980 resultados para Serrátil anterior


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In sheep intracerebroventricular injection of PACAP (10 nmol) significantly (P < 0.01) stimulated the levels of the dopamine metabolite DOPAC within the medial basal hypothalamus las measured by in vivo microdialysis) and this effect was temporally correlated with a significant (P < 0.05) suppression in peripheral prolactin concentrations. This result is in accord with the hypothesis that PACAP suppresses prolactin secretion from the anterior pituitary gland by stimulating dopamine release from tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Recent evidence suggests that dopamine, acting via its D1 receptors, may function as a neurotransmitter in intrahypothalamic pathways involved in the stimulation of prolactin secretion. Functional dopamine D1 receptors are present in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) and we hypothesized that they might be part of a prolactin-stimulatory pathway activated by stress. We tested this hypothesis in a series of experiments on sheep involving two different forms of stressors, audiovisual (barking dog) and high environmental temperature. We attempted to block the stimulation of prolactin secretion by infusion into the VMH of an antagonist specific for the D1 receptor. Ovariectomised, oestradiol-implanted merino ewes were surgically implanted with bilateral guide tubes directed at the VMH. After a 180 min pretreatment period, the ewes either were or were not exposed to a stressor (30 min of barking dog or 120 min at 35 degrees C, 65% relative humidity). D1 receptor antagonist, SCH23390 or vehicle (0.9% saline) was infused into the VMH (1.7 mu l/h, 120 nmol/h) for 60 min prior to and during the stressor period. Blood was sampled every 15 min via jugular cannulae and the plasma was assayed for prolactin, cortisol and growth hormone (GH). Both stressors significantly increased prolactin concentrations over control levels. SCH23390 infusion significantly attenuated the prolactin response to high environmental temperature, but had no effect on the prolactin response to audiovisual stress. Cortisol concentrations were significantly increased by audiovisual stress only and were not affected by SCH23390, GH concentrations were not changed by either stressor or infusion. Drug infusion alone did not affect the concentration of the hormones. The data suggest that the VMH D1 receptors are involved in a prolactin stimulatory pathway in response to high environmental temperature. The inability of the D1 antagonist to affect the response to the barking dog indicates that this pathway is stress-specific, implying that there is more than one mechanism or pathway involved in the prolactin response to different stressors.


