953 resultados para Sheep Conceptus


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为研究大肠阻塞动物血浆及组织中A Ⅱ含量的变化,研究以绵羊为实验动物,进行结肠结扎作为大肠阻塞 模型动物,用放射免疫法对其血浆和组织中的A Ⅱ含量进行了测定。结果发现:模型组绵羊动物血浆A Ⅱ含量在术 后呈上升趋势,从第2 天开始显著高于手术前及对照组( P < 01001) ,在术后第2 天的密集采样中低于手术前和对照 组( P < 0105) ,第4 天显著低于手术前和对照组( P < 0101) ;模型组动物右心室和结肠结扎点后段A Ⅱ含量降低( P < 0105) 。结果提示:大肠阻塞动物血浆A Ⅱ含量随病情的发展而迅速升高,与病情的严重程度呈明显正相关。


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Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) which belongs to the secretin/glucagon/ VIP family has been originally isolated from the sheep hypothalamus on the basis of its ability to stimulate cAMP formation in culture rat anterior pituitary cells. Post-translational processing of the PACAP precursor generates two biologically active molecular forms, PACAP-38 and PACAP-27. The primary structure of PACAP has been remarkably conserved during evolution. The sequence of PACAP-27 exhibits substantial similarities with those of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), glucagon and secretin. The gene encoding the PACAP precursor is widely expressed in brain and various peripheral organs, notably in endocrine glands, gastro-intestinal, urogenital tracts and respiratory system. In vivo, and in vitro studies have shown that PACAP exhibits multiple activities especially a trophic activity during ontogenesis, notably in the adrenal medulla and the central nervous system. The biological effects of PACAP are mediated through three distinct receptor subtypes which exhibit differential affinities for PACAP and VIP. The PAC1 receptor, which shows high selectivity for PACAP, is coupled to several transduction systems. In contrast, VPAC1 and VPAC2, which bind with the same affinity for PACAP and VIP, are mainly coupled to the adenylyl cyclase pathway. In conclusion, PACAP is neuropeptide, and it functions as a hypothalamic hormone, neurohormone, neuromodulator, vasodilator, neurotransmitter or trophic factor in the brain and the various organs.


