943 resultados para Sewage and anaerobic reactor effluent
Helium Brayton cycles have been studied as power cycles for both fission and fusion reactors obtaining high thermal efficiency. This paper studies several technological schemes of helium Brayton cycles applied for the HiPER reactor proposal. Since HiPER integrates technologies available at short term, its working conditions results in a very low maximum temperature of the energy sources, something that limits the thermal performance of the cycle. The aim of this work is to analyze the potential of the helium Brayton cycles as power cycles for HiPER. Several helium Brayton cycle configurations have been investigated with the purpose of raising the cycle thermal efficiency under the working conditions of HiPER. The effects of inter-cooling and reheating have specifically been studied. Sensitivity analyses of the key cycle parameters and component performances on the maximum thermal efficiency have also been carried out. The addition of several inter-cooling stages in a helium Brayton cycle has allowed obtaining a maximum thermal efficiency of over 36%, and the inclusion of a reheating process may also yield an added increase of nearly 1 percentage point to reach 37%. These results confirm that helium Brayton cycles are to be considered among the power cycle candidates for HiPER.
A review of the experimental data for natC(n,c) and 12C(n,c) was made to identify the origin of the natC capture cross sections included in evaluated data libraries and to clarify differences observed in neutronic calculations for graphite moderated reactors using different libraries. The performance of the JEFF-3.1.2 and ENDF/B-VII.1 libraries was verified by comparing results of criticality calculations with experimental results obtained for the BR1 reactor. This reactor is an air-cooled reactor with graphite as moderator and is located at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in Mol (Belgium). The results of this study confirm conclusions drawn from neutronic calculations of the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) in Japan. Furthermore, both BR1 and HTTR calculations support the capture cross section of 12C at thermal energy which is recommended by Firestone and Révay. Additional criticality calculations were carried out in order to illustrate that the natC thermal capture cross section is important for systems with a large amount of graphite. The present study shows that only the evaluation carried out for JENDL-4.0 reflects the current status of the experimental data.
The HiPER reactor design is exploring different reaction chambers. In this study, we tackle the neutronicsand activation studies of a preliminary reaction chamber based in the following technologies: unpro-tected dry wall for the First Wall, self-cooled lead lithium blanket, and independent low activation steelVacuum Vessel. The most critical free parameter in this stage is the blanket thickness, as a function ofthe6Li enrichment. After a parametric study, we select for study both a ?thin? and ?thick? blanket, with?high? and ?low?6Li enrichment respectively, to reach a TBR = 1.1. To help to make a choice, we com-pute, for both blanket options, in addition to the TBR, the energy amplification factor, the tritium partialpressure, the203Hg and210Po total activity in the LiPb loop, and the Vacuum Vessel thickness requiredto guarantee the reweldability during its lifetime. The thin blanket shows a superior performance in thesafety related issues and structural viability, but it operates at higher6Li enrichment. It is selected forfurther improvements. The Vacuum Vessel shows to be unviable in both cases, with the thickness varyingbetween 39 and 52 cm. Further chamber modifications, such as the introduction of a neutron reflector,are required to exploit the benefits of the thin blanket with a reasonable Vacuum Vessel.
Sistema nervioso y ejercicio
This work addresses heat losses in a CVD reactor for polysilicon production. Contributions to the energy consumption of the so-called Siemens process are evaluated, and a comprehensive model for heat loss is presented. A previously-developed model for radiative heat loss is combined with conductive heat loss theory and a new model for convective heat loss. Theoretical calculations are developed and theoretical energy consumption of the polysilicon deposition process is obtained. The model is validated by comparison with experimental results obtained using a laboratory-scale CVD reactor. Finally, the model is used to calculate heat consumption in a 36-rod industrial reactor; the energy consumption due to convective heat loss per kilogram of polysilicon produced is calculated to be 22-30 kWh/kg along a deposition process.
