976 resultados para Speed of germination


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This study aimed to verify the effect of vibration of plants in the production of fruits and seeds and in the physiological quality of the seeds of the “Malagueta” pepper in a protected cultivated area with open and closed sides. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm of the School of Agronomic Sciences of Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCA/UNESP), located in the city of São Manuel (SP). Two treatments were carried out, which consisted of plants that did and did not undergo vibration. Plants were vibrated manually by swinging the wire attached to the supporting bamboo for about 5 seconds, twice a day for 11 weeks. The design was a randomized block with six repetitions. The same experiment was conducted in two protected environments, with and without anti-aphids screens on the sides, cultivated in the same season. For the comparison of environments, a combined analysis was performed considering each environment as a separate experiment. The characteristics evaluated were: weight and number of fruits per plant; weight, diameter and length of fruit; weight and amount of seeds per fruit; and plant height. For the analysis of seed quality, the characteristics evaluated were: germination percentage; first count of germination; dry matter of seedlings; seedling emergence in substrate; and seedling emergence speed index. Regardless of the environment, vibration affects the physiological quality of seeds. The presence of pollinator insects benefited the production and quality of “Malagueta” pepper seeds and increases the fruit weight.


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The tip pruning stimulates the emission of lateral shoots, thus can produce higher number of flowers, fruits and seeds. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of apex pruning on fruit and seed production in pumpkin. The treatments consisted of plants without pruning, with pruning in the sixth, eighth and tenth node of main stem. The experimental design was a randomized block, with six replications. It was studied a line of pumpkin of the Germplasm Bank of the Universidade Estadual Paulista/Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas. The characteristics evaluated were: number of branches per plant and fruit position in branches of the plant production (number and weight) of fruits per plant, fruit yield, fruit average weight, fruit length and diameter, seed weight per fruit, seed yield and quality (germination test, first count, thousand seed weight, emergence, speed of emergence and accelerated aging). There was a significant difference only for number of secondary branches per plant and thousand seed weight, with larger values for plants that have not been pruned. It was obtained high average of germination (94%) and good fruit (16.9 t ha-1) and seed (148 kg ha-1) yield. The apex pruning does not influence the production of fruits and seeds, as well as the physiological seed quality in pumpkin.


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The purpose of treating seeds chemically is to eradicate their pathogens and/or protect them against soil pathogens, mainly by germination time. However, there is little research on vegetables investigating the effect of this treatment on seed quality. Therefore, this study evaluates the effects of Carboxin + Thiram doses on germination and vigor of three lots of broccoli seeds, as well as on the incidence of fungi in treated seed. The 15 treatments were evaluated in a factorial system (3x5), with the first factor consisting of three lots of 'Avenger' broccoli seeds (lots 82744, 82745 and 82749), and the second factor consisting of five doses (0, 0.04, 0.06, 0.10 and 0.12% of a.i.) of Carboxin + Thiram fungicide (commercial name Vitavax-Thiran). The germination and seed vigor were evaluated, in addition to the presence of pathogens in seeds after treatment (blotter test). All lots showed high levels of germination and vigor. The lot 82749, however, showed higher value in plug test in substrate emergence (99%) than lot 82745 (95%). Regarding the treatment with Carboxin + Thiram, no changes in germination average (98%) and vigor were noticed (average for the first germination count, length, and dry weight of seedling, plug test at 10 days after sowing of 97%, 4.9 cm, 4.0 mg and 96%, respectively), showing that this fungicide, in the evaluated doses, does not affect the quality of broccoli seeds. As to seeds health, the pathogens Alternaria spp. and Fusarium spp. were detected, in addition to saprophytic species such as Penicillium, Aspergillus, Trichoderma, and Rhizopus. The higher incidence of Fusarium spp. was noticed in lot 82744, and the lowest in lot 82749. As to Penicillium spp., lot 82479 was the most contaminated. Regarding other fungi, the general incidence was very low and there was no difference between lots and doses used.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da aplicação do Stimulate e Forth Seed associados a cinco doses de fósforo(P) no desenvolvimento do sistema radicular e parte aérea de plantas de feijão. O experimento foi desenvolvido em condições de casa de vegetação nas dependências do Departamento de Recursos Naturais – Ciência do Solo, da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas (FCA), UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, SP. O solo usado foi um Latossolo Vermelho Escuro de textura média. As unidades experimentais foram vasos contendo 8 dm3 de solo mantendo-se a umidade correspondente a 60% do Volume Total de Poros (VTP) ocupados por água. Utilizou-se a cultivar de feijão IAC-Carioca, em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, sendo os tratamentos constituídos de dois produtos (Stimulate e Forth Seed) nas respectivas doses 5 e 3 mL Kg-1 de sementes e uma testemunha sem biofertilizante, e 5 doses de P (0, 16, 32, 64 e 128 mg dm-3), com três repetições. Foi avaliada, também, a qualidade fisiológica das sementes usadas no experimento por meio de: a) primeira contagem do teste padrão de germinação; b) emergência; c) vigor, mediante a contagem de emergência; d) velocidade de emergência e determinação do crescimento das plântulas. O uso de Stimulate e Forth Seed agregados a doses de P causou redução no peso seco final das plantas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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There is increasing interest in the diving behavior of marine mammals. However, identifying foraging among recorded dives often requires several assumptions. The simultaneous acquisition of images of the prey encountered, together with records of diving behavior will allow researchers to more fully investigate the nature of subsurface behavior. We tested a novel digital camera linked to a time-depth recorder on Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella). During the austral summer 2000-2001, this system was deployed on six lactating female fur seals at Bird Island, South Georgia, each for a single foraging trip. The camera was triggered at depths greater than 10 m. Five deployments recorded still images (640 x 480 pixels) at 3-sec intervals (total 8,288 images), the other recorded movie images at 0.2-sec intervals (total 7,598 frames). Memory limitation (64 MB) restricted sampling to approximately 1.5 d of 5-7 d foraging trips. An average of 8.5% of still pictures (2.4%-11.6%) showed krill (Euphausia superba) distinctly, while at least half the images in each deployment were empty, the remainder containing blurred or indistinct prey. In one deployment krill images were recorded within 2.5 h (16 km, assuming 1.8 m/sec travel speed) of leaving the beach. Five of the six deployments also showed other fur seals foraging in conjunction with the study animal. This system is likely to generate exciting new avenues for interpretation of diving behavior.


