870 resultados para Social Policy Nurse Education


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.


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In this research, skills for sustainability are broadly conceived as including skills for social, economic and environmental sustainability – a triple bottom-line approach. Since 2009 Australian governments have been implementing an agreement that embeds skills for sustainability into vocational education and training, despite scant information about the actual levels of demand for, and supply of these skills. This study provides evidence on the actual depth and breadth of the take-up of these skills within Australian training organisations and workplaces. The demand studied in this research is that expressed by the primary consumers of Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) services, students who engage in VET studies, this is known in the literature as social demand for education. VET students and teachers responded to two survey instruments that explored the sustainability values, behaviours, learning and teaching of Australian apprentices, trainees and their teachers. The results of this study show ‘a social demand’ for skills for sustainability. In summary, the results show that: •Apprentices, trainees and their teachers cared a great deal about social, economic and environmental sustainability; •Supply was closely aligned to social demand for skills for sustainability so that demand for skills for sustainability from VET students was almost entirely met; •There are important differences in the teaching, learning and utilisation of skills for sustainability that are related to gender and age; and •In-class learning of environmental skills has increased over time and now slightly outweighs learning of these skills at work, however community learning of these skills outweighs both. The findings suggest that: •Further action is required to embed green skills into the VET system, especially in the areas of energy efficiency and supply chains; •The VET system plays an important role in supporting community cohesion and economic literacy, especially for women; •It is important that social sustainability is properly considered in analysis informing VET policy; and •Gender differences in values and behaviours and gender and age differences in learning skills for sustainability have important implications for the design of future skills for sustainability programs. VET students and their teachers have unique insights into the supply of and demand for skills for sustainability, and this viewpoint can contribute, now and in the future, to the further development of skills for sustainability in Australia.


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The Pacific island state of Vanuatu has been considerably shaped by its Christian heritage. Indeed, the role of the various Christian Churches has been pivotal in the development and sustenance of Vanuatu prior to and since its Independence. These Churches include Anglican, Catholic, Pentecostal and evangelical denominations. Missionaries and later local Church leaders were involved directly in Independence movements and shaped the legal and social infrastructure of this nation. This involvement and influence has continued to the present. This article will consider the role the Church has played in the development of Vanuatu. First, a case study analysis of both the historical and contemporary role the Church has played in the development of Vanuatu will be presented. This review will consider the impact of both key individual Church leaders who played central roles in Vanuatu’s Independence. Secondly, the paper will consider the contemporary role Christian Churches play in the provision of social service- including education and health-across Vanuatu. It will conclude that Christianity has therefore played and continues to play a central role in the political and social development of Vanuatu.


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This article presents one teacher’s perspective on issues of student difference. ‘Elissa’s’ account begins with her views as a pre-service teacher and continues through to her early career teaching. Elissa’s overwhelming tendency to construct students of difference as deficit alongside her efforts to ‘fix’ these deficits to align with an Anglo-Australian middle class ideal strongly resonate with concerns long expressed in the literature about teacher–student cultural discontinuity; teachers’ ill-preparedness for addressing student diversity; and the failure of universities to support pre-service teachers in this respect. Amid broader climates of unprecedented diversity where equity for marginalised groups is a mandated schooling goal, Elissa’s story is another cautionary tale. It further illuminates the gap between the kinds of teachers currently being produced and the kinds of teachers likely to realise social justice through education. As such it provides further warrant for rethinking how best to support teachers to productively address student diversity.


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La principal finalidad de este estudio, es presentar una visión actualizada y genérica respecto a las condicionantes económicas de Colombia en particular y las relacionadas con el conjunto de países que conforman la Alianza del Pacífico en general –Chile, Colombia, México y Perú. Se trata de un estudio no experimental, descriptivo-interpretativo con énfasis en la revisión de datos. Entre las conclusiones más importantes se destacan los niveles de crecimiento económico con mayor estabilidad se presentan en Chile y Perú, una dependencia comercial exterior de México hacia Estados Unidos y que en Colombia se tiene el caso de que el aumento de producción que se hace evidente, no impacta tanto como era de esperarse, en la variable empleo.


