987 resultados para Sunflower Leaves
Field trials and laboratory bioassays were undertaken to compare the performance and efficacy (mortality of diamondback moth larvae) of insecticides applied to cabbages with three high volume hydraulic knapsack sprayers (NS-16, PB-20 and Selecta 12V) and a controlled droplet application (CDA) sprayer. In field experiments, the high volume knapsack sprayers (application rate 500-600 L ha(-1)) provided better spray coverage on the upper and lower surfaces of inner leaves, the upper surfaces of middle and outer leaves, and greater biological efficacy than the CDA sprayer (application rate 20similar to40 L ha(-1)). The PB-20 provided better spray coverage on the upper surface of middle leaves and both surfaces of outer leaves when compared with the Selecta 12V. However, its biological efficacy in the field was not significantly different from that of the other high volume sprayers. Increasing the application rate from 20 to 40 L ha(-1) for the CDA sprayer significantly increased droplet density but had no impact on test insect mortality. Laboratory evaluations of biological efficacy yielded higher estimates than field evaluations and there was no significant difference between the performance of the PB-20 and the CDA sprayer. Significant positive relationships were detected between insect mortality and droplet density deposited for both the PB-20 and the CDA sprayers.
Kuhlmanniodendron Fiaschi & Groppo, a new genus of the tribe Lindackerieae (Achariaceae sensu lato) is created to accommodate Carpotroche apterocarpa Kuhlm, a species previously described based on incomplete floriferous and fruiting material from the rainforests of Espirito Santo state, eastern Brazil. The genus is defined by a unique set of character states, including leaves with Clusia-like venation and scaly trichomes, flowers with glabrous stamen filaments and three free styles, and indehiscent fruits with a smooth surface (sometimes with vertical ribs when dried). A description and illustration are provided, with comments on geographical distribution, phenology and generic relationships, and an emended key to neotropical genera of Lindackerieae. (c) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.
The in vitro inhibitory activity of crude EtOH/H(2)O extracts from the leaves and stems of Rosmarinus officinalis L. was evaluated against the following microorganisms responsible for initiating dental caries: Streptococcus mutans, salivarius, S. sobrinus, S. mitts 5 sanguinis, and Enterococcus faecalis. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined with the broth microdilution method. The bioassay-guided fractionation of the leaf extract, which displayed the higher antibacterial activity than the stem extract, led to the identification of carnosic acid (2) and carnosol (3) as the major compounds in the fraction displaying the highest activity, as identified by HPLC analysis. Rosmarinic acid (1), detected in another fraction, did not display any activity against the selected microorganisms. HPLC Analysis revealed the presence of low amounts of ursolic acid (4) and oleanolic acid (5) in the obtained fractions. The results suggest that the antimicrobial activity of the extract from the leaves of R. officinalis may be ascribed mainly to the action of 2 and 3.
Soil salinity is a major abiotic stress influencing plant productivity worldwide. Schinopsis quebracho colorado is one of the most important woody species in the Gran Chaco, an and and salt-prone subtropical biome of South America. To gain a better understanding of the physiological mechanisms that allow plant establishment under salt conditions, germination and seedling growth of S. quebracho colorado were examined under treatment with a range of NaCl solutions (germination: 0-300 mmol l(-1) NaCl; seedling growth: 0-200 mmol l(-1) NaCl). The aim was to test the hypothesis that S. quebracho colorado is a glycophite that shows different salt tolerance responses with development stage. Proline content, total soluble carbohydrates and Na+, K+ and Cl- concentrations in leaves and roots of seedlings, and the chlorophyll concentration and relative water content of leaves were measured. Germination was not affected by 100 mmol l(-1) NaCl, but decreased at a concentration of 200 mmol l(-1). At 300 mmol l(-1) NaCl, germination did not occur. Seedling growth decreased drastically with increasing salinity. An increase in NaCl from 0 to 100 mmol l(-1) also significantly reduced the leaf relative water content by 22% and increased the proline concentration by 60% in roots. In contrast, total soluble carbohydrates were not significantly affected by salinity. Seedlings showed a sodium exclusion capacity, and there was an inverse correlation between Cl- concentration and the total chlorophyll concentration. S. quebracho colorado was more tolerant to salinity during germination than in the seedling phase. The results suggest that this increased tolerance during germination might, in part, be the result of lower sensitivity to high tissue Na+ concentrations. The significant increment of proline in the roots suggests the positive role of this amino acid as a compatible solute in balancing the accumulation of Na+ and Cl- as a result of salinity. These results help clarify the physiological mechanisms that allow establishment of S. quebracho colorado on salt-affected soils in arid and semi-arid Gran Chaco. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A lignan with a new skeleton named chimarrhinin (1) was isolated from an extract of the leaves of Chimarrhis turbinata, a Rubiaceae plant species. (13)C NMR spectrometric techniques including 1D and 2D experiments and HRESIMS provided unequivocal structural confirmation of this new C(6).C(3) skeleton type. The relative configuration of 1 was established by 2D (1)H-H analysis and J couplings, while its conformation was evaluated through molecular modeling using the RM1 semiempirical method, with the aid of coupling constants obtained by NMR analysis. The antioxidant activity of the new derivative 1 and two known and previously isolated phenolic derivatives (2 and 3) was investigated. An IC(50) value of 7.50 +/- 0.5 mu mol L(-1) was obtained for the new derivative 1, while 2 and 3 showed IC(50) values of 18.60 +/- 0.4 and 18.50 +/- 0.6 mu mol, respectively.
