988 resultados para Shading losses
This paper investigates the relationship between trade openness and the size of government, both theoretically and empirically. We show that openness can increase the size of governments through two channels: (1) a terms of trade externality, whereby trade lowers the domestic cost of taxation and (2) the demand for insurance, whereby trade raises risk and public transfers. We provide a unified framework for studying and testing these two mechanisms. First, we show how their relative strength depends on a key parameter, the elasticity of substitution between domestic and foreign goods. Second, while the terms of trade externality leads to inefficiently large governments, the increase in public spending due to the demand for insurance is optimal. We show that large volumes of trade may result in welfare losses if the terms of trade externality is strong enough while small volumes of trade are always beneficial. Third, we provide new evidence on the positive association between openness and the size of government and test whether it is consistent with the terms of trade externality or the demand for insurance. Our findings suggest that the positive relationship is remarkably robust and that the terms of trade externality may be the driving force behind it, thus raising warnings that globalization may have led to inefficiently large governments.
In this paper we present a simple theory-based measure of the variations in aggregate economic efficiency: the gap between the marginal product of labor and the household s consumption/leisure tradeoff. We show that this indicator corresponds to the inverse of the markup of price over social marginal cost, and give some evidence in support of this interpretation. We then show that, with some auxilliary assumptions our gap variable may be used to measure the efficiency costs of business fluctuations. We find that the latter costs are modest on average. However, to the extent the flexible price equilibrium is distorted, the gross efficiency losses from recessions and gains from booms may be large. Indeed, we find that the major recessions involved large efficiency losses. These results hold for reasonable parameterizations of the Frisch elasticity of labor supply, the coefficient of relative risk aversion, and steady state distortions.
Accurate estimates of water losses by evaporation from shallow water tables are important for hydrological, agricultural, and climatic purposes. An experiment was conducted in a weighing lysimeter to characterize the diurnal dynamics of evaporation under natural conditions. Sampling revealed a completely dry surface sand layer after 5 days of evaporation. Its thickness was <1 cm early in the morning, increasing to reach 4?5 cm in the evening. This evidence points out fundamental limitations of the approaches that assume hydraulic connectivity from the water table up to the surface, as well as those that suppose monotonic drying when unsteady conditions prevail. The computed vapor phase diffusion rates from the apparent drying front based on Fick's law failed to reproduce the measured cumulative evaporation during the sampling day. We propose that two processes rule natural evaporation resulting from daily fluctuations of climatic variables: (i) evaporation of water, stored during nighttime due to redistribution and vapor condensation, directly into the atmosphere from the soil surface during the early morning hours, that could be simulated using a mass transfer approach and (ii) subsurface evaporation limited by Fickian diffusion, afterward. For the conditions prevailing during the sampling day, the amount of water stored at the vicinity of the soil surface was 0.3 mm and was depleted before 11:00. Combining evaporation from the surface before 11:00 and subsurface evaporation limited by Fickian diffusion after that time, the agreement between the estimated and measured cumulative evaporation was significantly improved.
ICRC works to promote safe, just, and inclusive communities. Safe and inclusive communities are free from discrimination and free from loss of dignity and humanity. Civil rights enforcement helps ensure society receives full benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce and reduces economic losses from discrimination. To prevent problems and provide a more welcoming economic climate, our agency educates business and industry on civil rights laws and diversity concerns.
ABSTRACT: In sexual assault cases, autosomal DNA analysis of gynecological swabs is a challenge, as the presence of a large quantity of female material may prevent the detection of the male DNA. A solution to this problem is differential DNA extraction, but as there are different protocols, it was decided to test their efficiency on simulated casework samples. Four difficult samples were sent to the nine Swiss laboratories active in the forensic genetics. They used their routine protocols to separate the epithelial cell fraction, enriched with the non-sperm DNA, from the sperm fraction. DNA extracts were then sent to the organizing laboratory for analysis. Estimates of male to female DNA ratio without differential DNA extraction ranged from 1:38 to 1:339, depending on the semen used to prepare the samples. After differential DNA extraction, most of the ratios ranged from 1:12 to 9:1, allowing the detection of the male DNA. Compared to direct DNA extraction, cell separation resulted in losses of 94-98% of the male DNA. As expected, more male DNA was generally present in the sperm than in the epithelial cell fraction. However, for about 30% of the samples, the reverse trend was observed. The recovery of male and female DNA was highly variable depending on the laboratories. Experimental design similar to the one used in this study may help for local protocol testing and improvement.
