clinical trial setting, the DNA-cards method was very well accepted by investigators and patients (in perception of investigators), and was preferred to conventional methods due to its ease of use and safety.
This work aimed at assessing the doses delivered in Switzerland to paediatric patients during computed tomography (CT) examinations of the brain, chest and abdomen, and at establishing diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) for various age groups. Forms were sent to the ten centres performing CT on children, addressing the demographics, the indication and the scanning parameters: number of series, kilovoltage, tube current, rotation time, reconstruction slice thickness and pitch, volume CT dose index (CTDI(vol)) and dose length product (DLP). Per age group, the proposed DRLs for brain, chest and abdomen are, respectively, in terms of CTDI(vol): 20, 30, 40, 60 mGy; 5, 8, 10, 12 mGy; 7, 9, 13, 16 mGy; and in terms of DLP: 270, 420, 560, 1,000 mGy cm; 110, 200, 220, 460 mGy cm; 130, 300, 380, 500 mGy cm. An optimisation process should be initiated to reduce the spread in dose recorded in this study. A major element of this process should be the use of DRLs.
The methodology of the ager Tarraconensis project also included geophysical surveys aiming to distinguish different categories of rural settlements. Two geophysical techniques (resistivity and magnetometry) were combined to reveal traces of unearth structures from a selection of sites identified from the field survey. Results of geophysical surveys of these seven sites as well as conclusions obtained from this approach are discussed here.
BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, 30% of HIV-infected individuals are diagnosed late. To optimize HIV testing, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) updated 'Provider Induced Counseling and Testing' (PICT) recommendations in 2010. These permit doctors to test patients if HIV infection is suspected, without explicit consent or pre-test counseling; patients should nonetheless be informed that testing will be performed. We examined awareness of these updated recommendations among emergency department (ED) doctors. METHODS: We conducted a questionnaire-based survey among 167 ED doctors at five teaching hospitals in French-Speaking Switzerland between 1(st) May and 31(st) July 2011. For 25 clinical scenarios, participants had to state whether HIV testing was indicated or whether patient consent or pre-test counseling was required. We asked how many HIV tests participants had requested in the previous month, and whether they were aware of the FOPH testing recommendations. RESULTS: 144/167 doctors (88%) returned the questionnaire. Median postgraduate experience was 6.5 years (interquartile range [IQR] 3; 12). Mean percentage of correct answers was 59 ± 11%, senior doctors scoring higher (P=0.001). Lowest-scoring questions pertained to acute HIV infection and scenarios where patient consent was not required. Median number of test requests was 1 (IQR 0-2, range 0-10). Only 26/144 (18%) of participants were aware of the updated FOPH recommendations. Those aware had higher scores (P=0.001) but did not perform more HIV tests. CONCLUSIONS: Swiss ED doctors are not aware of the national HIV testing recommendations and rarely perform HIV tests. Improved recommendation dissemination and adherence is required if ED doctors are to contribute to earlier HIV diagnoses.
Asthma and allergic rhinitis are chronic inflammatory airway diseases which often occur concomitantly. The objective of the LARA program was to identify the comorbidities and characteristics of asthma (A), intermittent or persistent rhinitis (IPR) and physician defined atopic dermatitis (AD) in 6- to 16-year old asthmatic Swiss children and adolescents. Overall, 126 general practitioners and paediatricians collected the data of 670 asthmatics. Approximately one third of the asthmatic children in Switzerland had well-controlled asthma. Almost two thirds of these asthmatics suffered from concomitant IPR. The latter presented with significantly less symptoms while the treatment rates with inhaled corticosteroids (approximately 90%) and leukotriene-receptorantagonists (approximately 50%) were comparable. However, there were almost twice as many passive smokers in the less well-controlled group. The prevalence of AD was similar in both groups. IPR and AD may play an important role as risk factors in the future development of asthma.
