900 resultados para Sliding Conjunctival Flap
Context. Be stars are rapidly rotating stars with a circumstellar decretion disk. They usually undergo pressure and/or gravity pulsation modes excited by the kappa-mechanism, i.e. an effect of the opacity of iron-peak elements in the envelope of the star. In the Milky Way, p-modes are observed in stars that are hotter than or equal to the B3 spectral type, while g-modes are observed at the B2 spectral type and cooler. Aims. We observed a B0IVe star, HD51452, with the high-precision, high-cadence photometric CoRoT satellite and high-resolution, ground-based HARPS and SOPHIE spectrographs to study its pulsations in great detail. We also used the lower resolution spectra available in the BeSS database. Methods. We analyzed the CoRoT and spectroscopic data with several methods: CLEAN-NG, FREQFIND, and a sliding window method. We also analyzed spectral quantities, such as the violet over red (V/R) emission variations, to obtain information about the variation in the circumstellar environment. We calculated a stellar structure model with the ESTER code to test the various interpretation of the results. Results. We detect 189 frequencies of variations in the CoRoT light curve in the range between 0 and 4.5 c d(-1). The main frequencies are also recovered in the spectroscopic data. In particular we find that HD51452 undergoes gravito-inertial modes that are not in the domain of those excited by the kappa-mechanism. We propose that these are stochastic modes excited in the convective zones and that at least some of them are a multiplet of r-modes (i.e. subinertial modes mainly driven by the Coriolis acceleration). Stochastically excited gravito-inertial modes had never been observed in any star, and theory predicted that their very low amplitudes would be undetectable even with CoRoT. We suggest that the amplitudes are enhanced in HD51452 because of the very rapid stellar rotation. In addition, we find that the amplitude variations of these modes are related to the occurrence of minor outbursts. Conclusions. Thanks to CoRoT data, we have detected a new kind of pulsations in HD51452, which are stochastically excited gravito-inertial modes, probably due to its very rapid rotation. These modes are probably also present in other rapidly rotating hot Be stars.
In a ball-on-disc wear test, an alumina ceramic body sliding against a silicon nitride ceramic body in water achieved an ultra-low friction coefficient (ULFC) of 0.004. The profilometer and EDX measurements indicated that the ULFC regime in this unmated Al2O3-Si3N4 pair was achieved because of the formation of a flat and smooth interface of nanometric roughness, which favored the hydrodynamic lubrication. The triboreactions formed silicon and aluminum hydroxides which contributed to decrease roughness and shear stress at the contact interface. This behavior enables the development of low energy loss water-based tribological systems using oxide ceramics. 13 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report the first case of ocular infestation by Loa loa in Brazil. Loiasis is caused by infestation with Loa loa, a filarial parasite originally found in the rainforests of western and central Africa. It is transmitted by the bite of the fly Chrysops and has been recently described in other places other than Africa, in African immigrants or travellers. Our case is a 33 year-old woman from Cameroon who was living in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for 5 years. She was asymptomatic until one morning she started feeling "something moving" in the left eye. Under topical anesthesia, on the slit lamp, a moving worm was removed from the subconjunctival space, which later was confirmed to be a male Loa loa adult specimen. Blood tests revealed microfilaraemia of 129 mf/mL. The patient was treated with 400 mg oral albendazole for 3 weeks and 60 mg prednisone. This report illustrates an unusual ocular disease, which is extremely rare outside of Africa, but easily diagnosed and treated. Ophthalmologists should be aware of it, in face of an increasingly globalized world.