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A surface plasmon resonance biosensor has been used to determine antibody activity in serum. As a model system, the interaction of mouse IgG and sheep anti-mouse IgG polyclonal antibody was investigated in real time. The factors, including pH value, ionic strength, protein concentration, influencing electrostatic adsorption of mouse IgG protein onto carboxylated dextran-coated sensor chip surface, were studied. The procedures of mouse IgG protein immobilization and immune reaction were monitored in real time. The regeneration effect using the different elution reagents was also investigated. The same mouse IgG immobilized surface can be used for 100 cycles of binding and elution with only 0.38% loss per regeneration in reactivity. The results show that the surface plasmon resonance biosensor is a rapid, simple, sensitive, accurate and reliable detection technique for real-time immunoassay of antibody activity. The assay allows antibodies to be detected and studied in their native form without any purification. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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本研究应用显带技术和荧光原位杂交(Fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)技术,鉴定了牡蛎的染色体;应用FISH方法定位了一系列的重复序列和大分子的P1克隆DNA;制备了染色体特异性探针。应用FISH特异性探针成功地鉴定了长牡蛎的三体10。结果如下:1.分析了G带和C带在美洲牡蛎染色体上的分布。G带在每一条染色体上的带型不同,某些染色体间(如第1对和第4对染色体,第7对和第9对染色体)的带型差别不是很明显。G带型容易受染色体收缩程度的影响。C带型重复性较好,染色体带型较清楚,分布在染色体的端粒区域和着丝粒区域。G带和C带带型能够用来鉴定牡蛎的染色体,但是重复性低和带型差异不显著,并不适合常规的染色体鉴定。2.早期胚胎和担轮幼虫制备的染色体适合于FISH分析。染色体制备方法重复性好,可适用于其它贝类的染色体制备。3.研究了重复序列基因--rDNA的定位:1)18S-5.8S rDNA在研究的五种巨蛎属Crassostrea牡蛎均只有一个位 点。太平洋种(C.gigas,C. ariakensis和C. plicatula)中,杂交信号位于最短的染色体一第10对染色体长臂的端粒区域,在大西洋种(C. virginica和C. rhizophorae)中,同一序列定位在第2对染色体短臂的端粒区域。2)18S-28S rDNA在两种蛤中有两个位点。rDNA探针定位在侏儒蛤(Mulinis Lateralis)的第15对和第19对染色体的端粒区域,同一序列定位在硬壳蛤(Mercenaria mercenaria)的第10对染色体的长臂和第12对染色体短臂的端粒区域。信号强度在两对染色体之间有差异。 3)5s rDNA位于美洲牡蛎的第5对染色体的短臂上靠近着丝粒区域和第6 对染色体的短臂的中间区域。信号强度在两对染色体之间没有显著差异。5S rDNA探针可以作为鉴定和识别第5对和第6对染色体的特异性探针。4.研究了一些重复序列的定位1)两个短的重复序列1G8,1P2均产生很强的荧光信号分布在美洲牡蛎所有的染色体上。在低严谨条件下,这些序列均产生很强的信号散布在所有的染色体上。在高严谨条件下,信号强度大大减弱,但是信号仍散布在所有的染色体上。这些重复序列散布在美洲牡蛎的整个基因组中。2)高度重复序列Cgl70产生的信号分布在长牡蛎的7对染色体的着丝粒区域,没有发现间区信号。在第1对,第2对,第4对和第7对染色体上的荧光信号强且稳定。在第5对,第8对和第10对染色体上的信号相对弱且不稳定。在剩余的染色体上(第3对,第6对和第9对染色体)没有检测到荧光信号。结果表明此卫星序列是一个着丝粒卫星序列。在美洲牡蛎的染色体上没有检测到荧光信号,表明了这个着丝粒卫星序列在这两种牡蛎中的分布存在着显著的差异。3)脊椎动物端粒序列(TTAGGG)n的FISH信号局限在四种双壳贝类(美洲牡蛎,the mangrove oyster,硬壳蛤,侏儒蛤)所有染色体的端粒区域,没有发现间区信号的存在。研究结果与已报道的研究结果表明脊椎动物端粒序列或许存在于所有双壳贝类的染色体末端。双壳贝类是目前研究过的唯一含有脊椎动物端粒序列DNA的无脊椎动物。4)研究了RAPD探针在美洲牡蛎染色体上的定位。大多数RAPD探针产生了多个信号散布在间期细胞核和所有的染色体上。引物OPX-03,OPX-04,OPX—06,OPG-02,OPM—04,OPM-11,0PS-02制备的探针在适宜的条件下产生特异性荧光 信号,分布在牡蛎的特定的染色体上。PCR特异性带产生的探针OPX—06—310和0PG-02—300产生了特异性的荧光信号:OPX—06—310产生的信号位于第5对染色体的短臂的近端粒区域,0PG—02—300探针定位到第3对染色体的短臂上。这两个探针是鉴定美洲牡蛎单条染色体的特异性探针。5.研究了大分子Pl克隆DNA(插入片断为80~100 kb)在美洲牡蛎染色体上的定位。Pl克隆DNA通过切口平移方法标记digoxigenin—11-dUTP用作FISH的探针。Cot-1 DNA作为竞争剂有效地抑制了Pl克隆序列中的重复序列产生的信号。杂交信号用fluorescein标记的anti—digoxigenin抗体来检测,用两层抗体rabbit-anti-sheep抗体和FITC anti—rabbit抗体来扩增信号。9个P1探针成功地定位在特定的染色体上。46—1探针杂交到第1对染色体的长臂靠近着丝粒区域;47-10探针定位到第2对染色体的长臂近端粒区域;Cvpl和48-13两探针定位到第3对染色体上:Cvpl位于短臂的端粒区域,48-13探针位于长臂的近着丝粒区域;48—10探针杂交到第4对染色体的长臂上;48-1探针杂交到第5对染色体长臂的近着丝粒区域;49-11探针位于第7对染色体长臂上;探针49-10和44-11位于第8对染色体长臂上。同时我们成功地将2个P1探针杂交到同一染色体分裂相中,进一步确定了Pl探针在美洲牡蛎染色体 上的定位。6.应用18S-28S rDNA探针成功地鉴定出长牡蛎非整倍体中的三体10。经鉴定AF-35,AF-39和AF-3三体家系属于三体10家系。rDNA探针分布在三条染色体上,即多出的一条染色体为染色体10。相应地在间期细胞核上有三个信号出现。AF-34和AF-36家系不属于三体10家系。rDNA探针分布在两条染色体上,相应地在间期细胞核上有两个信号出现。FISH和染色体特异性探针为非整倍体的鉴定提供了一个快速准确可靠的方法和途径。


