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Roctest Group believes in the importance of maintaining a close contact with the scientific community active in fields close to our activities domains, in particular smart structures, structural engineering, sensing and fiber optic sensors. These contacts allow Roctest SMARTEC Telemac to remain at the front of scientific progress and to contribute to the diffusion of the monitoring culture worldwide. Our research and development team actively contributes in the research community, attending conferences and regularly publishing in the scientific literature. we support academic research by participating in joint research projects and by regularly welcoming graduate and undergraduate students for stages and exchange programs.


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In the present article we take up the study of nonlinear localization induced base isolation of a 3 degree of freedom system having cubic nonlinearities under sinusoidal base excitation. The damping forces in the system are described by functions of fractional derivative of the instantaneous displacements, typically linear and quadratic damping are considered here separately. Under the assumption of smallness of certain system parameters and nonlinear terms an approximate estimate of the response at each degree of freedom of the system is obtained by the Method of Multiple Scales approach. We then consider a similar system where the nonlinear terms and certain other parameters are no longer small. Direct numerical simulation is made use of to obtain the amplitude plot in the frequency domain for this case, which helps us to establish the efficacy of this method of base isolation for a broad class of systems. Base isolation obtained this way has no counterpart in the linear theory.


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In this paper, we present a kinematic theory for Hoberman and other similar foldable linkages. By recognizing that the building blocks of such linkages can be modeled as planar linkages, different classes of possible solutions are systematically obtained including some novel arrangements. Criteria for foldability are arrived by analyzing the algebraic locus of the coupler curve of a PRRP linkage. They help explain generalized Hoberman and other mechanisms reported in the literature. New properties of such mechanisms including the extent of foldability, shape-preservation of the inner and outer profiles, multi-segmented assemblies and heterogeneous circumferential arrangements are derived. The design equations derived here make the conception of even complex planar radially foldable mechanisms systematic and easy. Representative examples are presented to illustrate the usage of the design equations and the kinematic theory.


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In this work, we explore simultaneous design and material selection by posing it as an optimization problem. The underlying principles for our approach are Ashby's material selection procedure and structural optimization. For the simplicity and ease of initial implementation of the general procedure, truss structures under static load are considered in this work in view of maximum stiffness, minimum weight/cost and safety against failure. Along the lines of Ashby's material indices, a new design index is derived for trusses. This helps in choosing the most suitable material for any design of a truss. Using this, both the design space and material database are searched simultaneously using optimization algorithms. The important feature of our approach is that the formulated optimization problem is continuous even though the material selection is an inherently discrete problem.


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Displacement-amplifying compliant mechanisms (DaCMs) reported in literature are mostly used for actuator applications. This paper considers them for sensor applications that rely on displacement measurement, and evaluates them objectively. The main goal is to increase the sensitivity under constraints imposed by several secondary requirements and practical constraints. A spring-mass-lever model that effectively captures the addition of a DaCM to a sensor is used in comparing eight DaCMs. We observe that they significantly differ in performance criteria such as geometric advantage, stiffness, natural frequency, mode amplification, factor of safety against failure, cross-axis stiffness, etc., but none excel in all. Thus, a combined figure of merit is proposed using which the most suitable DaCM could be selected for a sensor application. A case-study of a micro machined capacitive accelerometer and another case-study of a vision-based force sensor are included to illustrate the general evaluation and selection procedure of DaCMs with specific applications. Some other insights gained with the analysis presented here were the optimum size-scale for a DaCM, the effect on its natural frequency, limits on its stiffness, and working range of the sensor.


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Topology optimization methods have been shown to have extensive application in the design of microsystems. However, their utility in practical situations is restricted to predominantly planar configurations due to the limitations of most microfabrication techniques in realizing structures with arbitrary topologies in the direction perpendicular to the substrate. This study addresses the problem of synthesizing optimal topologies in the out-of-plane direction while obeying the constraints imposed by surface micromachining. A new formulation that achieves this by defining a design space that implicitly obeys the manufacturing constraints with a continuous design parameterization is presented in this paper. This is in contrast to including manufacturing cost in the objective function or constraints. The resulting solutions of the new formulation obtained with gradient-based optimization directly provide the photolithographic mask layouts. Two examples that illustrate the approach for the case of stiff structures are included.


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In this paper, we present a novel formulation for performing topology optimization of electrostatically actuated constrained elastic structures. We propose a new electrostatic-elastic formulation that uses the leaky capacitor model and material interpolation to define the material state at every point of a given design domain continuously between conductor and void states. The new formulation accurately captures the physical behavior when the material in between a conductor and a void is present during the iterative process of topology optimization. The method then uses the optimality criteria method to solve the optimization problem by iteratively pushing the state of the domain towards that of a conductor or a void in the appropriate regions. We present examples to illustrate the ability of the method in creating the stiffest structure under electrostatic force for different boundary conditions.