Phylogenetic hypotheses are presented for Pultenaea based on cpDNA (trnL-F and ndhF) and nrDNA ( ITS) sequence data. Pultenaea, as it is currently circumscribed, comprises six strongly supported lineages whose relationships with each other and 18 closely related genera are weak or conflicting among datasets. The lack of resolution among the six Pultenaea clades and their relatives appears to be the result of a rapid radiation, which is evident in molecular data from both the chloroplast and nuclear genomes. The molecular data provide no support for the monophyly of Pultenaea as it currently stands. Given these results, Pultenaea could split into many smaller genera. We prefer the taxonomically stable alternative of subsuming all 19 genera currently recognised in Pultenaea sensu lato (= the Mirbelia group) into an expanded concept of Pultenaea that would comprise similar to 470 species.
Foraging adults of phytophagous insects are attracted by host-plant volatiles and supposedly repelled by volatiles from non-host plants. In behavioural control of pest insects, chemicals derived from non-host plants applied to crops are expected to repel searching adults and thereby reduce egg laying. How experience by searching adults of non-host volatiles affects their subsequent searching and oviposition behaviour has been rarely tested. In laboratory experiments, we examined the effect of experience of a non-host-plant extract on the oviposition behaviour of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, a specialist herbivore of cruciferous plants. Naive ovipositing DBM females were repelled by an extract of dried leaves of Chrysanthemum morifolium, a non-host plant of DBM, but experienced females were not repelled. Instead they were attracted by host plants treated with the non-host-plant extract and laid a higher proportion of eggs on treated than on untreated host plants. Such behavioural changes induced by experience could lead to host-plant range expansion in phytophagous insects and play an important role in determining outcome for pest management of some behavioural manipulation methods.
This study investigated the organic and inorganic constituents of healthy leaves and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas)-inoculated leaves of citrus plants. The bacteria CLas are one of the causal agents of citrus greening (or Huanglongbing) and its effect on citrus leaves was investigated using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) combined with chemometrics. The information obtained from the LIBS spectra profiles with chemometrics analysis was promising for the construction of predictive models to identify healthy and infected plants. The major, macro- and microconstituents were relevant for differentiation of the sample conditions. The models were then applied to different inoculation times (from 1 to 8 months). The models were effective in the classification of 82-97% of the diseased samples with a 95% significance level. The novelty of this method was in the fingerprinting of healthy and diseased plants based on their organic and inorganic contents. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The herbivory activity of the bordered patch larvae (Chlosyne lacinia, Lepidoptera) on leaves of a Brazilian population of Tithonia diversifolia and the antifeedant potential of its leaf rinse extract were investigated. The caterpillars fed only on the adaxial face, where the density of glandular trichomes is very low, and avoided the abaxial face, which contains high levels of trichomes. Deterrent activity against the larvae was observed in leaf discs treated with leaf rinse extract at concentrations of 1-5% of fresh leaf weight. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis indicated that sesquiterpene lactones are the main constituents of the glandular trichomes. Dichloromethane rinse extracts of the leaves and inflorescences were chemically investigated, and 16 compounds were isolated and identified: 14 sesquiterpene lactones, a flavonoid and a diterpenoid. In this study, five sesquiterpene lactones are described for the first time in the genus, including two lactones, one of which has an unusual seco-guaianolide skeleton. Our findings indicate that the caterpillars avoid the sesquiterpene-lactone-rich glandular trichomes, and provide evidence for the antifeedant activity of the dichloromethane leaf rinse extract. In addition, a study of the seasonal variation of the main constituents from the leaf surface throughout a year demonstrated that a very low qualitative but a very high quantitative variation occurs. The highest level of the main metabolite tagitinin C was observed between September and October and the lowest was from March to June, the later corresponding to the period of highest infestation by the larvae. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Macrophomina phaseolina, causing leaf spot of mungbean is reported in Australia. Koch's postulates were fulfilled. The inoculum source was considered to be microsclerotia of the fungus in soil splashed onto the leaves. The disease is not expected to be a problem in Australia in most years.
