980 resultados para Spot HRV


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Diplomityössä esitetään toimintamalleja avoimen sähköntoimituksen ja markkinasähkön (spot-sähkö) välitykselle. Työn alkuosassa selvitetään sähkömarkkinoiden kehitystä ja sähkön pörssikaupan rakennetta pohjoismaisella markkina-alueella sekä tarkastellaan tasehallintaan, taseselvitykseen ja tietojen raportointiin liittyviä periaatteita Suomessa, erityisesti tasevastaavan kannalta katsottuna. Työssä kuvataan tiivistetysti yhteisomisteisten voimalaitosten yhteisajojärjestelyä, sähköntuotannon ja -hankinnan optimointia sekä tasehallintaa. Työn lopussa luodaan katsaus muiden Pohjoismaiden sekä Saksan sähkömarkkinoiden toimintaperiaatteisiin, taseselvitykseen, tasehallintaan ja tietojen raportointiin. Katsauksessa pyritään luomaan kuva toimintaperiaatteista, joiden perusteella suomalainen yhtiö voisi tulevaisuudessa laajentaa toimintaansa ulkomaille joko pelkkänä palvelujen tarjoajana tai myös tasevastaavana markkinaosapuolena.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää portfolioajattelun hyödyntämistä yrityksen ostostrategian kehittämisessä. Teoreettisen portfolioajattelun soveltamista käytännössä selvitettiin tavallisten tuotteiden ostostrategian kehittämisprosessissa kohdeyrityksessä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana case tutkimuksena, jossa aineiston kokoaminen pohjautui aineistotriangulaatioon. Analysointi toteutettiin ostostrategian päätösprosessin kuvaamisella sekä asetettujen esioletusten toteutumisen tutkimisella. Portfolioajattelua hyödynnettiin tutkitussa konserniyhtiössä liiketoimintayksiköiden ostotoimintojen integroimisella: toteuttamalla oston yhtenäisiä toimintatapoja konsernitasolla, yhteen sovittamalla oston tietojärjestelmäratkaisuja sisäisesti sekä kytkemällä konsernin ostojärjestelmä joustavasti ostomarkkinoille. Keskeisenä tutkimustuloksena on perinteisestä aihealueen teoriasta poikkeava havainto, jonka mukaan tavallisten tuotteiden ostostrategiassa painopiste on siirtymässä spot - ostoista ja jatkuvasta kilpailuttamisesta pitkäaikaisempiin sopimuksiin ja tiiviimpään yhteistyöhön toimittajien kanssa. Tähän on vaikuttamassa erityisesti sähköisen ostamisen järjestelmien käyttöönotto.


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Urinary cadmium (Cd) excretion was measured within a representative Swiss collective. With a median of 0.23 µg/24 h (n = 1409) and the 95th percentile at 0.81 µg/24 h, no increased health risk for the general non-exposed population was identified. The independent variables Age, BMI and Smoking habit had a significant effect on urinary Cd excretion. No association was found with the region of residence and sex. A subsample comparison between 24-h and spot urines of the same subjects (n = 90) did not reveal an evident concentration difference for both creatinine-adjusted sample types. Dependencies on age and gender were observed for creatinine, which consequently impacts on the creatinine normalisation of urine samples.


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Mottling is one of the key defects in offset-printing. Mottling can be defined as unwanted unevenness of print. In this work, diameter of a mottle spot is defined between 0.5-10.0 mm. There are several types of mottling, but the reason behind the problem is still not fully understood. Several commercial machine vision products for the evaluation of print unevenness have been presented. Two of these methods used in these products have been implemented in this thesis. The one is the cluster method and the other is the band-pass method. The properties of human vision system have been taken into account in the implementation of these two methods. An index produced by the cluster method is a weighted sum of the number of found spots, and an index produced by band-pass method is a weighted sum of coefficients of variations of gray-levels for each spatial band. Both methods produce larger indices for visually poor samples, so they can discern good samples from the poor ones. The difference between the indices for good and poor samples is slightly larger produced by the cluster method. 11 However, without the samples evaluated by human experts, the goodness of these results is still questionable. This comparison will be left to the next phase of the project.


