996 resultados para Spada, Lionello, 1576-1622


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AIM: To evaluate the outcomes of short (15 minutes) oral hygiene vs. hand hygiene education for preschool children 4 weeks after these interventions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-one preschool children (age range 4-6 years) attending four kindergarten classes participated in a 15-minute health education programme on the importance of body cleanliness for general health. In addition, specific instructions on oral hygiene were provided for two randomly selected classes (30 children), while the remaining two classes (31 children) were given instruction of hand and nail cleaning. The oral hygiene status was assessed usingthe plaque control record (PCR). The cleanliness of the hands and fingernails was determined using a hand hygiene index (HHI) and a nail hygiene index (NHI). All three parameters were assessed before the intervention as well as 4 weeks thereafter. RESULTS: Four weeks after education, the PCR had improved for all children from 79.95% to 72.35% (p < 0.001). The NHI had improved from 74.91% to 61.71% (p < 0.001). In addition, the mean PCR of the children given oral hygiene instruction decreased from 83.67% to 72.40%, while the mean PCR of the children given hand and nail cleaning instruction decreased from 76.23% to 72.29% (interaction effect 'time x type of instruction': p = 0.044). Girls' PCR improved significantly more than boys' PCR (Girls, 80.98 vs. 69.71; boys, 78.33 vs. 75.31; p = 0.021). CONCLUSIONS: The results of the study show that even a short, school-based educational intervention at an early age may affect children's oral health promotion significantly. Teachers should, therefore, be encouraged to educate children from an early age about oral hygiene promotion.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of CO2 laser treatment through topically applied amine fluoride solution on demineralised enamel. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty extracted human molar crowns were selected and cut longitudinally into half. One half was subjected to a 10-day pH-cycling procedure to create caries-like lesions, whereas the other was left non-demineralised. The following treatments were randomly assigned (one treatment per tooth, on respective non-demineralised and demineralised matched specimens): exposure to a 1% amine fluoride solution for 15 s without irradiation (group I), irradiation for 15 s with a continuous-wave CO2 laser (group II), or laser-treatment for 15 s through the amine fluoride solution applied immediately beforehand (group III). Fluoride uptake (n = 30) and acid resistance (n = 30) were determined after treatment. Enamel surface alterations after laser irradiation were monitored using scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS: In groups I and III, an increased fluoride uptake was detected (p < or = 0.05). Laser irradiation through topical fluoride resulted in an increased acid resistance of sound and demineralised enamel specimens in deeper layers (p < or = 0.05). In addition, less surface alterations were observed in SEM examination of specimens irradiated through the amine fluoride solution compared with counterparts treated with laser only. CONCLUSIONS: CO2 laser light application through an amine fluoride solution may be instrumental in enhancing acid resistance of sound and demineralised enamel.


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Transformers are very important elements of any power system. Unfortunately, they are subjected to through-faults and abnormal operating conditions which can affect not only the transformer itself but also other equipment connected to the transformer. Thus, it is essential to provide sufficient protection for transformers as well as the best possible selectivity and sensitivity of the protection. Nowadays microprocessor-based relays are widely used to protect power equipment. Current differential and voltage protection strategies are used in transformer protection applications and provide fast and sensitive multi-level protection and monitoring. The elements responsible for detecting turn-to-turn and turn-to-ground faults are the negative-sequence percentage differential element and restricted earth-fault (REF) element, respectively. During severe internal faults current transformers can saturate and slow down the speed of relay operation which affects the degree of equipment damage. The scope of this work is to develop a modeling methodology to perform simulations and laboratory tests for internal faults such as turn-to-turn and turn-to-ground for two step-down power transformers with capacity ratings of 11.2 MVA and 290 MVA. The simulated current waveforms are injected to a microprocessor relay to check its sensitivity for these internal faults. Saturation of current transformers is also studied in this work. All simulations are performed with the Alternative Transients Program (ATP) utilizing the internal fault model for three-phase two-winding transformers. The tested microprocessor relay is the SEL-487E current differential and voltage protection relay. The results showed that the ATP internal fault model can be used for testing microprocessor relays for any percentage of turns involved in an internal fault. An interesting observation from the experiments was that the SEL-487E relay is more sensitive to turn-to-turn faults than advertized for the transformers studied. The sensitivity of the restricted earth-fault element was confirmed. CT saturation cases showed that low accuracy CTs can be saturated with a high percentage of turn-to-turn faults, where the CT burden will affect the extent of saturation. Recommendations for future work include more accurate simulation of internal faults, transformer energization inrush, and other scenarios involving core saturation, using the newest version of the internal fault model. The SEL-487E relay or other microprocessor relays should again be tested for performance. Also, application of a grounding bank to the delta-connected side of a transformer will increase the zone of protection and relay performance can be tested for internal ground faults on both sides of a transformer.