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The modulation of carrageenan oligosaccharides from Kappaphycus striatum on the immune system in S 180-bearing mice was investigated. The mice inoculated with S180 cell suspension were treated p.o. with carrageenan oligosaccharides (50, 100 and 200 mu g/g) for 14 days. The effects of carrageenan oligosaccharides on transplantable tumors and macrophage phagocytosis, quantitative hemolysis of sheep red blood cells (QHS),. lymphocyte proliferation, the activity of natural killer cells (NK), production of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were studied. Carrageenan oligosaccharides could significantly inhibit the growth of transplantable sarcoma S180 and increase macrophage phagocytosis, the form of antibody secreted by spleen cells, spleen lymphocyte proliferation, NK cells activity, serumal IL-2 and TNF-alpha level in S 180-bearing mice. Considering all these results, it is suggested that carrageenan oligosaccharides exert their antitumor effect by promoting the immune system. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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1. Plateau pikas Ochotona curzoniae are considered a pest species on the Tibetan Plateau because they compete with livestock for forage and their burrowing could contribute to soil erosion. The effectiveness of pest control programmes in Tibet has not been measured, and it is not known whether changes in livestock management have exacerbated problems with plateau pikas or compromised their control. This study measured the impact of control programmes and livestock management for forage conservation on populations of plateau pikas in alpine meadow in Naqu District, central Tibet, during 2004 and 2005.2. Current techniques for controlling plateau pikas in spring cause large reductions in abundance, but high density-dependent rates of increase result in no differences between treated and untreated populations by the following autumn. Rates of increase from spring to autumn are not influenced by standing plant biomass or concurrent grazing by yaks Bos grunniens and Tibetan sheep Ovis aries.3. In autumn there was significantly lower biomass outside fenced areas with year-round livestock grazing compared with inside fenced areas with equivalent or higher numbers of plateau pikas but predominantly winter grazing by livestock. Inside fenced areas, control of plateau pikas in spring produced no detectable effect on standing plant biomass at the end of the following summer compared with uncontrolled populations of plateau pikas.4. Regardless of their initial density, populations of plateau pikas declined rapidly over winter outside fenced areas where there was very low standing plant biomass in autumn. However, inside fenced areas with higher plant biomass in autumn, low-density populations of plateau pikas declined more slowly than high-density populations.5. Synthesis and applications. Current control programmes have limited effect because populations of plateau pikas can recover in one breeding season. There was no apparent increase in forage production in areas where plateau pikas were controlled. However, plateau pikas appear to benefit from changes in grazing management, with low-density populations declining less over winter inside fenced areas than elsewhere. It was not evident that control programmes are warranted or that they will improve the livelihoods of Tibetan herders.


