982 resultados para Simulations, Quantum Models, Resonant Tunneling Diode


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We explore the implications of refinements in the mechanical description of planetary constituents on the convection modes predicted by finite-element simulations. The refinements consist in the inclusion of incremental elasticity, plasticity (yielding) and multiple simultaneous creep mechanisms in addition to the usual visco-plastic models employed in the context of unified plate-mantle models. The main emphasis of this paper rests on the constitutive and computational formulation of the model. We apply a consistent incremental formulation of the non-linear governing equations avoiding the computationally expensive iterations that are otherwise necessary to handle the onset of plastic yield. In connection with episodic convection simulations, we point out the strong dependency of the results on the choice of the initial temperature distribution. Our results also indicate that the inclusion of elasticity in the constitutive relationships lowers the mechanical energy associated with subduction events.


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We have developed a way to represent Mohr-Coulomb failure within a mantle-convection fluid dynamics code. We use a viscous model of deformation with an orthotropic viscoplasticity (a different viscosity is used for pure shear to that used for simple shear) to define a prefered plane for slip to occur given the local stress field. The simple-shear viscosity and the deformation can then be iterated to ensure that the yield criterion is always satisfied. We again assume the Boussinesq approximation, neglecting any effect of dilatancy on the stress field. An additional criterion is required to ensure that deformation occurs along the plane aligned with maximum shear strain-rate rather than the perpendicular plane, which is formally equivalent in any symmetric formulation. We also allow for strain-weakening of the material. The material can remember both the accumulated failure history and the direction of failure. We have included this capacity in a Lagrangian-integration-point finite element code and show a number of examples of extension and compression of a crustal block with a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The formulation itself is general and applies to 2- and 3-dimensional problems.


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The developments of models in Earth Sciences, e.g. for earthquake prediction and for the simulation of mantel convection, are fare from being finalized. Therefore there is a need for a modelling environment that allows scientist to implement and test new models in an easy but flexible way. After been verified, the models should be easy to apply within its scope, typically by setting input parameters through a GUI or web services. It should be possible to link certain parameters to external data sources, such as databases and other simulation codes. Moreover, as typically large-scale meshes have to be used to achieve appropriate resolutions, the computational efficiency of the underlying numerical methods is important. Conceptional this leads to a software system with three major layers: the application layer, the mathematical layer, and the numerical algorithm layer. The latter is implemented as a C/C++ library to solve a basic, computational intensive linear problem, such as a linear partial differential equation. The mathematical layer allows the model developer to define his model and to implement high level solution algorithms (e.g. Newton-Raphson scheme, Crank-Nicholson scheme) or choose these algorithms form an algorithm library. The kernels of the model are generic, typically linear, solvers provided through the numerical algorithm layer. Finally, to provide an easy-to-use application environment, a web interface is (semi-automatically) built to edit the XML input file for the modelling code. In the talk, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this concept in more details. We will also present the modelling environment escript which is a prototype implementation toward such a software system in Python (see www.python.org). Key components of escript are the Data class and the PDE class. Objects of the Data class allow generating, holding, accessing, and manipulating data, in such a way that the actual, in the particular context best, representation is transparent to the user. They are also the key to establish connections with external data sources. PDE class objects are describing (linear) partial differential equation objects to be solved by a numerical library. The current implementation of escript has been linked to the finite element code Finley to solve general linear partial differential equations. We will give a few simple examples which will illustrate the usage escript. Moreover, we show the usage of escript together with Finley for the modelling of interacting fault systems and for the simulation of mantel convection.


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-scale vary from a planetary scale and million years for convection problems to 100km and 10 years for fault systems simulations. Various techniques are in use to deal with the time dependency (e.g. Crank-Nicholson), with the non-linearity (e.g. Newton-Raphson) and weakly coupled equations (e.g. non-linear Gauss-Seidel). Besides these high-level solution algorithms discretization methods (e.g. finite element method (FEM), boundary element method (BEM)) are used to deal with spatial derivatives. Typically, large-scale, three dimensional meshes are required to resolve geometrical complexity (e.g. in the case of fault systems) or features in the solution (e.g. in mantel convection simulations). The modelling environment escript allows the rapid implementation of new physics as required for the development of simulation codes in earth sciences. Its main object is to provide a programming language, where the user can define new models and rapidly develop high-level solution algorithms. The current implementation is linked with the finite element package finley as a PDE solver. However, the design is open and other discretization technologies such as finite differences and boundary element methods could be included. escript is implemented as an extension of the interactive programming environment python (see www.python.org). Key concepts introduced are Data objects, which are holding values on nodes or elements of the finite element mesh, and linearPDE objects, which are defining linear partial differential equations to be solved by the underlying discretization technology. In this paper we will show the basic concepts of escript and will show how escript is used to implement a simulation code for interacting fault systems. We will show some results of large-scale, parallel simulations on an SGI Altix system. Acknowledgements: Project work is supported by Australian Commonwealth Government through the Australian Computational Earth Systems Simulator Major National Research Facility, Queensland State Government Smart State Research Facility Fund, The University of Queensland and SGI.