The settling characteristics of cell debris and inclusion bodies prior to, and following, fractionation in a disc-stack centrifuge were measured using Cumulative Sedimentation Analysis (CSA) and Centrifugal Disc photosedimentation (CDS). The impact of centrifuge feedrate and repeated homogenisation on both cell debris and inclusion body collection efficiency was investigated. Increasing the normalised centrifuge feedrate (Q/Sigma) from 1.32 x 10(-9) m s(-1) to 3.97 x 10(-9) m s(-1) leads to a 36% increase in inclusion body paste purity. Purity may also be improved by repeated homogenisation. Increasing the number of homogeniser passes results in smaller cell debris size whilst leaves inclusion body size unaltered. At a normalised centrifuge feedrate of 2.65 x 10(-9) m s(-1), increasing the number of homogeniser passes from two (2) to ten (10) improved overall inclusion body paste purity by 58%. Grade-efficiency curves for both the cell debris and inclusion bodies have also been generated in this study. The data are described using an equation developed by Mannweiler (1989) with parameters of k = 0.15-0.26 and n = 2.5-2.6 for inclusion bodies, and k = 0.12-0.14 and n = 2.0-2.2 for cell debris. This is the first accurate experimentally-determined grade efficiency curve for cell debris. Previous studies have simply estimated debris grade efficiency curves using an approximate debris size distribution and grade efficiency curves determined with 'ideal particles' (e.g. spherical PVA particles). The findings of this study may be used to simulate and optimise the centrifugal fractionation of inclusion bodies from cell debris.
Fructan:fructan fructosyltransferase (FFT) activity was purified about 300-fold from leaves of Lolium rigidura Gaudin by a combination of affinity chromatography, gel filtration, anion exchange and isoelectric focusing. The FFT activity was free of sucrose:sucrose fructosyltransferase and invertase activities. It had an apparent pI of 4.7 as determined by isoelectric focusing, and a molecular mass of about 50000 (gel filtration). The FFT activity utilized the trisaccharides 1-kestose and 6(G)-kestose as sole substrates, but was not able to use 6-kestose as sole substrate. The FFT activity was not saturated when assayed at concentrations of 1-kestose, 6(G)-kestose or (1,1)-kestotetraose of up to 400 mM The rate of reaction of the FFT activity was most rapid when assayed with 1-kestose and was less rapid when assayed with 6(G)-kestose, (1,1)-kestotetraose or (1,1,1)-kestopentaose. The FFT activity when assayed at a relatively high concentration of enzyme activity (approximately equivalent to about half the activity in crude extracts per gram fresh mass) did not synthesize fructan of degree of polymerization > 6, even during extended assays of up to 10 h. When assayed with a combination of 1-kestose and uniformly labelled [C-14]sucrose as substrates, the major reaction was the transfer of a fructosyl residue from 1-kestose to sucrose resulting in the re-synthesis of 1-kestose. Tetrasaccharide and 6(G)-kestose were also synthesized. When assayed with 6(G)-kestose and [C-14]sucrose as substrates, the major reaction of the FFT activity was the synthesis of tetrasaccharide. However, some synthesis of 1-kestose and re-synthesis of 6(G)-kestose also occurred. When 6, kestose was the sole substrate for the FFT activity, synthesis of tetrasaccharide was 2.7 to 3.4-fold slower than when 1-kestose was used as the sole substrate. Owing to differences in the fructan:sucrose fructosyltransferase activity of the FFT with each of the trisaccharides, net synthesis of tetrasaccharide by the FFT was altered significantly in the presence of sucrose. The magnitude of this effect depended on the concentration of the trisaccharides. In the presence of sucrose, 6(G)-kestose could be a substrate of equivalent importance to 1-kestose for synthesis of tetrasaccharide.