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To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Nebraska Rural Poll, rural Nebraskans were asked about changes they may have experienced during the past ten years. Where have they lived during the past decade? In what types of business activities have they been involved? Have they received any education or training during that time period? What has been their experience with the Internet? This report details 2,851 responses to the 2005 Nebraska Rural Poll, the tenth annual effort to understand rural Nebraskans’ perceptions. Respondents were asked a series of questions about changes they have experienced during the past ten years. For all questions, comparisons are made among different respondent subgroups, that is, comparisons by age, occupation, region, etc. Based on these analyses, some key findings emerged: One quarter of rural Nebraskans have lived somewhere other than their current community during the past ten years. Of those who have lived elsewhere, they have moved their primary residence an average of 2.2 times. Younger rural Nebraskans are more likely than older residents to have lived elsewhere during the past decade. Sixty-six percent of persons between the ages of 19 and 29 have lived in a different location, compared to only 12 percent of persons age 65 and older. Many rural Nebraskans who have lived in a different community during the past ten years have lived in another state. Forty-one percent of persons who have lived elsewhere during the past decade have lived in a different state. Forty-five percent have lived in a larger community (18% have lived in either Omaha or Lincoln and 27% have lived in or near a Nebraska community larger than their current one - other than Lincoln or Omaha). Thirty-six percent have lived in or near a Nebraska community smaller than their current one. Twenty percent of rural Nebraskans currently own a business. Thirteen percent started operating a business during the past ten years, 10 percent closed or stopped operating a business during this time period and four percent tried unsuccessfully to start a business. Persons living in or near the smallest communities are more likely than persons living in or near larger communities to currently own a business. Twenty-nine percent of persons living in or near communities with less than 500 people currently own a business, compared to 15 percent of persons living in or near communities with at least 10,000 persons. In general, rural Nebraskans have favorable opinions about self-employment but they also recognize the hardships and risks involved with this type of employment. Sixtyone percent agree that self-employment is desirable because they can be their own boss. Forty-four percent agree that self-employment provides a better quality of life than being an employee. However, 74 percent agree that self-employed individuals work longer hours than traditional employees and 70 percent agree that the cost of health insurance makes self-employment unappealing. Younger persons are more likely than older persons to agree that the cost of health insurance makes self-employment unappealing. Eighty percent of persons age 19 to 29 agree with that statement, compared to 55 percent of persons age 65 and older. One-half of rural Nebraskans have participated in formal education courses, workshops or other training activities during the past ten years. Sixty-nine percent of rural Nebraskans have Internet access either at home or at work. Sixty-six percent have acquired Internet access either at home or at work during the past ten years. An additional three percent had acquired access more than ten years ago. Persons with higher levels of income are more likely than persons with lower incomes to have acquired Internet access. Sixty-six percent of persons with household incomes of $60,000 or more have acquired Internet access at both home and work during the past ten years, compared to only 11 percent of persons with household incomes less than $20,000. Information searches and email are the most important reasons for having an Internet connection. Eighty-nine percent of rural Nebraskans with access to the Internet at either home or work say that information searches are an important or very important reason for having an Internet connection. Eighty-three percent say email is an important reason. In general, rural Nebraskans say their satisfaction with various features of their Internet connection has increased during the past ten years. Fifty-five percent of rural Nebraskans with an Internet connection at home say their satisfaction with the availability of service has increased during the past ten years and 50 percent report an increase in their satisfaction with the speed of their connection. Persons living in or near the larger communities are more likely than persons living in or near the smaller communities to say their satisfaction with the speed of their Internet connection has increased during the past ten years. Fifty-four percent of persons living in or near communities with populations of 5,000 or more say their satisfaction with the speed of their connection has increased over the past decade, compared to 43 percent of persons living in or near communities with less than 1,000 people.