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Androgen receptor (AR) is a major therapeutic target that plays pivotal roles in prostate cancer (PCa) and androgen insensitivity syndromes. We previously proposed that compounds recruited to ligand-binding domain (LBD) surfaces could regulate AR activity in hormone-refractory PCa and discovered several surface modulators of AR function. Surprisingly, the most effective compounds bound preferentially to a surface of unknown function [binding function 3 (BF-3)] instead of the coactivator-binding site [activation function 2 (AF-2)]. Different BF-3 mutations have been identified in PCa or androgen insensitivity syndrome patients, and they can strongly affect AR activity. Further, comparison of AR x-ray structures with and without bound ligands at BF-3 and AF-2 showed structural coupling between both pockets. Here, we combine experimental evidence and molecular dynamic simulations to investigate whether BF-3 mutations affect AR LBD function and dynamics possibly via allosteric conversation between surface sites. Our data indicate that AF-2 conformation is indeed closely coupled to BF-3 and provide mechanistic proof of their structural interconnection. BF-3 mutations may function as allosteric elicitors, probably shifting the AR LBD conformational ensemble toward conformations that alter AF-2 propensity to reorganize into subpockets that accommodate N-terminal domain and coactivator peptides. The induced conformation may result in either increased or decreased AR activity. Activating BF-3 mutations also favor the formation of another pocket (BF-4) in the vicinity of AF-2 and BF-3, which we also previously identified as a hot spot for a small compound. We discuss the possibility that BF-3 may be a protein-docking site that binds to the N-terminal domain and corepressors. AR surface sites are attractive pharmacological targets to develop allosteric modulators that might be alternative lead compounds for drug design.


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Snow cover is an important control in mountain environments and a shift of the snow-free period triggered by climate warming can strongly impact ecosystem dynamics. Changing snow patterns can have severe effects on alpine plant distribution and diversity. It thus becomes urgent to provide spatially explicit assessments of snow cover changes that can be incorporated into correlative or empirical species distribution models (SDMs). Here, we provide for the first time a with a lower overestimation comparison of two physically based snow distribution models (PREVAH and SnowModel) to produce snow cover maps (SCMs) at a fine spatial resolution in a mountain landscape in Austria. SCMs have been evaluated with SPOT-HRVIR images and predictions of snow water equivalent from the two models with ground measurements. Finally, SCMs of the two models have been compared under a climate warming scenario for the end of the century. The predictive performances of PREVAH and SnowModel were similar when validated with the SPOT images. However, the tendency to overestimate snow cover was slightly lower with SnowModel during the accumulation period, whereas it was lower with PREVAH during the melting period. The rate of true positives during the melting period was two times higher on average with SnowModel with a lower overestimation of snow water equivalent. Our results allow for recommending the use of SnowModel in SDMs because it better captures persisting snow patches at the end of the snow season, which is important when modelling the response of species to long-lasting snow cover and evaluating whether they might survive under climate change.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on valottaa tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttivat Pera Pirkolan päätymiseen mainosmusiikin tekijäksi, sekä millaisena hän tänä päivänä näkee uravalintansa ja sen tulevaisuuden näkymät. Tutkimus toteutettiin 11.10.2006 tehdyn teemahaastattelun muodossa, joka sitten kirjoitettiin sanatarkaksi tekstiksi ja analysoitiin käyttäen laadullista sisältöanalyysiä ja järjestettiin teemojen mukaan loogisiksi kokonaisuuksiksi. Kävi ilmi, että haastateltava kokee olevansa täydellisesti itselleen sopivalla alalla, eikä voi kuvitellakaan tekevänsä mitään ainakaan kovin paljon nykyisestä toimenkuvastaan poikkeavaa. Haastateltava kuvaili avoimesti uraansa ja mm. firmansa Hot Spot syntyvaiheita. Kesällä 1985 hän oli ajautunut vappuna perustettuun Radio Cityyn töihin ja päätynyt sitä kautta tekemään radiomainontaa. Aseman yhteyteen perustettu Miracle Sound tarjosi työpaikan tuleviksi vuosiksi ennen Hot Spotin perustamista 1988. Radiomainonta Suomessa syntyi 80-luvun loppupuolella. Alan alku oli villiä aikaa. Kenelläkään ei ollut käsitystä kuinka asioita pitäisi tehdä, yrityksen ja erehdyksen kautta ala kuitenkin vuosien myötä koulutti tekijänsä. Töitä oli alan alkuaikoina vaikka muille jakaa, joten oman yrityksen perustaminen tuntui luonnolliselta jatkolta hyvin alkaneelle uralle Radio Cityssä. Alan liki olemattomat kouluttautumismahdollisuudet Suomessa ovat yksi keskeinen ongelma johon haastateltava toivoisi parannusta. Muita haastattelussa sivuttuja teemoja ovat mm. muusikoiden erilainen rooli kun tehdään musiikkia mainontaan, asiakkaan esittämät mahdolliset referenssiäänitteet haetusta musiikkityylistä ja niiden suhde omaan luovaan työhön - kuinka lähelle uskaltaa mennä sekä haastateltavan työskentelytavat ja niiden kehitys yhdessä yhtiökumppani Pekka Witikan kanssa.


