970 resultados para Stocks.


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Under the implementation of the fisheries management plan (IFMP) for Lake Victoria result area 4, bottom trawl monitoring surveys are undertaken to monitor changes in the status of the fish stocks and environment of Lake Victoria. Trawl together with the lake-wide Hydroacoustic surveys give a reflection on the status of fish stocks in the lake to guide management decisions The National working group for bottom trawl surveys in Uganda undertakes these surveys within the Uganda sector of Lake Victoria. For the purpose of this survey, the Uganda sector of Lake Victoria is divided into three zones. A cruise lasting twenty days is conducted in two phases (two legs) 13 days covering Zones I and II and 7 days in Zone III.


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Following a general outcry by the population riparian to the Ugandan portion of lake Albert about dwindling fish catches, there was concern both from the FAO Country representative in Uganda and the government of Uganda on the state of the fisheries of this lake. The FAO representative accompanied by an official from the Uganda Fisheries and Fish Conservation Association (UFFCA) visited the lake in July 1999 (Appendix I). The Ugandan minister of state in charge of the Fisheries sector also visited the lake in November 1999 (Appendix II). The two were in common agreement that the lake was in a stocks crisis and there was need for remedial measures. It was therefore deemed necessary to initiate a technical report updating the present state of the fisheries resources of this lake. An agreement was thus signed between the author and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations - Sub-Regional Office for Southern Africa in Harare, to undertake this exercise.


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Kisinja (Barbus altianalis)is an indigenous omnivorous fish, of high economic value in Uganda. It was widely distributed in most lakes and rivers in the country but its stocks were depleted due to overfishing and degradation of its natural habitat. 1t can grow up to a maximum length of 120m and a weight of 15kg in the wild and grows faster, attains larger size than commonly farmed fishes in Uganda, including the Nile tilapia, the African catfish, and mirror carp. Kisinja is a highly valuable table fish with good taste and aroma especially when smoked. Increased production of Kisinja is therefore necessary to meet economic and nutritional benefits of the communities and conservation of the spedes.


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A reduction in native fish stocks and the need to increase fish production for food, recreation, ornamental purposes and to control disease vectors and weeds have often justified and led to introduction of non-native fishes. Some of these introductions have been followed by benefitial and others by undesirable consequences. For instance introduction of the Nile perch Lates niloticus L. and several tilapiine species into lakes Victoria and Kyoga, and the clupeid Limnothrissa miodon into lakes Kariba and Kivu have resulted in increases in the quantity of fish available to the people around them. Predation by Nile perch and competition with introduced tilapiine species in lakes victoria and Kyoga have caused a severe decline and in some cases total disappearance of many of the native fish species.therefore the concern about fish introductions arises


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The fisheries of Lake Albert have come under increasing focus due to several driving forces that have synergistically evolved resulting into concerns from diverse stakeholders. The driving forces include: the commercialization of the fisheries with entry into the value chain of industrial fish processing, a decline in fish stocks especially of the large-size fishes and the emergency of the light - fishing targeting small pelagic fishes. In addition, the assumption by some opinion leaders that light-fishing (use of light) has destroyed the Nile perch fishery of Lake Albert, other factors such as cross-border fishing conflicts, the emergence of oil, an influx of traders in fish-related activities, and the limited regulatory and enforcement regimes for the diverse commercially exploited fish fauna of Lake Albert all require continuous information and action.


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Increased stocks of mukene Rastrineobola argentea and the subsequent interest in its fishery on Lake Victoria has been attributed to the poor performance of the endemic fishery as a result of introductions into this lake of foreign fish species Lates niloticus and Oreochromis niloticus. R. argentea now remains the only endemic fish species of economic importance ranking second to the Nile perch in this lake. Despite this importance, biological information on the species and knowledge of its fishery is scanty. Preliminary observations on the species in the Ugandan waters indicate that R. argentea feeds mainly on zooplankton (copepods) during daylight hours. Small quantities of aquatic insect larvae/pupae (chironomids and chaoborids) are also eaten mainly at night. These fishes breed just after the rainy seasons and the young eventually mature at between 43-44 mm standard length. Growth and population parameters show a rate of growth (K) of 0.92 with L of 64.5 mm S.L. Natural mortality (M) is given at 2.371 and total mortality (2) of 3.594. Two mesh size nets 10 and 5 mm are in use in the lake. The smaller mesh size which is more preferred by the artisanal fishermen however tends to capture many immature fishes. There is therefore need for a unified lakewide data collection on the species and its fishery in order to obtain more reliable biological information necessary proper management of this fast developing fishery.


