986 resultados para Similarity measure


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Lucas (2000) has ShO\nl t hat Baile,\"'s formula for t hc \\'elfare costs of inflatioIl caIl bc rcgardpd as an approximation to t hc gcneral-equilibriuIll IllCaSllH'S \\"hich emerge from thc Sidrauski anrl the shopping-time models, In this paper \\'c shm\' that Baile~"s mcaSllrc can bc cxactly obtairlf'd in tllf' Siclrauski geIleral-equilibri1lIn framp\\'ork under the assUIllption of quasilinpar prefpreIlC'cs, The rpslllt. based on ",heter or not \\'Palt h pffpcts are incorporatccl into t hp analysis, is also helpful in darif\'ing \\'hy Lucas' Illeasurp clerin'd from the Siclrauski model turns 01lt to be aIl upper bOllIlcl to Bailp~"s, T,,'o eXaInplcs arp used to illustratc t he main C'ondusions,


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Despite the difficulties involved in the precise determination of equilibrium real interest rates, it seems clear that nominal interest rates has been higher in Brazil than in similar emerging economies. This paper aims to shed light on the possible reasons for this feature of the Brazilian economy. We extend Miranda and Muinhos (2003) one-country study to a sample of 20 countries, using many methods to compare measures of the real interest: (i) extracting equilibrium interest rates from IS curves; (ii) extracting steady state interest rates from marginal product of capital; (iii) capturing relevant variables and the fixed effects having real interest rates as dependent variable in a panel for emerging countries; and (iv) extracting inflation expectation from the spread between fixed rate and inflation-indexed treasure notes.


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Na indústria farmacêutica (IF) são fundamentais as relações de confiança nas equipes de trabalho em todos os níveis. Há um forte impacto das mudanças, e da consequente incerteza, na confiança entre as equipes e sua motivação. Na produção acadêmica recente, as relações entre confiança e desempenho são exploradas e, particularmente, temos os resultados da primeira pesquisa feita no Brasil para mensurar os níveis de confiança interpessoal, indicadores de confiança e comprometimento dos colaboradores dentro de grandes empresas privadas. As empresas estudadas, e comparadas pelo Prof. Zanini, foram representantes da “nova” e “velha” economia, entre as quais os grandes diferenciadores são a gestão do conhecimento e o nível de incerteza decorrente das frequentes mudanças. Estes são pontos que aproximam as empresas da indústria farmacêutica de pesquisa às da “nova” economia segundo a abordagem proposta na pesquisa do Prof. Zanini. As empresas da indústria farmacêutica estarão implementando mudanças importantes em sua forma de conduzir o negócio, principalmente no que toca à comunicação, promoção e gestão das equipes comerciais nos próximos anos e este parece ser um momento particularmente interessante para uma pesquisa como esta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o nível de similaridade das equipes de propaganda (comerciais) do segmento de produtos biológicos (vacinas) de uma grande empresa multinacional da indústria farmacêutica de pesquisa, com os as equipes de empresas da nova economia. Pretendemos mensurar os níveis de confiança interpessoal, indicadores de confiança e comprometimento dos componentes das equipes comerciais da empresa, com vistas a examinar os efeitos das incertezas institucionais sobre os mesmos. As ferramentas de pesquisa foram: um formulário previamente validado aplicado aos 56 membros da força de vendas de uma área específica da empresa; dados públicos e privados da empresa (que permanecerá identificada como Empresa “J”) e entrevistas em profundidade com os gestores-chave da equipe sob avaliação: gerentes nacionais e distritais da força de vendas. Foi encontrada alguma similaridade entre os índices das empresas da “velha” economia e os da empresa “J”, para a maioria das avaliações. Entretanto, alguma semelhança entre os índices da Empresa “J” e os das empresas da “nova” economia também foi evidenciada, sobretudo na avaliação dos gerentes desta. Isto poderia indicar o impacto de algumas medidas implementadas pela Empresa “J” mais recentemente, que podem ter colaborado na geração de um ambiente de incerteza institucional e instabilidade. A partir da obtenção e comparação destes índices, são propostas considerações sobre as mudanças ocorridas nos contratos relacionais de trabalho dentro da Empresa “J” nos últimos anos e sobre as dinâmicas aparentes nas relações de sua equipe comercial.