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To aid in the development of artificial diets for mass rearing parasitioids, we investigated the anatomical changes in the digestive tract during feeding behaviour of larval Trichogramma australicum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Larvae begin to feed immediately upon eclosion and feed continuously for 4 h until replete. Feeding is characterised by rhythmic muscle contractions (ca 1 per s) of the pharynx. Contractions of the pharyngeal dilator muscles lift the roof of the lobe-shaped pharynx away from the floor of the chamber, opening the mouth and pumping food into the pharyngeal cavity. Another muscle contraction occurs about 0.5 s later, forcing the bolus of food through the oesophagus and into the midgut. The junction of fore- and midgut is marked by a cardiac valve. The midgut occupies most of the body cavity and is lined with highly vacuolated, flattened cells and a dispersed layer of muscle cells. In the centre of the midgut, food has the appearance of host egg contents. Food near the midgut epithelial cells has a finer, more homogeneous appearance. This change in the physical properties of the gut contents is indicative of the digestion process. In the prepupa, where digestion is complete, the entire gut contents have this appearance. After eclosion, the vitelline membrane remains attached to the posterior end of the larva. We believe this attachment to be adaptive in two ways: (1) to anchor the larva against the movements of its anterior portion, thereby increasing the efficiency of foraging within the egg, and (2) to prevent a free-floating membrane from clogging the mouthparts during ingestion. 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Apocreadiidae is reviewed and is considered to include genera recognised previously within the families Apocreadiidae, Homalometridae, Schistorchiidae, Sphincterostomatidae and Trematobrienidae. Key features of the family are extensive vitelline follicles, eye-spot pigment dispersed in forebody, I-shaped excretory vesicle, no cirrus-sac and genital pore opening immediately anterior to the ventral sucker (usually) or immediately posterior to it (Postporus Manter, 1949). Three subfamilies and 18 genera are recognised within the Apocreadiidae. The Apocreadiinae comprises Homalometron Stafford, 1904 (new syn. Barbulostomum Ramsey, 1965), Callohelmis n. g., Choanodera Manter, 1940, Crassicutis Manter, 1936, Dactylotrema Bravo-Hollis & Manter, 1957, Marsupioacetabulum Yamaguti, 1952, Microcreadium Simer, 1929, Myzotus Manter, 1940, Neoapocreadium Siddiqi & Cable, 1960, Neomegasolena Siddiqi & Cable, 1960, Pancreadium Manter, 1954, Procaudotestis Szidat, 1954 and Trematobrien Dollfus, 1950. The Schistorchiinae comprises Schistorchis Luhe, 1906, Sphincterostoma Yamaguti, 1937, Sphincteristomum Oshmarin, Mamaev & Parukhin, 1961 and Megacreadium Nagaty, 1956. The Postporinae comprises only Postporus. A key to subfamilies and genera of the Apocreadiidae is provided. It is argued that there is no convincing basis for the recognition of the genus Apocreadium Manter, 1937 and all its constituent species are combined with Homalometron. The following new combinations are proposed for species previously recognised within Apocreadium: Homalometron balistis (Manter, 1947), H. caballeroi (Bravo-Hollis, 1953), H. cryptum (Overstreet, 1969), H. longisinosum (Manter, 1937), H. manteri (Overstreet, 1970), H. mexicanum (Manter, 1937) and H. vinodae (Ahmad, 1985). Apocreadium uroproctoferum Sogandares-Bernal, 1959 is found to lack a uroproct and is made a synonym of H. mexicanum. Homalometron verrunculi nom. nov. is proposed to replace the secondarily pre-occupied H. caballeroi Lamothe-Argumedo, 1965. Barbulostomum is made a synonym of Homalometron and H. cupuloris (Ramsey, 1965) n. comb. is proposed. Neochoanodera is made a synonym of Choanodera and Choanodera ghanensis (Fischthal & Thomas, 1970) n. comb. is proposed. Species within the Apocreadiinae and Postporinae are reviewed and the following are recorded or described from Australian fishes: Homalometron wrightae n. sp. from Achlyopa nigra (Macleay), H. synagris (Yamaguti, 1953) n. comb. from Scolopsis monogramma (Cuvier), H. stradbrokensis n. sp. from Gerres subfasciatus Cuvier, Marsupioacetabulum opallioderma n. sp. from G. subfasciatus, Neoapocreadium karwarensis (Hafeezullah, 1970) n. comb. from G. subfasciatus, N. splendens n. sp. from S. monogramma and Callohelmis pichelinae n. g., n. sp. from Hemigymnus melapterus (Bloch), H. fasciatus (Bloch), Stethojulis bandanensis (Bleeker) andChoerodon venustus (De Vis). Callohelmis is recognised by the combination of absence of tegumental spines, caeca terminating midway between the testes and posterior end of body, ventral sucker enclosed in a tegumental pouch, prominent muscles radiating through the body from the ventral sucker, vitelline follicles not extending into the forebody, and a very short excretory vesicle that opens ventrally. New combinations for species previously recognised within Crassicutis are proposed as follows: Neoapocreadium caranxi (Bilqees, 1976) n. comb., N. gerridis (Nahhas & Cable, 1964) n. comb., N. imtiazi (Ahmad, 1984) n. comb. and N. marina (Manter, 1947) n. comb. The host-specificity and zoogeography of the Apocreadiinae are considered.


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The surfaces of non-geniculate coralline algae (NCA) are known to induce the settlement and metamorphosis of disparate marine taxa. In this study we investigate the responsiveness of larvae of Herdmania curvata (Ascidiacea: Stolidobranchia) to three species of NCA (Neo-goniolithon brassica-florida, Hydrolithon onkodes, and Lithothamnium prolifer) that cohabit the slope and crest of Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef. H. curvata larvae were first exposed to these NCA at or within 2 h of hatching, which is 1 to 2 h prior to attaining competence, and then cultured continuously with the NCA for 12 to 14 h. Rates of settlement and metamorphosis of H, curvata cultured in laboratory chambers in the presence of the different NCA were significantly lower than spontaneous rates in seawater. The limited settlement in treatments containing NCA were confined entirely to the chamber periphery, and settlement never occurred on the surface of the NCA. The inhibitory effect was dose-dependent and was stronger in H. brassica-florida and H. onkodes than in L. prolifer. Larvae that did not settle in treatments with NCA had rounded anterior trunks and, in extreme cases, kinked tails with rounded and dissociated tail muscle cells. In some individuals, we observed the anterior chemosensory papillae being sloughed off the larval body. Morphological analysis of trunk ectodermal and mesenchymal nuclei of larvae cultured in the presence of the NCA revealed that general necrotic cell death was occurring. Importantly, H. curvata larvae that were exposed to NCA could not subsequently be induced to metamorphose in KCl-elevated seawater, whereas larvae not exposed to NCA metamorphosed at high rates in KCl-elevated seawater.


