922 resultados para September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 - Influence


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Combating climate change is perhaps the most formidable public policy challenge of our times. Unmitigated climate change will be irreversible. It will place significant costs on future generations, and expose them to unexplored risks. To mitigate climate change, global coordination is indispensable. European Union citizens consider climate change a central problem. The EU and its member states have therefore put in place signficant and costly climate mitigation policies.


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In the wake of the long-awaited State of the Union address delivered by Jean-Claude Juncker on September 9th, Sergio Carrera and Karel Lannoo express deep disappointment with the EU’s response, both in scope and in ambition. In their view, two key challenges lie behind the current asylum crisis. First, existing EU rules do not fit the purpose and the second challenge relates to the systemic failure of states like Greece, Hungary and Italy to adhere to the democratic rule of law principles and fundamental rights.


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Os Portugueses desde imemoráveis tempos gostam de partir à descoberta de mundos novos, fazemo-lo pelas mais variadas razões, no entanto, neste trabalho iremos apenas analisar os riscos associados ao turismo de lazer. Os atentados de Nova Iorque em 11 Setembro 2001, Síndrome Respiratório Grave em HongKong em Fevereiro de 2003, o Tsunami no oceano Indico em Dezembro 2004, a erupção vulcânica na Islândia em Abril de 2010 ou os atentados de Paris em 13 de Novembro 2015, estas datas ficaram marcadas para sempre, lemos e relemos inúmeros depoimentos de pessoas que se encontravam de férias nestas cidades e pensamos e se fossemos nós? Os primeiros registos da atividade seguradora datam do ano 5.000 A.C. inicialmente seguravam transportes de mercadorias, hoje em dia podem cobrir “qualquer coisa”. Com a perceção dos riscos que hoje em dia podem ocorrer numa viagem, será que as Seguradoras estão preparadas para minimizar os mesmos? E qual a perceção dos riscos para quem viaja. Para o efeito realizou-se um estudo exploratório por suporte a uma amostra de conveniência que reuniu 152 observações. Análises descritivas e testes não paramétricos foram aplicados para definir quais os riscos mais percebidos e quais os que os turistas portugueses pretendem ver cobertos. Concluiu-se que as pessoas que dão maior importância aos Risco de Saúde e Financeiro são os que efetuam seguros de viagem, já as que dão maior importância aos Risco Equipamento, Risco Politico, Risco Psicológico e Risco de Satisfação são as que optam por não fazer seguro.


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Marine organic matter (OM) sinks from surface waters to the seafloor via the biological pump. Benthic communities, which use this sedimented OM as energy and carbon source, produce dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the process of remineralization, enriching the sediment porewater with fresh DOM compounds. We hypothesized that in the oligotrophic deep Arctic basin the molecular signal of freshly deposited primary produced OM is restricted to the surface sediment pore waters which should differ from bottom water and deeper sediment pore water in DOM composition. This study focused on: 1) the molecular composition of the DOM in sediment pore waters of the deep Eurasian Arctic basins, 2) whether the signal of marine vs. terrigenous DOM is represented by different compounds preserved in the sediment pore waters and 3) whether there is any relation between Arctic Ocean ice cover and DOM composition. Molecular data, obtained via 15 Tesla Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer, were correlated with environmental parameters by partial least square analysis. The fresher marine detrital OM signal from surface waters was limited to pore waters from < 5 cm sediment depth. The productive ice margin stations showed higher abundances of peptides, unsaturated aliphatics and saturated fatty acids formulae, indicative of fresh OM/pigments deposition, compared to northernmost stations which had stronger aromatic signals. This study contributes to the understanding of the coupling between the Arctic Ocean productivity and its depositional regime, and how it will be altered in response to sea ice retreat and increasing river runoff.