912 resultados para Short-term financial planning
According to the working memory model, the phonological loop is the component of working memory specialized in processing and manipulating limited amounts of speech-based information. The Children's Test of Nonword Repetition (CNRep) is a suitable measure of phonological short-term memory for English-speaking children, which was validated by the Brazilian Children's Test of Pseudoword Repetition (BCPR) as a Portuguese-language version. The objectives of the present study were: i) to investigate developmental aspects of the phonological memory processing by error analysis in the nonword repetition task, and ii) to examine phoneme (substitution, omission and addition) and order (migration) errors made in the BCPR by 180 normal Brazilian children of both sexes aged 4-10, from preschool to 4th grade. The dominant error was substitution [F(3,525) = 180.47; P < 0.0001]. The performance was age-related [F(4,175) = 14.53; P < 0.0001]. The length effect, i.e., more errors in long than in short items, was observed [F(3,519) = 108.36; P < 0.0001]. In 5-syllable pseudowords, errors occurred mainly in the middle of the stimuli, before the syllabic stress [F(4,16) = 6.03; P = 0.003]; substitutions appeared more at the end of the stimuli, after the stress [F(12,48) = 2.27; P = 0.02]. In conclusion, the BCPR error analysis supports the idea that phonological loop capacity is relatively constant during development, although school learning increases the efficiency of this system. Moreover, there are indications that long-term memory contributes to holding memory trace. The findings were discussed in terms of distinctiveness, clustering and redintegration hypotheses.
This paper investigates properties of integer programming models for a class of production planning problems. The models are developed within a decision support system to advise a sales team of the products on which to focus their efforts in gaining new orders in the short term. The products generally require processing on several manufacturing cells and involve precedence relationships. The cells are already (partially) committed with products for stock and to satisfy existing orders and therefore only the residual capacities of each cell in each time period of the planning horizon are considered. The determination of production recommendations to the sales team that make use of residual capacities is a nontrivial optimization problem. Solving such models is computationally demanding and techniques for speeding up solution times are highly desirable. An integer programming model is developed and various preprocessing techniques are investigated and evaluated. In addition, a number of cutting plane approaches have been applied. The performance of these approaches which are both general and application specific is examined.
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A metaheuristic technique for solving the short-term transmission network expansion and reactive power planning problems, at the same time, in regulated power systems using the AC model is presented. The problem is solved using a real genetic algorithm (RGA). For each topology proposed by RGA an indicator is employed to identify the weak buses for new reactive power sources allocation. The fitness function is calculated using the cost of each configuration as well as constraints deviation of an AC optimal power flow (OPF) in which the minimum reactive generation of new reactive sources and the active power losses are objectives. With allocation of reactive power sources at load buses, the circuit capacity increases and the cost of installation could be decreased. The method is tested in a well known test system, presenting good results when compared with other approaches. © 2011 IEEE.
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The financial health of a family is one of the main generators of quality of life, and this is only possible through financial planning, which is nothing more than save and analyze before contracting debts. To do this, students must have notion of financial mathematics, especially of that used by the banks on overdraft interest, in investments and in the short-term and longterm loans, that is, compound interest, equivalent rates, depreciation and others. Starting from the knowledge of arithmetic and geometric progressions and, based on real situations which allow the application of the content learned, one intends to develop activities applied to high education. To start from real situations is one of the main lines of thought of the Problem Solving Methodology, in which the student is the active agent in the construction of his or her knowledge. As the National Curricular Parameters point out, the practice in the use of computers is essential for gaining a job. Therefore, this project proposes an activity where knowledge of Financial Mathematics can to be practiced, associated with the use of Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet
Given the high competitiveness in the construction industry, businesses became necessary in a management which reduce costs and delivery times, and is fundamental to running a compatible planning with the magnitude of each work order is the same make feasible the executor. When it comes to planning, one is including both the physical planning of the work, time and duration of the events, as well as the preparation of the cost thereof. There are numerous ways to run the management of works, then it is necessary, in most cases, the planning experience, in previous works, the engineer in charge, because with it he should know what strategy to take the work skirt as planned and designed. For a complete and efficient management, an initial study hard to prepare the physical and financial planning it is necessary, in order to make it real and consistent throughout the execution of the work. It is necessary also a hard monitoring of both the physical and the financial schedule in order to what was initially planned to be completed as close as possible. This paper shows a case study which uses some ways to the management be held with the course of planning, medium and short term, as well as the preparation of the initial budget of the work. Will also be presented as is performed physical planning of a real estate work