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A responsabilidade social é considerada fundamental para a conquista de vantagens competitivas organizacionais. A integração dos seus princípios na estratégia da organização, apresenta-se como uma linha orientadora do foco na satisfação de necessidades das partes interessadas internas e externas. As actuais limitações orçamentais têm afectado significativamente as Instituições de Ensino Superior, nomeadamente as localizadas no interior de Portugal continental, o que dificulta ainda mais a crescente diminuição de estudantes sendo necessário a implementação de estratégias de captação de estudantes nos vários ciclos, fases de idade e locais de proveniência. O sistema de gestão da responsabilidade social, referenciado na NP 4469.1:2008, apresenta um grande desafio ao modelo de gestão das organizações que o implementam, já que este sistema de gestão tem o potencial de optimizar os interesses das diversas partes interessadas. O foco da instituição passa a ser os das suas partes interessadas, maximizando os seus impactes positivos e minimizando os seus impactes negativos em resultado das suas actividades e decisões. O aumento da eficácia organizacional e a equidade dos interesses das partes interessadas, podem clarificar as funções estratégicas das Instituições de Ensino Superior. Os programas e práticas de responsabilidade social implementados nas Instituições de Ensino Superior do interior de Portugal continental são assim estrategicamente vistos, como um factor de diferenciação positiva face às suas congéneres e em consequência, assumido como um factor para a sua sustentabilidade. A presente investigação procura identificar um modelo de governação socialmente responsável que se comprometa com a dinamização de uma estratégia que preveja práticas de responsabilidade social condutoras a aumentos na confiança e reputação organizacionais nos estudantes e colaboradores das Instituições de Ensino Superior. Tendo por base a abordagem de investigação qualitativa, realizaram-se estudos de caso em duas Instituições de Ensino Superior localizadas no Alentejo, recorrendo-se a várias fontes de informação: entrevistas a 45 entrevistados, entre elementos da governação, colaboradores e estudantes, análise documental e observação participante. Como técnica de tratamento dos dados utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo através do software Atlas Ti. Os resultados da investigação empírica permitem identificar que, as duas Instituições de Ensino Superior melhoraram em termos de visibilidade externa e interna, havendo entrevistados que referem uma melhoria na confiança e reputação em resultado da adesão a práticas de responsabilidade social. O líder de uma das Instituições de Ensino Superior é reconhecido pelos seus pares como de elevado compromisso para com os princípios da responsabilidade social enquanto que o outro líder não é reconhecido da mesma forma. Os estudantes entrevistados, não reconhecem vantagens em resultado das práticas de responsabilidade social tanto ao nível da confiança como reputação organizacional; ABSTRACT: Social responsibility is considered essential to the achievement of organizational competitive advantage. The integration of its principles in the organization's strategy, presents itself as a guiding line focus on meeting the needs of internal and external stakeholders. The current budgetary constraints have significantly affected the higher education institutions, further hindering the increasing decline of students being required to implement student recruitment strategies in the various cycles of age stages and places of origin. The management system of social responsibility, referenced in NP 4469.1:2008, presents a major challenge to the model of management of organizations implementing it, since this management system, has the potential to optimize the interests of the various stakeholders. The focus of the institution happens to be out of their stakeholders, maximizing its positive impacts and minimizing the negative impacts as a result of its activities and decisions. Increased organizational effectiveness and equity interests of stakeholders can clarify the strategic functions of the higher education institutions. Social responsibility programs and Social responsibility practices implemented in higher education institutions in the interior of mainland Portugal are so strategically seen as a positive differentiating factor compared to their counterparts and therefore assumed to be a factor in their sustainability. This research seeks to identify socially responsible governance model that is committed to the promotion of a strategy which envisages conducting social responsibility practices to increases in organizational trust and reputation among students and employees of higher education institutions. Based on the qualitative research approach, there were case studies in two higher education institutions located in the Alentejo, making use of several sources of information: interviews with 45 respondents, between elements of governance, employees and students, document analysis and participant observation. As data processing technique was used content analysis by instrumental Atlas Ti. The results of empirical research identifying that the two higher education institutions have improved in terms of internal and external visibility, with respondents who report an improvement in confidence and reputation as a result of adherence to Social responsibility practices. The leader of one of the higher education institutions are recognized by their peers as high commitment to the principles of social responsibility while the other leader is not recognized in the same way. Students do not recognize advantages as a result of social responsibility practices both in terms of trust and organizational reputation.