The aim of this study was to analyze the rat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) synovial membrane at different ages using light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. Under light microscopic analysis, the TMJ structures were observed such as condyle, capsule, disk, the synovial membrane collagen type, and cells distribution. In the scanning electron microscopy, the synovial membrane surface exhibited a smooth aspect in young animals and there was an increase with ageing in the number of folds. The transmission electron microscopic analysis showed more synoviocytes in the synovial layer in the young group and still a great number of vesicles and cisterns dilation of rough endoplasmic reticulum in the aged group. In the three groups, a dense layer of collagen fibers in the synovial layer and cytoplasmic extensions were clearly seen. It was possible to conclude that synovial membrane structures in aged group showed alterations contributing to the decrease in joint lubrication and in the sliding between disk and joint surfaces. These characteristic will reflect in biomechanics of chewing, and may cause the TMJ disorders, currently observed in clinical processes. Microsc. Res. Tech. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Purpose: To report the clinical outcome of the treatment of dry eyes using 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops (olive oil + tacrolimus 0.03%) (Ophthalmos, Sao Paulo, Brazil). Methods: Sixteen eyes of 8 patients with Sjogren syndrome dry eyes (age, 51.13 +/- 9.45 years) were enrolled in this study (prospective noncontrolled interventional case series). Patients were instructed to use topical 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops twice a day (every 12 hours) in the lower conjunctival sac. Schirmer I test, break-up time, corneal fluorescein, and rose bengal staining score were performed in all patients 1 day before, and 14, 28, and 90 days after treatment with 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops. Results: The average fluorescein staining and rose bengal staining scores improved statistically significantly after 14 days of treatment and improved even more after 28 and 90 days. The average Schirmer I test did not improve statistically significantly after 28 days of treatment, although we did observe a significant improvement after 90 days of treatment with 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops. The average break-up time did not improve statistically after 14 days of treatment, although we observed a significant improvement after 28 and 90 days of treatment with 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops. Conclusions: Topical 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops successfully improved tear stability and ocular surface status in patients with dry eyes.
Cochlear implantation is a safe and reliable method for auditory restoration in patients with severe to profound hearing loss. Objective: To describe the surgical complications of cochlear implantation. Materials and Methods: Information from 591 consecutive multichannel cochlear implant surgeries were retrospectively analyzed. All patients were followed-up for at least one year. Forty-one patients were excluded because of missing data, follow-up loss or middle fossa approach. Results: Of 550 cochlear implantation analyzed, 341 were performed in children or adolescents, and 209 in adults. The mean hearing loss time was 6.3 +/- 6.7 years for prelingual loss and 12.1 +/- 11.6 years for postlingual. Mean follow-up was 3.9 +/- 2.8 years. Major complications occurred in 8.9% and minor in 7.8%. Problems during electrode insertion (3.8%) were the most frequent major complication followed by flap dehiscence (1.4%). Temporary facial palsy (2.2%), canal-wall lesion (2.2%) and tympanic membrane lesion (1.8%) were the more frequent minor complications. No death occurred. Conclusion: There was a low rate of surgical complications, most of them been successfully managed. These results confirm that cochlear implant is a safe surgery and most surgical complications can be managed with conservative measures or minimal intervention.
Analytical and numerical analyses of the nonlinear response of a three-degree-of-freedom nonlinear aeroelastic system are performed. Particularly, the effects of concentrated structural nonlinearities on the different motions are determined. The concentrated nonlinearities are introduced in the pitch, plunge, and flap springs by adding cubic stiffness in each of them. Quasi-steady approximation and the Duhamel formulation are used to model the aerodynamic loads. Using the quasi-steady approach, we derive the normal form of the Hopf bifurcation associated with the system's instability. Using the nonlinear form, three configurations including supercritical and subcritical aeroelastic systems are defined and analyzed numerically. The characteristics of these different configurations in terms of stability and motions are evaluated. The usefulness of the two aerodynamic formulations in the prediction of the different motions beyond the bifurcation is discussed.
Background: This study has evaluated the effect of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) used in conjunction with non-surgical and surgical periodontal treatment (PT) in modulating gene expression during periodontal wound healing. Methods: Fifteen patients with chronic periodontitis, presenting bilaterally lower molars with class III furcation lesions and scheduled for extraction, were selected. In initial therapy, scaling and root planing (SRP) was performed in the Control Group (CG), while SRP + aPDT were performed in the Test Group (TG). 45 days later, flap surgery plus SRP, and flap surgery plus SRP + aPDT were performed in the CG and TG, respectively. At 21 days post-surgery, the newly formed granulation tissue was collected, and Real-time PCR evaluated the expression of the genes: tumor necrosis factor-?, interleukin-1?, interleukin-4, interleukin-10, matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2), osteoprotegerin (OPG), receptor activator of nuclear factor- ?B ligand (RANKL), type I collagen, alkaline phosphatase, osteopontin, osteocalcin, and bone sialoprotein. Results: There were statistically significant differences between the groups in relation to mRNA levels for MMP-2 (TG = 3.26 ± 0.89; CG = 4.23 ± 0.97; p = 0.01), TIMP-2/MMP-2 ratio (TG = 0.91 ± 0.34; CG = 0.73 ± 0.32; p = 0.04), OPG (TG = 0.84 ± 0.45; CG = 0.30 ± 0.26; p = 0.001), and OPG/RANKL ratio (TG = 0.60 ± 0.86; CG = 0.23 ± 0.16; p = 0.04), favoring the TG. Conclusion: The present data suggest that the aPDT associated to nonsurgical and surgical periodontal therapy may modulate the extracellular matrix and bone remodeling by up regulating the TIMP- 2/MMP-2 and OPG/RANKL mRNA ratio, but the clinical relevance needs to be evaluated in further studies.
