923 resultados para Stabilité (Stability)


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Two major pathways contribute to Ras-proximate-1-mediated integrin activation in stimulated platelets. Calcium and diacyglycerol-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor I (CalDAG-GEFI, RasGRP2) mediates the rapid but reversible activation of integrin αIIbβ3, while the adenosine diphosphate receptor P2Y12, the target for antiplatelet drugs like clopidogrel, facilitates delayed but sustained integrin activation. To establish CalDAG-GEFI as a target for antiplatelet therapy, we compared how each pathway contributes to thrombosis and hemostasis in mice. Ex vivo, thrombus formation at arterial or venous shear rates was markedly reduced in CalDAG-GEFI(-/-) blood, even in the presence of exogenous adenosine diphosphate and thromboxane A(2). In vivo, thrombosis was virtually abolished in arterioles and arteries of CalDAG-GEFI(-/-) mice, while small, hemostatically active thrombi formed in venules. Specific deletion of the C1-like domain of CalDAG-GEFI in circulating platelets also led to protection from thrombus formation at arterial flow conditions, while it only marginally increased blood loss in mice. In comparison, thrombi in the micro- and macrovasculature of clopidogrel-treated wild-type mice grew rapidly and frequently embolized but were hemostatically inactive. Together, these data suggest that inhibition of the catalytic or the C1 regulatory domain in CalDAG-GEFI will provide strong protection from athero-thrombotic complications while maintaining a better safety profile than P2Y12 inhibitors like clopidogrel.


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This paper is to present a model of spatial equilibrium using a nonlinear generalization of Markov-chain type model, and to show the dynamic stability of a unique equilibrium. Even at an equilibrium, people continue to migrate among regions as well as among agent-types, and yet their overall distribution remain unchanged. The model is also adapted to suggest a theory of traffic distribution in a city.


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The occurrence of destructive mesoscale ‘polar low’ cyclones in the subpolar North Atlantic is projected to decline under anthropogenic change, due to an increase in atmospheric static stability. This letter reports on the role of changes in ocean circulation in shaping the atmospheric stability. In particular, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is projected to weaken in response to anthropogenic forcing, leading to a local minimum in warming in this region. The reduced warming is restricted to the lower troposphere, hence contributing to the increase in static stability. Linear correlation analysis of the CMIP3 climate model ensemble suggests that around half of the model uncertainty in the projected stability response arises from the varied response of the AMOC between models.


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The complex cyclical nature of Pleistocene climate, driven by the evolving orbital configuration of the Earth, is well known but not well understood. A major climatic transition took place at the Mid-Brunhes Event (MBE), ca. 430 ka ago after which the amplitude of the ca.100 ka climate oscillations increased, with substantially warmer interglacials, including periods warmer than present. Recent modelling has indicated that while the timing of these warmer-than-present transient (WPT) events is consistent with southern warming due to a deglaciation-forced slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, the magnitude of warming requires a local amplification, for which a candidate is the feedback of significant West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) retreat. We here extend this argument, based on the absence of WPTs in the early ice core record (450–800 ka ago), to hypothesize that the MBE could be a manifestation of decreased WAIS stability, triggered by ongoing subglacial erosion.


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The stability of stationary flow of a two-dimensional ice sheet is studied when the ice obeys a power flow law (Glen's flow law). The mass accumulation rate at the top is assumed to depend on elevation and span and the bed supporting the ice sheet consists of an elastic layer lying on a rigid surface. The normal perturbation of the free surface of the ice sheet is a singular eigenvalue problem. The singularity of the perturbation at the front of the ice sheet is considered using matched asymptotic expansions, and the eigenvalue problem is seen to reduce to that with fixed ice front. Numerical solution of the perturbation eigenvalue problem shows that the dependence of accumulation rate on elevation permits the existence of unstable solutions when the equilibrium line is higher than the bed at the ice divide. Alternatively, when the equilibrium line is lower than the bed, there are only stable solutions. Softening of the bed, expressed through a decrease of its elastic modulus, has a stabilising effect on the ice sheet.


