919 resultados para Square Root of NOT


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Designing is a heterogeneous, fuzzily defined, floating field of various activities and chunks of ideas and knowledge. Available theories about the foundations of designing as presented in "the basic PARADOX" (Jonas and Meyer-Veden 2004) have evoked the impression of Babylonian confusion. We located the reasons for this "mess" in the "non-fit", which is the problematic relation of theories and subject field. There seems to be a comparable interface problem in theory-building as in designing itself. "Complexity" sounds promising, but turns out to be a problematic and not really helpful concept. I will argue for a more precise application of systemic and evolutionary concepts instead, which - in my view - are able to model the underlying generative structures and processes that produce the visible phenomenon of complexity. It does not make sense to introduce a new fashionable meta-concept and to hope for a panacea before having clarified the more basic and still equally problematic older meta-concepts. This paper will take one step away from "theories of what" towards practice and doing and try to have a closer look at existing process models or "theories of how" to design instead. Doing this from a systemic perspective leads to an evolutionary view of the process, which finally allows to specify more clearly the "knowledge gaps" inherent in the design process. This aspect has to be taken into account as constitutive of any attempt at theory-building in design, which can be characterized as a "practice of not-knowing". I conclude, that comprehensive "unified" theories, or methods, or process models run aground on the identified knowledge gaps, which allow neither reliable models of the present, nor reliable projections into the future. Consolation may be found in performing a shift from the effort of adaptation towards strategies of exaptation, which means the development of stocks of alternatives for coping with unpredictable situations in the future.


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This paper presents a new charging scheme for cost distribution along a point-to-multipoint connection when destination nodes are responsible for the cost. The scheme focus on QoS considerations and a complete range of choices is presented. These choices go from a safe scheme for the network operator to a fair scheme to the customer. The in-between cases are also covered. Specific and general problems, like the incidence of users disconnecting dynamically is also discussed. The aim of this scheme is to encourage the users to disperse the resource demand instead of having a large number of direct connections to the source of the data, which would result in a higher than necessary bandwidth use from the source. This would benefit the overall performance of the network. The implementation of this task must balance between the necessity to offer a competitive service and the risk of not recovering such service cost for the network operator. Throughout this paper reference to multicast charging is made without making any reference to any specific category of service. The proposed scheme is also evaluated with the criteria set proposed in the European ATM charging project CANCAN


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El problema del transporte público colectivo (TPC) en Bogotá es complejo, caracterizado por una inconstante sobreoferta que se ve reflejada, como primera medida, en una tarifa para el transporte público inflada por encima del costo real. Sumado a esto, la debilidad institucional es muy grande, generando así una acumulación de poder a favor de los transportadores, a quienes la sobreoferta les resulta lucrativa. Y si le adicionamos el componente de incentivos que la misma Administración Distrital promueve, con el ineficiente sistema de funcionamiento y adjudicación de rutas, la situación se hace aún más critica. Para reducir la sobreoferta el gobierno de Bogotá ha promulgado una serie de políticas que no han resultado efectivas. Las más estructuradas y optimistas se dieron en la administración Mockus, donde se expidieron los decretos 112 a 116 de 2003 de reestructuración del transporte público, que buscaban reducir la sobreoferta y mejorar la calidad del servicio, que iba en decadencia. El siguiente documento intenta analizar como los decretos mencionados pueden haber sido apenas una estrategia jurídica y una muy limitada política pública al menos por 3 razones especificas: la primera hace referencia a las deficiencias en el momento de la planificación y formulación de la política pública, la segunda analiza el problema de desconocer la existencia e influencia determinante de los transportadores como grupo de presión con poderes económicos y políticos. Y la tercera describe de que manera el alto grado de impunidad a la hora de detectar, juzgar y sancionar a los infractores; ha creado aún más traumatismos en la implementación de estas normas.


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Chingaza como destino de turismo contemplativo, nace de un deseo personal por generar reflexión en las gentes, hacia un respeto por la vida y un cuidado de nuestra biodiversidad y se traduce en la práctica, en un modelo de gestión que permita construir un punto turístico destinado a la contemplación de la naturaleza y a su conocimiento, así como al aprendizaje de las tradiciones culturales que allí se encierran, convirtiéndole en un destino de turismo sostenible que encuentre en su espacio, el motor para su sostenimiento y bajo la premisa clave de no intervenir ni alterar su patrimonio cultural y natural.