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Work which has been carried out by exploratory and stock assessment scientists indicates that some 200,000 metric tons of freshwater fish could be harvested annually from Lake Victoria. Haplochromis forms approximately 83 per cent of the total stocks


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Nile perch were introduced into Lake Kyoga in the mid·1950s from Lake Albert. Murchison Falls on the River Nile, between the two lakes, prevented Nile Perch and other elements of the typical nilotic fish population from naturally reaching Lake Kyoga. The introduction has been successful and considerable stocks of Nile Perch now exist in Lake Kyoga. In 1967, 13,000 tons of Nile Perch were estimated to have been landed by the commercial fishermen, fish of 200 lb. being now caught and specimens of 100 lb. being fairly common. Large Nile perch are caught commercially on long lines baited with live Protopterus' spp. or Clarias spp. Large mesh gillnets uccasionally take Nile Perch of up to 30 lb., but the high cost of the nets does not, at the moment, appear to justify this method of fishing; a 10 in. net, stretched 100 yards long (unmounted). 15 meshes deep and 60-ply nylon. costs approximately U. Shs. 300. The long·lines used are extremely simple and cheap to make, but considerable labour is needed to catch bait. Small Protopterus are normally caught by turning over floating rafts of grasses and papyrus, and extracting the fish from the root mass; this is hard and dirty work. Other small fish, more readily available, do not, according to fishermen, work as well, possibly because they are not as durable as the Protopterus or Clarias. Dead bait is never used.


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Under the Implementation of the Fisheries Management Plan (IFMP) for Lake Victoria Result area 4, quarterly gillnet surveys are undertaken to monitor changes in fish stocks and environmental parameters in the shallow nontrawlable areas of the lake For purposes of monitoring surveys, the Ugandan sector of Lake Victoria is divided into 3 zones as shown in Figure 1. During the second quarter of APE2, two gillnet surveys were undertaken in zones 1 and 3 in February and March 2006 respectively. The purpose of the surveys was to monitor changes in the fish stocks and their biological characteristics, water quality, algal dynamics and invertebrate communities; as detailed in the various sections of the report. The surveys followed those conducted in November and December 2006 in the same zones. Results of the surveys showed that the number of fish taxa was higher in the near-shore fleets (0-100m) decreasing towards offshore. The near-shore areas were also associated with high primary productivity and hence secondary production to which Caridina and other invertebrates are part. These organisms are an important source of food for the fish and this may partly account for the high number of fish species recorded in this area of the lake. It was also observed that although Nile perch was the most dominant fish species recorded in all the stations during the surveys, haplochromines, Brycinus sadleri, Brycinus jacksonii Oreochromis niloticus and various mormyrid species contributed significantly to the fish biomass. The presence of many fish species and their coexistence with the predator, Nile perch is attributed to the presence of macrophyte cover and rocky habitats which serve as refugia in the shallow inshore habitats of Lake Victoria. In addition, the vegetated habitats are an important source of food for the fishes. As reported in macro-invertebrate studies, big populations of Caridina and other invertebrates were recorded among macrophyte beds. Caridina is an important source of food for juvenile Nile perch and other fish species so are the other invertebrates especially chironomid larvae, odonata nymphs and molluscs. Resurgence in haplochromine cichlids was observed during the surveys. The presence of haplochromines cichlids in all the sites especially Thruston Bay where it ranked the second by percentage contribution in number, is evidence of the recovery of this group of fishes which had declined largely due to predation by L. niloticus. Caridina nilotica has also increased in biomass and is a major component of the Nile perch diet. This could have reduced predation pressure on the haplochromines by Nile perch and has possibly contributed to recent resurgence in haplochromines cichlids in the lake in the shallow nontrawlable areas of the lake Rastrineobola argentea was found to be an important prey item for Nile perch and other fish species such as Clarias gariepinus. Measures should therefore be taken to ensure sustainable harvesting of Dagaa so that there is enough left to sustain the fishery of Nile perch and other species.


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Combined effects of lack of firm and effective management measures for years, over exploitation with destructive fishing gears and interspecific competition, particularly among tilapiines and profound effects on the fish stocks of Lake Victoria and Kyoga. It has been proposed that these have been more important in the decline of the indigenous fisheries than predation or competition by Nile perch.