The new reactor concepts proposed in the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) are conceived to improve the use of natural resources, reduce the amount of high-level radioactive waste and excel in their reliability and safe operation. Among these novel designs sodium fast reactors (SFRs) stand out due to their technological feasibility as demonstrated in several countries during the last decades. As part of the contribution of EURATOM to GIF the CP-ESFR is a collaborative project with the objective, among others, to perform extensive analysis on safety issues involving renewed SFR demonstrator designs. The verification of computational tools able to simulate the plant behaviour under postulated accidental conditions by code-to-code comparison was identified as a key point to ensure reactor safety. In this line, several organizations employed coupled neutronic and thermal-hydraulic system codes able to simulate complex and specific phenomena involving multi-physics studies adapted to this particular fast reactor technology. In the “Introduction” of this paper the framework of this study is discussed, the second section describes the envisaged plant design and the commonly agreed upon modelling guidelines. The third section presents a comparative analysis of the calculations performed by each organisation applying their models and codes to a common agreed transient with the objective to harmonize the models as well as validating the implementation of all relevant physical phenomena in the different system codes.
The new reactor concepts proposed in the Generation IV International Forum require the development and validation of computational tools able to assess their safety performance. In the first part of this paper the models of the ESFR design developed by several organisations in the framework of the CP-ESFR project were presented and their reliability validated via a benchmarking exercise. This second part of the paper includes the application of those tools for the analysis of design basis accident (DBC) scenarios of the reference design. Further, this paper also introduces the main features of the core optimisation process carried out within the project with the objective to enhance the core safety performance through the reduction of the positive coolant density reactivity effect. The influence of this optimised core design on the reactor safety performance during the previously analysed transients is also discussed. The conclusion provides an overview of the work performed by the partners involved in the project towards the development and enhancement of computational tools specifically tailored to the evaluation of the safety performance of the Generation IV innovative nuclear reactor designs.
La nitrificación-desnitrificación es el proceso biológico tradicional para la remoción de nitrógeno de las aguas residuales (Ruiz G. et al., 2006a), siendo fundamental ya que contribuye a controlar la eutroficación de los cuerpos receptores. Debido al deterioro que sobre la disponibilidad de los recursos han ejercido las actividades antropogénicas, es necesario orientar el tratamiento de las aguas residuales hacia tecnologías que ofrezcan el mayor grado de sustentabilidad, planteando innovaciones en el tratamiento. El presente proyecto de tesis doctoral versa sobre el estudio de la influencia de la relación C/N en la desnitrificación y metanogénesis de aguas residuales urbanas en un reactor anaeróbico de lecho fluidizado inverso (RLFI). Previamente a la realización de las pruebas experimentales de variación de la relación C/N, se llevó a cabo la etapa de arranque del RLFI la cual se inició en modo batch, favoreciendo la formación y adhesión de biopelícula al medio de soporte utilizado (Extendosphere). Después, sobrevino la operación en modo continuo desde una carga volumétrica aplicada (CVA) de 0.5 g DQOs/L⋅d hasta alcanzar 4 g DQOs/L⋅d, carga volumétrica a la cual se logró la plena estabilización del reactor, siendo la alta variabilidad de la concentración de DQOs en el agua residual urbana de alimentación, la principal problemática que ocasionó retrasos en la estabilidad del reactor. A una CVA de 4 g DQOs/L⋅d en estado estacionario, el valor mínimo de eficiencia de remoción de DQOs fue del 32.36% y el máximo de 66.99%. En estas condiciones el porcentaje de metano presente en el biogás producido tuvo un valor medio de 85.57 ± 2.93%, siendo un valor alto comparado con otros porcentajes de metano encontrados en la digestión anaerobia de aguas residuales urbanas. El YCH4 tuvo un valor medio de 0.316 ± 0.110 LCH4/g DQOrem⋅día. Los porcentajes de metanización variaron en el