955 resultados para Soo Locks (Mich.)
The proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 seems to have an important role in the intestinal inflammation that characterizes inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) such as Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms regulating IL-6 production in IBD. Here, we assessed the role of the transcriptional regulator IFN regulatory factor-4 (IRF4) in this process. Patients with either Crohn disease or ulcerative colitis exhibited increased IRF4 expression in lamina propria CD3+ T cells as compared with control patients. Consistent with IRF4 having a regulatory function in T cells, in a mouse model of IBD whereby colitis is induced in RAG-deficient mice by transplantation with CD4+CD45RB(hi) T cells, adoptive transfer of wild-type but not IRF4-deficient T cells resulted in severe colitis. Furthermore, IRF4-deficient mice were protected from T cell-dependent chronic intestinal inflammation in trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid- and oxazolone-induced colitis. In addition, IRF4-deficient mice with induced colitis had reduced mucosal IL-6 production, and IRF4 was required for IL-6 production by mucosal CD90+ T cells, which it protected from apoptosis. Finally, the protective effect of IRF4 deficiency could be abrogated by systemic administration of either recombinant IL-6 or a combination of soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) plus IL-6 (hyper-IL-6). Taken together, our data identify IRF4 as a key regulator of mucosal IL-6 production in T cell-dependent experimental colitis and suggest that IRF4 might provide a therapeutic target for IBDs.
Concurrency control is mostly based on locks and is therefore notoriously difficult to use. Even though some programming languages provide high-level constructs, these add complexity and potentially hard-to-detect bugs to the application. Transactional memory is an attractive mechanism that does not have the drawbacks of locks, however the underlying implementation is often difficult to integrate into an existing language. In this paper we show how we have introduced transactional semantics into Smalltalk by using the reflective facilities of the language. Our approach is based on method annotations, incremental parse tree transformations and an optimistic commit protocol. The implementation does not depend on modifications to the virtual machine and therefore can be changed at the language level. We report on a practical case study, benchmarks and further and on-going work.
Ich möchte mich zuerst bei allen bedanken, die Interesse an Schriften in Afrika entwickelt haben. Aufrichtiger Dank richtet sich daher an Helma Pasch und Anja Kootz für ihre bemerkenswerten Bemühungen. Vielen Dank auch an alle, die zur Verwirklichung der Tagung „5000 Jahre Schrift in Afrika“ beigetragen haben. Insofern geht ein besonderer Dank an die Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung, den Förderer der Tagung.
Blindversuch ist eine dreiwöchige performative Arbeit im Rahmen meiner plastisch-künstlerischen Arbeit, die ich im Februar 2007 durchgeführt habe. Über einen Zeitraum von drei Wochen habe ich meine Augen verschlossen und das physische Sehen eingestellt. Damit verzichtete ich freiwillig auf mein wichtigstes künstlerisches Werkzeug. Ich gab vor, blind zu sein und trug die Zeichen des Blindseins: Brille, Armbinde und einen weißen Stock. Unter der Bedingung des Nicht-Sehens und in der Begleitung von Assistenten führte ich mein Leben und Arbeiten weiter. Während dieser Zeit ersetzte ich meine visuelle Wahrnehmung durch technische Mittel. Ohne zu sehen produzierte ich mit Fotoapparat und Videokamera visuelles Material. Diese Aufnahmen entstanden infolge motorisch-akustisch-haptischer Eindrücke und situativer Reflexionen. Ergänzt werden meine Aufnahmen durch visuelles Fremdmaterial. Verschiedene Personen wurden beauftragt, mich filmisch und fotografisch zu begleiten. Auch ich selbst erstellte eine Audiodokumentation meiner Erfahrungen und Reflexionen als Nicht-Sehende: Wahrnehmung, Untersuchung und Notierung der veränderten rezeptiven Bedingungen. Es fand eine bewusste Aneignung des Raums als Nicht-Sehende statt. Dazu habe ich meine Fähigkeiten sowohl im Atelier als auch im Außenraum trainiert. Darüber hinaus wurde der Blindversuch durch das Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung in Frankfurt am Main wissenschaftlich begleitet.
Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes sind in einer doppelten Weise mit Manfred G. Schmidt verbunden. Sie wurden von Schülern oder von wissenschaftlichen Weggefährten verfasst und sie beziehen sich inhaltlich auf sein Werk. Die thematische Breite der Beiträge entspricht der Breite seines Werkes: Die Aufsätze analysieren Staatstätigkeiten –Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Bildungspolitiken --, sie untersuchen Parteien, Institutionen, Demokratien und Autokratien, sie beantworten theoretisch-konzeptuelle oder empirische Fragen, sie nutzen die vergleichende Methode oder liefern einen Beitrag zum Verständnis des politischen Systems Deutschlands und sie sprengen engere Fachgrenzen, indem sie wissenschaftliche Kontexte und praktische Folgen von politikwissenschaftlicher Forschung und Lehre thematisieren. Zu all’ diesen Themen hat Manfred Schmidt wichtige Beiträge geliefert. Es war ein Vergnügen diese Festschrift zusammenzustellen. Die schwerste Entscheidung betraf die anzufragenden Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Einfach war die Identifikation von Kollegen am Heidelberger Institut, die besonders eng mit Manfred Schmidt zusammengearbeitet haben und von Schülern und von ihm geprägten Wissenschaftlern, die heute politikwissenschaftliche Professuren innehaben oder auf dem Weg dorthin sind. Bei der Auswahl von Autoren aus dem großen Kreis der Doktoranden spielten auch der Zufall und die Erreichbarkeit eine Rolle. Besonders schwierig war es, die Zahl der etablierten Forscher und Forscherinnen zu limitieren, die das Werk von Manfred G. Schmidt besonders schätzen und mit ihm in verschiedenen Funktionen wissenschaftlich verbunden waren. Mit guten Gründen hätte ich noch viele andere Kolleginnen und Kollegen anfragen können. Nur die Begrenzung des Seitenumfangs hat mich daran gehindert. Daraus wird auch schon deutlich, dass es keineswegs schwierig war, die Autoren zu gewinnen. Für viele war es eine Freude und Ehre an diesem Band mitzuwirken. Ich bedanke mich ganz herzlichen bei allen, die so engagiert zu diesem Projekt beigetragen haben. Frank Castles hat sich Zeit genommen, mit mir auf dem Krindenhof oberhalb des Thunersees die Konzeption des Bandes zu diskutieren; Dietmar Braun, Wolfgang Merkel und Ferdinand Müller-Rommel und viele andere Kollegen standen jederzeit mit Rat und Tat zur Verfügung. Ein besonderer Dank geht an die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter meiner Arbeitsgruppe – allen voran David Weisstanner und Monique Stoll – die in vielen Stunden mühevoller und konzentrierter Arbeit Korrekturen in die Manuskripte übertrugen, die Literaturlisten überprüften und anglichen sowie Tabellen und Graphiken standardisierten. Manfred Schmidts Heidelberger Sekretärin, Ingeborg Zimmermann, begleitete und unterstützte die Arbeiten aufmerksam und mit Feuereifer. Klaus Armingeon im Januar 2013.
BACKGROUND The safety and efficacy of drug-eluting stents (DES) in the treatment of coronary artery disease have been assessed in several randomised trials. However, none of these trials were powered to assess the safety and efficacy of DES in women because only a small proportion of recruited participants were women. We therefore investigated the safety and efficacy of DES in female patients during long-term follow-up. METHODS We pooled patient-level data for female participants from 26 randomised trials of DES and analysed outcomes according to stent type (bare-metal stents, early-generation DES, and newer-generation DES). The primary safety endpoint was a composite of death or myocardial infarction. The secondary safety endpoint was definite or probable stent thrombosis. The primary efficacy endpoint was target-lesion revascularisation. Analysis was by intention to treat. FINDINGS Of 43,904 patients recruited in 26 trials of DES, 11,557 (26·3%) were women (mean age 67·1 years [SD 10·6]). 1108 (9·6%) women received bare-metal stents, 4171 (36·1%) early-generation DES, and 6278 (54·3%) newer-generation DES. At 3 years, estimated cumulative incidence of the composite of death or myocardial infarction occurred in 132 (12·8%) women in the bare-metal stent group, 421 (10·9%) in the early-generation DES group, and 496 (9·2%) in the newer-generation DES group (p=0·001). Definite or probable stent thrombosis occurred in 13 (1·3%), 79 (2·1%), and 66 (1·1%) women in the bare-metal stent, early-generation DES, and newer-generation DES groups, respectively (p=0·01). The use of DES was associated with a significant reduction in the 3 year rates of target-lesion revascularisation (197 [18·6%] women in the bare-metal stent group, 294 [7·8%] in the early-generation DES group, and 330 [6·3%] in the newer-generation DES group, p<0·0001). Results did not change after adjustment for baseline characteristics in the multivariable analysis. INTERPRETATION The use of DES in women is more effective and safe than is use of bare-metal stents during long-term follow-up. Newer-generation DES are associated with an improved safety profile compared with early-generation DES, and should therefore be thought of as the standard of care for percutaneous coronary revascularisation in women. FUNDING Women in Innovation Initiative of the Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions.