AbstractOBJECTIVEIdentifying factors associated to survival after cardiac arrest.METHODAn experience report of a cohort study conducted in a university hospital, with a consecutive sample comprised of 285 patients. Data were collected for a year by trained nurses. The training strategy was conducted through an expository dialogue lecture. Collection monitoring was carried out by nurses via telephone calls, visits to the emergency room and by medical record searches. The neurological status of survivors was evaluated at discharge, after six months and one year.RESULTSOf the 285 patients, 16 survived until hospital discharge, and 13 remained alive after one year, making possible to identify factors associated with survival. There were no losses in the process.CONCLUSIONCohort studies help identify risks and disease outcomes. Considering cardiac arrest, they can subsidize public policies, encourage future studies and training programs for CPR, thereby improving the prognosis of patients.
TEIXEIRA, José João Lopes. Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola, Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Ceará, Agosto de 2011. Hidrossedimentologia e disponibilidade hídrica da bacia hidrográfica da Barragem de Poilão, Cabo Verde. Orientador: José Carlos de Araújo. Examinadores: George Leite Mamede, Pedro Henrique Augusto Medeiros. O Arquipélago de Cabo Verde, situado na costa ocidental africana, sofre influência do deserto de Saara tornando o clima caraterizado por pluviometria muito baixa e distribuída irregularmente no espaço e no tempo. As chuvas são muito concentradas, gerando grandes escoamentos para o mar. O aumento da disponibilidade hídrica requer além da construção e manutenção de infraestrutura de captação e conservação de águas pluviais, uma gestão eficiente destes recursos. Atualmente, constitui um dos eixos estratégicos da política do estado de Cabo Verde, a captação, armazenamento e mobilização de águas superficiais através de construção de barragens. Estudos do comportamento hidrológico e sedimentológico do reservatório e da sua bacia de contribuição constituem premissas básicas para um ótimo dimensionamento, gestão e monitoramento da referida infraestrutura. É neste sentido que o presente estudo objetivou sistematizar informações hidrológicas e sedimentológicas da bacia hidrográfica da Barragem de Poilão (BP) e apresentar proposta operacional de longo prazo. A área de estudo ocupa 28 km² a montante da Bacia Hidrográfica da Ribeira Seca (BHRS) na Ilha de Santiago. A altitude da bacia varia de 99 m, situada na cota da barragem, até 1394 m. Para o estudo, foram utilizados e sistematizados, série pluviométrica de 1973 a 2010, registos de vazão instantânea do período 1984 a 2000 e registos agroclimáticos da área de estudo (1981 a 2004). Para o preenchimento das falhas tanto dos escoamentos como da descarga sólida em suspensão, foi utilizado o método de curva chave. Para estimativa de produção de sedimentos na bacia, aplicou-se a Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (USLE) e a razão de aporte de sedimentos (SDR). O índice de retenção de sedimentos no reservatório foi estimado pelo método de Brune e a distribuição de sedimento pelo método empírico de redução de área descrito por Borland e Miller e, revisado por Lara. Para gerar e simular curvas de vazão versus garantia foi utilizado código computacional VYELAS, desenvolvido por Araújo e baseado na abordagem de Campos. Também foi avaliada a redução da vazão de retirada do período 2006 a 2026, provocado pelo assoreamento do reservatório. Concluiu-se que em média a precipitação anual é de 323 mm, concentrando-se 73% nos meses de agosto e setembro; a bacia de contribuição apresenta como valor um número de curva (CN) de 76, com abstração inicial (Ia) de 26 mm, coeficiente de escoamento de 19% e uma vazão anual afluente de 1,7 hm³(cv= 0,73); a disponibilidade hídrica para uma garantia de 85% é avaliada em 0,548 hm³/ano e não 0,671 hm³/ano como indica o projeto original. Com uma descarga sólida estimada em 22.185 m³/ano conclui-se que até o ano de 2026, a capacidade do reservatório reduz a uma taxa de 1,8 % ao ano, devido ao assoreamento, provocando uma redução de 41% da disponibilidade hídrica inicial. Nessa altura, as perdas por evaporação e sangria serão da ordem de 81% da vazão afluente de entrada no reservatório. Na base desses resultados se apresentou proposta de operação da BP.