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Las hemeroteca de los Centros de Formación del Profesorado deben ser centros activos de recursos documentales y digitales de información pedagógica, didáctica, científica, técnica y cultural al servicio del docente. Las fuentes documentales en diversos soportes con las que contamos en la actualidad son un referente de ayuda y apoyo a la función docente, los Centros de formación del Profesorado tienen la obligación y la necesidad de proporcionar la información y servicios pertinentes que favorezcan a estos la ampliación de sus conocimientos, una formación cultural y una preparación didáctica adecuada, por ello se debe difundir y otorgar a esta profesión los avances informativos que estén a su alcance.


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Dado que el concepto de salud-enfermedad puede ser abordado desde diversas perspectivas teóricas, en este apartado se presentan de manera sucinta los principales enfoques que se han desarrollado en torno a éste, con la intención de identificar sus alcances. Se busca evidenciar las perspectivas conceptuales de la salud y la promoción de la salud, como un hecho histórico circunscrito y afectado por una realidad social, y en esa medida constructoras no sólo de un saber, sino también de una práctica institucional, que determina los diferentes movimientos desde los cuales las comunidades se dirigen hacia modos de entender y manejar su salud, lo cual no quiere decir que los individuos y colectivos, como seres históricos y activos, no ejerzan de manera autónoma sus propias convicciones y decisiones frente al curso de su vida.


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El interés de esta monografía es describir el proceso de transformación urbana de los barrios El Retiro, El Espartillal y el Nogal de la ciudad de Bogotá, a partir del año 1993, en el cual se inauguró el Centro Comercial Andino. Se analiza y explica el desarrollo impulsado por el centro comercial sobre el territorio, transformando el uso de residencial e institucional a comercial y de servicios lo cual influyó directamente la densificación y valorización de los barrios. Por último se describe la evolución del valor del metro cuadrado de la zona, con la finalidad de identificar de forma cuantitativa el efecto de estos precios sobre el territorio.


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Para maximizar los beneficios, una compañía fundamenta sus acciones en ciertas estrategias que ayudan a cumplir su objetivo de generar utilidades. Entre las diferentes acciones que una organización puede utilizar, están las de responsabilidad social y las de relaciones estratégicas con la comunidad. Partiendo de la definición de comunidad, pasando por una descripción de responsabilidad social y sus diferentes formas de aplicabilidad dentro de una empresa, hasta la definición de relación estratégica con la comunidad; esta investigación dirige sus esfuerzos a determinar el vínculo que existe entre los conceptos de responsabilidad social y relación estratégica comunitaria. Adicionalmente, se plantea que otras estrategias de relacionamiento con clientes, como el mercadeo relacional o el CRM, las cuales enfocan sus esfuerzos en conocer a cada uno de los clientes de una compañía para plantear una oferta acorde a sus necesidades, no son muy efectivas a la hora de crear un vínculo emocional con la comunidad.


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We look at at the empirical validity of Schelling’s models for racial residential segregation applied to the case of Chicago. Most of the empirical literature has focused exclusively the single neighborhood model, also known as the tipping point model and neglected a multineighborhood approach or a unified approach. The multi-neighborhood approach introduced spatial interaction across the neighborhoods, in particular we look at spatial interaction across neighborhoods sharing a border. An initial exploration of the data indicates that spatial contiguity might be relevant to properly analyse the so call tipping phenomena of predominately non-Hispanic white neighborhoods to predominantly minority neighborhoods within a decade. We introduce an econometric model that combines an approach to estimate tipping point using threshold effects and a spatial autoregressive model. The estimation results from the model disputes the existence of a tipping point, that is a discontinuous change in the rate of growth of the non-Hispanic white population due to a small increase in the minority share of the neighborhood. In addition we find that racial distance between the neighborhood of interest and it surrounding neighborhoods has an important effect on the dynamics of racial segregation in Chicago.