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Hypoechinorhynchus robustus sp. n. is described from Notolabrus parilus (Richardson) (Labridae) from Pt Peron, Western Australia. It has a proboscis with 30 hooks arranged in ten longitudinal rows: 5 rows of a small apical spine, a large anterior hook and a small posterior spine, 5 rows of a large anterior hook, a middle spine and a posterior spine. The new species is distinguished from other species of the genus by having a set of 5 small apical spines anterior to the large hooks on the proboscis, by having lemnisci that barely extend beyond the proboscis receptacle and testes which are more adjacent than tandem. H. robustus also has robust trunk spines anteriorly. Re-examination of Hypoechinorhynchus alaeopis Yamaguti, 1939 (type species) revealed trunk spines that had been overlooked previously. The Hypoechinorhynchidae is made a junior synonym of Arhythmacanthidae because there is considerable overlap between the two family diagnoses, particularly in that both families have a proboscis armature that changes abruptly from small basal spines to large apical (or subapical if present) hooks. The genus Hypoechinorhynchus is placed in the subfamily Arhythmacanthinae because it has trunk spines and a spherical proboscis with few hooks (relative to other arhythmacanthid genera). It is also proposed that Heterosentis magellanicus (Szidat, 1950) be returned to the genus Hypoechinorhynchus since it was transferred to Heterosentis primarily because it had trunk spines. The other hypoechinorhynchid genus contained only Bolborhynchoides exiguus (Achmerov et Dombrowskaja-Achmerova, 1941) Achmerov, 1959 and is relegated to incertae sedis.


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In the present study we investigated tension regulation in the human soleus (SOL) muscle during controlled lengthening and shortening actions. Eleven subjects performed plantar flexor efforts on an ankle torque motor through 30 degrees of ankle displacement (75 degrees-105 degrees internal ankle angle) at lengthening and shortening velocities of 5, 15 and 30 degrees s(-1). To isolate the SOL from the remainder of the triceps surae, the subject's knee was flexed to 60 degrees during all trials. Voluntary plantar flexor efforts were performed under two test conditions: (1) maximal voluntary activation (MVA) of the SOL, and (2) constant submaximal voluntary activation (SVA) of the SOL. SVA trials were performed with direct visual feedback of the SOL electromyogram (EMG) at a level resulting in a torque output of 30% of isometric maximum. Angle-specific (90 degrees ankle angle) torque and EMG of the SOL, medial gastrocnemius (MG) and tibialis anterior (TA) were recorded. In seven subjects from the initial group, the test protocol was repeated under submaximal percutaneous electrical activation (SEA) of SOL (to 30% isometric maximal effort). Lengthening torques were significantly greater than shortening torques in all test conditions. Lengthening torques in MVA and SVA were independent of velocity and remained at the isometric level, whereas SEA torques were greater than isometric torques and increased at higher lengthening velocities. Shortening torques were lower than the isometric level for all conditions. However, whereas SVA and SEA torques decreased at higher velocities of shortening, MVA torques were independent of velocity. These results indicate velocity- and activation-type-specific tension regulation in the human SOL muscle.