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The centrifuge technique was used to investigate the influence of particle size, applied compression, and substrate material (stainless steel, glass, Teflon, and poly(vinyl chloride)) on particle-surface adhesion force. For this purpose, phosphatic rock (rho(p) = 3090 kg/m(3)) and manioc starch particles (rho(p) = 1480 kg/m(3)) were used as test particles. A microcentrifuge that reached a maximum rotation speed of 14 000 rpm and which contained specially designed centrifuge tubes was used in the adhesion force measurements. The curves showed that the adhesion force profile followed a normal log distribution. The adhesion force increased linearly with particle size and with the increase of each increment of compression force. The manioc starch particles presented greater adhesion forces than the phosphatic rock particles for all particle sizes studied. The glass substrate showed a higher adherence than the other materials, probably due to its smoother topographic surface roughness in relation to the other substrata.


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The results obtained in the August and December 2003, August 2004 and January 2005 oceanographic campaigns in the northern region of the Todos os Santos Bay (lat. 12 degrees 44.5`S; long. 038 degrees 35.00`W) between the Madre de Deus and Mare islands are analyzed. Instruments of continuous and discrete samplings were used to measure hydrographic properties currents and tides. The water mass of the northern region of the bay is forced by semidiurnal and mesotides of form number 0.08 and the lunar component M(2) height was estimated at 91cm. The time series of the surface currents indicated movements in the N/S direction, forced by the tide with maximum magnitudes of 0.73 m.s(-1) on the December 2003 campaign. However, in August 2004 the currents were dominated by the wind stress forcing, with a maximum speed of 1.85 m.s(-1) and SE direction. Near the bottom, the influence of the tide is not as evident, with a decrease in intensity due to internal and bottom friction, with a maximum velocity of 0.17 m.s(-1). The thermal and haline structures were weakly horizontally, as well as vertically stratified, with extreme values varying in the intervals 23 degrees C (August, 2004) to 28 degrees C (December, 2003) and 31.0 psu (August, 2003) to 36.0 psu (December, 2003), respectively. Some conclusions may be drawn from these results: i) The signs of the dilution of the fresh water discharges of the Caipe, Mataripe and Sao Paulo rivers in the region under the influence of the RLAM were observed only during the winter periods, but in the summer the region was flooded by waters of oceanic origin and the salinities above 36.0 indicated TW mass intrusion; ii) The N-S circulation near the RLAM is strongly dominated by the tide, and the importance of the M(2) component was unequivocal, however, the E-W component presented some tidal modulation away from abrupt bottom topographical changes, and iii) The residual series, calculated as the difference between the original and modeled, is about 1/4 of the original and confirmed its semidiurnal character.