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The questions that one should answer in engineering computations - deterministic, probabilistic/randomized, as well as heuristic - are (i) how good the computed results/outputs are and (ii) how much the cost in terms of amount of computation and the amount of storage utilized in getting the outputs is. The absolutely errorfree quantities as well as the completely errorless computations done in a natural process can never be captured by any means that we have at our disposal. While the computations including the input real quantities in nature/natural processes are exact, all the computations that we do using a digital computer or are carried out in an embedded form are never exact. The input data for such computations are also never exact because any measuring instrument has inherent error of a fixed order associated with it and this error, as a matter of hypothesis and not as a matter of assumption, is not less than 0.005 per cent. Here by error we imply relative error bounds. The fact that exact error is never known under any circumstances and any context implies that the term error is nothing but error-bounds. Further, in engineering computations, it is the relative error or, equivalently, the relative error-bounds (and not the absolute error) which is supremely important in providing us the information regarding the quality of the results/outputs. Another important fact is that inconsistency and/or near-consistency in nature, i.e., in problems created from nature is completely nonexistent while in our modelling of the natural problems we may introduce inconsistency or near-inconsistency due to human error or due to inherent non-removable error associated with any measuring device or due to assumptions introduced to make the problem solvable or more easily solvable in practice. Thus if we discover any inconsistency or possibly any near-inconsistency in a mathematical model, it is certainly due to any or all of the three foregoing factors. We do, however, go ahead to solve such inconsistent/near-consistent problems and do get results that could be useful in real-world situations. The talk considers several deterministic, probabilistic, and heuristic algorithms in numerical optimisation, other numerical and statistical computations, and in PAC (probably approximately correct) learning models. It highlights the quality of the results/outputs through specifying relative error-bounds along with the associated confidence level, and the cost, viz., amount of computations and that of storage through complexity. It points out the limitation in error-free computations (wherever possible, i.e., where the number of arithmetic operations is finite and is known a priori) as well as in the usage of interval arithmetic. Further, the interdependence among the error, the confidence, and the cost is discussed.


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It is generally known that addition of conducting or insulating particles to mineral transformer oil, lowers its breakdown strength, E-d. However, if the particulates are of molecular dimensions, or nanoparticles, (NPs), as they are called, the breakdown strength is seen to increase considerably. Recent experiments by the authors on oil cooled power equipment such as transformers showed that, nanofluids comprising NPs of selected oxides of iron, such as Fe(3)o(4), called magnetite, added to transformer oil increased the breakdown voltage of the virgin oil and more importantly a remarkable enhancement in the thermal conductivity and the viscosity and hence an increased loadability of the transformer for a given top oil temperature (TOT).


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Memory models for shared-memory concurrent programming languages typically guarantee sequential consistency (SC) semantics for datarace-free (DRF) programs, while providing very weak or no guarantees for non-DRF programs. In effect programmers are expected to write only DRF programs, which are then executed with SC semantics. With this in mind, we propose a novel scalable solution for dataflow analysis of concurrent programs, which is proved to be sound for DRF programs with SC semantics. We use the synchronization structure of the program to propagate dataflow information among threads without requiring to consider all interleavings explicitly. Given a dataflow analysis that is sound for sequential programs and meets certain criteria, our technique automatically converts it to an analysis for concurrent programs.


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The high level of public accountability attached to Public Sector Enterprises as a result of public ownership makes them socially responsible. The Committee of Public Undertakings in 1992 examined the issue relating to social obligations of Central Public Sector Enterprises and observed that ``being part of the `State', every Public Sector enterprise has a moral responsibility to play an active role in discharging the social obligations endowed on a welfare state, subject to the financial health of the enterprise''. It issued the Corporate Social Responsibility Guidelines in 2010 where all Central Public Enterprises, through a Board Resolution, are mandated to create a CSR budget as a specified percentage of net profit of the previous year. This paper examines the CSR activities of the biggest engineering public sector organization in India, Bharath Heavy Electricals Limited. The objectives are twofold, one, to develop a case study of the organization about the funds allocated and utilized for various CSR activities, and two, to examine its status with regard to other organizations, the 2010 guidelines, and the local socio-economic development. Secondary data analysis results show three interesting trends. One, it reveals increasing organizational social orientation with the formal guidelines in place. Two, Firms can no longer continue to exploit environmental resources and escape from their responsibilities by acting separate entities regardless of the interest of the society and Three the thrust of CSR in public sector is on inclusive growth, sustainable development and capacity building with due attention to the socio-economic needs of the neglected and marginalized sections of the society.