Erosão dos solos em Cabo Verde: estudo dos processos e quantificação à escala de três bacias hidrográficas O arquipélago de Cabo Verde é constituído por 10 ilhas vulcânicas pertence à zona do Sahel que se estende do Atlântico ao Mar Vermelho. Desde então, várias décadas, Cabo Verde é afectado pela desertificação causada principalmente pela recessão climatica e a erosão do solo. Esses fatores, aliados à alta pressão humana sobre os recursos, a topografia acidentada e chuvas tropicais por vezes torrenciais, causam sérios danos aos solos. No entanto, desde sua independência em 1975, o Governo realizou um amplo programa de arborização, recuperação de áreas degradadas e a correcção dos leitos das ribeiras. No entanto, a investigação, muito pouco foi realizada para avaliar as acções de protecção e conservação do solo e da água. Portanto, não há dados sobre o problema da degradação das terras nem balanços. Como parte deste trabalho, foram estudados vários factores que controlam a erosão do solo pela água. Especificamente, buscou-se diferenciar os efeitos das actividades humanas, incluindo a agricultura, os factores climáticos, como chuva e geração de escoamento. Também estabeleceu os primeiros balanços das exportações de matérias em suspensão e em solução no contexto do arquipélago de Cabo Verde. O estudo foi realizado em três bacias hidrográficas da ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde. Estas três bacias hidrográficas (Longueira, Grande e Godim) estão localizadas na parte central da ilha de Santiago e representam os diversos tipos de uso da terra e as diferentes zonas bioclimaticas da ilha. Existe um gradiente climático entre as três bacias hidrográficas. Na verdade, Longueira que abrange uma área de 4,18 km2, tem um declive médio de 47 %, uma zona florestada de 69% e uma área agrícola de 17 %. Grande com uma área de 1,87 km2, é localizada numa zona sub humida com um declive médio de 50%, é essencialmente agrícola. Godim, com uma área de 2,0 km2, é localizado numa zona semi-árida com um declive médio de 32%, é particularmente uma zona agricola. Para estes três bacias hidrográficas, as cheias foram medidas e amostradas de 2004 a 2009. A bacia de Longueira teve um maior acompanhamento, nomeadamente em termos de amostragem e monitoramento dos escoamentos. Em cada amostra foram feitas a determinação da concentração de matérias em suspensão e a análise dos principais elementos quimicos. Os resultados mostram que a erosão mecânica nas três bacias hidrográficas é caracterizada por uma forte variabilidade espacial e temporal. Durante o período de 2005-2009, o balanço anual média para as bacias hidrográficas de Longueira, Grande e Godim é: 4266, 157 e 10,1 t.km2.an-1, respectivamente. A estação das chuvas de 2006 foi a mais erosiva para as três bacias, particularmente em Longueira, com 2 cheias excepcionais, que têm gerado uma concentração média de sólidos em suspensão superior a 100 g / l. Porém, as estações do ano de 2005 e 2008 foram de uma forma geral menos erosivas porque as concentrações médias não inferiores a 20 g / l. Além disso, não houve cheias para as temporadas 2005 e 2007 para a bacia do Godim. Na bacia de Longueira, o estudo dos fenómenos de histerese na caracterização das cheias mostrou que a evolução temporal das exportações de sólidos em suspensão durante a temporada é fortemente influenciada pelas atividades agrícolas. Na verdade, a primeira cheia causou uma exportação maciça de sedimento disponível e localizado no leito da ribeira. Assim, a segunda cheia exportou menos sedimentos. Um mês após as primeiras chuvas, a prática da monda que reduz a densidade da cobertura vegetal e destructura a camada superficial do solo, gerou uma grande quantidade de sedimento que novamente permitiu uma exportação muito forte de sedimentos durante a terceira forte cheia. Os resultados da erosão química na bacia de Longueira indicam que a taxa de erosão é de 45 t.km2.an-1 com uma forte variabilidade temporal. Na verdade, as temporadas de 2006 e 2007 são as mais erosivas, enquanto 2005 teve uma exportação de matérias disolvidas baixa. A utilização do modelo EMMA (End- Members Mixing Analysis) mostra que os escoamentos hipodermico e profundo, alimentandos os fluxos de elementos dissolvidos são os principais factores da erosão química. É mostrado que esses fluxos causam mais de 90% dos fluxos de erosão química. O escoamento superficial, que contribui com cerca de 70% na formação das cheias, é o maior factor da erosão mecânica do solo.