949 resultados para Signaling pathways


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Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP-4) induces ventral mesoderm but represses dorsal mesoderm formation in Xenopus embryos. We show that BMP-4 inhibits two signaling pathways regulating dorsal mesoderm formation, the induction of dorsal mesoderm (Spemann organizer) and the dorsalization of ventral mesoderm. Ectopic expression of BMP-4 RNA reduces goosecoid and forkhead-1 transcription in whole embryos and in activin-treated animal cap explants. Embryos and animal caps overexpressing BMP-4 transcribe high levels of genes expressed in ventral mesoderm (Xbra, Xwnt-8, Xpo, Mix.1, XMyoD). The Spemann organizer is ventralized in these embryos; abnormally high levels of Xwnt-8 mRNA and low levels of goosecoid mRNA are detected in the organizer. In addition, the organizer loses the ability to dorsalize neighboring ventral marginal zone to muscle. Overexpression of BMP-4 in ventral mesoderm inhibits its response to dorsalization signals. Ventral marginal zone explants ectopically expressing BMP-4 form less muscle when treated with soluble noggin protein or when juxtaposed to a normal Spemann organizer in comparison to control explants. Endogenous BMP-4 transcripts are downregulated in ventral marginal zone explants dorsalized by noggin, in contrast to untreated explants. Thus, while BMP-4 inhibits noggin protein activity, noggin downregulates BMP-4 expression by dorsalizing ventral marginal zone to muscle. Noggin and BMP-4 activities may control the lateral extent of dorsalization within the marginal zone. Competition between these two molecules may determine the final degree of muscle formation in the marginal zone, thus defining the border between dorsolateral and ventral mesoderm.


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A cDNA encoding a signal transduction protein with a Src homology 2 (SH2) domain and a tyrosine phosphorylation site was cloned from a rat lymph node cDNA library. This protein, which we designate Lnk, has a calculated molecular weight of 33,988. When T lymphocytes were activated by antibody-mediated crosslinking of the T-cell receptor and CD4, Lnk became tyrosine phosphorylated. In activated T lymphocytes, phospholipase C gamma 1, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, and Grb-2 coimmunoprecipitated with Lnk. Our results suggest that Lnk becomes tyrosine phosphorylated and links the immediate tyrosine phosphorylation signals of the TCR to the distal phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, phospholipase C gamma 1 and Ras signaling pathways through its multifunctional tyrosine phosphorylation site.


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The focal adhesion kinase (FAK) has been implicated in integrin-mediated signaling events and in the mechanism of cell transformation by the v-Src and v-Crk oncoproteins. To gain further insight into FAK signaling pathways, we used a two-hybrid screen to identify proteins that interact with mouse FAK. The screen identified two proteins that interact with FAK via their Src homology 3 (SH3) domains: a v-Crk-associated tyrosine kinase substrate (Cas), p130Cas, and a still uncharacterized protein, FIPSH3-2, which contains an SH3 domain closely related to that of p130Cas. These SH3 domains bind to the same proline-rich region of FAK (APPKPSR) encompassing residues 711-717. The mouse p130Cas amino acid sequence was deduced from cDNA clones, revealing an overall high degree of similarity to the recently reported rat sequence. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments confirmed that p130Cas and FAK are associated in mouse fibroblasts. The stable interaction between p130Cas and FAK emerges as a likely key element in integrin-mediated signal transduction and further represents a direct molecular link between the v-Src and v-Crk oncoproteins. The Src family kinase Fyn, whose Src homology 2 (SH2) domain binds to the major FAK autophosphorylation site (tyrosine 397), was also identified in the two-hybrid screen.