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We present a model for detection of the states of a coupled quantum dots (qubit) by a quantum point contact. Most proposals for measurements of states of quantum systems are idealized. However in a real laboratory the measurements cannot be perfect due to practical devices and circuits. The models using ideal devices are not sufficient for describing the detection information of the states of the quantum systems. Our model therefore includes the extension to a non-ideal measurement device case using an equivalent circuit. We derive a quantum trajectory that describes the stochastic evolution of the state of the system of the qubit and the measuring device. We calculate the noise power spectrum of tunnelling events in an ideal and a non-ideal quantum point contact measurement respectively. We found that, for the strong coupling case it is difficult to obtain information of the quantum processes in the qubit by measurements using a non-ideal quantum point contact. The noise spectra can also be used to estimate the limits of applicability of the ideal model.


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The physical implementation of quantum information processing is one of the major challenges of current research. In the last few years, several theoretical proposals and experimental demonstrations on a small number of qubits have been carried out, but a quantum computing architecture that is straightforwardly scalable, universal, and realizable with state-of-the-art technology is still lacking. In particular, a major ultimate objective is the construction of quantum simulators, yielding massively increased computational power in simulating quantum systems. Here we investigate promising routes towards the actual realization of a quantum computer, based on spin systems. The first one employs molecular nanomagnets with a doublet ground state to encode each qubit and exploits the wide chemical tunability of these systems to obtain the proper topology of inter-qubit interactions. Indeed, recent advances in coordination chemistry allow us to arrange these qubits in chains, with tailored interactions mediated by magnetic linkers. These act as switches of the effective qubit-qubit coupling, thus enabling the implementation of one- and two-qubit gates. Molecular qubits can be controlled either by uniform magnetic pulses, either by local electric fields. We introduce here two different schemes for quantum information processing with either global or local control of the inter-qubit interaction and demonstrate the high performance of these platforms by simulating the system time evolution with state-of-the-art parameters. The second architecture we propose is based on a hybrid spin-photon qubit encoding, which exploits the best characteristic of photons, whose mobility is exploited to efficiently establish long-range entanglement, and spin systems, which ensure long coherence times. The setup consists of spin ensembles coherently coupled to single photons within superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators. The tunability of the resonators frequency is exploited as the only manipulation tool to implement a universal set of quantum gates, by bringing the photons into/out of resonance with the spin transition. The time evolution of the system subject to the pulse sequence used to implement complex quantum algorithms has been simulated by numerically integrating the master equation for the system density matrix, thus including the harmful effects of decoherence. Finally a scheme to overcome the leakage of information due to inhomogeneous broadening of the spin ensemble is pointed out. Both the proposed setups are based on state-of-the-art technological achievements. By extensive numerical experiments we show that their performance is remarkably good, even for the implementation of long sequences of gates used to simulate interesting physical models. Therefore, the here examined systems are really promising buildingblocks of future scalable architectures and can be used for proof-of-principle experiments of quantum information processing and quantum simulation.


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Mineral wool insulation material applied to the primary cooling circuit of a nuclear reactor maybe damaged in the course of a loss of coolant accident (LOCA). The insulation material released by the leak may compromise the operation of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS), as it maybe transported together with the coolant in the form of mineral wool fiber agglomerates (MWFA) suspensions to the containment sump strainers, which are mounted at the inlet of the ECCS to keep any debris away from the emergency cooling pumps. In the further course of the LOCA, the MWFA may block or penetrate the strainers. In addition to the impact of MWFA on the pressure drop across the strainers, corrosion products formed over time may also accumulate in the fiber cakes on the strainers, which can lead to a significant increase in the strainer pressure drop and result in cavitation in the ECCS. Therefore, it is essential to understand the transport characteristics of the insulation materials in order to determine the long-term operability of nuclear reactors, which undergo LOCA. An experimental and theoretical study performed by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz1 is investigating the phenomena that maybe observed in the containment vessel during a primary circuit coolant leak. The study entails the generation of fiber agglomerates, the determination of their transport properties in single and multi-effect experiments and the long-term effects that particles formed due to corrosion of metallic containment internals by the coolant medium have on the strainer pressure drop. The focus of this presentation is on the numerical models that are used to predict the transport of MWFA by CFD simulations in the containment sump. Two dispersed phases were conditions to determine the influence of entrained air from a jet on the transport of fibre agglomerates through the sump. The strainer model of A. Grahn was implemented to observe the impact that the accumulation of the fibres have on the pressure drop across the strainers. The geometry considered is similar to the containment sump configurations found in Nuclear Power Plants.