Os autores relatam um caso de nevo de Reed, lesão que apresenta aspecto histológico de malignidade, mas tem evolução benigna. Paciente de 48 anos, masculino, cor parda, apresentava pterígio nasal no olho direito, associado a uma lesão pequena e pouco pigmentada localizada na cabeça do mesmo. Realizou-se exérese de ambos, sem intercorrências, sem sinais de recidiva. O exame histopatológico revelou lesão com bordas definidas, restrita ao epitélio, constituída por células fusiformes perpendiculares à superfície, com pigmentação melânica esparsa. O diagnóstico inicial foi nevo de Spitz, mas, posteriormente, chegou-se à conclusão que se tratava do nevo de células fusiformes de Reed. O presente relato é o segundo na literatura mundial e o primeiro no Brasil.
Smokers have small root coverage which is associated with bad vascularity of periodontal tissues. This study evaluated a technique that can increase the blood supply to the periodontal tissues compared with a traditional technique. Twenty heavy smokers (10 males and 10 females) with two bilateral Miller class I gingival recessions received coronally positioned flaps in one side (Control group)and extended flap technique in the other side (Test group). Clinical measurements (probing pocket depth, clinical attachment level, bleeding on probing, gingival recession height, gingival recession width, amount of keratinized tissue, and width and height of the papillae adjacent to the recession) were determined at baseline, 3 and 6 months postoperatively. Salivary cotinina samples were taken as an indicator of the nicotine exposure level. No statistically significant differences (p>0.05) were detected for the clinical measurements or smoke exposure. Both techniques promoted low root coverage (Control group: 43.18% and Test group: 44.52%). In conclusion, no difference was found in root coverage between the techniques. Root coverage is possible and uneventful even, if rather low, in heavy smoker patients with low plaque and bleeding indices.
Esse trabalho emprega o método para avaliar a abrasividade proposto por Golovanevskiy e Bearman (2008). Esse método, ensaio de abrasão por impacto deslizante (Gouging Abrasion Test), é realizado em condições de alta tensão/alto impacto de desgaste. O método consiste de uma ponteira cilíndrica com uma ponta cônica de 90º, que, em trajetória pendular, atinge uma amostra de rocha com energia de impacto de 300 J e velocidade da ordem de 5,2 m/s. O Gouging Abrasion Index (Gi) é calculado como sendo a média do diâmetro da ponta cônica, após desgaste, em milímetros e o resultado é multiplicado por 10. Esse trabalho verificou a adequabilidade do Gouging Abrasion Test, para um pequeno número de amostras de rocha, que representam, qualitativamente, os principais tipos de rocha encontrados em trabalhos de corte, perfuração e britagem no Brasil, e a sua correlação com outros ensaios consagrados como a resistência à compressão, o desgaste Amsler e a dureza Knoop. Essa análise mostrou alta correlação entre Gi e a dureza Knoop (R² = 0,94), baixa correlação com o desgaste
Purpose To describe an extremely uncommon outbreak of eye lesions in a specific area of the Brazilian Amazonia. Methods Prospective noncomparative case series. Fifty-nine patients who developed eye lesions after swimming in the Araguaia river of Tocantins state in Brazil were examined. A team of ophthalmologists equipped with a slit-lamp, gonioscopic lenses, and indirect ophthalmoscopy performed full eye examination. Analysis of the flora and fauna of the river water was undertaken by a group of experts. Results and Conclusions Eighty-three eyes were affected. The most common lesions were corneal opacities seen in 34 eyes and conjunctival nodules diagnosed in 12 eyes. Severe visual acuity loss was detected in seven children with unilateral anterior chamber lesions. Spicules of the sponge species Drulia uruguayensis and Drulia ctenosclera were found inside three blind eyes that have been enucleated for diagnostic purposes. All eye lesions could be attributed to an outbreak of foreign bodies from fresh water sponges. Organic enrichment of the water resulting from the absence of sanitation probably was the key factor, which initiated a cycle of ecological imbalance that provoked human disease.