rango de 20.50 a 100%, registrándose un valor medio de 73.42 ± 25.63%. La considerable variabilidad en el porcentaje de metanización se debió principalmente a que se presentaron eventos de lavado de soporte colonizado, lo cual propició que las actividades metabólicas fueran orientadas hacia formación de biopelícula (anabolismo) en vez de estar dirigidas hacia producción de metano (catabolismo). En relación a los ensayos con variación de la relación C/N, se manejaron relaciones DQOs/N-NO3 en el rango de 1.65 a 21.1 g DQOs/g N-NO3. La tasa de remoción anaerobia de DQOs se incrementó con la concentración de sustrato en una relación casi lineal, ajustándose a una cinética de primer orden, lo que regularmente se presenta a concentraciones bajas de sustrato. La eficiencia del proceso de desnitrificación fue por lo regular alta, incrementándose ligeramente con la concentración de DQOs en el influente, con valores en el rango de 73.8 a 99.1%. Por otra parte, la tasa de remoción por metanogénesis se incrementó con la concentración relativa de sustrato (es decir, a mayores relaciones DQOs/N-NO3), siendo más sensitiva la metanogénesis a la concentración relativa de sustrato que la desnitrificación. Conforme aumentó la relación DQOs/N-NO3, la desnitrificación, de ser la ruta metabólica principal de utilización de la materia orgánica (comparada con la metanización), empezó a combinarse con la metanización. De manera evidente, a las relaciones DQOs/N-NO3 probadas, se manifestaron más las actividades desnitrificantes, quedando reflejadas por el alto porcentaje de utilización de la DQOs removida hacia la desnitrificación. La relación experimental DQOs/N-NO3 a la cual se pudiera haber cumplido con el requerimiento de materia orgánica (en términos de DQOs) para la desnitrificación de nitratos en las aguas residuales urbanas tratadas resultó aproximadamente ser igual a 7.1 g DQOs/g N-NO3. A una CVA de 4 g DQOs/L⋅d, se obtuvo un diámetro promedio máximo de soporte colonizado igual a 266.106 ± 69.279 μm aunque, hay que indicarlo, se presentaron fluctuaciones, las cuales se reflejaron también en el espesor de la biopelícula, el cual tuvo un valor máximo de 50.099 μm y un valor promedio de 37.294 ± 11.199 μm. Estas fluctuaciones pudieron deberse a la existencia de corrientes preferenciales dentro del reactor, las cuales no permitieron un acceso equitativo del sustrato a todo el lecho. Nitrification-denitrification is the traditional biological process for nitrogen removal from wastewaters (Ruiz G. et al., 2006a), being fundamental since it contributes to control the eutrophication of the receiving waters. Due to the deterioration that on the availability of the aquatic resources the anthropogenic activities have exerted, it is necessary to orient the treatment of wastewaters towards technologies that offer the greater degree of sustainability, raising innovations in the treatment. This work studied the influence of C/N ratio on denitrification and methanogenesis of urban wastewaters in an inverse fluidized bed reactor (IFBR). Previously to the accomplishment of the experimental tests with variation of C/N ratio, the start up of the IFBR was carried out in batch way, encouraging the formation and adhesion of biofilm to Extendosphere, which it was used as support. The operation in continuous way carried out from an organic loading rate (OLR) of 0.5 g CODs/L ∙ d to 4 g CODs/L ∙ d, when the steady-state was reached. The high variability of the CODs of the urban wastewaters caused delays in the stability of the reactor. Once stationary state was reached, the removal efficiency of CODs ranged from 32.36 to 66.99% to 4 g CODs/L ∙ d. In these conditions the percentage of methane in produced biogas had an average value of 85.57 ± 2.93%, being a high value compared with other studies treating anaerobically urban wastewaters. The YCH4 had an average value of 0.316 ± 0.110 LCH4/g CODrem ∙ d. The percentage of methanisation ranged from 20.50 to 100%, with an average value of 73.42 ± 25.63%. The considerable variability in the methanisation percentage occurred mainly due events of wash-out of colonized support, which caused that the metabolic activities were oriented towards formation of biofilm (anabolism) instead of methane production (catabolism). Concerning the tests with variation of C/N ratio, CODs/NO3-N ratios from 1.65 to 21.1 g CODs/g NO3-N were proved. The CODs anaerobic removal rate increased with the substrate concentration in an almost linear relation, adjusting to a kinetic of first order, which regularly appears to low concentrations of substrate. Efficiency of the denitrification process was regularly