972 resultados para Solid-phase Synthesis


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The biogeochemistry of arsenic (As) in sediments is regulated by multiple factors such as particle size, dissolved organic matter (DOM), iron mobilization, and sediment binding characteristics, among others. Understanding the heterogeneity of factors affecting As deposition and the kinetics of mobilization, both horizontally and vertically, across sediment depositional environments was investigated in Sundarban mangrove ecosystems, Bengal Delta, Bangladesh. Sediment cores were collected from 3 different Sundarbans locations and As concentration down the profiles were found to be more associated with elevated Fe and Mn than with organic matter (OM). At one site chosen for field monitoring, sediment cores, pore and surface water, and in situ diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) measurements (which were used to model As sediment pore-water concentrations and resupply from the solid phase) were sampled from four different subhabitats. Coarse-textured riverbank sediment porewaters were high in As, but with a limited resupply of As from the solid phase compared to fine-textured and high organic matter content forest floor sediments, where porewater As was low, but with much higher As resupply. Depositional environment (overbank verses forest floor) and biological activity (input of OM from forest biomass) considerably affected As dynamics over very short spatial distances in the mosaic of microhabitats that constitute a mangrove ecosystem.


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Ecotoxicological screening of dust sampled throughout a Kenyan tannery was conducted using a luminescence (lux)-based bacterial biosensor for both solid and liquid assays. This was complemented by chemical analysis in an attempt to identify possible causative toxic components. The biosensor results showed a highly significant (p <0.001) difference in both solid and liquid phase toxicity in samples collected from various identified sampling points in the tannery. A positive correlation was observed between results of the solid and liquid phase techniques, for most of the sampling points indicating that the toxic contaminants were bioavailable both in the solid and liquid state. However, the results generally indicated toxicity associated with liquid phase except certain areas in solid phase such as chemical handling, buffing area and weighing. The most toxic tannery area identified was the weighing area (p <0.001), showing the lowest bioluminescence for both the solid (0.38 +/- 2.21) and liquid phases (0.01 +/- 0.001). Chromium was the metal present in the highest concentration indicating levels higher than the stipulated regulatory requirement of 0.5 mg Cr/m3 for total Cr (highest Cr concentration was at chemical handling at 209.24 mg l(-1)) in all dust samples. The weighing area had the highest Ni concentration (1.87 mg l(-1)) and the chemical handling area showed the highest Zn concentration (31.9 mg l(-1)). These results raise environmental health concerns, as occupational exposure to dust samples from this site has been shown to give rise to elevated concentrations (above the stipulated levels) of chromium in blood, urine and some body tissues, with inhalation being the main route. Health and Safety Executive (HSE), UK, and American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH) and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), USA stipulates an occupational exposure limit of 0.5 mg Cr/m3 (8 h TWA) for total chromium. However, schedule 1 of Controls of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) regulations developed by HSE, indicate 0.05 mg m3 (8 h TWA reference periods) to be the limit for Cr (VI) exposure. The exposure limit for individual (e.g., Cr, Zn, Ni etc.) contaminants (homogeneity) was not exceeded, but potential impact of heterogeneity (multi-element synergistic effect) on toxicity requires application of the precautionary principle.


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Polypropylene sheets have been stretched at 160 °C to a state of large biaxial strain of extension ratio 3, and the stresses then allowed to relax at constant strain. The state of strain is reached via a path consisting of two sequential planar extensions, the second perpendicular to the first, under plane stress conditions with zero stress acting normal to the sheet. This strain path is highly relevant to solid phase deformation processes such as stretch blow moulding and thermoforming, and also reveals fundamental aspects of the flow rule required in the constitutive behaviour of the material. The rate of decay of stress is rapid, and such as to be highly significant in the modelling of processes that include stages of constant strain. A constitutive equation is developed that includes Eyring processes to model both the stress relaxation and strain rate dependence of the stress. The axial and transverse stresses observed during loading show that the use of a conventional Levy-Mises flow rule is ineffective, and instead a flow rule is used that takes account of the anisotropic state of the material via a power law function of the principal extension ratios. Finally the constitutive model is demonstrated to give quantitatively useful representation of the stresses both in loading and in stress relaxation.


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A panel of reporter gene assays (RGAs) coupled with a single solid phase extraction (SPE) step was developed and used to screen bottled mineral water for the presence of four classes of endocrine disruptors (EDs), oestrogens, androgens, progestagens and glucocorticoids.