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Simple predator–prey models with a prey-dependent functional response predict that enrichment (increased carrying capacity) destabilizes community dynamics: this is the ‘paradox of enrichment’. However, the energy value of prey is very important in this context. The intraspecific chemical composition of prey species determines its energy value as a food for the potential predator. Theoretical and experimental studies establish that variable chemical composition of prey affects the predator–prey dynamics. Recently, experimental and theoretical approaches have been made to incorporate explicitly the stoichiometric heterogeneity of simple predator–prey systems. Following the results of the previous experimental and theoretical advances, in this article we propose a simple phenomenological formulation of the variation of energy value at increased level of carrying capacity. Results of our study demonstrate that coupling the parameters representing the phenomenological energy value and carrying capacity in a realistic way, may avoid destabilization of community dynamics following enrichment. Additionally, under such coupling the producer–grazer system persists for only an intermediate zone of production—a result consistent with recent studies. We suggest that, while addressing the issue of enrichment in a general predator–prey model, the phenomenological relationship that we propose here might be applicable to avoid Rosenzweig’s paradox.


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Enrichment in resource availability theoretically destabilizes predator–prey dynamics (the paradox of enrichment). However, a minor change in the resource stoichiometry may make a prey toxic for the predator, and the presence of toxic prey affects the dynamics significantly. Here, theoretically we explore how, at increased carrying capacity, a toxic prey affects the oscillation or destabilization of predator–prey dynamics, and how its presence influences the growth of the predator as well as that of a palatable prey. Mathematical analysis determines the bounds on the food toxicity that allow the coexistence of a predator along with a palatable and a toxic prey. The overall results demonstrate that toxic food counteracts oscillation (destabilization) arising from enrichment of resource availability. Moreover, our results show that, at increased resource availability, toxic food that acts as a source of extra mortality may increase the abundance of the predator as well as that of the palatable prey.


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In theory, enrichment of resource in a predator-prey model leads to destabilization of the system, thereby collapsing the trophic interaction, a phenomenon referred to as "the paradox of enrichment". After it was first proposed by Rosenzweig (1971), a number of subsequent studies were carried out on this dilemma over many decades. In this article, we review these theoretical and experimental works and give a brief overview of the proposed solutions to the paradox. The mechanisms that have been discussed are modifications of simple predator-prey models in the presence of prey that is inedible, invulnerable, unpalatable and toxic. Another class of mechanisms includes an incorporation of a ratio-dependent functional form, inducible defence of prey and density-dependent mortality of the predator. Moreover, we find a third set of explanations based on complex population dynamics including chaos in space and time. We conclude that, although any one of the various mechanisms proposed so far might potentially prevent destabilization of the predator-prey dynamics following enrichment, in nature different mechanisms may combine to cause stability, even when a system is enriched. The exact mechanisms, which may differ among systems, need to be disentangled through extensive field studies and laboratory experiments coupled with realistic theoretical models.


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Whilst not true in all cases, the microbial communities that chronically infect the airways of patients with CF can vary little over a year despite antibiotic perturbation. The species present tended to vary more between than within subjects, suggesting that each CF airway infection is unique, with relatively stable and resilient bacterial communities. The inverse relationship between community richness and disease severity is similar to findings reported in other mucosal infections.


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Objectives A pharmacy Central Intravenous Additives Service (CIVAS) provides ready to use injectable medicines. However, manipulation of a licensed injectable medicine may significantly alter the stability of drug(s) in the final product. The aim of this study was to develop a stability indicating assay for CIVAS produced dobutamine 500 mg in 50 ml dextrose 1% (w/v) prefilled syringes, and to allocate a suitable shelf life. Methods A stability indicating high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay was established for dobutamine. The stability of dobutamine prefilled syringes was evaluated under storage conditions of 4°C (protected from light), room temperature (protected from light), room temperature (exposed to light) and 40°C (protected from light) at various time points (up to 42 days). Results An HPLC method employing a Hypersil column, mobile phase (pH=4.0) consisting of 82:12:6 (v/v/v) 0.05 M KH2PO4:acetonitrile:methanol plus 0.3% (v/v) triethylamine with UV detection at λ=280 nm was specific for dobutamine. Under different storage conditions only samples stored at 40°C showed greater than 5% degradation (5.08%) at 42 days and had the shortest T95% based on this criterion (44.6 days compared with 111.4 days for 4°C). Exposure to light also reduced dobutamine stability. Discolouration on storage was the limiting factor in shelf life allocation, even when dobutamine remained within 5% of the initial concentration. Conclusions A stability indicating HPLC assay for dobutamine was developed. The shelf life recommended for the CIVAS product was 42 days at 4°C and 35 days at room temperature when protected from light.