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RESUMO: O presente estudo pretende distinguir a especificidade das referências dos estudantes dos três ramos da licenciatura de Educação Física da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), para a escolha do curso e da profissão de professor de educação física, bem como comparar a especificidade das referências dos estudantes dentro dos cinco anos constituintes da formação inicial. Pretende-se ainda caracterizar as representações dos estudantes de Educação Física e Desporto Escolar (EFDE), a frequentar o 3º ano da Licenciatura e o 1º e 2º ano do Mestrado, sobre as orientações da formação recebida. Juntos dos estudantes do 5º ano, pretende-se caracterizar as representações que estes tiveram sobre o apoio e supervisão dos Orientadores de Estágio, bem como caracterizar a auto-avaliação que realizam sobre os seus resultados profissionais no relacionamento com os alunos, durante o ano de estágio pedagógico. Participaram neste estudo 450 estudantes da Faculdade de Educação Física e Desporto, da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Tendo por base o estudo “Motivação para a Profissão Docente”, de 1996, do Professor Doutor Saul Neves de Jesus e a metodologia por ele realizada, foi aplicado o mesmo tipo de estudo a outra amostra tentando perceber de que forma é que esta se manifestava, tendo em conta os objectivos delineados. O instrumento utilizado, originalmente construído e aplicado por Jesus (1996), é um inquérito por questionário, composto por 44 itens com resposta em escala tipo likert. De forma a avaliar as problemáticas em estudo, estes itens encontravam-se divididos em quatro dimensões: motivação inicial para a profissão docente, modelo de formação educacional, apoio no estágio pedagógico e resultados profissionais obtidos no ano de estágio pedagógico. Os estudantes do ramo de EDFE mostram estar mais focados nos aspectos nucleares a ter em conta aquando da escolha da profissão de professor de educação física do que os estudantes dos ramos de Exercício e Bem-Estar (EBE) e Treino Desportivo (TD). Dos três ramos em análise, os estudantes de TD são os que mais vincadamente marcam a posição de não quererem ser professores de educação física. Os estudantes de EFDE, a frequentar o 3º e último ano da Licenciatura e o 1º e 2º ano da Mestrado (descritos como 4º e 5º ano), avaliam positivamente o modelo de formação educacional recebido. Dos três anos em análise, são os alunos do 3º ano que obtiveram a média mais alta na pontuação de sete dos onze itens que compunham esta dimensão. Os estudantes do 5º ano têm uma representação bastante positiva acerca do apoio prestado pelos seus orientadores de estágio, bem como realizam uma auto-avaliação bastante positiva no que diz respeito ao relacionamento com os seus alunos e aos objectivos profissionais daí inerentes durante o ano de estágio pedagógico. ABSTRACT: The present study aims to distinguish the specificity of the references of the students in the three branches, of the Physical Education degree on Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), for choosing the course and the profession of physical education teacher, and to compare the specificity of the references of students within five years of initial constituents. Another objective is to characterize the representations of the students of Physical Education and School Sport (EFDE), to attend the 3rd year of Bachelor and 1st and 2nd year of the Masters on the guidelines of the education received. Have participated in this study 450 students from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, of Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Based on the study "Motivation for the Teaching Profession", 1996, by Professor Saul Neves de Jesus and the methodology he performs, we applied the same type of study to another sample trying to understand how this is manifested, taking into account the objectives outlined. The instrument used, originally built and used by Jesus (1996), is a questionnaire composed of 44 items with Likert scale response. In order to assess the problem under study, these items were divided into four dimensions: initial motivation for the teaching profession, type of educational background, support in teaching practice and professional results obtained in the year of teaching practice. Students of the branch EDFE shown to be more focused on core aspects to consider when choosing the profession of physical education teacher compared to students from branches of Exercise and Wellness (SBS) and Sports Training (DT). Of the three branches in analysis, students of TD are the most that distinctly mark the position of not wanting to be physical education teachers. EFDE students, to attend the 3rd and final year of the Bachelor and the 1st and 2nd year of Master (described as 4th and 5th year), positively evaluate the educational model received. Of the three years under review the third grade students are the ones who achieved the highest average score in seven of the eleven items that made up this dimension. Students in fifth grade have a very positive representation about the support provided by their advisors stage and perform a self-assessment very positive with regard to the relationship with their students and professional goals there inherent during stage pedagogical.


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Periods between predator detection and an escape response (escape delays) by prey upon attack by a predator often arise because animals trade-off the benefits such a delay gives for assessing risk accurately with the costs of not escaping as quickly as possible. We tested whether freezing behaviour (complete immobility in a previously foraging bird) observed in chaffinches before escaping from an approaching potential threat functions as a period of risk-assessment, and whether information on predator identity is gained even when time available is very short. We flew either a model of a sparrowhawk (predator) or a woodpigeon (no threat) at single chaffinches. Escape delays were significantly shorter with the hawk, except when a model first appeared close to the chaffinch. Chaffinches were significantly more vigilant when they resumed feeding after exposure to the sparrowhawk compared to the woodpigeon showing that they were able to distinguish between threats, and this applied even when time available for assessment was short (an average of 0.29 s). Our results show freezing in chaffinches functions as an effective economic risk assessment period, and that threat information is gained even when very short periods of time are available during an attack.