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to clarify the contribution of international dispute adjudication mechanisms in regard to environmental protection. Most specifically, the study aims to identify and develop the criterion adopted by the international judge in relation to the compensation for environmental damages. In this perspective, the study identifies some gaps between international responsibility and environmental protection interests. The premise sustained all along the study is that compensation is determinant to conciliate environmental prerogatives with mechanisms of international adjudication, in particular the system of international responsibility. Supported by the analysis of treaties, international decisions and secondary sources, the thesis defends the idea that some elements of international law allow the adjudicator to adapt the compensation to attend certain environmental interests, creating a new approach which was entitled 'fair compensation'. The antithesis of this approach is the idea that compensation in international law is limited exclusively to the strict reparation of the material losses incurred by the victim. As a synthesis, the study defends the specificity of environmental damages in relation to other kind of damages that are subject to compensation under international law. The measure upon which compensation for environmental damages could be classified as a specific type of damage under international law remains to be determined. The main conclusion of the study is that the existing standard of compensation defined by the theory and practice of international law is impossible to be strictly respected in cases involving environmental damages. This limitation is mainly due to the complexity of the notion of environment, which is constantly conflicting with the anthropologic view of legal theory. The study supports the idea that the establishment of a 'fair compensation' which takes into account the political, legal and technical context of the environmental damage, is the best possible approach to conciliate internationally responsibility and environmental interests. This could be implemented by the observance of certain elements by the international judge/arbitrator through a case-by-case analysis.
BACKGROUND: Tenofovir (TDF) use has been associated with proximal renal tubulopathy, reduced calculated glomerular filtration rates (cGFR) and losses in bone mineral density. Bone resorption could result in a compensatory osteoblast activation indicated by an increase in serum alkaline phosphatase (sAP). A few small studies have reported a positive correlation between renal phosphate losses, increased bone turnover and sAP. METHODS: We analysed sAP dynamics in patients initiating (n = 657), reinitiating (n = 361) and discontinuing (n = 73) combined antiretroviral therapy with and without TDF and assessed correlations with clinical and epidemiological parameters. RESULTS: TDF use was associated with a significant increase of sAP from a median of 74 U/I (interquartile range 60-98) to a plateau of 99 U/I (82-123) after 6 months (P < 0.0001), with a prompt return to baseline upon TDF discontinuation. No change occurred in TDF-sparing regimes. Univariable and multivariable linear regression analyses revealed a positive correlation between sAP and TDF use (P < or = 0.003), but no correlation with baseline cGFR, TDF-related cGFR reduction, changes in serum alanine aminotransferase (sALT) or active hepatitis C. CONCLUSIONS: We document a highly significant association between TDF use and increased sAP in a large observational cohort. The lack of correlation between TDF use and sALT suggests that the increase in sAP is because of the bone isoenzyme and indicates stimulated bone turnover. This finding, together with published data on TDF-related renal phosphate losses, this finding raises concerns that TDF use could result in osteomalacia with a loss in bone mineral density at least in a subset of patients. This potentially severe long-term toxicity should be addressed in future studies.