Fourteen brands of bottled mineral water in triplicate (42 samples) were analysed. Overall, hormonal activity was found in 78% of the samples. Oestrogenic, androgenic, progestagenic and glucocorticoid activity was found in 38%, 38%, 36% and 55% of the samples, respectively at an average concentration of 10 ng/l 17 beta-estradiol equivalent (EEQ), 26 ng/l testosterone equivalent (TEQ), 123 ng/l progesterone equivalent (PEQ) and 13.5 ng/l hydrocortisone equivalent (HEQ).

The level of oestrogenic, androgenic and progestagenic activity observed is not considered a matter of concern for the consumers' health. It is unknown whether the glucocorticoid levels observed are safe. The ED source, long term exposure and mixture effects remain to be investigated. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Geochemical,spectrographic, microbiological and hydrogeologic studies at the ORIFRC site indicate that groundwater transport in structured media may behave as a system of parallel flow tubes. These tubes are preferred flowpaths that enable contaminant transport parallel to bedding planes (strike) over distances of 1000s of meters. A significant flux of groundwater is focused within an interval defined by the interface between the competent bedrock and overlying highly-weathered saprolite, commonly referred to as the"transition zone." Characteristics of this transition zone are dense fractures and the relative absence of weathering products (e.g. clays)results in a significantly higher permeability compared to both the overlying clay-saprolite and underlying bedrock. Several stratabound low seismic velocity zones located below the transition zone were identified during geophysics studies and were also determined to be fractured high permeability preferred contaminant transport pathways during subsequent drilling activities. XANES analysis of precipitates collected from these deeper flow zones indicate 95% or more of the U deposited is U(VI). Linear combination fitting of the EXAFS data shows that precipitates are ~51±5% U(VI)-carbonate-like phase (e.g., liebigite) and ~49±5% U(VI) associated with an iron oxide phase; inclusion of a third component in the fit suggests that up to 15% of the U(VI) may be associated with a phosphate phase or OH- phase (e.g.,schoepite). Although precipitates with similar U(VI)-carbonate and/or phosphate associations were identified in the transition zone pathways,there were also U(VI) complexes adsorbed to mineral surfaces that would tend to be more readily mobilized. Groundwater in the different flow tubes has been determined to consist of different water quality types that vary with the solid phase encountered (e.g., clays, carbonates, clastics) as contaminants migrate along the flow paths. This lateral and vertical variability in geochemistry, particularly pH, has a significant impact on microbiological community composition and activity. Ribosomal RNA gene analyses coupled with physiological and genomic analyses suggest that bacteria from the genus Rhodanobacter(a diverse population of denitrifiers that are moderately acid tolerant) have a high relative abundance in the acidic source zone at the ORIFRC site.Watershed-scale analysis across different flow paths/tubes revealed strong negative correlation between pH and the absolute and relative abundance of Rhodanobacter. Recent studies also confirmed that the ORIFRC site hosts a diverse fungal community, with significant differences observed between acidic (pH <5) and circumneutral (>5) wells. The lack of nitrous oxide reduction capability in fungi, and the detection of denitrification potential in slurry microcosms suggest that fungi may have aheretofore under appreciated role in biogeochemical transformations, with implications forsite remediation and greenhouse gas emissions. Further research is needed to determine if these organisms can influence U(VI) mobility either directly through immobilization or indirectly through the depletion of nitrate.In conclusion, additional studies are required to quantify the processes (e.g., solid phase reactions, recharge, diffusion, microbial interactions) that are occurring along the groundwater flow tubes identified at the ORIFRC so predictive models can be parameterized and used to assess long-term contaminant fate and transport and remedial options.


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Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) against imiquimod, a highly potent immune response modifier used in the treatment of skin cancer, were synthesised using a template analogue strategy and were compared with imprints of the drug itself. An investigation of the complexation between the functional monomer and the template analogue revealed an association constant of 1,376 ± 122 M-1, significantly higher than previously reported values for similar systems. The binding characteristics of the synthesised imprinted polymers were evaluated and extremely strong binding for imiquimod was observed while imprinting factors as high as 17 were calculated. When applied as sorbents in solid-phase extraction of imiquimod from aqueous, urine and blood serum samples, clean extracts and recoveries up to 95% were achieved, and it is concluded that while imiquimod imprints exhibited higher capacity for the drug, template analogue imprints are more selective. The results obtained suggest potential applications of imiquimod imprints as sorbents in rapid extraction and monitoring of undesirable systemic release of the drug.