Ureaplasma diversum in veterinary studies is an undesirable microbe, which may cause infection in bulls and may result in seminal vesiculitis, balanopostitis, and alterations in spermatozoids, whereas in cows, it may cause placentitis, fetal alveolitis, abortion, and birth of weak calves. U. diversum is released through organic secretions, especially semen, preputial and vaginal mucus, conjunctival secretion, and milk. The aim of the present study was to develop a TaqMan probe, highly sensitive and specific quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay for the detection and quantification of U. diversum from genital swabs of bovines. Primers and probes specific to U. diversum 16S rRNA gene were designed. The specificity, detection limit, intra- and inter-assay variability of qPCR to detect this ureaplasma was compared with the results of the conventional PCR assay (cPCR). Swabs of vaginal mucus from 169 cows were tested. The qPCR assay detected as few as 10 copies of U. diversum and was 100-fold more sensitive than the cPCR. No cross-reactivity with other Mollicutes or eubacteria was observed. U. diversum was detected in 79 swabs (46.42%) by qPCR, while using cPCR it was detected in 42 (25%) samples. The difference in cPCR and qPCR ureaplasma detection between healthy and sick animals was not statistically significant. But the U. diversum load in samples from animals with genital disorders was higher than in healthy animals. The qPCR assay developed herein is highly sensitive and specific for the detection and quantification of U. diversum in vaginal bovine samples.
This paper presents the new active absorption wave basin, named Hydrodynamic Calibrator (HC), constructed at the University of São Paulo (USP), in the Laboratory facilities of the Numerical Offshore Tank (TPN). The square (14 m 14 m) tank is able to generate and absorb waves from 0.5 Hz to 2.0 Hz, by means of 148 active hinged flap wave makers. An independent mechanical system drives each flap by means of a 1HP servo-motor and a ball-screw based transmission system. A customized ultrasonic wave probe is installed in each flap, and is responsible for measuring wave elevation in the flap. A complex automation architecture was implemented, with three Programmable Logic Computers (PLCs), and a low-level software is responsible for all the interlocks and maintenance functions of the tank. Furthermore, all the control algorithms for the generation and absorption are implemented using higher level software (MATLAB /Simulink block diagrams). These algorithms calculate the motions of the wave makers both to generate and absorb the required wave field by taking into account the layout of the flaps and the limits of wave generation. The experimental transfer function that relates the flap amplitude to the wave elevation amplitude is used for the calculation of the motion of each flap. This paper describes the main features of the tank, followed by a detailed presentation of the whole automation system. It includes the measuring devices, signal conditioning, PLC and network architecture, real-time and synchronizing software and motor control loop. Finally, a validation of the whole automation system is presented, by means of the experimental analysis of the transfer function of the waves generated and the calculation of all the delays introduced by the automation system.
The reduction of friction and wear in systems presenting metal-to-metal contacts, as in several mechanical components, represents a traditional challenge in tribology. In this context, this work presents a computational study based on the linear Archard's wear law and finite element modeling (FEM), in order to analyze unlubricated sliding wear observed in typical pin on disc tests. Such modeling was developed using finite element software Abaqus® with 3-D deformable geometries and elastic–plastic material behavior for the contact surfaces. Archard's wear model was implemented into a FORTRAN user subroutine (UMESHMOTION) in order to describe sliding wear. Modeling of debris and oxide formation mechanisms was taken into account by the use of a global wear coefficient obtained from experimental measurements. Such implementation considers an incremental computation for surface wear based on the nodal displacements by means of adaptive mesh tools that rearrange local nodal positions. In this way, the worn track was obtained and new surface profile is integrated for mass loss assessments. This work also presents experimental pin on disc tests with AISI 4140 pins on rotating AISI H13 discs with normal loads of 10, 35, 70 and 140 N, which represent, respectively, mild, transition and severe wear regimes, at sliding speed of 0.1 m/s. Numerical and experimental results were compared in terms of wear rate and friction coefficient. Furthermore, in the numerical simulation the stress field distribution and changes in the surface profile across the worn track of the disc were analyzed. The applied numerical formulation has shown to be more appropriate to predict mild wear regime than severe regime, especially due to the shorter running-in period observed in lower loads that characterizes this kind of regime.