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Amphotericin B (AmB), an antifungal agent that presents a broad spectrum of activity, remains the gold standard in the antifungal therapy. However, sometimes the high level of toxicity forbids its clinical use. The aim of this work was to evaluate and compare the efficacy and toxicity in vitro of Fungizon™ (AmB-D) and two new different AmB formulations. Methods: three products were studied: Fungizon™, and two Fungizon™ /Lipofundin™ admixtures, which were diluted through two methods: in the first one, Fungizon™ was previously diluted with water for injection and then, in Lipofundin™ (AmB-DAL); the second method consisted of a primary dilution of AmB-D as a powder in the referred emulsion (AmB-DL). For the in vitro assay, two cell models were used: Red Blood Cells (RBC) from human donors and Candida tropicallis (Ct). The in vitro evaluation (K+ leakage, hemoglobin leakage and cell survival rate-CSR) was performed at four AmB concentrations (from 50 to 0.05mg.L-1). Results: The results showed that the action of AmB was not only concentration dependent, but also cellular type and vehicle kind dependent. At AmB concentrations of 50 mg.L-1, although the hemoglobin leakage for AmB-D was almost complete (99.51), for AmB-DAL and AmB-DL this value tended to zero. The p = 0.000 showed that AmB-D was significantly more hemolytic. Conclusion: The Fungizon™- Lipofundin™ admixtures seem to be the more valuable AmB carrier systems due to their best therapeutic index presented


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foram coletadas 143 amostras de mãos de humanos e camas hospitalares, através de swabs no caldo BHI, em um hospital escola da cidade de Ribeirão Preto/SP. As amostras coletadas foram incubadas a 37ºC por 24 horas e após este período as culturas foram semeadas em placas de Petri contendo agar Staphylococcus Médium 110. As colônias típicas do gênero Staphylococcus foram colhidas e estocados a 4ºC até o momento de elaboração das provas de catalase, manitol, hemólise, DNAse e coagulase. As cepas isoladas foram analisadas através da técnica de RAPD-PCR para verificar o grau de similaridade. A sensibilidade das cepas isoladas foi testada frente a 10 diferentes antibióticos. Das 92 cepas de Staphylococcus sp isoladas, 67 (72,8%) foram identificados como Staphylococcus coagulase-negativas e 25 (27,2%) como Staphylococcus coagulase-positivas. A análise de similaridade mostrou uma grande heterogeneidade entre as cepas, entretanto foram isoladas algumas cepas com 100% de similaridade. Resistência a oxacilina foi encontrada em 39 (42%) cepas. Duas cepas de estafilococos coagulase-negativos mostraram-se resistentes a vancomicina. Onze cepas (12%) de estafilococos foram consideradas multirresistentes. Medidas de desinfecção das mãos de pessoal e dos leitos hospitalares e a racionalização do uso indiscriminado de antibióticos podem contribuir para a queda da transmissão de patógenos e diminuição da pressão de seleção, e conseqüentemente diminuindo a freqüência e letalidade das infecções nosocomiais.