Forecasting the time, location, nature, and scale of volcanic eruptions is one of the most urgent aspects of modern applied volcanology. The reliability of probabilistic forecasting procedures is strongly related to the reliability of the input information provided, implying objective criteria for interpreting the historical and monitoring data. For this reason both, detailed analysis of past data and more basic research into the processes of volcanism, are fundamental tasks of a continuous information-gain process; in this way the precursor events of eruptions can be better interpreted in terms of their physical meanings with correlated uncertainties. This should lead to better predictions of the nature of eruptive events. In this work we have studied different problems associated with the long- and short-term eruption forecasting assessment. First, we discuss different approaches for the analysis of the eruptive history of a volcano, most of them generally applied for long-term eruption forecasting purposes; furthermore, we present a model based on the characteristics of a Brownian passage-time process to describe recurrent eruptive activity, and apply it for long-term, time-dependent, eruption forecasting (Chapter 1). Conversely, in an effort to define further monitoring parameters as input data for short-term eruption forecasting in probabilistic models (as for example, the Bayesian Event Tree for eruption forecasting -BET_EF-), we analyze some characteristics of typical seismic activity recorded in active volcanoes; in particular, we use some methodologies that may be applied to analyze long-period (LP) events (Chapter 2) and volcano-tectonic (VT) seismic swarms (Chapter 3); our analysis in general are oriented toward the tracking of phenomena that can provide information about magmatic processes. Finally, we discuss some possible ways to integrate the results presented in Chapters 1 (for long-term EF), 2 and 3 (for short-term EF) in the BET_EF model (Chapter 4).
Landslide hazard and risk are growing as a consequence of climate change and demographic pressure. Land‐use planning represents a powerful tool to manage this socio‐economic problem and build sustainable and landslide resilient communities. Landslide inventory maps are a cornerstone of land‐use planning and, consequently, their quality assessment represents a burning issue. This work aimed to define the quality parameters of a landslide inventory and assess its spatial and temporal accuracy with regard to its possible applications to land‐use planning. In this sense, I proceeded according to a two‐steps approach. An overall assessment of the accuracy of data geographic positioning was performed on four case study sites located in the Italian Northern Apennines. The quantification of the overall spatial and temporal accuracy, instead, focused on the Dorgola Valley (Province of Reggio Emilia). The assessment of spatial accuracy involved a comparison between remotely sensed and field survey data, as well as an innovative fuzzylike analysis of a multi‐temporal landslide inventory map. Conversely, long‐ and short‐term landslide temporal persistence was appraised over a period of 60 years with the aid of 18 remotely sensed image sets. These results were eventually compared with the current Territorial Plan for Provincial Coordination (PTCP) of the Province of Reggio Emilia. The outcome of this work suggested that geomorphologically detected and mapped landslides are a significant approximation of a more complex reality. In order to convey to the end‐users this intrinsic uncertainty, a new form of cartographic representation is needed. In this sense, a fuzzy raster landslide map may be an option. With regard to land‐use planning, landslide inventory maps, if appropriately updated, confirmed to be essential decision‐support tools. This research, however, proved that their spatial and temporal uncertainty discourages any direct use as zoning maps, especially when zoning itself is associated to statutory or advisory regulations.
The clinical benefit of antiretroviral therapy in infants is established. In this cohort collaboration, we compare immunological and virological response to treatment started before or after 3 months of age. Early initiation provides a better short-term response, although evolution after 12 months of age is similar in both groups.
Sleep-disordered breathing represents a risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and negatively affects short-term and long-term outcome after an ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack. The effect of continuous positive airways pressure in patients with sleep-disordered breathing and acute cerebrovascular event is poorly known. The SAS CARE 1 study assesses the effects of sleep-disordered breathing on clinical evolution, vascular functions, and markers within the first three-months after an acute cerebrovascular event. The SAS CARE 2 assesses the effect of continuous positive airways pressure on clinical evolution, cardiovascular events, and mortality as well as vascular functions and markers at 12 and 24 months after acute cerebrovascular event.