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Proteins of the 14-3-3 family can associate with, and/or modulate the activity of, several protooncogene and oncogene products and, thus, are implicated in regulation of signaling pathways. We report that 14-3-3 is associated with another important transducing enzyme, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K). A recombinant 14-3-3 fusion protein bound several tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins from antigen receptor-stimulated T lymphocytes. PI3-K was identified by immunoblotting and enzymatic assays as one of the 14-3-3-binding proteins in resting or activated cells. Moreover, endogenous 14-3-3 and PI3-K were coimmunoprecipitated from intact T cells. Far-Western blots of gel-purified, immunoprecipitated PI3-K with a recombinant 14-3-3 fusion protein revealed direct binding of 14-3-3 to the catalytic subunit (p110) of PI3-K. Finally, anti-phosphotyrosine immunoprecipitates from activated, 14-3-3-overexpressing cells contained lower PI3-K enzymatic activity than similar immunoprecipitates from control cells. These findings suggest that association of 14-3-3 with PI3-K in hematopoietic (and possibly other) cells regulates the enzymatic activity of PI3-K during receptor-initiated signal transduction.


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The cytokines interleukin 2 (IL-2) and IL-15 have similar biological effects on T cells and bind common hematopoietin receptor subunits. Pathways that involve Janus kinases (JAKs) and signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs) have been shown to be important for hematopoietin receptor signaling. In this study we identify the STAT proteins activated by IL-2 and IL-15 in human T cells. IL-2 and IL-15 rapidly induced the tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT3 and STAT5, and DNA-binding complexes containing STAT3 and STAT5 were rapidly activated by these cytokines in T cells. IL-4 induced tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of STAT3 but not STAT5. JAK1 and JAK3 were tyrosine-phosphorylated in response to IL-2 and IL-15. Hence, the JAK and STAT molecules that are activated in response to IL-2 and IL-15 are similar but differ from those induced by IL-4. These observations identify the STAT proteins activated by IL-2 and IL-15 and therefore define signaling pathways by which these T-cell growth factors may regulate gene transcription.


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The retinoid X receptor (RXR) participates in a wide array of hormonal signaling pathways, either as a homodimer or as a heterodimer, with other members of the steroid and thyroid hormone receptor superfamily. In this report the ligand-dependent transactivation function of RXR has been characterized, and the ability of RXR to interact with components of the basal transcription machinery has been examined. In vivo and in vitro experiments indicate the RXR ligand-binding domain makes a direct, specific, and ligand-dependent contact with a highly conserved region of the TATA-binding protein. The ability of mutations that reduce ligand-dependent transcription by RXR to disrupt the RXR-TATA-binding protein interaction in vivo and in vitro suggests that RXR makes direct contact with the basal transcription machinery to achieve activation.


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Triggering of the Fas/APO-1 cell-surface receptor induces apoptosis through an uncharacterized chain of events. Exposure of Fas-sensitive cells to an agonist monoclonal antibody induced cell death and a 200-300% elevation in endogenous levels of the sphingolipid ceramide, a proposed intracellular mediator of apoptosis. In contrast, similar treatment of Fas-resistant cells caused insignificant changes in ceramide levels. Because resistant cell lines expressed the Fas antigen, these results indicate that these cells have a defect in the proximal signaling events leading to ceramide generation. Exposure of the resistant cell lines to a synthetic analog of ceramide induced apoptosis, thus bypassing Fas resistance and indicating that the signaling pathways downstream of ceramide were intact. Furthermore, activation of protein kinase C with the diacylglycerol analog phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate significantly reduced Fas-induced cytotoxicity, suggesting opposing roles for ceramide and protein kinase C in regulation of apoptosis. These results provide evidence for ceramide as a necessary and sufficient lipid mediator of Fas-mediated apoptosis and suggest this process may be modulated via activation of additional signal-transduction pathways.