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Streptavidin, a tetrameric protein secreted by Streptomyces avidinii, binds tightly to a small growth factor biotin. One of the numerous applications of this high-affinity system comprises the streptavidin-coated surfaces of bioanalytical assays which serve as universal binders for straightforward immobilization of any biotinylated molecule. Proteins can be immobilized with a lower risk of denaturation using streptavidin-biotin technology in contrast to direct passive adsorption. The purpose of this study was to characterize the properties and effects of streptavidin-coated binding surfaces on the performance of solid-phase immunoassays and to investigate the contributions of surface modifications. Various characterization tools and methods established in the study enabled the convenient monitoring and binding capacity determination of streptavidin-coated surfaces. The schematic modeling of the monolayer surface and the quantification of adsorbed streptavidin disclosed the possibilities and the limits of passive adsorption. The defined yield of 250 ng/cm2 represented approximately 65 % coverage compared with a modelled complete monolayer, which is consistent with theoretical surface models. Modifications such as polymerization and chemical activation of streptavidin resulted in a close to 10-fold increase in the biotin-binding densities of the surface compared with the regular streptavidin coating. In addition, the stability of the surface against leaching was improved by chemical modification. The increased binding densities and capacities enabled wider high-end dynamic ranges in the solid-phase immunoassays, especially when using the fragments of the capture antibodies instead of intact antibodies for the binding of the antigen. The binding capacity of the streptavidin surface was not, by definition, predictive of the low-end performance of the immunoassays nor the assay sensitivity. Other features such as non-specific binding, variation and leaching turned out to be more relevant. The immunoassays that use a direct surface readout measurement of time-resolved fluorescence from a washed surface are dependent on the density of the labeled antibodies in a defined area on the surface. The binding surface was condensed into a spot by coating streptavidin in liquid droplets into special microtiter wells holding a small circular indentation at the bottom. The condensed binding area enabled a denser packing of the labeled antibodies on the surface. This resulted in a 5 - 6-fold increase in the signal-to-background ratios and an equivalent improvement in the detection limits of the solid-phase immunoassays. This work proved that the properties of the streptavidin-coated surfaces can be modified and that the defined properties of the streptavidin-based immunocapture surfaces contribute to the performance of heterogeneous immunoassays.


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Uromodulin (Tamm-Horsfall protein) is exclusively produced by the kidney and is the most abundant protein excreted in normal urine. The level of uromodulin in urine could represent a useful biomarker for renal tubular function. The study of Garimella et al. adds elements into the debate, by suggesting that, in elderly adults, low urinary uromodulin concentrations in spot urine identify people at risk of progressive kidney disease and mortality above and beyond established markers of kidney disease.


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Tämän työn tarkoituksena on poistaa toistuvasti esiintyneet vauriot titaanisessa valkaisutornissa Kuusankosken paperitehtailla. Vauriot esiintyivät melko pian käyttöönoton jälkeen ja niitä esiintyi toistuvasti jokaisen korjauksen jälkeen. Jatkuvatoimisen prosessin vuoksi käyttökatkokset eivät olleet suotavia. Aikataulu suunnittelulle ja korjaukselle oli erittäin tiukka, jolloin kenttämittauksia ei ollut mahdollista tehdä laskelmien tueksi. Tämän vuoksi tähän työtön parhaiten soveltuvaksi menetelmäksi valittiin FEA. Alkuperäisessä rakenteessa pääsäiliöön oli hitsattu pintatasku, jota käytettiin välisäiliönä varastoimaan suuri määrä vaarallista nestettä. Tämä aiheutti valkaisutornin vaipalle murtumia ja vuotoja sekä suuronnettomuuden riskin koko valkaisutornille. Kuormitustietojen puutteesta johtuen kuormitukset mallinnettiin virtuaalisesti FE-menetelmällä ja analyyttisin keinoin. Kuormitusten suuruudet arvioitiin konservatiivisesti. Tämän työn tärkein oivallus oli määritellä uudelleen pintataskun toiminto siten, että sitä ei enää käytetty nesteen välivarastona, vaan ohjaimena nesteelle. Tämä innovatiivinen ongelmankorjauskonsepti on havaittu onnistuneeksi, koska vaurioita ei ole enää esiintynyt viimeisimmän korjauksen jälkeen.