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Understanding the effect on host plants of defending against herbivores is important in grazing ecology and grassland management. In this study, the morphological and reproductive responses of Caragana microphylla Lam. to grazing sheep were investigated using a 15-year grazing experiment with six stocking rates in the Inner Mongolia steppe of China. Plant height, rachis length, leaflet size, and number of pods decreased significantly, whereas spine density and length increased significantly with increased stocking rate. Significant negative correlations were observed between production of vegetative and reproductive organs and defensive organs, indicating that it is costly for C. microphylla to defend against herbivores and that morphological miniaturization and a tradeoff between production and defense were main responses of C. microphylla to herbivores. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of single tissues or whole bodies were analyzed to establish trophic positions of main consumers living at the alpine meadow ecosystem in the Tibetan Plateau. The results demonstrated that delta C-13 and delta N-15 values of vertebrates showed great variations and ranged from -26.83 to -22.51 parts per thousand and from 2.33 to 8.44 parts per thousand, respectively. Plateau pika, root vole, plateau hare, infants of rodents and hatchlings of passerine bird species had the lowest delta C-13 and delta N-15 values. delta C-13 and delta N-15 values of omnivorous and insectivorous birds and amphibians showed intermediate. Carnivorous species, steppe polecat and Upland buzzard, and omnivorous Robin accentor and White wagtail possessed extremely higher VC and delta N-15 values. Omnivorous birds captured in earlier year had significantly less negative delta C-13 and greater delta N-15 values than those captured later. Based on steady angular enrichment between trophic levels, an "alpha and vector model" combing delta C-13 and delta N-15 values was introduced to reveal trophic positions, the results indicated that Tibetan sheep, Tibetan yak, plateau pika, root vole, plateau hare, infants of small rodents showed the lowest trophic positions (TP 1.81-2.38). While omnivorous and insectivorous birds, their hatchlings and amphibians showed intermediate trophic positions (TP 2.06-2.89), carnivorous species steppe polecat and Upland buzzard, migrant birds possessed extremely higher trophic positions (TP 2.89-3.05). The isotopic investigation of organisms and the introduced "alpha and vector model" successfully demonstrated the same trophic positions and diet prediction of consumers as nitrogen enrichment model at the alpine meadow ecosystem. Besides of this information, the "alpha and vector model" can also be incorporated into multiple isotope signatures to infer trophic relationships. This angular enrichment model has the potential to address basic ecological questions, such as trophic structure, trophic dynamics, and energy flow in other terrestrial ecosystems of properly handled. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of air and soil warming on root vole (Microtus oeconomus L.) population was studied in winter period in top open chambers (OTC) (0.8-1.8 m(2) warmed by conical fiberglass material and situated in alpine meadow (3250 m) at Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. The OTCs were distributed on an area of 30 x 30 m of experimental warming site; another site of the same area was a control one. The root vole population was investigated on two pairs of sites in "low-grazing" and "high-grazing" (by sheep) parts of the meadow; mark-recapture method was used. The winter-season averaged air and soil temperature inside of the chambers were 1.3 degrees C higher than the temperature outside the chambers. The warming in the chambers had no statistically significant effect on root vole numbers, on average body mass of individual, and on average body mass of males and females. In conclusion, as small as 1.3 degrees C warming of soil and air introduced locally and on small (several m(2)) scale, in the alpine meadow habitat in winter period, has possibly no effect on root vole numbers and biomass.


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Grazing intensity may alter the soil respiration rate in grassland ecosystems. The objectives of our study were to (1) determine the influence of grazing intensity on temporal variations in soil respiration of an alpine meadow on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau; and (2) characterise, the temperature response of soil respiration under different grazing intensities. Diurnal and seasonal soil respiration rates were measured for two alpine meadow sites with different grazing intensities. The light grazing (LG) meadow site had a grazing intensity of 2.55 sheep ha(-1), while the grazing intensity of the heavy grazing (HG) meadow site, 5.35 sheep ha(-1), was approximately twice that of the LG site. Soil respiration measurements - showed that CO2 efflux was almost twice as great at the LG site as at the HG site during the growing season, but the diurnal and seasonal patterns of soil respiration rate were similar for the two sites. Both exhibited the highest annual soil respiration rate in mid-August and the lowest in January. Soil respiration rate was highly dependent on soil temperature. The Q(10) value for annual soil respiration was lower for the HG site (2.75) than for the LG site (3.22). Estimates of net ecosystem CO2 exchange from monthly measurements of biomass and soil respiration revealed that during the period from May 1998 to April 1999, the LG site released 2040 g CO2 m(-2) y(-1) to the atmosphere, which was about one third more than the 1530g CO2 m(-2) y(-1) released at the HG site. The results suggest that (1) grazing intensity alters not only soil respiration rate, but also the temperature dependence of soil CO2 efflux; and (2) soil temperature is the major environmental factor controlling the temporal variation of soil respiration rate in the alpine meadow ecosystem. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All fights reserved.