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Soil aggregation is an index of soil structure measured by mean weight diameter (MWD) or scaling factors often interpreted as fragmentation fractal dimensions (D-f). However, the MWD provides a biased estimate of soil aggregation due to spurious correlations among aggregate-size fractions and scale-dependency. The scale-invariant D-f is based on weak assumptions to allow particle counts and sensitive to the selection of the fractal domain, and may frequently exceed a value of 3, implying that D-f is a biased estimate of aggregation. Aggregation indices based on mass may be computed without bias using compositional analysis techniques. Our objective was to elaborate compositional indices of soil aggregation and to compare them to MWD and D-f using a published dataset describing the effect of 7 cropping systems on aggregation. Six aggregate-size fractions were arranged into a sequence of D-1 balances of building blocks that portray the process of soil aggregation. Isometric log-ratios (ilrs) are scale-invariant and orthogonal log contrasts or balances that possess the Euclidean geometry necessary to compute a distance between any two aggregation states, known as the Aitchison distance (A(x,y)). Close correlations (r>0.98) were observed between MWD, D-f, and the ilr when contrasting large and small aggregate sizes. Several unbiased embedded ilrs can characterize the heterogeneous nature of soil aggregates and be related to soil properties or functions. Soil bulk density and penetrater resistance were closely related to A(x,y) with reference to bare fallow. The A(x,y) is easy to implement as unbiased index of soil aggregation using standard sieving methods and may allow comparisons between studies. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To compare the effects of the treadmill training with partial body-weight support (TPBWS) and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) method on gait of subjects with chronic stroke. Design: Quasi-experimental study. Setting: Laboratorial research. Participants: Twenty-three subjects (13 men and 10 women), with a mean age of 56,7 ± 8,0 years and a mean time since the onset of the stroke of 27,7 ± 20,3 months, and able to walk with personal assistance or assistive devices. Interventions: Two experimental groups underwent gait training based on PNF method (PNF group, n=11) or using the TPBWS - Gait Trainer System 2, Biodex, USA (TPBWS group, n=12), for three weekly sessions, during four weeks. Measures: Evaluation of motor function - using the Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement (STREAM) and the motor subscale of the Functional Independence Measure (motor FIM) -, and kinematic gait analyze with the Qualisys System (Qualisys Medical AB, Gothenburg, Sweden) were carried out before and after the interventions. Results: Increases in the STREAM scores (F=49.189, P<0.001) and in motor FIM scores (F=7.093, P=0.016), as well as improvement in symmetry ratio (F=7.729, P=0.012) were observed for both groups. Speed, stride length and double-support time showed no change after training. Differences between groups were observed only for the maximum ankle dorsiflexion over the swing phase (F=6.046, P=0.024), which showed an increase for the PNF group. Other angular parameters remain unchanged. Conclusion: Improvement in motor function and in gait symmetry was observed for both groups, suggesting similarity of interventions. The cost-effectiveness of each treatment should be considered for your choice


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Data clustering is applied to various fields such as data mining, image processing and pattern recognition technique. Clustering algorithms splits a data set into clusters such that elements within the same cluster have a high degree of similarity, while elements belonging to different clusters have a high degree of dissimilarity. The Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm (FCM) is a fuzzy clustering algorithm most used and discussed in the literature. The performance of the FCM is strongly affected by the selection of the initial centers of the clusters. Therefore, the choice of a good set of initial cluster centers is very important for the performance of the algorithm. However, in FCM, the choice of initial centers is made randomly, making it difficult to find a good set. This paper proposes three new methods to obtain initial cluster centers, deterministically, the FCM algorithm, and can also be used in variants of the FCM. In this work these initialization methods were applied in variant ckMeans.With the proposed methods, we intend to obtain a set of initial centers which are close to the real cluster centers. With these new approaches startup if you want to reduce the number of iterations to converge these algorithms and processing time without affecting the quality of the cluster or even improve the quality in some cases. Accordingly, cluster validation indices were used to measure the quality of the clusters obtained by the modified FCM and ckMeans algorithms with the proposed initialization methods when applied to various data sets


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A double antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA) was developed and employed for simultaneous direct detection of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) from bursal samples and to measure the humoral response, using the same basic immunoreagents, the purified and non-purified antigen, capture antibody and chicken hyperimmune sera were prepared, and standardized for this purpose, the DAS-ELISA was applied to both 80 bursal suspensions and 224 corresponding serum samples from vaccinated and non-vaccinated commercial hocks, Bursae samples were collected at 2 weeks of age, and submitted to histological examination, virus isolation in specific pathogen-free chickens embryos, and the DAS-ELISA technique, Serum titres obtained in indirect ELISA and serum neutralization test were compared with those in DAS-ELISA, the agreement was 80% between DAS-ELISA, and the conventional techniques, with high sensitivity (87%) and specificity (90%).