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The status of Petalocotyle Ozaki, 1934 within the Gyliauchenidae Goto & Matsudaira, 1918 is reviewed. Two new species, P. adenometra from Prionurus microlepidotus (Amity Point, Queensland, Australia) and P. diverticulata from Acanthurus nigrofuscus and A. lineatus (Heron Island, Queensland, Australia), are described. The body plan of Petalocotyle conforms to that of members of the Gyliauchenidae (oral sucker absent, well-developed pharynx, complex oesophagus and characteristic male terminal genitalia), indicating justifiable inclusion in this family. A new diagnosis is given for the genus, such that Petalocotyle is now identified by the presence of an anterior, protuberant ventral sucker, long caeca, a large, sigmoid cirrus-sac containing a coiled ejaculatory duct, and an extensive vitellarium. We suggest that, of all the known genera of gyliauchenids, Petalocotyle may most closely resemble the 'archaetypal gyliauchenid', that is, it may be placed basally within the radiation of the Gyliauchenidae. However, derived characters, like diverticula in the reproductive system, indicate that some characters of individual members of Petalocotyle may be considered advanced and do not reflect an archaetypal condition. Parallels in the structure of the male and female genitalia of Robphildollfusium Paggi & Orecchia, 1963 and Petalocotyle, along with the shared morphology of the digestive tract, indicate possible phylogenetic links between the two genera. This affinity is difficult to infer using morphology alone and recommend that Robphildollfusium remain detached from the Gyliauchenidae.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) contribute significantly to myocardial ischaemia-reperfusion (I-R) injury. Recently the combination of the antioxidants vitamin E (VE) and alpha-lipoic acid (alpha-LA) has been reported to improve cardiac performance and reduce myocardial lipid peroxidation during in vitro I-R. The purpose of these experiments was to investigate the effects of VE and alpha-LA supplementation on cardiac performance, incidence of dysrhythmias and biochemical alterations during an in vivo myocardial I-R insult. Female Sprague-Dawley rats (4-months old) were assigned to one of the two dietary treatments: (1) control diet (CON) or (2) VE and alpha-LA supplementation (ANTIOXID). The CON diet was prepared to meet AIN-93M standards, which contains 75 IU VE kg(-1) diet. The ANTIOXID diet contained 10 000 IU VE kg(-1) diet and 1.65 g alpha-LA kg(-1) diet. After the 14-week feeding period, significant differences (P < 0.05) existed in mean myocardial VE levels between dietary groups. Animals in each experimental group were subjected to an in vivo I-R protocol which included 25 min of left anterior coronary artery occlusion followed by 10 min of reperfusion. No group differences (P > 0.05) existed in cardiac performance (e.g. peak arterial pressure or ventricular work) or the incidence of ventricular dysrhythmias during the I-R protocol. Following I-R, two markers of lipid peroxidation were lower (P < 0.05) in the ANTIOXID animals compared with CON. These data indicate that dietary supplementation of the antioxidants, VE and alpha-LA do not influence cardiac performance or the incidence of dysrhythmias but do decrease lipid peroxidation during in viva I-R in young adult rats.


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Despite extensive study of the numerous immunoregulatory mechanisms that contribute to the immune-privileged nature of the anterior chamber (AC) of the eye, little is known of the functional nature of antigen-presenting cells (APC) present in the tissues adjoining the AC. In the present study, we have compared the antigen-presenting capacity of dendritic cells (DC) and macrophages isolated from the normal rat iris. Whereas iris DC exhibited a potent ability to stimulate resting allogeneic T cells in MLR cultures (an in-vitro correlate of the ability to induce primary T cell responses), resident iris macrophages displayed negligible MLR-stimulatory capacity. Significantly, iris macrophages could efficiently elicit proliferation of primed antigen-specific T cells (an in-vitro correlate of the ability to act as local APC in secondary responses). This antigen-presenting activity was approximately half that of fully mature iris DC and considerably greater than that of freshly isolated iris DC. A key contributor to the effectiveness of resident iris macrophage antigen presentation was considered to be the absence of lymphocytostatic control of T cell proliferation exerted by these cells. The results indicate dichotomous but complementary roles for DC (immune surveillance) and macrophages (local antigen presentation in secondary responses) in this tissue.


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In gastropod mollusks, neuroendocrine cells in the anterior ganglia have been shown to regulate growth and reproduction. As a first step toward understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of these physiological processes in the tropical abalone Haliotis asinina, ive have identified sets of POU, Sox, and Pax transcription factor genes that are expressed in these ganglia. Using highly degenerate oligonucleotide primers designed to anneal to conserved codons in each of these gene families, we have amplified by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 2 POU genes (HasPOU-III and HasPOU-IV), 2 Sox genes (HasSox-B and HasSox-C), and two Pax genes (HasPax-258 and HaxPax-6). Analyses with gene-specific primers indicated that the 6 genes are expressed in the cerebral and pleuropedal ganglia of both reproductively active and spent adults, in a number of sensory structures, and in a subset of other adult tissues.


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We used positron emission tomography (PET) with O-15-labelled water to record patterns of cerebral activation in six patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), studied when clinically off and after turning on as a result of dopaminergic stimulation. They were asked to imagine a Finger opposition movement performed with their right hand. externally paced at a rate of 1 Hz. Trials alternating between motor imagery and rest were measured. A pilot study of three age-matched controls was also performed. We chose the task as a robust method of activating the supplementary motor area (SMA), defects of which have been reported in PD. The PD patients showed normal de-rees of activation of the SMA (proper) when both off and on. Significant activation with imagining movement also occurred in the ipsilateral inferior parietal cortex (both off and when on) and ipsilateral premotor cortex (when off only). The patients showed significantly greater activation of the rostral anterior cingulate and significantly less activation of the left lingual gyrus and precuneus when performing the task on compared with their performance when off. PD patients when imagining movement and off showed less activation of several sites including the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) when compared to the controls performing the same task. No significant differences from controls were present when the patients imagined when on. Our results are consistent with other studies showing deficits of pre-SMA function in PD with preserved function of the SMA proper. In addition to the areas of reduced activation (anterior cingulate, DLPFC), there were also sites of activation (ipsilateral premotor and inferior parietal cortex) previously reported as locations of compensatory overactivity for PD patients performing similar tasks. Both failure of activation and compensatory changes a-re likely to contribute to the motor deficit in PD. (C) 2001 Movement Disorder Society.