Vitamin A and its metabolite retinoic acid (RA) are essential elements for normal lung development and the differentiation of lung epithelial cells. We previously showed that RA rapidly activated cyclic AMP response element-binding protein (CREB) in a nonclassical manner in normal human tracheobronchial epithelial (NHTBE) cells. In the present study, we further demonstrated that this nonclassical signaling of RA on the activation of CREB plays a critical role in regulating the expression of airway epithelial cell differentiation markers, the MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC5B genes. We found that RA rapidly activates the protein kinase Calpha isozyme and transmits the activation signal to CREB via the Raf/MEK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase/p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK) pathway. Activated RSK translocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, where it phosphorylates CREB. Activated CREB then binds to a cis-acting replication element motif on the promoter (at nucleotides [nt] -878 to -871) of the MUC5AC gene. The depletion of CREB using small interfering RNA abolished not only the RA-induced MUC5AC but also RA-induced MUC2 and MUC5B. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that CREB activation via this nonclassical RA signaling pathway may play an important role in regulating the expression of mucin genes and mediating the early biological effects of RA during normal mucous differentiation in NHTBE cells.
CREB [CRE (cAMP-response element)-binding protein] is an important transcription factor that is differentially regulated in cells of various types. We recently reported that RA (retinoic acid) rapidly activates CREB without using RARs (RA receptors) or RXRs (retinoid X receptors) in NHTBE cells (normal human tracheobronchial epithelial cells). However, little is known about the role of RA in the physiological regulation of CREB expression in the early mucous differentiation of NHTBE cells. In the present study, we report that RA up-regulates CREB gene expression and that, using 5'-serial deletion promoter analysis and mutagenesis analyses, two Sp1 (specificity protein 1)-binding sites located at nt -217 and -150, which flank the transcription initiation site, are essential for RA induction of CREB gene transcription. Furthermore, we found that CREs located at nt -119 and -98 contributed to basal promoter activity. Interestingly, RA also up-regulated Sp1 in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Knockdown of endogenous Sp1 using siRNA (small interfering RNA) decreased RA-induced CREB gene expression. However, the converse was not true: knockdown of CREB using CREB siRNA did not affect RA-induced Sp1 gene expression. We conclude that RA up-regulates CREB gene expression during the early stage of NHTBE cell differentiation and that RA-inducible Sp1 plays a major role in up-regulating human CREB gene expression. This result implies that co-operation of these two transcription factors plays a crucial role in mediating early events of normal mucous cell differentiation of bronchial epithelial cells.