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We compare the Q parameter obtained from scalar, semi-analytical and full vector models for realistic transmission systems. One set of systems is operated in the linear regime, while another is using solitons at high peak power. We report in detail on the different results obtained for the same system using different models. Polarisation mode dispersion is also taken into account and a novel method to average Q parameters over several independent simulation runs is described. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mineral wool insulation material applied to the primary cooling circuit of a nuclear reactor maybe damaged in the course of a loss of coolant accident (LOCA). The insulation material released by the leak may compromise the operation of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS), as it maybe transported together with the coolant in the form of mineral wool fiber agglomerates (MWFA) suspensions to the containment sump strainers, which are mounted at the inlet of the ECCS to keep any debris away from the emergency cooling pumps. In the further course of the LOCA, the MWFA may block or penetrate the strainers. In addition to the impact of MWFA on the pressure drop across the strainers, corrosion products formed over time may also accumulate in the fiber cakes on the strainers, which can lead to a significant increase in the strainer pressure drop and result in cavitation in the ECCS. Therefore, it is essential to understand the transport characteristics of the insulation materials in order to determine the long-term operability of nuclear reactors, which undergo LOCA. An experimental and theoretical study performed by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz is investigating the phenomena that maybe observed in the containment vessel during a primary circuit coolant leak. The study entails the generation of fiber agglomerates, the determination of their transport properties in single and multi-effect experiments and the long-term effects that particles formed due to corrosion of metallic containment internals by the coolant medium have on the strainer pressure drop. The focus of this presentation is on the numerical models that are used to predict the transport of MWFA by CFD simulations. A number of pseudo-continuous dispersed phases of spherical wetted agglomerates can represent the MWFA. The size, density, the relative viscosity of the fluid-fiber agglomerate mixture and the turbulent dispersion all affect how the fiber agglomerates are transported. In the cases described here, the size is kept constant while the density is modified. This definition affects both the terminal velocity and volume fraction of the dispersed phases. Application of such a model to sedimentation in a quiescent column and a horizontal flow are examined. The scenario also presents the suspension and horizontal transport of a single fiber agglomerate phase in a racetrack type channel.


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We introduce models of heterogeneous systems with finite connectivity defined on random graphs to capture finite-coordination effects on the low-temperature behaviour of finite-dimensional systems. Our models use a description in terms of small deviations of particle coordinates from a set of reference positions, particularly appropriate for the description of low-temperature phenomena. A Born-von Karman-type expansion with random coefficients is used to model effects of frozen heterogeneities. The key quantity appearing in the theoretical description is a full distribution of effective single-site potentials which needs to be determined self-consistently. If microscopic interactions are harmonic, the effective single-site potentials turn out to be harmonic as well, and the distribution of these single-site potentials is equivalent to a distribution of localization lengths used earlier in the description of chemical gels. For structural glasses characterized by frustration and anharmonicities in the microscopic interactions, the distribution of single-site potentials involves anharmonicities of all orders, and both single-well and double-well potentials are observed, the latter with a broad spectrum of barrier heights. The appearance of glassy phases at low temperatures is marked by the appearance of asymmetries in the distribution of single-site potentials, as previously observed for fully connected systems. Double-well potentials with a broad spectrum of barrier heights and asymmetries would give rise to the well-known universal glassy low-temperature anomalies when quantum effects are taken into account. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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This thesis presents a detailed, experiment-based study of generation of ultrashort optical pulses from diode lasers. Simple and cost-effective techniques were used to generate high power, high quality optical short pulses at various wavelength windows. The major achievements presented in the thesis is summarised as follows. High power pulses generation is one of the major topics discussed in the thesis. Although gain switching is the simplest way for ultrashort pulse generation, it proves to be quite effective to deliver high energy pulses on condition that the pumping pulses with extremely fast rising time and high enough amplitude are applied on specially designed pulse generators. In the experiment on a grating-coupled surface emitting laser (GCSEL), peak power as high as 1W was achieved even when its spectral bandwidth was controlled within 0.2nm. Another experiment shows violet picosecond pulses with peak power as high as 7W was achieved when the intensive electrical pulses were applied on optimised DC bias to pump on InGaN violet diode laser. The physical mechanism of this phenomenon, as we considered, may attributed to the self-organised quantum dots structure in the laser. Control of pulse quality, including spectral quality and temporal profile, is an important issue for high power pulse generation. The ways to control pulse quality described in the thesis are also based on simple and effective techniques. For instance, GCSEL used in our experiment has a specially designed air-grating structure for out-coupling of optical signals; hence, a tiny flat aluminium mirror was placed closed to the grating section and resulted in a wavelength tuning range over 100nm and the best side band suppression ratio of 40dB. Self-seeding, as an effective technique for spectral control of pulsed lasers, was demonstrated for the first time in a violet diode laser. In addition, control of temporal profile of the pulse is demonstrated in an overdriven DFB laser. Wavelength tuneable fibre Bragg gratings were used to tailor the huge energy tail of the high power pulse. The whole system was compact and robust. The ultimate purpose of our study is to design a new family of compact ultrafast diode lasers. Some practical ideas of laser design based on gain-switched and Q-switched devices are also provided in the end.