high, and it increased slightly with the CODs concentration in the influent, ranging from 73.8 to 99.1%. On the other hand, the CODs removal rate by methanogenesis increased with the substrate relative concentration (e.g., to greater CODs/NO3-N ratios), being more sensitive the methanogenesis to the substrate relative concentration that the denitrification. When the CODs/NO3-N ratio increased, the denitrification, of being the main metabolic route of use of the organic matter (compared with the methanogenesis), began to be combined with the methanogenesis. Definitively, to the proven CODs/NO3-N ratios the denitrification processes were more pronounced, being reflected by the high percentage of use of the removed CODs towards denitrification. The experimental CODs/NO3-N ratio to which it was possible to have been fulfilled the requirement of organic matter (in terms of CODs) for the denitrification of nitrates in urban wastewaters turned out to be approximately 7.1 g CODs/g NO3-N. It was obtained a maximum average diameter of colonized support of 266.106 ± 69.279 μm to 4 g CODs/L ∙ d, although it is necessary to indicate that appeared fluctuations in the thickness of biofilm, which had a maximum value of 50.099 μm and an average value of 37.294 ± 11.199 μm. These fluctuations could be due to the existence of preferential currents within the reactor, which did not allow an equitable access of the substrate to all the bed.
This paper investigates the gasification of two biomass types (pine wood and olive stones) in a laboratory scale bubbling fluidized bed reactor, in order to evaluate comparatively their potential in the production of syngas.
Polysilicon production costs contribute approximately to 25-33% of the overall cost of the solar panels and a similar fraction of the total energy invested in their fabrication. Understanding the energy losses and the behaviour of process temperature is an essential requirement as one moves forward to design and build large scale polysilicon manufacturing plants. In this paper we present thermal models for two processes for poly production, viz., the Siemens process using trichlorosilane (TCS) as precursor and the fluid bed process using silane (monosilane, MS).We validate the models with some experimental measurements on prototype laboratory reactors relating the temperature profiles to product quality. A model sensitivity analysis is also performed, and the efects of some key parameters such as reactor wall emissivity, gas distributor temperature, etc., on temperature distribution and product quality are examined. The information presented in this paper is useful for further understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of both deposition technologies, and will help in optimal temperature profiling of these systems aiming at lowering production costs without compromising the solar cell quality.
The DAN/TIR mannoprotein genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (DAN1, DAN2, DAN3, DAN4, TIR1, TIR2, TIR3 and TIR4) are expressed in anaerobic cells while the predominant cell wall proteins Cwp1 and Cwp2 are down-regulated. Elements involved in activation and repression of the DAN/TIR genes were defined in this study, using the DAN1 promoter as a model. Nested deletions in a DAN1/lacZ reporter pinpointed regions carrying activation and repression elements. Inspection revealed two consensus sequences subsequently shown to be independent anaerobic response elements (AR1, consensus TCGTTYAG; AR2, consensus AAAAATTGTTGA). AR1 is found in all of the DAN/TIR promoters; AR2 is found in DAN1, DAN2 and DAN3. A 120 bp segment carrying two copies of AR1 preferentially activated transcription of lacZ under anaerobic conditions. A fusion of three synthetic copies of AR1 to MEL1 was also expressed anaerobically. Mutations in either AR1 site within the 120 bp segment caused a drastic loss of expression, indicating that both are necessary for activation and implying cooperativity between adjacent transcriptional activation complexes. A single AR2 site carried on a 46 bp fragment from the DAN1 promoter activated lacZ transcription under anaerobic conditions, as did a 26 bp synthetic AR2 fragment fused to MEL1. Nucleotide substitutions within the AR2 sequence eliminated the activity of the 46 bp segment. Ablation of the AR2 sequences in the full promoter caused a partial reduction of expression. The presence of the ATTGTT core (recognized by HMG proteins) in the AR2 sequence suggests that an HMG protein may activate through AR2. One region was implicated in aerobic repression of DAN1. It contains sites for the heme-induced Mot3 and Rox1 repressors.