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We evaluated the effects of air-drying distance and bond surface area on the shear bond strength of a 2-step etch-and-rinse adhesive. A total of 120 bovine anterior teeth were equally divided into 6 main groups based on bonding surface area. The main groups were divided into sub-groups (n = 5) according to air-drying distance. The shear strength was determined using a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The averaged results were subjected to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05). Two-way ANOVA testing identified no significant cross-product interactions (p > 0.05), but the main factors of area (p < 0.0001) and air-drying distance (p < 0.00001) significantly affected the mean bond strength. Shorter air-drying distances improved bond strength, and increased surface area decreased the bond strength.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of anthropometric characteristics and gender on postural balance in adults. One hundred individuals were examined (50 males, 50 females; age range 20-40 years). METHODS: The following body composition measurements were collected (using bone densitometry measurements): fat percentage (% fat), tissue (g), fat (g), lean mass (g), bone mineral content (g), and bone mineral density (g/cm(2)). In addition, the following anthropometric measurements were collected: body mass (kg), height (cm), length of the trunk-cephalic region (cm), length of the lower limbs (cm) and length of the upper limbs (cm). The following indices were calculated: body mass index (kg/m(2)), waist-hip ratio and the support base (cm 2). Also, a postural balance test was performed using posturography variables with open and closed eyes. RESULTS: The analysis revealed poor correlations between postural balance and the anthropometric variables. A multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated that the whole group (female and male) height explained 12% of the medial-lateral displacement, 10% of the speed of oscillation, and 11% of the displacement area. The length of the trunk-cephalic length explained 6% of the displacement in the anteroposterior direction. With eyes closed, the support base and height explained 18% of the medial displacement, and the lateral height explained 10% of the displacement speed and 5% of the scroll area. CONCLUSION: Measured using posturography, the postural balance was only slightly influenced by the anthropometric variables, both with open and closed eyes. Height was the anthropometric variable that most influenced postural balance, both in the whole group and separately for each gender. Postural balance was more influenced by anthropometric factors in males than females.


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Background. The aim of this study is to critically evaluate the bond strength (BS) of Glass-Ionomer Cements (GIC) to dentine with microtensile (mu TBS) and microshear (mu SBS) BS tests by assessing their rankings and failure patterns. Methods. Samples were made on flat dentine surfaces and submitted to mTBS and mSBS. The materials used were: high viscosity GIC (Ketac (TM) Molar Aplicap-KM), resin-modified GIC (Fuji II-FII), nano-filled resin-modified GIC (Ketac (TM) N100-N100) and an etch-and-rinse adhesive system with a composite resin (Adper (TM) Single Bond 2 and Z100 (TM)-Z100). All tests were performed with a Universal Testing Machine (24 h water storage, crosshead speed of 1 mm/min). Debonded surfaces were examined with a stereomicroscope (x40) to identify the failure mode. The data was analyzed with two-way ANOVA (p < 0.05) and LSD test. Results. Means were statistically different regarding the tests and materials, indicating that values for BS obtained for each material depend on the test performed. Failure analysis revealed that failures produced by mTBS were mainly cohesive for KM and FII. mu SBS failures were mainly adhesive or mixed for all materials. For the mTBS, the rank was Z100 > FII > KM = N100, whereas for the mSBS it was Z100 = FII = KM > N100. Conclusion: It may be concluded that distinct micro-mechanical tests present different failure patterns and rankings depending on the material to be considered.


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The objective of this work is to evaluate the efficiency of the mini-cuttings technique in the vegetative propagation of half-sibs of angico-vermelho (Anadenanthera macrocarpa(Benth) Brenan) regarding to the productive capacity and survival of mini-stumps, rooting of the apical and intermediate mini-cuttings treated with different doses of IBA (0, 2000, 4000 and 6000 mg L-1) as well as to determine the speed of rooting in the greenhouse. The mini-stumps were obtained from seedlings of the six progenies of Anadenanthera macrocarpa half-sibs. The mini-stumps presented productivity from 1,2 to 3,7 mini-cuttings/mini-stump/collection and survival of 84% to 98% after six harvests. The apical mini-cuttings were higher than the intermediate, more prone to root, but the IBA had no significant effect on the rooting of the progenies. The results of the rooting speed showed variation among the progenies.


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Frequency-dependent electroluminescence and electric current response spectroscopy were applied to polymeric light-emitting electrochemical cells in order to obtain information about the operation mechanism regimes of such devices. Three clearly distinct frequency regimes could be identified: a dielectric regime at high frequencies; an ionic transport regime, characterized by ionic drift and electronic diffusion; and an electrolytic regime, characterized by electronic injection from the electrodes and electrochemical doping of the conjugated polymer. From the analysis of the results, it was possible to evaluate parameters like the diffusion speed of electronic charge carriers in the active layer and the voltage drop necessary for operation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4752438]


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The focus of this study is on questioning whether the traditional theories of internationalization are adequate to explain the international expansion of multinationals from emerging countries. Looking forward on this issue, we investigate the internationalization strategies adopted by JBS, a Brazilian multinational of the beef industry. The results show that the company adopted two of the five generic strategies specific to the context of emerging countries suggested by Ramamurti and Singh (2009): global consolidator and vertical integrator. Moreover, when analyzing the internationalization of the company under study, the speed of the process is highlighted when compared to traditional multinationals. It is concluded that the main mode of entry that allowed the international expansion was the acquisition and that this strategy has advantages to the company, such as access to strategic resources and rapid growth, possibly overcoming the liability of foreignness, the opportunity to compete globally and the diversification of segments that generate synergies to the company's activities.