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This is a report on the results of the Frame Survey conducted in the Uganda side of Lake Victoria during August 2012 by the LVFO Institutions, namely: the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR) Uganda and the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) in close collaboration with the District Fisheries offices of Busia, Bugiri, Namayingo, Mayuge, Jinja, Buvuma, Buikwe, Mukono, Kampala, Wakiso, Mpigi, Kalungu, Masaka, Kalangala and Rakai. In the 2012 Frame survey some indicators of fishing effort including e.g. number of fishers, fishing crafts and long line hooks increased; whereas others like the number of gillnets less than 5 inches decreased by 10.4% from that recorded in 2010. The other indicators of fishing effort, which showed decrease in 2012 included illegal beach seines and undersized gillnets (<5 inch mesh size). However, a large proportion (66%) of long line hooks recorded in the 2012 survey were in the smallest size range (hook size >10), which target small Nile perch. The number of other illegal gears, i.e. cast nets and monofilament gillnets showed modest increases (25%) between 2010 and 2012 while beach seines decrease by 15%. Recent crackdown on illegal fishing activities as part of measures for recovery of the Nile perch stocks which are faced with depletion appear to have had an impact but much more needs to be done to eradicate illegal fishing. The fisheries in the Ugandan waters have remained predominantly near shore with 61% of all fishing crafts using paddles out of which 17% were tiny three plank, flat bottomed boats locally known as parachutes. The 2012 survey shows an increase in the number of fishing crafts using sails by 65% from 682 in 2010 to 1125 in 2012. This is an encouraging trend as more fishers are able to access distant fishing grounds using free wind power. The Mukene fishery in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria remained underdeveloped comprising only 15.2% of all fishing crafts, of which 31% were motorised which is a great improvement from the situation recorded in 2010. The Catamarans increased to 18 with a majority in Buikwe district where there is a private investor fishing specifically for Mukene. The Catamarans in Kalangala were reported not to be working because of the high operating cost compared to ordinary Mukene fishing boats.


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The Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) initiated annual, vessel-based visual sampling surveys of northern Gulf of Mexico marine mammals in 1990 and conducted a similar survey in U.S. Atlantic Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) waters from Miami, Florida, to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, in 1992. The primary goal of these surveys was to meet Marine Mammal Protection Act requirements for estimating abundance and monitoring trends of marine mammal stocks in United States waters. The surveys were designed to collect: 1) marine mammal sighting data to estimate abundance and to determine distribution and diversity; and 2) environmental data to evaluate factors which may affect the distribution, abundance and diversity of marine mammals. The preliminary analyses for abundance estimation from the 1990-1993 surveys are presented in this report.


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The Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) initiated annual, vessel-based visual sampling surveys of northern Gulf of Mexico marine mammals in 1990. The primary goal of these surveys was to meet Marine Mammal Protection Act requirements for estimating abundance and monitoring trends of marine mammal stocks in United States waters. The surveys were designed to collect: 1) marine mammal sighting data to estimate abundance and to determine distribution and diversity; and 2) environmental data to evaluate factors which may affect the distribution, abundance and diversity of marine mammals. The analyses for abundance estimation from the 1991-1994 surveys are presented in this report.


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The report provides a summary of the frame survey results carried out in lakes Kyoga and Kwania in 1990. The ADP Fisheries Survey of Lake Kyoga is charged with a stock-assessment programme. The term stock-assessment is generally used to express the need of fisheries managers for knowledge on fish stocks which are allegedly over-exploited already. Stock-assessment can be very comprehensive, costly and time-consuming. Essentially however, investigations into exploited stocks and the fishery should provide viable answers to the questions of management at the shortest possible notice. Surveys should in any case provide indications concerning the rate of exploitation. That requires the execution of a catch assessment survey (CAS).


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The important pelagic fishery resources of northern Lake Tanganyika were identified after a preliminary scientific evaluation, and in Burundi, with governmental assistance they were rapidly developed and exploited more intensively until overfishing was thought to have occurred. At this point, legal measures were introduced in order to protect the resource by restricting fishing effort and maintaining the total yield near the apparent maximum sustained limit. Complementary biological research on the fish stocks did not accompany the rapid fishery development and now an intensive stock assessment programme has been launched by the Government and UNDP in order to define more precisely the available fish stocks and to consider, with the co-operation of the neighbouring lacustrine states, suitable ways of ensuring optimum levels of fish harvest from year to year.