The Swiss Haemophilia Registry of the Medical Committee of the Swiss Haemophilia Society started in 1996 but was set as an internet-based, double password-protected facility in the year 2000. With the inclusion of patients' data from two new centres in 2009, we assume a coverage rate of about 90% of all patients with inherited bleeding disorders in our country. Data concerning the phenotype and genotype of the disorder, its severity, its therapy, the prevalence of inhibitors are readily available to the registered users, allowing quality control of haemophilia therapy at a national level, but also rapid care of the patient visiting the emergency room of another treatment centre. Basing on the available data, about two thirds of the WFH global survey can be answered; the mortality statistics shows that bleeding remains a cause of death in haemophiliacs, also in the 21th century. The Registry allows for comparisons with international datasets, especially with respect to treatment (prophylaxis vs. on-demand therapy), factor consumption and costs.
AIM: Sexual orientation plays an important part in building identity during adolescence. The aim of this study was to describe patterns of sexual orientation, including sexual attraction, fantasies, affiliations and behaviour. METHODS: The study was based on the analysis of data from computerized self-administered questionnaires of a Swiss national survey on the sexual life of 16 to 20-year-old adolescents (n = 2,075 girls and 2,208 boys.). RESULTS: Overall, 95.0% of girls and 96.2% of boys described themselves as predominantly heterosexual; 1.4% of girls and 1.7% of boys as predominantly homosexual or bisexual; and 2.8% of teenagers (girls: 3.6%; boys: 2.1%) were "unsure" of their sexual orientation. The reported prevalence of homosexual attraction (girls: 2.0%; boys: 2.9%) exceeded homosexual fantasies (girls: 0.4%; boys: 0.5%) and affiliations (girls: 0.3%; boys: 0.5%). Among the 4205 respondents, 31 girls (1.5% of girls) and 56 boys (2.5% of boys) reported sexual behaviour (experience or penetrative intercourse) with a person of the same sex. Among 1.5% of girls and 2.5% of boys who reported sexual behaviour with a person of the same sex, 65% of boys and 80% of girls nevertheless considered themselves as heterosexual. CONCLUSION: For a comprehensive understanding of sexual orientation in adolescence a differentiated look at dimensions of sexual orientation is indispensable. This applies to clinical settings, public health and research.
Manufactured nanoparticles are introduced into industrial processes, but they are suspected to cause similar negative health effects as ambient particles. The poor knowledge about the scale of this introduction did not allow global risk analysis so far. In 2006 a targeted telephone survey among Swiss companies (1) showed the usage of nanoparticles in a few selected companies but did not provide data to extrapolate on the totality of the Swiss workforce. To gain this kind of information a layered representative questionnaire survey among 1'626 Swiss companies was conducted in 2007. Data was collected about the number of potentially exposed persons in the companies and their protection strategy. The response rate was 58.3%. An expected number of 586 companies (95%−confidence interval 145 to 1'027) was shown by this study to use nanoparticles in Switzerland. Estimated 1'309 (1'073 to 1'545) workers do their job in the same room as a nanoparticle application. Personal protection was shown to be the predominant type of protection means. Companies starting productions with nanomaterials need to consider incorporating protection measures into the plans. This will not only benefit the workers' health, but will also likely increase the competitiveness of the companies. Technical and organisational protection means are not only more cost−effective on the long term, but are also easier to control. Guidelines may have to be designed specifically for different industrial applications, including fields outside nanotechnology, and adapted to all sizes of companies.
In 2006, a medico-legal consultation service devoted to adult victims of interpersonal violence was set up at the Lausanne University Hospital Centre, Switzerland: the Violence Medical Unit. Patients are received by forensic nurses for support, forensic examination (in order to establish medical report) and community orientation. In 2008, a telephone survey was conducted on patients. The objectives of the survey were to estimate the degree of patients' satisfaction and to document the use of the medical report by six questions. Among the 476 patients admitted to the VMU in 2007, 132 were interviewed. Their overall satisfaction was high with an average mark of 8.7/10. The medical report was used extensively by the interviewed victims (81%) for its primary function - to be produced as evidence. As the consultations are financed by public funds, these results were of interest for advocacy of long-lasting financial support.