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Populacao ovina no Nordeste do Brasil; Registro genealogico de ovinos criados no Nordeste do Brasil - 1978; Composicao etaria e por sexos do rebanho ovino do Nordeste; Produtividade do rebanho do Nordeste da Bahia; Parametros reprodutivos para ovinos Morada Nova e Santa Ines/78; Parametros reprodutivos da raca Morada Nova - Ceara e Bahia, 1978; Comportamento reprodutivo de ovinos da raca Somalis brasileira em Sobral-Ce, 1978; Eventos reprodutivos das racas Morada Nova, Somalis brasileira, Santa Ines em Sobral; Pesos e medidas biometricas de femeas e machos da raca Morada Nova, estratificados por idade; 10.Desenvolvimento ponderal da progenie de 5 reprodutores da raca Morada Nova do Estado do Ceara, para o periodo de 1973-1978; Desenvolvimento ponderal da progenie nascida em duas estacoes de paricao, no Estado do Ceara, para o periodo de 1973-1978; Performance comparativa de ovinos Morada Nova submetidas a dois tratamentos - 1973; Desenvolvimento ponderal de ovinos da raca Somalis brasileira; Desenvolvimento ponderal de ovinos da raca Morada Nova em Quixada-Ce no periodo de 1976 a 1978; Caracteristicas de carcacas dos ovinos tropicais - 1979.


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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex disorder encompassing reproductive and metabolic dysfunction. Ovarian hyperandrogenism is an endocrine hallmark of human PCOS. In animal models, PCOS-like abnormalities can be recreated by in utero over-exposure to androgenic steroid hormones. This thesis investigated pancreatic and adrenal development and function in a unique model of PCOS. Fetal sheep were directly exposed (day 62 and day 82 of gestation) to steroidal excesses - androgen excess (testosterone propionate - TP), estrogen excess (diethylstilbestrol - DES) or glucocorticoid excess (dexamethasone - DEX). At d90 gestation there was elevated expression of genes involved in β- cell development and function: PDX-1 (P<0.001), and INS (P<0.05), INSR (P<0.05) driven by androgenic excess only in the female fetal pancreas. β- cell numbers (P<0.001) and in vitro insulin secretion (P<0.05) were also elevated in androgen exposed female fetuses. There was a significant increase in insulin secreting β-cell numbers (P<0.001) and in vivo insulin secretion (glucose stimulated) (P<0.01) in adult female offspring, specifically associated with prenatal androgen excess. At d90 gestation, female fetal adrenal gene expression was perturbed by fetal estrogenic exposure. Male fetal adrenal gene expression was altered more dramatically by fetal glucocorticoid exposure. In female adult offspring from androgen exposed pregnancies there was increased adrenal steroidogenic gene expression and in vivo testosterone secretion (P<0.01). This highlights that the adrenal glands may contribute towards excess androgen secretion in PCOS, but such effects might be secondary to other metabolic alterations driven by prenatal androgen exposure, such as excess insulin secretion Thus there may be dialogue between the pancreas and adrenal gland, programmed during early life, with implications for adult health Given both hyperinsulinaemia and hyperandrogenism are common features in PCOS, we suggest that their origins may be at least partially due to altered fetal steroidal environments, specifically excess androgenic stimulation


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Pyatt, F.B., Pyatt, A.J., Walker, C., Sheen, T., Grattan, J.P, The heavy metal content of skeletons from an ancient metalliferous polluted area in southern Jordan with particular reerence to bioaccumulation and human health, Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety 60, 13th August 2003, 295-300


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Wilson, M.S. and Neal, M.J., 'Diminishing Returns of Engineering Effort in Telerobotic Systems', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part A:Systems and Humans, 2001, September, volume 31, number 5, pp 459-465, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, ed. Dautenhahn,K., Special Issue on Socially Intelligent Agents - The Human in the Loop