Viral invasion of the central nervous system (CNS) and development of neurological symptoms is a characteristic of many retroviruses. The mechanism by which retrovirus infection causes neurological dysfunction has yet to be fully elucidated. Given the complexity of the retrovirus-mediated neuropathogenesis, studies using small animal models are extremely valuable. Our laboratory has used a mutant moloney murine leukemia retrovirus, ts1-mediated neurodegneration. We hypothesize that astrocytes play an important role in ts1-induced neurodegeneration since they are retroviral reservoirs and supporting cells for neurons. It has been shown that ts1 is able to infect astrocytes in vivo and in vitro. Astrocytes, the dominant cell population in the CNS, extend their end feet to endothelial cells and neuronal synapse to provide neuronal support. Signs of oxidative stress in the ts1-infected CNS have been well-documented from previous studies. After viral infection, retroviral DNA is generated from its RNA genome and integrated into the host genome. In this study, we identified the life cycle of ts1 in the infected astrocytes. During the infection, we observed reactive oxygen species (ROS) upregulations: one at low levels during the early infection phase and another at high levels during the late infection phase. Initially we hypothesized that p53 might play an important role in ts1-mediated astrocytic cell death. Subsequently, we found that p53 is unlikely to be involved in the ts1-mediated astrocytic cell death. Instead, p53 phosphorylation was increased by the early ROS upregulation via ATM, the protein encoded by the ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) mutated gene. The early upregulation of p53 delayed viral gene expression by suppressing expression of the catalytic subunit of NADPH oxidase (NOX). We further demonstrated that the ROS upregulation induced by NOX activation plays an important role in establishing retroviral genome into the host. Inhibition of NOX decreased viral replication and delayed the onset of pathological symptoms in ts1-infected mice. These observations lead us to conclude that suppression of NOX not only prevents the establishment of the retrovirus but also decreases oxidative stress in the CNS. This study provides us with new perspectives on the retrovirus-host cell interaction and sheds light on retrovirus-induced neurodegeneration as a result of the astrocyte-neuron interaction.
Liposomes, also known as nontoxic, biodegradable, and non-immunogenic therapeutic delivery vehicles, have been proposed as a carrier for drugs and antitumor agents in cancer chemotherapy. Echogenic liposomes (ELIP) have the potential to entrap air or bioactive gas to enhance acoustic reflectivity in ultrasound and are used as a contrast agent. The innovative part of this study is based on a novel concept to encapsulate nitric oxide (NO) gas into ELIP, deliver it to breast cancer cells, and control its release via direct ultrasound exposure. Studies on the effect of NO in tumor biology have shown that a high levels of NO (> 300 nM) leads to cytostasis or apoptosis by decreasing the translation of several cell cycle proteins and stimulating cancer cell death by activating the p53 pathway. The central hypothesis is that NO gas can be packaged and delivered through a delivery methodology to breast cancer cells to facilitate tumor regression with minimal systemic toxicity. The primary goal of this thesis is to develop an echogenic liposomal solution that has the ability to encapsulate NO, to release NO locally upon ultrasound exposure, and to induce breast cancer cell death. NO-containing echogenic liposomes (NO-ELIP) were prepared by the freezing-under-pressure method previously developed in our laboratory. It was necessary to evaluate stability of NO-ELIP and release of NO from NO-ELIP by measuring echogenicity using intravascular ultrasound images. Breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468, were selected to investigate the cytotoxic effects of NO liberated from NO-ELIP and their response to NO concentration. Ultrasound-triggered NO release from NO-ELIP using ultrasound activation was studied. It was demonstrated that NO-ELIP remained stable for 5 hours in bovine serum albumin. Delivery of NO using NO-ELIP induced cytotoxicity and programmed cell death of MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 after 5 hours of incubation. Enhancement of the NO-ELIP effect for therapeutic application was observed with ultrasound activation. This work demonstrates that NO-ELIP can incorporate and deliver NO to breast cancer cells providing increased NO stability and ultrasound-controlled NO release. Improved therapeutic effect with the use of NO-ELIP is expected to be found for breast cancer treatment.
OBJECTIVE: Acupuncture is a complex intervention consisting of specific and non-specific components. Acupuncture studies more frequently focus on collecting data from the patients’ perspective and response, but the acupuncturist’s role remains relatively unclear. In order to investigate potential non-mechanical active factors originating from the acupuncturist and transmitted to the patient during treatment, two novel devices for basic research in acupuncture were designed. The Acuplicator allows the researcher to insert needles without touching the needles themselves, while the Veliusator locks the needle in its place so that no mechanical movement can be transferred. METHODS: The Acuplicator was used to insert needles at Neiguan (PC6) on the right forearm of 23 volunteers. The insertion depth was measured using a depth gauge. The transfer of mechanical movements from the handle to the tip was detected with a precision length gauge with a motoric-tactile sensor. RESULTS: The mean insertion depth was (12.3 ± 1.5) mm (range 9.5 to 15.0 mm). Even with intense manipulation of the needle handle, no movements within ± 1 μm could be detected at the tip when the needle was locked. CONCLUSION: With these two devices it will be possible to investigate the influence of non-mechanical components such as therapeutic qi in acupuncture.