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The aim of this thesis is to present numerical investigations of the polarisation mode dispersion (PMD) effect. Outstanding issues on the side of the numerical implementations of PMD are resolved and the proposed methods are further optimized for computational efficiency and physical accuracy. Methods for the mitigation of the PMD effect are taken into account and simulations of transmission system with added PMD are presented. The basic outline of the work focusing on PMD can be divided as follows. At first the widely-used coarse-step method for simulating the PMD phenomenon as well as a method derived from the Manakov-PMD equation are implemented and investigated separately through the distribution of a state of polarisation on the Poincaré sphere, and the evolution of the dispersion of a signal. Next these two methods are statistically examined and compared to well-known analytical models of the probability distribution function (PDF) and the autocorrelation function (ACF) of the PMD phenomenon. Important optimisations are achieved, for each of the aforementioned implementations in the computational level. In addition the ACF of the coarse-step method is considered separately, based on the result which indicates that the numerically produced ACF, exaggerates the value of the correlation between different frequencies. Moreover the mitigation of the PMD phenomenon is considered, in the form of numerically implementing Low-PMD spun fibres. Finally, all the above are combined in simulations that demonstrate the impact of the PMD on the quality factor (Q=factor) of different transmission systems. For this a numerical solver based on the coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation is created which is otherwise tested against the most important transmission impairments in the early chapters of this thesis.


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Self-seeded, gain-switched operation of an InGaN multi-quantum-well diode laser is reported for the first time. Narrow-line, wavelength-tunable, picosecond pulses have been generated from a standard, uncoated diode laser with an external feedback.


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Efficient suppression of relaxation oscillations in the output signal from an overdriven gain-switched laser diode was demonstrated. Several quantum-well distributed feedback laser diodes from different manufacturers were used for experimental analysis. A five-fold increase in the peak power was achieved for the tail-free operation. It was found that spectral filtering removed the nonlinearly chirped components resulting in pulse shortening by a factor of three.


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Amongst all the objectives in the study of time series, uncovering the dynamic law of its generation is probably the most important. When the underlying dynamics are not available, time series modelling consists of developing a model which best explains a sequence of observations. In this thesis, we consider hidden space models for analysing and describing time series. We first provide an introduction to the principal concepts of hidden state models and draw an analogy between hidden Markov models and state space models. Central ideas such as hidden state inference or parameter estimation are reviewed in detail. A key part of multivariate time series analysis is identifying the delay between different variables. We present a novel approach for time delay estimating in a non-stationary environment. The technique makes use of hidden Markov models and we demonstrate its application for estimating a crucial parameter in the oil industry. We then focus on hybrid models that we call dynamical local models. These models combine and generalise hidden Markov models and state space models. Probabilistic inference is unfortunately computationally intractable and we show how to make use of variational techniques for approximating the posterior distribution over the hidden state variables. Experimental simulations on synthetic and real-world data demonstrate the application of dynamical local models for segmenting a time series into regimes and providing predictive distributions.