A elevada concentração de cloro das bifenilas policloradas provoca alta toxicidade do composto, o qual dificulta sua biodegradação. A contaminação de PCB no Brasil foi confirmada em estudo realizado na Bahia de Santos-São Vicente (São Paulo), o qual revelou a necessidade de um plano de ação para o controle e remoção de PCB no Brasil. Pretendeu-se assim, na realização da presente pesquisa, verificar quatro hipóteses: (1) A técnica de Microextração em fase sólida é uma metodologia eficaz para avaliação de bifenilas policloradas de amostras de reatores; (2) A condição fermentativa-metanogênica abriga comunidade resistente ao PCB, e removê-lo; (3) A condição desnitrificante abriga comunidade resistente ao PCB, e removê-lo e (4) A remoção de PCB, bem como, a composição microbiana é distinta em cada condição metabólica. Para tanto, reatores em batelada foram montados separadamente com biomassa anaeróbia proveniente de reator UASB usado no tratamento de água residuária de avicultura e biomassa de sistemas de lodos ativados de tratamento de esgoto sanitário. Os reatores operados em condição mesófila foram alimentados com meio sintético, co-substratos, sendo etanol (457 mg.L-1) e formiato de sódio (680 mg.L-1) para os reatores anaeróbios, e somente etanol (598 mg.L-1) para os reatores anóxicos, além de PCB padrão Sigma (congêneres PCBs 10, 28, 52, 153, 138 e 180) em diferentes concentrações, dependendo do objetivo do ensaio. A aplicação do método de extração por SPME com análise em cromatógrafo gasoso com detector por captura de elétrons foi adequada para a determinação dos seis congêneres de PCB. Obteve-se ampla faixa de linearidade, seletividade frente aos vários interferentes, além da robustez do método, utilidade e confiabilidade na identificação e quantificação específica dos seis congêneres de PCB. A Hipótese 1 foi aceita; ou seja, por meio da aplicação da metodologia SPME foi possível quantificar os PCB nos reatores em batelada. Apesar de ter sido comprovada a inibição metanogênica na presença de PCB, com IC50 de 0,03 mg.L
Neste trabalho de doutorado utilizou-se um reator anaeróbio em batelada seqüencial contendo biomassa imobilizada em matrizes cúbicas de espuma de poliuretano e agitação mecânica, com volume total de 5.5 L e volume útil de 4.5 L. A agitação do meio líquido foi realizada com quatro tipos de impelidores (turbina tipo hélice, lâminas planas, lâminas planas inclinadas e lâminas curvas, testados individualmente, sempre em número de 3), com 6 cm de diâmetro. A pesquisa foi realizada em quatro etapas experimentais. A etapa 1 objetivou determinar o tempo de mistura no reator para cada tipo de impelidor, ou seja, o tempo necessário para que o meio líquido ficasse totalmente homogêneo. A etapa 2 objetivou selecionar o tipo de impelidor e a respectiva intensidade de agitação que garantisse a minimização da resistência à transferência de massa externa no sistema. As intensidades de agitação testadas variaram de 200 a 1100 rpm, dependendo do tipo de impelidor. A etapa 3 foi realizada com tipo de impelidor e intensidade de agitação definidos na etapa 2, mas variando-se o tamanho da biopartícula (0,5, 1,0, 2,0 e 3,0 cm de aresta). O objetivo desta etapa foi selecionar o tamanho de biopartícula que minimizasse a resistência à transferência de massa interna. De posse das condições operacionais otimizadas (tipo de impelidor, intensidade de agitação e tamanho de partícula de suporte), a etapa 4 constituiu na aplicação das mesmas para o tratamento de um resíduo real, sendo escolhida água residuária de suinocultura. Na etapa 1, os resultados mostraram que os tempos de mistura para todos os tipos de impelidores foram desprezíveis em relação ao