888 resultados para Social-civic Action by the military
The micropolar fluids like Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids cannot sustain a simple shearing motion, wherein only one component of velocity is present. They exhibit both primary and secondary motions when the boundaries are subject to slow rotations. The primary motion, as in Non-Newtonian fluids, characterized by the equation due to Rivlin-Ericksen, Oldroyd, Walters etc., resembles that of Newtonian fluid for slow steady rotation. We further notice that the micro-rotation becomes identically equal to the vorticity present in the fluid and the condition b) of "Wall vorticity" can alone be satisfied at the boundaries. As regards, the secondary motion, we notice that it can be determined by the above procedure for a special class of fluids, namely that for which j0(n2-n3)=4 n3/l2. Moreover for this class of fluids, the micro-rotation is identical with the vorticity of the fluid everywhere. Also the stream function for the secondary flow is identical with that for the Newtonian fluid with a suitable definition of the Reynolds number. In contrast with the Non-Newtonian fluids, characterized by the equation due to Rivlin-Ericksen, Oldroyd, Walters etc., this class of micropolar fluids does not show separation. This is in conformity with the statement of Condiff and Dahler (3) that in any steady flow, internal spin matches the vorticity everywhere provided that (i) spin boundary conditions are satisfied, (ii) body torques and non-conservative body forces are absent, and (iii) inertial and spin-inertial terms are either negligible or vanish identically.
The problem is solved using the Love function and Flügge shell theory. Numerical work has been done with a computer for various values of shell geometry parameters and elastic constants.
The pulse-echo apparatus, designed and constructed by the author, has been used to reinvestigate the elastic properties of the eighteen optical glasses. The elastic constants are correct to 0·5%. The results are compared with the earlier investigation which utilised the optical method. The possible causes for large discrepancies observed are critically and briefly discussed. A qualitative interpretation of the results has been successfully attempted. The acoustic velocity increases with the decrease in lead and barium oxides and with increase in calcium oxide and boron trioxide components.
Although several authors have implicated 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-OHA) as an intermediate in tryptophaniacin pathway in animals (Kaplan, 1961), alternative pathways of metabolism of this compound have not been fully explored. Madhusudanan Nair obtained an enzyme from spinach leaves which could convert 3-OHA to cinnabarinic acid (private communication). Viollier and Süllmann (1950) reported the conversion of 3-OHA to an unidentified red compound by rat liver homogenates. The present investigation describes the identification of this product as cinnabarinic acid (2-amino-3-H-isophenoxazine-3-one-1,9-dicarboxylic acid). Cinnabarinic acid is known to occur in nature along with cinnabarin is olated from the fungus Polystictus sanguineus (Gripenberg et al., 1957; Gripenberg, 1958).
When the products of reaction between elemental sulphur and copper oxide at elevated temperature in vacuum are bubbled through chilled inert organic solvents like carbontetrachloride, orange-yellow solutions were obtained indicating the presence of lower oxide of sulphur. This lower oxide has been found to be disulphur monoxide as shown by three different types of reactions; (1) Mercury decomposition, (2) Reaction with hydrogen iodide and hydrolytic reaction in an alkaline homogeneous medium.
The absolute configuration of echitamine iodide has been determined by the Bijvoet technique, making use of the intensity differences between hkl and {Mathematical expression} reflections due to the anomalous scattering of CuKa radiation by the iodine atom. The various steps in the procedure are discussed in detail in this paper.
Young male rats maintained on a diet containing 1% cholesterol were sacrificed at the end of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 7th week. Acetone powders prepared from their intestinal mucosa and pancreas were tested for the synthetic and hydrolytic activities for Vitamin A and cholesterol esters. The esterifying activity of the mucosal enzymes for both Vitamin A and cholesterol increased progressively up to the end of the 5th week; the increase in esterification of cholesterol was more marked with respect to saturated fatty acids, as compared to the unsaturated ones. The pancreatic enzymes remained unaffected. It is suggested that one of the reasons for the accumulation of cholesterol esters in animal tissues may be the increased esterification of the sterol in the mucosa induced by dietary cholesterol.
The transport of glycine in vitro into the silk glands of the silkworm has been studied. Glycine accumulates inside the tissue to a concentration higher than that present outside, indicating an active transport mechanism. The kinetics of uptake show a biphasic curve and two apparent Km values for accumulation, 0.33 mM and 5.00 mM. The effect of inhibitors on the energy metabolism of glycine transport is inconclusive. Exchange studies indicate the existence of two pools inside the gland, one that is easily removed by exchange and osmotic shock, and the other which is not. The results obtained conform with the carrier model of Britten and McClure concerning the amino-acid pool in E. coli.