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Using UV and srCD spectroscopy it is found that loop length within the i-motif structure is important for both thermal and pH stability, but in contrast to previous statements, it is the shorter loops that exhibit the highest stability.


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An experimental search for crystalline forms of creatine including a variable temperature X-ray powder diffraction study has produced three polymorphs and a formic acid solvate. The crystal structures of creatine forms I and II were determined from X-ray powder diffraction data plus the creatine formic acid (1 : 1) solvate structure was obtained by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. Evidence of a third polymorphic form of creatine obtained by rapid desolvation of creatine monohydrate is also presented. The results highlight the role of automated parallel crystallisation, slurry experiments and VT-XRPD as powerful techniques for effective physical form screening. They also highlight the importance of various complementary analytical techniques in structural characterisation and in achieving better understanding of the relationship between various solid-state forms. The structural relationships between various solid-state forms of creatine using the XPac method provided a rationale for the different relative stabilities of forms I and II of creatine with respect to the monohydrate form.


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The effect of the tensor component of the Skyrme effective nucleon-nucleon interaction on the single-particle structure in superheavy elements is studied. A selection of the available Skyrme forces has been chosen and their predictions for the proton and neutron shell closures investigated. The inclusion of the tensor term with realistic coupling strength parameters leads to a small increase in the spin-orbit splitting between the proton 2f7/2 and 2f5/2 partners, opening the Z=114 shell gap over a wide range of nuclei. The Z=126 shell gap, predicted by these models in the absence of the tensor term, is found to be stongly dependent on neutron number with a Z=138 gap opening for large neutron numbers, having a consequent implication for the synthesis of neutron-rich superheavy elements. The predicted neutron shell structures remain largely unchanged by inclusion of the tensor component.


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Heat stability was evaluated in bulk raw milk, collected throughout the year and subjected to ultra-high temperature (UHT) or in-container sterilisation, with and without added calcium chloride (2 mM), disodium hydrogen phosphate (DSHP, 10 mM) and trisodium citrate (TSC, 10 mM). More sediment was observed following in-container sterilisation (0.24%) compared with UHT (0.19%). Adding CaCl2 made the milk more unstable to UHT than to in-container sterilisation, while adding DSHP and TSC made the milk more unstable during in-container sterilisation than to UHT processing, although TSC addition increased the sediment formed by UHT processing. Better heat stability was observed in autumn and winter than in spring and summer following UHT. However, following in-container sterilisation, samples with added stabilising salts showed significantly improved heat stability in autumn, whereas with added CaCl2, the best heat stability was observed in spring. No correlation was found between urea and heat stability. DSHP and TSC made the milk more unstable during in-container sterilisation than to UHT processing, although TSC addition increased the sediment formed by UHT processing. Better heat stability was observed in autumn and winter than in spring and summer following UHT. However, following in-container sterilisation, samples with added stabilising salts showed significantly improved heat stability in autumn, whereas with added CaCl2, the best heat stability was observed in spring. No correlation was found between urea and heat stability.


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There are potential nutritional and sensory benefits of adding sauces to hospital meals. The aim of this study was to develop nutrient fortified sauces with acceptable sensory properties suitable for older people at risk of under-nutrition. Tomato, gravy and white sauce were fortified with macro and micro-nutrients using food ingredients rich in energy and protein as well as vitamin and mineral premixes. Sensory profile was assessed by a trained panel. Hedonic liking of fortified compared with standard sauces was evaluated by healthy older volunteers. The fortified sauces had higher nutritional value than the conventional ones, for example the energy content of the fortified tomato, white sauce and gravy formulations were increased between 2.5 and 4 fold compared to their control formulations. Healthy older consumers preferred the fortified tomato sauce compared with unfortified. There were no significant differences in liking between the fortified and standard option for gravy. There were limitations in the extent of fortification with protein, potassium and magnesium, as excessive inclusion resulted in bitterness, undesired flavours or textural issues. This was particularly marked in the white sauce to the extent that their sensory characteristics were not sufficiently optimised for hedonic testing. It is proposed that the development of fortified sauces is a simple approach to improving energy intake for hospitalised older people, both through the nutrient composition of the sauce itself and due to the benefits of increasing sensorial taste and lubrication in the mouth.