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The enzyme collagenase (EC, a key mediator in biological remodeling, can be induced in early-passage fibroblasts by a wide variety of agents and conditions. In contrast, at least some primary tissue fibroblasts are incompetent to synthesize collagenase in response to many of these stimulators. In this study, we investigate mechanisms controlling response to two of the conditions in question: (i) trypsin or cytochalasin B, which disrupt actin stress fibers, or (ii) phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), which activates growth factor signaling pathways. We demonstrate that collagenase expression stimulated by trypsin or cytochalasin B is regulated entirely through an autocrine cytokine, interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1 alpha). The IL-1 alpha intermediate also constitutes the major mechanism by which PMA stimulates collagenase expression, although a second signaling pathway(s) contributes to a minor extent. Elevation of the IL-1 alpha level in response to stimulators is found to be sustained by means of an autocrine feedback loop in early-passage fibroblast cultures. In contrast, fibroblasts freshly isolated from the tissue are incompetent to activate and sustain the IL-1 alpha feedback loop, even though they synthesize collagenase in response to exogenous IL-1. We conclude that this is the reason why tissue fibroblasts are limited, in comparison with subcultured fibroblasts, in their capacity to synthesize collagenase. Activation of the IL-1 alpha feedback loop, therefore, seems likely to be an important mechanism by which resident tissue cells adopt the remodeling phenotype.


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K+ channels, which have been linked to regulation of electrogenic solute transport as well as Ca2+ influx, represent a locus in hepatocytes for the concerted actions of hormones that employ Ca2+ and cAMP as intracellular messengers. Despite considerable study, the single-channel basis for synergistic effects of Ca2+ and cAMP on hepatocellular K+ conductance is not well understood. To address this question, patch-clamp recording techniques were applied to a model liver cell line, HTC hepatoma cells. Increasing the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in HTC cells, either by activation of purinergic receptors with ATP or by inhibition of intracellular Ca2+ sequestration with thapsigargin, activated low-conductance (9-pS) K+ channels. Studies with excised membrane patches suggested that these channels were directly activated by Ca2+. Exposure of HTC cells to a permeant cAMP analog, 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cAMP, also activated 9-pS K+ channels but did not change [Ca2+]i. In excised membrane patches, cAMP-dependent protein kinase (the downstream effector of cAMP) activated K+ channels with conductance and selectivity identical to those of channels activated by Ca2+. In addition, cAMP-dependent protein kinase activated a distinct K+ channel type (5 pS). These data represent the differential regulation of low-conductance K+ channels by signaling pathways mediated by Ca2+ and cAMP. Moreover, since low-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels have been identified in a variety of cell types, these findings suggest that differential regulation of K+ channels by hormones with distinct signaling pathways may provide a mechanism for hormonal control of solute transport and Ca(2+)-dependent cellular functions in the liver as well as other nonexcitable tissues.


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The transforming growth factor beta s (TGF-beta s) are a group of multifunctional growth factors which inhibit cell cycle progression in many cell types. The TGF-beta-induced cell cycle arrest has been partially attributed to the regulatory effects of TGF-beta on both the levels and the activities of the G1 cyclins and their kinase partners. The activities of these kinases are negatively regulated by a number of small proteins, p21 (WAF1, Cip1), p27Kip1, p16, and p15INK4B, that physically associate with cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases, or cyclin-Cdk complexes. p21 has been previously shown to be transcriptionally induced by DNA damage through p53 as a mediator. We demonstrate that TGF-beta also causes a rapid transcriptional induction of p21, suggesting that p21 can respond to both intracellular and extracellular signals for cell cycle arrest. In contrast to DNA damage, however, induction of p21 by TGF-beta is not dependent on wild-type p53. The cell line studied in these experiments, HaCaT, contains two mutant alleles of p53, which are unable to activate transcription from the p21 promoter when overexpressed. In addition, TGF-beta and p53 act through distinct elements in the p21 promoter. Taken together, these findings suggest that TGF-beta can induce p21 through a p53-independent pathway. Previous findings have implicated p27Kip1 and p15INK2B as effectors mediating the TGF-beta growth inhibitory effect. These results demonstrate that a single extracellular antiproliferative signal, TGF-beta, can act through multiple signaling pathways to elicit a growth arrest response.