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A double minimum six-dimensional Potential energy surface (PES) is determined in symmetry coordinates for the most stable rhombic (D-2h) B-4 isomer in its (1)A(g) electronic ground state by fitting to energies calculated ab initio. The PES exhibits a barrier to the D-4h square structure of 255 cm(-1). The vibrational levels (J=0) are calculated variationally using an approach which involves the Watson kinetic energy operator expressed in normal coordinates. The pattern of about 65 vibrational levels up to 1600 cm-1 for all stable isotopomers is analyzed. Analogous to the inversion in ammonia-like molecules, the rhombus rearrangements lead to splittings of the vibrational levels. In B-4 it is the B-1g (D-4h mode which distorts the square molecule to its planar rhombic form. The anharmonic fundamental vibrational transitions of B-11(4) are calculated to be (splittings in parentheses): G(O) = 2352(22) cm(-1), v(1)(A(1g)) - 1136(24) cm(-1,) v(2)(B-1g)=209(144) cm(-1) v(3)(B-2g)=1198(19)cm(-1), v(4)(B-2u) = 271(24) cm(-1), and v(5) (E-u) = 1030( 166) cm(-1) (D-4h notation). Their variations in all stable isotoporners were investigated. Due to the presence of strong anharmonic resonances between the B-1g in-plane distortion and the B-2u, out-of-plane bending modes. the hiaher overtones and combination levels are difficult to assign unequivocally. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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School absenteeism and particularly unauthorized absenteeism or truancy has been the focus of a number of, so far largely unsuccessful, recent policy initiatives. The paper draws upon two sources of data, the British Household Panel Survey and detailed interviews with a group of persistent truants, to consider the extent, consequences and explanations for truancy from secondary schools. Truancy increases steadily across the years of secondary school and, especially in the later years of compulsory schooling there is evidence that patterns of truancy established in one year carry on into the next. Truancy is strongly associated with negative outcomes in terms of not staying in education post-16, GCSE results and becoming unemployed. Coming from families of low socio-economic status, parents not monitoring homework, negative attitudes towards teachers and the value of education are all associated with higher levels of truancy. However, the majority of young people in these situations do not truant and there are many truants who do not have these characteristics. A major explanation given by young people themselves for their non-attendance is poor relationships with teachers, including teachers failing to match their expectations. Other factors mentioned by young people include bullying but also a more general dislike of the atmosphere of the school, sometimes associated with a change of school. There was little evidence of negative responses to the curriculum leading to truancy. It is suggested that we can distinguish between socio-economic and attitudinal factors which make young people vulnerable to truancy and precipitating events or processes which result in truanting behaviour.


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To test the effectiveness of stochastic single-chain models in describing the dynamics of entangled polymers, we systematically compare one such model; the slip-spring model; to a multichain model solved using stochastic molecular dynamics(MD) simulations (the Kremer-Grest model). The comparison involves investigating if the single-chain model can adequately describe both a microscopic dynamical and a macroscopic rheological quantity for a range of chain lengths. Choosing a particular chain length in the slip-spring model, the parameter values that best reproduce the mean-square displacement of a group of monomers is determined by fitting toMDdata. Using the same set of parameters we then test if the predictions of the mean-square displacements for other chain lengths agree with the MD calculations. We followed this by a comparison of the time dependent stress relaxation moduli obtained from the two models for a range of chain lengths. After identifying a limitation of the original slip-spring model in describing the static structure of the polymer chain as seen in MD, we remedy this by introducing a pairwise repulsive potential between the monomers in the chains. Poor agreement of the mean-square monomer displacements at short times can be rectified by the use of generalized Langevin equations for the dynamics and resulted in significantly improved agreement.


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We have fabricated a compliant neural interface to record afferent nerve activity. Stretchable gold electrodes were evaporated on a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate and were encapsulated using photo-patternable PDMS. The built-in microstructure of the gold film on PDMS allows the electrodes to twist and flex repeatedly, without loss of electrical conductivity. PDMS microchannels (5mm long, 100μm wide, 100μm deep) were then plasma bonded irreversibly on top of the electrode array to define five parallel-conduit implants. The soft gold microelectrodes have a low impedance of ~200kΩ at the 1kHz frequency range. Teased nerves from the L6 dorsal root of an anaesthetized Sprague Dawley rat were threaded through the microchannels. Acute tripolar recordings of cutaneous activity are demonstrated, from multiple nerve rootlets simultaneously. Confinement of the axons within narrow microchannels allows for reliable recordings of low amplitude afferents. This electrode technology promises exciting applications in neuroprosthetic devices including bladder fullness monitors and peripheral nervous system implants.