979 resultados para Shipment of goods--Massachusetts--Boston--Correspondence


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Experimental information on the structure and dynamics of molten globules gives estimates for the energy landscape's characteristics for folding highly helical proteins, when supplemented by a theory of the helix-coil transition in collapsed heteropolymers. A law of corresponding states relating simulations on small lattice models to real proteins possessing many more degrees of freedom results. This correspondence reveals parallels between "minimalist" lattice results and recent experimental results for the degree of native character of the folding transition state and molten globule and also pinpoints the needs of further experiments.


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Current economic crisis together with the Internet revolution has had direct impacts on the franchise sector of Spain: in particular on its unique communication network. The aim of this research is to analyse how Spanish franchise companies have adapted to these changes through its corporate communications management. We want to determine whether the management of communications is ideal to the growth and consolidation of companies in the market. Corporate communications plans and organizational structures were analyzed to verify whether or not information technology (i.e. the use of the Internet) is maximized: the communications aspect being a critical area of company growth. We found that most franchise companies surveyed had adapted well to the changes in information technology, despite economic challenges. The Internet as a communications tool has been limited to its utility as a “bulletin board” for information. The marketing advantage of Internet communication, or its use as an avenue for customer exchange and exchange of goods and services has yet to be maximized. Future research may look into the details of how companies are able to maximize the communications-marketing advantage that Online/Internet can contribute to the franchise sector.


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Robert Luce, chairman.


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This brief handwritten document certifies that the guardianship of Nathaniel Jarvis of Cambridge, Massachusetts, was granted to John Walton of Cambridge according to the records of the Probate Office in Cambridge. The document is attested by James Winthrop in his capacity as register of probate for Middlesex County.


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A note indicates that White originally made these entries in his copies of the Massachusetts Register. It is unclear who prepared these transcriptions; they do not appear to be in White's hand.


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One-page handwritten copy of "A Mourning Ditty" signed "Philomusus Or A lover of the Muses"describing in a classical style the burning of Harvard Hall. The transcription is signed "Correctly Translated from the Printed Copy, by Peter Thacher." Thacher's translation is of the Latin poem "Threnodia" that appeared on the front page of the Massachusetts Gazette on February 2, 1764.


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Document indicates that this shipment of books arrived with Captain Dreason(?).


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Notebook with paper cover containing a handwritten list of the members of the Massachusetts General Court arranged by county and town. Pearson identified characteristics of the politicians including whether they were chosen by the people or Legislature, were for or against the College, were for or against the Virginia Resolutions, and whether they were "a good Federalist."


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Two octavo-sized leaves containing a one-page handwritten letter from Samuel Phillips, President of the Massachusetts Senate, to Professor Pearson informing him of a bill before the Senate for enlarging the power of the College to hold tax-exempt real estate.


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Four folio-sized pages containing a handwritten letter from President Willard to the President of the Massachusetts Senate, Samuel Phillips, regarding the taxation of College real estate and the history of the College's compromise with the Committee of the town of Cambridge regarding taxation.


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Three folio-sized pages containing a handwritten letter from President Willard to the President of the Massachusetts Senate, Samuel Phillips, regarding proposed changes to the tax law before the Senate regarding the tax exemptions of College administrators and faculty.


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Bill of sale between Thomas Sawyer, Jacob Adams, and Isaac Sawyer, all of Falmouth, Massachusetts, and Ebenezer Storer and William Winthrop for the sloop Cyrus.


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Regular recording of Corporation meetings began in College Book 4, which includes minutes from July 23, 1686 through September 5, 1750. Its spine title reads "College Book 4 & 5" due to a nineteenth century labeling error. The creation of College Book 4 was precipitated by the English Court of Chancery's October 1684 judgment, which annulled the Royal Charter of the Massachusetts Colony and seemed to render the College Charter of 1650 – and with it the Corporation and Board of Overseers – defunct. In May 1686, Joseph Dudley (Harvard AB 1665) received a commission as the President of the Council of New England, and on July 23, 1686, Dudley and the Council met in Boston to create a provisional College governing board led by Increase Mather as Rector of the College and John Leverett and William Brattle as Tutors. The "Rector and Tutors" mirrored in purpose if not in name the Corporation's "President and Fellows," and the agreements of President Dudley and the Council creating the new governing board comprise the first entry in College Book 4. In June 1692, a new act of incorporation for Harvard College was passed in the Massachusetts Legislature and signed by the Governor. The Charter of 1692 merged the functions of the Board of Overseers and the Corporation into one Corporation consisting of the President, Treasurer, and eight Fellows. As the Corporation created by this 1692 act (and modified in later versions of the Charter) grew unwieldy, its members met less frequently. As a result, the Faculty (known until 1825 as the "Immediate Government") assumed more responsibility in managing the College's daily operations and addressing student discipline. On December 6, 1707 the Massachusetts General Court restored the Charter of 1650, thus reestablishing the Board of Overseers and the Corporation as the governing bodies of Harvard College. The changes in name and composition of the Harvard Corporation between 1686 and 1707 are documented in the proceedings recorded in College Book 4.


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This volume contains a fair copy of minutes from Corporation meetings held from May 5, 1778 through October 14, 1803. It begins with an alphabetical index and contains entries related to a wide range of topics, including changes in the College laws; lists of Harvard graduates; historical information about the College and its governance; memorials to the Massachusetts General Court about currency concerns, the West Boston Bridge, and other matters; the establishment of medical professorships and selection of professors to fill them; land and property belonging to Harvard; the settlement of accounts with former College Treasurer John Hancock; support of missionaries to several Indian tribes; the establishment of a student dress code; the Charlestown Ferry, and its revenue troubles following the construction of the West Boston Bridge; the purchase of a wooden sloop for transporting students' "fuel" (presumably firewood); the creation and distribution of library catalogs; the commission of a lucernal microscope for the College Apparatus; Oneida Indian Isaac Solegwaston and Harvard's financial support of his studies at the Hamilton Oneida Academy; transcriptions of a letter (October 23, 1789) from the Corporation to President George Washington and of Washington's response; a petition to the General Court for the establishment of a public infirmary to serve the indigent; individuals who were granted permission to instruct Harvard students in the French language outside the established curriculum; and Thomas Welsh's excused absence from his Harvard graduation, granted June 14, 1798, because of his imminent departure for Berlin to serve as Secretary to John Quincy Adams, then Minister Plenipotentiary to Berlin.


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A collection of notebooks in which Hubbard recorded both legal and personal transactions in detail, including: writs, arrests, wills, boundary disputes, damages awarded in court cases over which he presided, various payments and expenses, etc. Also included are three notebooks kept by his nephew James Hubbard, who inherited Joshua Hubbard's farm; these primarily record the sale of cider and vinegar from his farm, costs of hired labor, and bank loans.