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In experiments on isolated animal muscle, the force produced during active lengthening contractions can be up to twice the isometric force, whereas in human experiments lengthening force shows only modest, if any, increase in force. The presence of synergist and antagonist muscle activation associated with human experiments in situ may partly account for the difference between animal and human studies. Therefore, this study aimed to quantify the force-velocity relationship of the human soleus muscle and assess the likelihood that co-activation of antagonist muscles was responsible for the inhibition of torque during submaximal voluntary plantar flexor efforts. Seven subjects performed submaximal voluntary lengthening, shortening(at angular, velocities of +5, -5, +15, -15 and +30, and -30degrees s(-1)) and isometric plantar flexor efforts against an ankle torque motor. Angle-specific (90degrees) measures of plantar flexor torque plus surface and intramuscular electromyography from soleus, medial gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior were made. The level of activation (30% of maximal voluntary isometric effort) was maintained by providing direct visual feedback of the soleus electromyogram to the subject. In an attempt to isolate the contribution of soleus to the resultant plantar flexion torque, activation of the synergist and antagonist muscles were minimised by: (1) flexing the knee of the test limb, thereby minimising the activation of gastrocnemius, and (2) applying an anaesthetic block to the common peroneal nerve to eliminate activation of the primary antagonist muscle, tibialis anterior and the synergist muscles, peroneus longus and peroneus brevis. Plantar flexion torque decreased significantly (P<0.05) after blocking the common peroneal nerve which was likely due to abolishing activation of the peroneal muscles which are synergists for plantar flexion. When normalised to the corresponding isometric value, the force-velocity relationship between pre- and post-block conditions was not different. In both conditions, plantar flexion torques during shortening actions were significantly less than the isometric torque and decreased at faster velocities. During lengthening actions, however, plantar flexion torques were not significantly different from isometric regardless of angular velocity. It was concluded that the apparent inhibition of lengthening torques during voluntary activation is not due to co-activation of antagonist muscles. Results are presented as mean (SEM).


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The functional brain organisation of mathematically gifted adolescents may be different from those of average mathematical ability. In this study we used fMRI to examine the neural circuitry that mediates the performance of mathematically gifted boys and average ability controls while engaged in mental rotation. Eight math gifted male adolescents and five average ability male adolescents were presented 18 control and 18 mental rotation trials in two separate blocks. Participants selected one of four test stimuli to match the target stimulus by pressing one of four fibreoptic buttons. The control task required a simple 'best match' for the target stimulus. EPI scans were acquired on a 3-T MR scanner and a fixed effects statistical analysis (SPM99) was used to identify areas of significant activation in the rotation tasks, for the two groups. The results indicate that during mental rotation both groups activate the parietal lobes bilaterally, though to different levels. Moreover, the math gifted are uniformly bilateral in their pattern of activation, and engage some anterior regions not found in those of average ability. These regions include bilateral prefrontal cortex and the right anterior cingulate, which may serve to heighten concentration, and to optimise the pre-planning of purposeful actions.


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Thirst was induced by rapid i.v. infusion of hypertonic saline (0.51 M at 13.4 ml/min). Ten humans were neuroimaged by positron-emission tomography (PET) and four by functional MRI (fMRI). PET images were made 25 min after beginning infusion, when the sensation of thirst began to enter the stream of consciousness. The fMRI images were made when the maximum rate of increase of thirst occurred. The PET results showed regional cerebral blood flow changes similar to those delineated when thirst was maximal. These loci involved the phylogenetically ancient areas of the brain. fMRI showed activation in the anterior wall of the third ventricle, an area that is key in the genesis of thirst but is not an area revealed by PET imaging. Thus, this region plays as major a role in thirst for humans as for animals. Strong activations in the brain with fMRI included the anterior cingulate, parahippocampal gyrus, inferior and middle frontal gyri, insula, and cerebellum. When the subjects drank water to satiation, thirst declined immediately to baseline. A precipitate decline in intensity of activation signal occurred in the anterior cingulate area (Brodmann area 32) putatively related to consciousness of thirst. The intensity of activation in the anterior wall of the third ventricle was essentially unchanged, which is consistent with the fact that a significant time (15-20 min) would be needed before plasma Na concentration changed as a result of water absorption from the gut.