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To investigate the physiological roles of gp130 in detail and to determine the pathological consequence of abnormal activation of gp130, transgenic mice having continuously activated gp130 were created. This was carried out by mating mice from interleukin 6 (IL-6) and IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) transgenic lines. Offspring overexpressing both IL-6 and IL-6R showed constitutive tyrosine phosphorylation of gp130 and a downstream signaling molecule, acute phase response factor/signal transducer and activator of transcription 3. Surprisingly, the distinguishing feature of such offspring was hypertrophy of ventricular myocardium and consequent thickened ventricular walls of the heart, where gp130 is also expressed, in adulthood. Transgenic mice overexpressing either IL-6 or IL-6R alone did not show detectable myocardial abnormalities. Neonatal heart muscle cells from normal mice, when cultured in vitro, enlarged in response to a combination of IL-6 and a soluble form of IL-6R. The results suggest that activation of the gp130 signaling pathways leads to cardiac hypertrophy and that these signals might be involved in physiological regulation of myocardium.


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The estrogen receptor (ER) stimulates transcription of target genes by means of its two transcriptional activation domains, AF-1 in the N-terminal part of the receptor and AF-2 in its ligand-binding domain. AF-2 activity is dependent upon a putative amphipathic alpha-helix between residues 538 and 552 in the mouse ER. Point mutagenesis of conserved hydrophobic residues within this region reduces estrogen-dependent transcriptional activation without affecting hormone and DNA binding significantly. Here we show that these mutations dramatically alter the pharmacology of estrogen antagonists. Both tamoxifen and ICI 164,384 behave as strong agonists in HeLa cells expressing the ER mutants. In contrast to the wild-type ER, the mutant receptors maintain nuclear localization and DNA-binding activity after ICI 164,384 treatment. Structural alterations in AF-2 caused by gene mutations such as those described herein or by estrogen-independent signaling pathways may account for the insensitivity of some breast cancers to tamoxifen treatment.


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Plants can defend themselves from potential pathogenic microorganisms relying on a complex interplay of signaling pathways: activation of the MAPK cascade, transcription of defense related genes, production of reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide and synthesis of other defensive compounds such as phytoalexins. These events are triggered by the recognition of pathogen’s effectors (effector-triggered immunity) or PAMPs (PAMP-triggered immunity). The Cerato Platanin Family (CPF) members are Cys-rich proteins secreted and localized on fungal cell walls, involved in several aspects of fungal development and pathogen-host interactions. Although more than hundred genes of the CPF have been identified and analyzed, the structural and functional characterization of the expressed proteins has been restricted only to few members of the family. Interestingly, those proteins have been shown to bind chitin with diverse affinity and after foliar treatment they elicit defensive mechanisms in host and non-host plants. This property turns cerato platanins into interesting candidates, worth to be studied to develop new fungal elicitors with applications in sustainable agriculture. This study focus on cerato-platanin (CP), core member of the family and on the orthologous cerato-populin (Pop1). The latter shows an identity of 62% and an overall homology of 73% with respect to CP. Both proteins are able to induce MAPKs phosphorylation, production of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, overexpression of defense’s related genes, programmed cell death and synthesis of phytoalexins. CP, however, when compared to Pop1, induces a faster response and, in some cases, a stronger activity on plane leaves. Aim of the present research is to verify if the dissimilarities observed in the defense elicitation activity of these proteins can be associated to their structural and dynamic features. Taking advantage of the available CP NMR structure, Pop1’s 3D one was obtained by homology modeling. Experimental residual dipolar couplings and 1H, 15N, 13C resonance assignments were used to validate the model. Previous works on CPF members, addressed the highly conserved random coil regions (loops b1-b2 and b2-b3) as sufficient and necessary to induce necrosis in plants’ leaves: that region was investigated in both Pop1 and CP. In the two proteins the loops differ, in their primary sequence, for few mutations and an insertion with a consequent diversification of the proteins’ electrostatic surface. A set of 2D and 3D NMR experiments was performed to characterize both the spatial arrangement and the dynamic features of the loops. NOE data revealed a more extended network of interactions between the loops in Pop1 than in CP. In addition, in Pop1 we identified a salt bridge Lys25/Asp52 and a strong hydrophobic interaction between Phe26/Trp53. These structural features were expected not only to affect the loops’ spatial arrangement, but also to reduce the degree of their conformational freedom. Relaxation data and the order parameter S2 indeed highlighted reduced flexibility, in particular for loop b1-b2 of Pop1. In vitro NMR experiments, where Pop1 and CP were titrated with oligosaccharides, supported the hypothesis that the loops structural and dynamic differences may be responsible for the different chitin-binding properties of the two proteins: CP selectively binds tetramers of chitin in a shallow groove on one side of the barrel defined by loops b1-b2, b2-b3 and b4-b5, Pop1, instead, interacts in a non-specific fashion with oligosaccharides. Because the region involved in chitin-binding is also responsible for the defense elicitation activity, possibly being recognized by plant's receptors, it is reasonable to expect that those structural and dynamic modifications may also justify the different extent of defense elicitation. To test that hypothesis, the initial steps of a protocol aimed to the identify a receptor for CP, in silico, are presented.