tempo total de ciclo. A etapa 2 revelou tempos de partida muito curtos (cerca de 20 dias), em todas as condições testadas, sendo atingidas remoções de DQO próximas de 70%. Além disso, o tipo de impelidor exerceu grande influência na qualidade final do efluente, fato este claramente constatado quando as frações de DQO foram consideradas separadamente (filtrada e suspensa). De acordo com os resultados obtidos na etapa 3, o tamanho da biopartícula teve influência decisiva no desempenho do sistema, nas condições testadas. As velocidades de dissolução foram aparentemente influenciadas pelo empacotamento do leito de espuma, enquanto que o consumo da fração de DQO correspondente às amostras filtradas foi provavelmente influenciado por fatores mais complexos. Finalmente, o teste realizado com resíduo diluído de suinocultura demonstrou que a operação do reator em estudo para o tratamento deste tipo de água residuária é possível. Os dados operacionais mostraram que o reator permaneceu estável durante o período testado. A agitação mecânica provou ser eficiente para melhorar a degradação da DQO suspensa, um dos maiores problemas no tratamento deste tipo de água residuária. Sendo assim, de acordo com os dados experimentais obtidos ao longo do trabalho, pode-se afirmar que a agitação em reatores em batelada mostrou-se importante não somente para proporcionar boas condições de mistura ou melhorar a transferência de massa na fase líquida, mas também para melhorar a solubilização da matéria orgânica particulada, melhorando as velocidades de consumo de matéria orgânica.
Nesse estudo, procurou-se investigar a influência do aumento de carga orgânica em um ASBR operado a 30ºC, agitado mecanicamente e contendo microrganismos imobilizados em suporte inerte. Para tal, foi aplicado um carregamento orgânico volumétrico variando de 1,5 a 6,0 g DQO/L.dia, alimentando-se um reator construído em acrílico (5,4 L) com 2 L de água residuária sintética com concentrações de 500 a 2000 mg DQO/L com fontes de carboidrato/proteína/lipídio, em bateladas de 8 a 12 h. O sistema apresentou eficiências de remoção de material orgânico entre 73% e 88% para as condições estudadas. Entretanto, quando o reator foi alimentado com uma concentração de 2000 mg DQO/L em bateladas de 8 h, verificou-se o acúmulo de ácidos voláteis totais, refletindo na redução da eficiência de remoção de material orgânico para 55%, para amostras filtradas. Os perfis dinâmicos ao longo da batelada permitiram concluir que, para a condição com o mesmo carregamento orgânico, porém com concentrações afluentes e tempos de ciclo diferentes, a produção inicial de ácidos voláteis totais foi mais acentuada para o caso de alimentação com maior concentração. Para condições com concentrações afluentes iguais, o tempo a mais para o ciclo foi fundamental para obter-se efluente de melhor qualidade em termos de remoção de matéria orgânica.
Renewable energy such as biomass has given markets, including dairy farms, an effective approach to reducing the costs of sustaining a profitable business. Anaerobic digestion systems offer dairy farms a very effective way to reduce manure odor, comply with soil and water pollution regulations, manufacture compost for general market sales, produce irrigation capacity and generate on-site electricity as well as the ability to sell excess electricity back to the local utilities. This project defines anaerobic digestion technologies and practices, analyzes case studies and presents a step-by-step anaerobic digestion project startup checklist. The result is an anaerobic digestion project working guide that acts as a tool to aid dairy farmers in their own potential anaerobic digestion project.