We analyze the impact of countercyclical capital buffers held by banks on the supplyof credit to firms and their subsequent performance. Spain introduced dynamicprovisioning unrelated to specific bank loan losses in 2000 and modified its formulaparameters in 2005 and 2008. In each case, individual banks were impacteddifferently. The resultant bank-specific shocks to capital buffers, coupled withcomprehensive bank-, firm-, loan-, and loan application-level data, allow us toidentify its impact on the supply of credit and on real activity. Our estimates showthat countercyclical dynamic provisioning smooths cycles in the supply of credit andin bad times upholds firm financing and performance.
This paper provides empirical evidence of the persistent effect of exposure to political violence on humancapital accumulation. I exploit the variation in conflict location and birth cohorts to identify the longandshort-term effects of the civil war on educational attainment. Conditional on being exposed toviolence, the average person accumulates 0.31 less years of education as an adult. In the short-term,the effects are stronger than in the long-run; these results hold when comparing children within thesame household. Further, exposure to violence during early childhood leads to permanent losses. I alsoexplore the potential causal mechanisms.
The qualitative and quantitative losses caused by stored product insects are of great concern, and since there is only a few active ingredients available for their control it is very important to have a frequent insect resistance monitoring. The objective of this research is to evaluate combination of bioassays and molecular marker techniques to detect insecticide resistance in stored product beetles. The Coleoptera species used for the tests were Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Curculionidae), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Bostrichidae) and Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (Silvanidae). For the bioassays it was used the impregnated filter paper technique, applying 1 mL of deltamethrin (K-Obiol 25 CE TM) using four concentrations and five replicates, including a control with solvent only. Ten adults of each species were liberated separately on each dish. The mortality was evaluated after 24 h and resistance determined by probit analysis. The samples used for the PCR-RAPD were either in vivo or preserved in 70% ethanol, kept in -18°C freezer. After extraction, quantification and DNA quality analysis, the 25 µL samples had the DNA amplified and tested with six primers. The bioassays showed a crescent mortality proportional to insecticide concentration. The resistance factor for R. dominica, S. zeamais and S. oryzae were: 2,2; 3,2 and 9,2, respectively, compared to the susceptible populations of each species. The PCR-RAPD analysis revealed bands which indicate inter and intraspecific variability in the populations, but it was not possible to correlate them to resistance. The association of bioassay and PCR-RAPD represents a precise and valuable tool for resistance management of stored product insects, but more populations and primers should be tested.
Unemployment rates in developed countries have recently reached levels not seenin a generation, and workers of all ages are facing increasing probabilities of losingtheir jobs and considerable losses in accumulated assets. These events likely increasethe reliance that most older workers will have on public social insurance programs,exactly at a time that public finances are suffering from a large drop in contributions.Our paper explicitly accounts for employment uncertainty and unexpectedwealth shocks, something that has been relatively overlooked in the literature, butthat has grown in importance in recent years. Using administrative and householdlevel data we empirically characterize a life-cycle model of retirement and claimingdecisions in terms of the employment, wage, health, and mortality uncertainty facedby individuals. Our benchmark model explains with great accuracy the strikinglyhigh proportion of individuals who claim benefits exactly at the Early RetirementAge, while still explaining the increased claiming hazard at the Normal RetirementAge. We also discuss some policy experiments and their interplay with employmentuncertainty. Additionally, we analyze the effects of negative wealth shocks on thelabor supply and claiming decisions of older Americans. Our results can explainwhy early claiming has remained very high in the last years even as the early retirementpenalties have increased substantially compared with previous periods, andwhy labor force participation has remained quite high for older workers even in themidst of the worse employment crisis in decades.
Protectionism enjoys surprising popular support, in spite of deadweight losses. At thesame time, trade barriers appear to decline with public information about protection.This paper develops an electoral model with heterogeneously informed voters whichexplains both facts and predicts the pattern of trade policy across industries. In themodel, each agent endogenously acquires more information about his sector of employment. As a result, voters support protectionism, because they learn more about thetrade barriers that help them as producers than those that hurt them as consumers.In equilibrium, asymmetric information induces a universal protectionist bias. Thestructure of protection is Pareto inefficient, in contrast to existing models. The modelpredicts a Dracula effect: trade policy for a sector is less protectionist when there ismore public information about it. Using a measure of newspaper coverage across industries, I find that cross-sector evidence from the United States bears out my theoreticalpredictions.