The products formed by a fructan:fructan fructosyltransferase (FFT) activity purified from Lolium rigidum Gaudin were identified after gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of partially methylated alditol acetates, electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The FFT activity synthesized oligofructans up to degree of polymerization (DP) 6, but did not synthesize fructans of DP > 6 even when assayed with (1,1,1)-kestopentaose for up to 10 h. The FFT activity when assayed with 1-kestose or 6(G)-kestose synthesized fructan with fructosyl residues almost exclusively linked by beta-2,1-glycosidic linkages. When assayed with 1-kestose, the FFT activity synthesized tetrasaccharides and pentasaccharides with an internal glucosyl residue. The predominant tetrasaccharide was (1&6(G))-kestotetraose and the predominant pentasaccharide was (1&6(G),1)-kestopentaose. By comparison, tetrasaccharides and pentasaccharides extracted from L. rigidum also contained predominantly beta-2,1-glycosidic linked fructans with an internal glucosyl residue. The only exception was that one of the pentasaccharides contained beta-2,1- and beta-2,6-glycosidic linked fructosyl residues. This pentasaccharide was not synthesized by the FFT activity. The role of this FFT activity in formation of oligofructans in L. rigidum is discussed.
Sucrose:sucrose fructosyltransferase (SST) activity was partially purified from whole shoots of Lolium rigidum by a combination of affinity chromatography, gel filtration and anion-exchange chromatography. The SST activity co-eluted with some fructan:fructan fructosyltransferase (FFT) and invertase activities and consequently the partially purified preparation was termed the fructosyltransferase (FT) preparation. The SST-like activity in the FT preparation was purified 214-fold and had an apparent molecular mass of 84 000. The FT preparation contained several peptides with an apparent pI of 4.6-4.7. When assayed with sucrose concentrations up to 600 mM, the FT preparation synthesized 1-kestose at all concentrations, and synthesized 6-kestose at concentrations of 150 mM and greater. The K-m of 1-kestose production was 0.2 M. When the FT preparation was assayed at a concentration of activity approximately half that measured in fresh tissue with 100 mM sucrose, 1-kestose, or 6(G)-kestose as substrates, fructans of degree of polymerization (DP) less than or equal to 5 were synthesized. A partially purified FFT activity, free of SST and invertase activities, which synthesized beta-2,1-glycosidic linked oligofructans of DP less than or equal to 6, was combined in vitro with the FT preparation (FFT-FT preparation) to give a ratio of SST:FFT activities similar to that measured in crude enzyme extracts from L. rigidum. The FFT-FT preparation synthesized oligofructans when assayed with 100 mM concentrations of sucrose, 1-kestose or 6(G)-kestose, but was not able to synthesize fructans of DP greater than or equal to 6 even after extended assays of up to 10 h. The FFT-FT preparation was also assayed with 100 mM sucrose with small amounts of concentrated sucrose added periodically during the assay to maintain the substrate concentration. In this assay, the FFT-FT preparation synthesized fructans up to an apparent DP of 17 or greater. The fructans of DP greater than or equal to 6 synthesized in the assay appeared to form two molecular series containing both beta-2,1- and beta-2,6-glycosidic linked fructosyl residues with terminal or internal glucosyl residues. The apparent rate of SST activity in the assay of the FFT-FT preparation was greater than that measured in a similar assay of the FT preparation alone which did not result in fructans with DP greater than or equal to 6. It was concluded that the FFT-FT preparation, when assayed with a continual supply of sucrose, contained a factor which promoted synthesis of fructans of DP greater than or equal to 6 and synthesis of beta-2,B-glycosidic linkages between fructosyl residues.
Protein, amino acids and ammonium were the main forms of soluble soil nitrogen in the soil solution of a subtropical heathland (wallum). After fire, soil ammonium and nitrate increased 90- and 60-fold, respectively. Despite this increase in nitrate availability after fire, wallum species exhibited uniformly low nitrate reductase activities and low leaf and xylem nitrate, During waterlogging soil amino acids increased, particularly gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) which accounted for over 50% of amino nitrogen. Non-mycorrhizal wallum species were significantly (P < 0.05) N-15-enriched (0.3-4.3 parts per thousand) compared to species with mycorrhizal associations (ericoid-type, ecto-, va-mycorrhizal) which were strongly depleted in N-15 (-6.3 to -1.8 parts per thousand). Lignotubers and roots had delta(15)N signatures similar to that of the leaves of respective species. The exceptions were fine roots of ecto-, ecto/va-, and ericoid type mycorrhizal species which were enriched in N-15 (0.1-2 4 parts per thousand). The delta(15)N signatures of delta(15)N(total soil N) and delta(15)N(soil NH4+) were in the range 3.7-4.5 parts per thousand, whereas delta(15)N(soil NO3-) was significantly (P < 0.05) more enriched in N-15 (9.2-9.8 parts per thousand). It is proposed that there is discrimination against N-15 during transfer of nitrogen from fungal to plant partner. Roots of selected species incorporated nitrogen sources in the order of preference: ammonium > glycine > nitrate. The exception were proteoid roots of Hakea (Proteaceae) which incorporated equal amounts of glycine and ammonium.