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Sendo a docência umas das profissões onde existem elevados níveis de stresse e burnout, este estudo objetivou comparar estes níveis em professores de ensino regular que trabalham com alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais e professores de educação especial. Estudou-se também o bem-estar psicológico manifestado por este grupo, bem como a percepção do suporte social, o qual tem um efeito direto positivo sobre o burnout. Os resultados revelam que, relativamente ao stresse, no grupo de ensino regular são os homens que manifestam um nível mais elevado, enquanto que no grupo de educação especial, são as mulheres. Foram identificadas também diferenças no bem-estar e percepção do suporte social, tendo estes resultados sido obtidos para os docentes de educação especial, homens e mulheres, respetivamente. No que concerne ao burnout, foram observadas diferenças em função do género e habilitações literárias, tendo estas sido verificadas no grupo de professoras de ensino regular que possuem o bacharelato e professores que possuem mestrado e doutoramento. No grupo de educação especial, as diferenças foram obtidas nas professoras com doutoramento e nos homens que possuem a licenciatura; Comparative study of regular education teachers and special education in Portuguese public schools: stress, welfare, social support and burnout Abstract: Being a teaching professions where there are high levels of stress and burnout, this study aimed to compare these levels in regular education teachers who work with students with special educational needs and special education teachers. It is also studied the psychological well-being manifested by this group, as well as the perception of social support, which has a positive direct effect on burnout. The results show that for the stress in the regular education group are men who express a higher level, while the special education group, are women. They were also identified differences in well-being and perceived social support, and these results have been obtained for special education teachers, men and women, respectively. Regarding the burnout, differences were observed in gender and qualifications, and these were verified on the regular education teachers group who have a bachelor's degree and teachers who hold master's and doctorate. In the special education group, the differences were obtained in teachers with doctoral and men who have a degree.


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Los sistemas educativos, en América Latina y en el mundo entero, están siendo llamados a dar respuesta a las exigencias de profesionales altamente formados, que respondan a los conocimientos y habilidades emergentes exigidas por los avances científicos y tecnológicos. Ante esas peticiones de la realidad económica y productiva, las competencias se han convertido en el estandarte para que los sistemas educativos planteen sus propuestas curriculares. En estas se manifiesta la ampliación de los contenidos al aprender funciones o tareas con base en adaptaciones de otros contextos, desde la experticia y sin estudios profundos de la realidad de las fuentes curriculares. En este artículo se plantea la importancia de considerar que un proyecto educativo basado en competencias profesionales se debe visualizar como un proceso de formación de la persona, de manera integral. En el análisis de esa proposición se discute el abordaje de las competencias desde la educación, el cual ha pretendido relacionar la teoría y la práctica, acercando los contenidos académicos al hacer en un puesto de trabajo, en divergencia con la necesidad de razonar las competencias en educación como el medio para integrar el conocimiento y la experiencia. No se trata solo de resolver tareas específicas en un futuro puesto de trabajo, sino también de la búsqueda de soluciones de los problemas en los diferentes ámbitos de la vida. Para el logro de esa visión integradora de la educación, se proponen algunas ideas para diseñar proyectos curriculares por competencias desde la tradición práctica deliberativa y crítica, con una concepción curricular humanista y de transformación social.


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Community participation has been considered strategic in order to achieve effectiveness in political, economical, social, educational and cultural change processes as a mean of guarantying effectiveness, quality and sustainability in social policy. Accordingly, this participation must be stimulated and promoted through national legislation since it has traditionally and historically been imposed and undemocratic. Education, as an essentially human act, is a first order instrument that societies must take advantage of in order to develop and stimulate democratic participation. Therefore, education may represent a new culture: one of democratic participation as a fundamental way to empower and develop a Peace culture.


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Nurses working in community settings are increasingly required to care for people with chronic, life limiting conditions. Innovative educational programs are required to ensure nurses are equipped to deal with this challenging area of practice. The Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA) started in 2003 as an initiative of the Australian Government, Department of Health and Ageing. The overall aim of PEPA is to improve the quality, availability and access to palliative care for people who are dying, and their families, by improving the skills and expertise of health practitioners, and enhancing collaboration between primary and specialist palliative care services. PEPA provides nurses with an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in the palliative approach to care through funded clinical workforce placements or workshops.


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The climatic conditions of tropical and subtropical regions within Australia present, at times, extreme risk of physical activity induced heat illness. Many administrators and teachers in school settings are aware of the general risks of heat related illness. In the absence of reliable information applied at the local level, there is a risk that inappropriate decisions may be made concerning school events that incorporate opportunities to be physically active. Such events may be prematurely cancelled resulting in the loss of necessary time for physical activity. Under high or extremely high risk conditions however, the absence of appropriate modifications or continuation could place the health of students, staff and other parties at risk. School staff and other key stakeholders should understand the mechanisms of escalating risk and be supported to undertake action to reduce the level of risk through appropriate policies, procedures, resources and action plans.