This study analyzes short- and long-term skeletal relapse after mandibular advancement surgery and determines its contributing factors. Thirty-two consecutive patients were treated for skeletal Class II malocclusion during the period between 1986 and 1989. They all had combined orthodontic and surgical treatment with BSSO and rigid fixation excluding other surgery. Of these, 15 patients (47%) were available for a long-term cephalography in 2000. The measurement was performed based on the serial cephalograms taken preoperatively; 1 week, 6 months and 14 months postoperatively; and at the final evaluation after an average of 12 years. Mean mandibular advancement was 4.1 mm at B-point and 4.9 mm at pogonion. Representing surgical mandibular ramus displacement, gonion moved downwards 2 mm immediately after surgery. During the short-term postoperative period, mandibular corpus length decreased only 0.5 mm, indicating that there was no osteotomy slippage. After the first year of observation, skeletal relapse was 1.3 mm at B-point and pogonion. The relapse continued, reaching a total of 2.3 mm after 12 years, corresponding to 50% of the mandibular advancement. Mandibular ramus length continuously decreased 1 mm during the same observation period, indicating progressive condylar resorption. No significant relationship between the amount of initial surgical advancement and skeletal relapse was found. Preoperative high mandibulo-nasal plane (ML-NL) angle appears to be associated with long-term skeletal relapse.
Single planning interventions have been found to promote short-term dietary change. Repeated planning interventions may foster long-term effects on behavior change. It remains unknown whether there is a critical number of boosters to establish long-term maintenance of behavioral changes. This study aimed at investigating what social-cognitive variables mediate the effects of the interventions on dietary behavior change. Overall, 373 participants (n = 270 women, 72.4%; age M = 52.42, SD = 12.79) were randomly allocated to one of five groups: a control group, a single planning group, and three groups with 3, 6, or 9 weeks' repeated planning interventions. Follow-ups took place 4, 6, and 12 months after baseline. Change in fat consumption was not promoted by any of the interventions. In terms of social-cognitive variables, intentions, self-efficacy and coping planning displayed a time × group interaction, with the 9 weeks' planning group showing the most beneficial effects. Effect sizes, however, were very small. None of the tested planning interventions successfully promoted change in fat consumption across the 12 month period. This, however, could not be explained by problems with adherence to the intervention protocol. Potential explanations for this unexpected result are discussed.
In a cohort study among 2751 members (71.5% females) of the German and Swiss RLS patient organizations changes in restless legs syndrome (RLS) severity over time was assessed and the impact on quality of life, sleep quality and depressive symptoms was analysed. A standard set of scales (RLS severity scale IRLS, SF-36, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale) in mailed questionnaires was repeatedly used to assess RLS severity and health status over time and a 7-day diary once to assess short-term variations. A clinically relevant change of the RLS severity was defined by a change of at least 5 points on the IRLS scale. During 36 months follow-up minimal improvement of RLS severity between assessments was observed. Men consistently reported higher severity scores. RLS severity increased with age reaching a plateau in the age group 45-54 years. During 3 years 60.2% of the participants had no relevant (±5 points) change in RLS severity. RLS worsening was significantly related to an increase in depressive symptoms and a decrease in sleep quality and quality of life. The short-term variation showed distinctive circadian patterns with rhythm magnitudes strongly related to RLS severity. The majority of participants had a stable course of severe RLS over three years. An increase in RLS severity was accompanied by a small to moderate negative, a decrease by a small positive influence on quality of life, depressive symptoms and sleep quality.
Previous research agrees that approach goals have positive effects whereas avoidance goals have negative effects on performance. By contrast, the present chapter looks at the conditions under which even avoidance goals may have positive effects on performance. We will first review the previous research that supports the positive consequences of avoidance goals. Then we will argue that the positive and negative consequences of approach and avoidance goals on performance depend on an individual‘s neuroticism level and the time frame of their goal striving. Because neuroticism is positively related to avoidance goals, we assume that individuals with high levels of neuroticism may derive some benefits from avoidance goals. We have specified this assumption by hypothesizing that the fit between an individual‘s level of neuroticism and their avoidance goals leads to favorable consequences in the short term – but to negative outcomes in the long run. A short-term, experimental study with employees and a long-term correlative field study with undergraduate students were conducted to test whether neuroticism moderates the short- and long-term effects of avoidance versus approach goals on performance. Experimental study 1 showed that individuals with a high level of neuroticism performed best in the short term when they were assigned to avoidance goals, whereas individuals with a low level of neuroticism performed best when pursuing approach goals. However, study 2 indicated that in the long run individuals with a high level of neuroticism performed worse when striving for avoidance goals, whereas individuals with a low level of neuroticism were not impaired at all by avoidance goals. In summary, the pattern of results supports the hypothesis that a fit between a high level of neuroticism and avoidance goals has positive consequences in the short term, but leads to negative outcomes in the long run. We strongly encourage further research to investigate short- and long-term effects of approach and avoidance goals on performance in conjunction with an individual‘s personality, which may moderate these effects.