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This study investigated changes in heart rate variability (HRV) in elite Nordic-skiers to characterize different types of "fatigue" in 27 men and 30 women surveyed from 2004 to 2008. R-R intervals were recorded at rest during 8 min supine (SU) followed by 7 min standing (ST). HRV parameters analysed were powers of low (LF), high (HF) frequencies, (LF+HF) (ms(2)) and heart rate (HR, bpm). In the 1 063 HRV tests performed, 172 corresponded to a "fatigue" state and the first were considered for analysis. 4 types of "fatigue" (F) were identified: 1. F(HF(-)LF(-))SU_ST for 42 tests: decrease in LFSU (- 46%), HFSU (- 70%), LFST (- 43%), HFST (- 53%) and increase in HRSU (+ 15%), HRST (+ 14%). 2. F(LF(+) SULF(-) ST) for 8 tests: increase in LFSU (+ 190%) decrease in LFST (- 84%) and increase in HRST (+ 21%). 3. F(HF(-) SUHF(+) ST) for 6 tests: decrease in HFSU (- 72%) and increase in HFST (+ 501%). 4. F(HF(+) SU) for only 1 test with an increase in HFSU (+ 2161%) and decrease in HRSU (- 15%). Supine and standing HRV patterns were independently modified by "fatigue". 4 "fatigue"-shifted HRV patterns were statistically sorted according to differently paired changes in the 2 postures. This characterization might be useful for further understanding autonomic rearrangements in different "fatigue" conditions.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Allelic variants in UMOD, the gene coding for uromodulin, are associated with rare tubulointerstitial kidney disorders and risk of CKD and hypertension in the general population. The factors associated with uromodulin excretion in the normal population remain largely unknown, and were therefore explored in this study. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS: Urinary uromodulin excretion was measured using a validated ELISA in two population-based cohorts that included more than 6500 individuals. The Swiss Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension study (SKIPOGH) included 817 adults (mean age±SD, 45±17 years) who underwent renal ultrasonography and performed a 24-hour urine collection. The Cohorte Lausannoise study included 5706 adults (mean age, 53±11 years) with fresh spot morning urine samples. We calculated eGFRs using the CKD-Epidemiology Collaboration formula and by 24-hour creatinine clearance. RESULTS: In both studies, positive associations were found between uromodulin and urinary sodium, chloride, and potassium excretion and osmolality. In SKIPOGH, 24-hour uromodulin excretion (median, 41 [interquartile range, 29-57] mg/24 h) was positively associated with kidney length and volume and with creatinine excretion and urine volume. It was negatively associated with age and diabetes. Both spot uromodulin concentration and 24-hour uromodulin excretion were linearly and positively associated (multivariate analyses) with eGFR<90 ml/min per 1.73 m(2). CONCLUSION: Age, creatinine excretion, diabetes, and urinary volume are independent clinical correlates of urinary uromodulin excretion. The associations of uromodulin excretion with markers of tubular functions and kidney dimensions suggest that it may reflect tubule activity in the general population.


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Endothermic animals vary in their physiological ability to maintain a constant body temperature. Since melanin-based coloration is related to thermoregulation and energy homeostasis, we predict that dark and pale melanic individuals adopt different behaviours to regulate their body temperature. Young animals are particularly sensitive to a decrease in ambient temperature because their physiological system is not yet mature and growth may be traded-off against thermoregulation. To reduce energy loss, offspring huddle during periods of cold weather. We investigated in nestling barn owls (Tyto alba) whether body temperature, oxygen consumption and huddling were associated with melanin-based coloration. Isolated owlets displaying more black feather spots had a lower body temperature and consumed more oxygen than those with fewer black spots. This suggests that highly melanic individuals display a different thermoregulation strategy. This interpretation is also supported by the finding that, at relatively low ambient temperature, owlets displaying more black spots huddled more rapidly and more often than those displaying fewer spots. Assuming that spot number is associated with the ability to thermoregulate not only in Swiss barn owls but also in other Tytonidae, our results could explain geographic variation in the degree of melanism. Indeed, in the northern hemisphere, barn owls and allies are less spotted polewards than close to the equator, and in the northern American continent, barn owls are also less spotted in colder regions. If melanic spots themselves helped thermoregulation, we would have expected the opposite results. We therefore suggest that some melanogenic genes pleiotropically regulate thermoregulatory processes.


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The present talk aims to examine the heart-rate variability (HRV) indexes of two populations known to be particularly sensitive to stress condition: violent offenders and intellectually impaired patients. For both, difficulties in managing stressful and emotional events could lead to unpredictable and hostile acting. Results in favour of specific HRV baseline patterns and emotional control will be developed, as the proposition of precursors of agitation in the physiological fluctuations preceding high tensed episodes. The improvement offered by coherent breathing trainings will be discussed for both groups.


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In this work we propose a new approach for the determination of the mobility of mercury in sediments based on spatial distribution of concentrations. We chose the Tainheiros Cove, located in the Todos os Santos Bay, Brazil, as the study area, for it has a history of mercury contamination due to a chloro-alkali plant that was active during 12 years. Twenty-six surface sediment samples were collected from the area and mercury concentrations were measured by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrophotometry. A contour map was constructed from the results, indicating that mercury accumulated in a "hot spot" where concentrations reach more than 1 µg g-1. The model is able to estimate mobility of mercury in the sediments based on the distances between iso-concentration contours that determines an attenuation of concentrations factor. Values of attenuation ranged between 0.0729 (East of the hot spot, indicating higher mobility) to 0.7727 (North of the hot spot, indicating lower mobility).