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A persistência bacteriana correlacionada à formação de biofilmes bacterianos é, há algum tempo, fonte de grande preocupação médica em virtude de sua ampla associação com a dificuldade de tratamento de infecções crônicas. Por outro lado, as perspectivas de utilização de biofilmes bacterianos em novas aplicações biotecnológicas e até mesmo para fins terapêuticos são promissoras. Há, portanto, grande interesse em compreender os mecanismos que levam as células bacterianas a deixar o estado planctônico, de vida livre, e associarem-se nesses conglomerados celulares altamente complexos. Ao longo das últimas décadas, o segundo mensageiro c-di-GMP – em conjunto com as moléculas que catalisam sua síntese (diguanilato ciclases) e sua degradação (fosfodiesterases) e seus receptores – estabeleceu-se como um elemento central de regulação de uma série de respostas celulares que determinam a formação ou a dispersão de biofilmes. Curiosamente, as proteínas que participam do metabolismo deste segundo mensageiro estão, frequentemente, codificadas múltiplas vezes em um mesmo genoma bacteriano. Em vista dessa observação, estudos mais recentes apontam que, para reger paralelamente uma variedade tão ampla de fenótipos, este sistema opera em modo de alta especificidade de sinalização e que, portanto, o sinal metabolizado por determinados conjuntos de diguanilato ciclases e fosfodiesterases tem alvos celulares específicos. Evidências robustas, porém isoladas até o momento, apontaram que um dos meios pelo qual ocorre a segregação entre sinal produzido e alvo específico é a interação direta entre as proteínas componentes das vias de sinalização. Mais, demonstrou-se que, em algumas vias, a transmissão de sinal ocorre exclusivamente via interação proteica, dispensando a intermediação do sinalizador em si. Para avaliar a validade e relevância global deste mecanismo, propôs-se, neste estudo, a investigação da rede total de interações entre as proteínas tipicamente associadas às vias de sinalização por c-di-GMP em Pseudomonas aeruginosa, utilizando ensaios de duplo-hibrido bacteriano. Para tanto, foram construídas duas bibliotecas de DNA direcionadas e foram feitos testes de interação de forma estratégica para possibilitar o esgotamento e averiguação de todas as possíveis interações entre as proteínas alvo identificadas. O resultado obtido, um mapa inicial, porém abrangente, da rede de interações proteicas em P. aeruginosa, indica uma grande probabilidade de que os mecanismos previamente descritos sejam realmente recorrentes e relevantes para o intermédio da sinalização nesse organismo. Algumas das interações mais robustas encontradas são bastante interessantes e serão, em estudos futuros, mais extensivamente estudadas.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014