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An increasing number of publications on the dried blood spot (DBS) sampling approach for the quantification of drugs and metabolites have been spurred on by the inherent advantages of this sampling technique. In the present research, a selective and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography method for the concurrent determination of multiple antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) [levetiracetam (LVT), lamotrigine (LTG), phenobarbital (PHB)], carbamazepine (CBZ) and its active metabolite carbamazepine-10,11 epoxide (CBZE)] in a single DBS has been developed and validated. Whole blood was spotted onto Guthrie cards and dried. Using a standard punch (6. mm diameter), a circular disc was punched from the card and extracted with methanol: acetonitrile (3:1, v/v) containing hexobarbital (Internal Standard) and sonicated prior to evaporation. The extract was then dissolved in water and vortex mixed before undergoing solid phase extraction using HLB cartridges. Chromatographic separation of the AEDs was achieved using Waters XBridge™ C18 column with a gradient system. The developed method was linear over the concentration ranges studied with r=0.995 for all compounds. The lower limits of quantification (LLOQs) were 2, 1, 2, 0.5 and 1. µg/mL for LVT, LTG, PHB, CBZE and CBZ, respectively. Accuracy (%RE) and precision (%CV) values for within and between day were


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SU-8 epoxy-based negative photoresist has been extensively employed as a structural material for fabrication of numerous biological microelectro-mechanical systems (Bio-MEMS) or lab-on-a-chip (LOC) devices. However, SU-8 has a high autofluorescence level that limits sensitivity of microdevices that use fluorescence as the predominant detection workhorse. Here, we show that deposition of a thin gold nanoparticles layer onto the SU-8 surface significantly reduces the autofluorescence of the coated SU-8 surface by as much as 81% compared to bare SU-8. Furthermore, DNA probes can easily be immobilized on the Au surface with high thermal stability. These improvements enabled sensitive DNA detection by simple DNA hybridization down to 1 nM (a two orders of magnitude improvement) or by solid-phase PCR with sub-picomolar sensitivity. The approach is simple and easy to perform, making it suitable for various Bio-MEMs and LOC devices that use SU-8 as a structural material.


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This paper reports a surface modification of epoxy-based negative photoresist SU-8 for reducing its autofluorescence while enhancing its biofunctionality. By covalently depositing a thin layer of 20 nm Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) onto the SU-8 surface, we found that the AuNPs-coated SU-8 surface is much less fluorescent than the untreated SU-8. Moreover, DNA probes can easily be immobilized on the Au surface and are thermally stable over a wide range of temperature. These improvements will benefit bioanalytical applications such as DNA hybridization and solid-phase PCR (SP-PCR).


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The presence of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) and amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) toxins in seafood is a severe and growing threat to human health. In order to minimize the risks of human exposure, the maximum content of these toxins in seafood has been limited by legal regulations worldwide. The regulated limits are established in equivalents of the main representatives of the groups: saxitoxin (STX), okadaic acid (OA) and domoic acid (DA), for PSP, DSP and ASP, respectively. In this study a multi-detection method to screen shellfish samples for the presence of these toxins simultaneously was developed. Multiplexing was achieved using a solid-phase microsphere assay coupled to flow-fluorimetry detection, based on the Luminex xMap technology. The multi-detection method consists of three simultaneous competition immunoassays. Free toxins in solution compete with STX, OA or DA immobilized on the surface of three different classes of microspheres for binding to specific monoclonal antibodies. The IC50 obtained in buffer was similar in single- and multi-detection: 5.6 ± 1.1 ng/mL for STX, 1.1 ± 0.03 ng/mL for OA and 1.9 ± 0.1 ng/mL for DA. The sample preparation protocol was optimized for the simultaneous extraction of STX, OA and DA with a mixture of methanol and acetate buffer. The three immunoassays performed well with mussel and scallop matrixes displaying adequate dynamic ranges and recovery rates (around 90 % for STX, 80 % for OA and 100 % for DA). This microsphere-based multi-detection immunoassay provides an easy and rapid screening method capable of detecting simultaneously in the same sample three regulated groups of marine toxins.