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This thesis will present strategies for the use of plug-in electric vehicles on smart and microgrids. MATLAB is used as the design tool for all models and simulations. First, a scenario will be explored using the dispatchable loads of electric vehicles to stabilize a microgrid with a high penetration of renewable power generation. Grid components for a microgrid with 50% photovoltaic solar production will be sized through an optimization routine to maintain storage system, load, and vehicle states over a 24-hour period. The findings of this portion are that the dispatchable loads can be used to guard against unpredictable losses in renewable generation output. Second, the use of distributed control strategies for the charging of electric vehicles utilizing an agent-based approach on a smart grid will be studied. The vehicles are regarded as additional loads to a primary forecasted load and use information transfer with the grid to make their charging decisions. Three lightweight control strategies and their effects on the power grid will be presented. The findings are that the charging behavior and peak loads on the grid can be reduced through the use of distributed control strategies.


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PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to test the effects of interdental cleansing with dental floss on supragingival biofilm removal in natural dentition during a 3-week period of experimental biofilm accumulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study was performed as a single-blind, parallel, randomised, controlled clinical trial using the experimental gingivitis model (Löe et al, 1965). Thirty-two students were recruited and assigned to one of the following experimental or control groups: Group A used a fluoride-containing dentifrice (NaF dentifrice) on a toothbrush for 60 s twice a day, Group B used an unwaxed dental floss twice a day, Group C used a waxed dental floss twice a day in every interproximal space and Group D rinsed twice a day for 60 s with drinking water (control). RESULTS: During 21 days of abolished oral hygiene, the groups developed various amounts of plaque and gingivitis. Neither of the cleansing protocols alone allowed the prevention of gingivitis development. Toothbrushing alone yielded better outcomes than did any of the flossing protocols. Interdental cleansing with a waxed floss had better biofilm removal effects than with unwaxed floss. CONCLUSIONS: Toothbrushing without interdental cleansing using dental floss and interdental cleansing alone cannot prevent the development of gingivitis.


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PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to report the radiographical prevalence of overhanging fillings in a group of Swiss Army recruits in 2006 and to relate the dimensions of the overhangs to clinical parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 626 Swiss Army recruits were examined for their periodontal conditions, prevalence of caries, and stomatological and functional aspects of the masticatory system and halitosis. In particular, the present report deals with the presence or the absence of fillings, the presence or the absence of overhangs and their relation to clinical and radiographic parameters. RESULTS: A total of 16,198 interdental sites were evaluated on bitewing radiographs. Of these sites, 15,516 (95.8%) were sound and 682 (4.2%) were filled. Amalgam restorations were found in 94.1% and resin composite fillings in 5.9% of the sites. Of these 682 sites, 96 (14.1%) yielded overhanging margins of various sizes. This low prevalence of fillings represents not only a substantial reduction when compared with a similar Swiss Army study (Lang et al, 1988), but also an improvement in the quality of dental care delivery to young Swiss males. Plaque Index and Gingival Index increased statistically significantly with the presence of fillings, when compared with healthy non-filled sites. Clinical parameters that were significantly associated with the presence of overhangs included clinical attachment loss. Moreover, between 1985 and 2006 the prevalence of fillings was significantly reduced from 20.0% to 4.2% of all surfaces. Furthermore, the marginal fit of the fillings improved from 33.0% with overhangs to 14.1%. CONCLUSIONS: A significant improvement was observed in the periodontal and dental conditions of young Swiss males that was shown to have taken place within the previous two decades. From 1985 to 2006, the prevalence of fillings was reduced fourfold and that of overhanging margins twofold, documenting an improvement in the quality of restorative dentistry.