The advertising business is often said to favour a modern, innovative language use. This is a statement not easily verified. Newspaper ads are in fact the genre of written language that linguists have paid the least attention to. People writing texts for newspaper ads are individuals representing contemporary language use. Advertisements representing different periods therefore diverge not only regarding the change of style and form advertising undergoes over time, but changes in the language itself also reflect the continuous process of alteration in a speech community. Advertisements and marketing material on the whole, are also read by many individuals who otherwise are not accustomed to reading at all. The marketing manager, the copywriter and the Art Director, in other words, produce texts that unconsciously function as language models. Changes are not created by, or urged on by linguistic expertise, but by ordinary users confronting other ordinary users. From a sociolinguistic perspective the widely diffused advertising language is therefore a most influential factor.
Reklam sägs använda ett modernt, gärna ett nyskapande språk. Detta är ett påstående som inte så lätt kan verifieras. Tidningsannonsen är troligen den skriftspråksgenre som har fått minst uppmärksamhet av språkforskare. De som skriver texten i en tidningsannons är personer som representerar det samtida språkbruket. Annonser som representerar olika tidsepoker skiljer sig därför från varandra inte bara genom att annonsen förändras i fråga om stil och form. Annonsens språk avspeglar också den språkliga förändringsprocess som kontinuerligt pågår i varje språksamhälle. Annonser, och marknadsföringsmaterial över huvud taget, läses också av många människor som i övrigt läser mycket litet eller kanske inte alls. Marknadsföraren, reklamskribenten (copywriter) och AD:n producerar m.a.o. texter som på ett omedvetet sätt kommer att vara språkmodeller för sina läsare. Förändringar i språket kreeras inte och drivs inte på av språkforskare, utan av vanliga språkbrukare i interaktion med andra språkbrukare. Sett ur ett sociolingvistiskt perspektiv har det vitt spridda reklamspråket därför inflytande på språket i samhället. Syftet med det reklamspråksprojekt som presenteras i föreliggande rapport är att analysera hur och när förändringar i svenskan som uppträder i Sverige dyker upp i annonser som skrivs på svenska i Finland. Reklam på svenska Finland under 1900-talet står i fokus, och tidningsannonser för Stockmanns varuhus i Helsingfors utgör primärmaterialet. Tidningsannonser för varuhuset Nordiska Kompaniet (NK) i Stockholm under motsvarande tid tjänar som jämförelsematerial. I denna rapport presenteras projektets syfte, de uppställda forskningsfrågorna, och resonemanget illustreras med exempel ur projektmaterialet. Rapporten innehåller också en beskrivning av projektets reklamdatabas och basfakta om material och metoder. -
Using solid oxide galvanic cells of the type: MnO + Gd2O3 + GdMnO3/O-2/Ni + NiO and Mn3O4 + GdMnO3 + GdMn2O5/O-2/air the equilibrium oxygen pressure for the following reactions :MnO + 1/2Gd(2)O(3) + 1/4O(2) = GdMnO3 1/3Mn(3)O(4) + GdMnO3 + 1/3O(2) = GdMn2O5 was determined in the temperature range from 1073 to 1450 K. From the determined equilibrium oxygen partial pressure the corresponding G i b b s free energy change for these reactions was derived: Delta G(f,GdMnO3)(0) (+/- 425J) 132721(+/ - 2240) +51.91(+/ - 0.81)T Delta G(f,GdMn2O5)(0)(+/- 670J) 121858(+/ - 6176) + 79.52(+/ - 4.83)T From these data, standard G i b b s energies, enthalpies and entropies of formation of GdMnO3 and GdMn2O5 from component oxides and from the elements are derived. Thermodynamic data tables for the two ternary phases are compiled from 298.15 to 1400 K.
Preparation of Rb-beta -alumina was realized by the gel-to-crystallite conversion method. Reaction of hydrated aluminum hydroxide gel with RbOH in ethanol medium gave rise to the Rb+-inserted pseudoboehmite precursor under wet chemical conditions. The thermal decomposition of the precursor yielded Rb-beta -alumina. The Rb2O:Al2O3 ratio of monophasic Rb-beta -alumina ranged from 1:10 to 1:22. The extended stability in the compositional range is due to the fact that the conduction planes containing Rb+ and O2- ions can have lower occupancy of Rb+ ions for larger sized alkali ions, permitting the steric separation of the adjoining spinel blocks. High-resolution electron microscopy revealed that the decreasing occupancy of alkali ions in the conduction plane is balanced by changing widths of spinel blocks arising from the shift of tetrahedral Al3+ ions to octahedral sites and an accompanying increase in stacking defects. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.