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Amphibian skin secretions contain a plethora of pharmacologically-active substances and represent established sources of bioactive peptides, including tachykinins. Tachykinins are one of the most widely-studied peptide families in animals and are found in neuroendocrine tissues from the lowest vertebrates to mammals. They are characterized by the presence of a highly-conserved C-terminal pentapeptide amide sequence motif (-FXGLM-amide) that also constitutes the bioactive core of the peptide. Amidation of the C-terminal methioninyl residue appears to be mandatory in the expression of biological activity. Here, we describe the isolation, characterization and molecular cloning of a novel tachykinin named ranachensinin, from the skin secretion of the Chinese brown frog, Rana chensinensis. This peptide, DDTSDRSN QFIGLM-amide, contains the classical C-terminal pentapeptide amide motif in its primary structure and an Ile (I) residue in the variable X position. A synthetic replicate of ranachensinin, synthesized by solid-phase Fmoc chemistry, was found to contract the smooth muscle of rat urinary bladder with an EC50 of 20.46 nM. However, in contrast, it was found to be of low potency in contraction of rat ileum smooth muscle with an EC50 of 2.98 µM. These data illustrate that amphibian skin secretions continue to provide novel bioactive peptides with selective effects on functional targets in mammalian tissues.


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A monoclonal antibody specific for the T1 tegumental antigen of Fasciola hepatica was used as a solid-phase immunosorbent for the purification of T1 antigen from homogenised mature F hepatica. Material fractionated by this technique was successfully used in enzyme-linked immunoassays to detect antibodies to F hepatica in sera from sheep and cattle. Species differences in response to infection by F hepatica were demonstrated.


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A solid-phase radioimmunoassay was used to determine the specificity of IgG antibodies from normal sera, sera and CSF from patients with SSPE for the structural polypeptides of measles virus. The polypeptide specificity of antibodies from these sources were qualitatively similar; these results indicate antigenic cross-reactivity between SSPE-derived (Mantooth) and non-SSPE-derived strains of measles virus and stimulation of antibody formation by comparable antigens.


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Objective: Development and validation of a selective and sensitive LCMS method for the determination of methotrexate polyglutamates in dried blood spots (DBS).

Methods: DBS samples [spiked or patient samples] were prepared by applying blood to Guthrie cards which was then dried at room temperature. The method utilised 6-mm disks punched from the DBS samples (equivalent to approximately 12 μl of whole blood). The simple treatment procedure was based on protein precipitation using perchloric acid followed by solid phase extraction using MAX cartridges. The extracted sample was chromatographed using a reversed phase system involving an Atlantis T3-C18 column (3 μm, 2.1x150 mm) preceded by Atlantis guard column of matching chemistry. Analytes were subjected to LCMS analysis using positive electrospray ionization.

Key Results: The method was linear over the range 5-400 nmol/L. The limits of detection and quantification were 1.6 and 5 nmol/L for individual polyglutamates and 1.5 and 4.5 nmol/L for total polyglutamates, respectively. The method has been applied successfully to the determination of DBS finger-prick samples from 47 paediatric patients and results confirmed with concentrations measured in matched RBC samples using conventional HPLC-UV technique.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: The methodology has a potential for application in a range of clinical studies (e.g. pharmacokinetic evaluations or medication adherence assessment) since it is minimally invasive and easy to perform, potentially allowing parents to take blood samples at home. The feasibility of using DBS sampling can be of major value for future clinical trials or clinical care in paediatric rheumatology. © 2014 Hawwa et al.


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A series of imprinted polymers targeting nucleoside metabolites, prepared using a template analogue approach, are presented. These were prepared following selection of the optimum functional monomer by solution association studies using 1H-NMR titrations whereby methacrylic acid was shown to be the strongest receptor with and affinity constant of 621 ± 51 L mol-1 vs. 110 ± 16 L mol-1 for acrylamide. The best performing polymers were prepared using methanol as porogenic co-solvent and although average binding site affinities were marginally reduced, 2.3×104 L mol-1 vs. 2.7×104 L mol-1 measured for a polymer prepared in acetonitrile, these polymers contained the highest number of binding sites, 5.27 μmol g-1¬¬ vs. 1.64 μmol g-1, while they also exhibited enhanced selectivity for methylated guanosine derivatives. When applied as sorbents in the extraction of nucleoside derivative cancer biomarkers from synthetic urine samples, significant sample clean-up and recoveries of up to 90% for 7-methylguanosine were achieved.