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Monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8 or SLC16A2) is important for the neuronal uptake of triiodothyronine (T3) in its function as a specific and active transporter of thyroid hormones across the cell membrane, thus being essential for human brain development. We report on a German male with Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome presenting with severe intellectual and motor disability, paroxysmal dyskinesia combined with truncal muscular hypotonia, and peripheral muscular hypertonia at his current age of 9 years. Additionally, the patient has a lesion in the left putamen region revealed by magnetic resonance imaging and elevated serum T3 levels. The male appeared to have a hemizygous mutation (R271H) in the MCT8 gene that was sequenced directly from genomic DNA and occurred de novo in the maternal germline, as both his mother and his sister were not carriers of the mutation. Ruling out a common polymorphism, 50 normal individuals of the same ethnic background did not harbour the mutation. The identified MCT8 gene mutation (R271H) is very likely to be the genetic cause for neuronal hypothyroidism despite elevated serum T3 levels.


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Chemokines regulate cellular trafficking to and from lymphoid follicles. Here, the distribution pattern of four CCL chemokines is defined by in situ hybridization in human lymphoid follicles from tonsils and lymph nodes (LNs) of newborns and adults. Cells expressing CCL11 (eotaxin) and CCL20 (Exodus) were preferentially located within follicles, while cells expressing CCL21 (secondary lymphoid-tissue chemokine) and CCL24 (eotaxin-2) mRNA were almost exclusively found in the perifollicular areas. Hence, the two CCR3-binding chemokines, CCL11 and CCL24, showed a mutually exclusive expression pattern in the intra- and extra-follicular areas, respectively. Chemokine gene expression paralleled follicular maturation: in tonsils, where approximately 80% of follicles are polarized, CCL11 and CCL20 mRNA-positive cells were detected more frequently than in lymph nodes from adults, where about half of follicles are non-polarized. No intrafollicular chemokine expression was detectable in the primary follicles from newborns. Extrafollicular cells expressing CCL21 and CCL24 were again more frequent in tonsils than in LNs from adults. The observed preferential presence of cells expressing CC chemokines in polarized human lymphoid follicles indicates that chemokines are not only instrumental in the induction of follicle formation, but may also be involved in their further differentiation.


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Der Artikel beschreibt neue Ansätze in der inkrementellen Einzelpunkt-Umformung plattenförmiger Kunststoff-Werkstoffe. Die inkrementelle Umformung ist ein innovatives und verglichen mit konventionellen Umformverfahren kostengünstiges Fertigungsverfahren. Insbesondere für Prototypen und Kleinserienfertigungen gibt es Kosteneinsparungen, da auf große und teure Umformwerkzeuge verzichtet werden kann. Das Abfahren eines Umformstempels auf kreisförmigen Bahnen ermöglicht die Formgebung komplexer dreidimensionaler Produkte. Im Gegensatz zum Tiefziehen kann aufgrund der geringen Umformkräfte und Steifigkeitsminderung des Kunststoffmaterials durch Erwärmung auf einen Industrieroboter zurückgegriffen werden. Im Weiteren soll die Idee und Prozess-Entwicklung des Ansatzes zur inkrementellen Kunststoffumformung (IKU) beschrieben werden. Das Potential und die Vorteile dieses Verfahrens gegenüber bestehenden Verfahren werden gezeigt, bevor die nötigen Schritte für die Herstellung eines Kunststoffformteils dargestellt werden. Die Realisierung der Prozessidee mit Hilfe eines prototypischen Roboterwerkzeugs wird anhand erster Umformergebnisse verschiedener Kunststoffbauteile vorgestellt. Weitere ermittelte Optimierungsschritte und Verbesserungen dieses Fertigungsprozesses werden abschließend dargestellt, um ein zukünftiges und industriell einsetzbares, roboterbasiertes, inkrementelles Umformverfahren weiter zu entwickeln.