935 resultados para Self-marketing strategic
O presente relatório de estágio enquadra-se no Mestrado de Ciências da Comunicação, na vertente de Comunicação Estratégica e tem por base o estágio curricular desenvolvido na Macif Portugal, Companhia de Seguros, S.A. O referido estágio, com a duração de 400 horas, teve início a 6 de Outubro de 2014 e terminou a 14 de Dezembro do mesmo ano. Numa primeira fase deste relatório, apresento a instituição que me recebeu e qual a situação que enfrentava no momento, seguida da evolução e das mudanças que presenciei na companhia ao longo dos dois meses em que fiz parte do departamento de Comunicação e Marketing. O meu estágio aconteceu numa altura de reestruturação profunda em que a Macif Portugal passava por uma situação de venda e consequentemente, um momento de grandes mudanças nomeadamente ao nível da comunicação. Numa segunda fase, apresento as tarefas que acompanhei e o papel que desempenhei no decorrer dessas mesmas tarefas expondo sempre a importância de cada uma das actividades para o meu desenvolvimento enquanto aluna. Por fim, apresento o projecto que desenvolvi ao longo do estágio, em que tive a oportunidade de aplicar de forma prática os conhecimentos adquiridos na componente lectiva.
O objectivo deste Trabalho de Projecto é criar um plano de comunicação para a futura empresa Chousa Grande, com enfoque no lançamento do seu Queijo de Cabra “Chousa Grande Gourmet”. Mais do que um produto de qualidade premium, a marca Chousa Grande tem subjacente os valores de desenvolvimento local, sustentabilidade e preservação ambiental, concentrados num projecto ambicioso, da autoria de dois jovens naturais da aldeia de Chãos, que, com a construção de uma queijaria tradicional, pretendem revitalizar a actividade pastorícia e torná-la economicamente sustentável, assim como a outras actividades económicas relacionadas. Para tal, enquadramos as temáticas do marketing, sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento local, três dos pilares fundamentais que suportam o projecto e que, estrategicamente conjugados, posicionam a marca de acordo com as principais tendências dos consumidores actualmente identificadas. Assim, as acções de comunicação também devem espelhar os valores defendidos neste projecto. A estratégia assenta, portanto, na aposta em ferramentas de comunicação que não impliquem investimentos demasiado avultados, como a assessoria de imprensa, as relações públicas, os novos meios, a força de vendas e a promoção, mas que demonstrem ser igualmente eficazes a transmitir as mensagens ao público-alvo e a tornar a marca reconhecida.
This Work Project studies the Continuous Improvement and Processes (CIP) department at TAP Maintenance & Engineering. The project has the objective to provide insights to align the activities of the department with the strategy of the organization. For such, two focuses were taken: (i) an internal analysis which highlighted a need for transversal change to ensure the adoption of Continuous Improvement at TAP, and (ii) a process which outlined objectives and projects to be pursued to prioritize CIP’s activities in accordance with the organization’s goals. The outcome includes (a) important recommendations concerning strategic planning and competition evaluation and (b) a process’ output that reflects a balance among factors influencing the priority of projects.
The construction sector in Portugal declined sharply over the past 10 years. The current crisis can wiped out the entire industry. Can the industry survive? What lessons can we learn? What can be done to revive the sector? These are questions this study intends to answer. By analyzing the best practices of the industry and of the largest construction companies in Portugal, as well as the difficulties and constrains that they all faced, I found that retrenchment (operational costs and selling assets) are the main measures companies resort to, and that strategic reorientation is essential to turnaround. I found that internationalization is a key driver on strategic reorientation and diversification and concentration are complementary strategies that can enforce and strengthen the main one.
The following work project illustrates the strategic issues There App, a mobile application, faces regarding the opportunity to expand from its current state as a product to a multisided platform. Initially, a market analysis is performed to identify the ideal customer groups to be integrated in the platform. Strategic design issues are then discussed on how to best match its value proposition with the identified market opportunity. Suggestions on how the company should organize its resources and operational processes to best deliver on its value proposition complete the work.
Introduction Despite the great advances in serological testing for transfusion-transmitted infections, the selection of blood donors by blood bank operators remains the only way to avoid transmission within the testing window period. Part of this selection is the self-exclusion form, on which the donors can exclude their blood from donation without any explanation. This study assessed the clinical and epidemiological characteristics related to positivity for viral hepatitis and to the use of the confidential self-exclusion (CSE) form. Methods This transversal study analyzed the data collected from blood donors' files in a hospital in Southern Brazil. Univariate and multivariate analyses identified the clinical and epidemiological variables related to positive serologies of viral hepatitis and to whether the donor was self-excluded. Results Of the 3,180 donors included in this study, 0.1% tested positive for HBsAg, 2.1% for anti-HBc, and 0.9% for anti-HCV. When the 93 donors with positive serologies for viral hepatitis were compared with those who were negative, a greater proportion of the positive serology group was found to have had a history of blood transfusions (OR=4.908; 95%CI=1.628 - 14.799; p<0.01), had repeatedly donated (OR=2.147; 95%CI=1.236 - 3.729; p<0.01), and used the CSE form for self-exclusion (OR=7.139; 95%CI=2.045 - 24.923; p<0.01). No variables were independently associated with self-exclusion. Conclusions A history of blood transfusion, repeated donations, and self-exclusion are factors that should be considered during viral hepatitis screenings in blood banks.
This thesis studies the marketing plan for the new brand Book-a-Cook. Book-a-Cook is an online platform connecting well-to-do urban Germans with professional chefs that prepare meals at consumer's homes. By analyzing the external and internal audit, it was possible to develop an appropriate strategy to launch the service in Germany. The main goals are stimulating demand and creating a strong brand in order to establish a successful business model. A quantitative research was made to identify potential customers, their needs and how Book-a-Cook can satisfy them.
The purpose of the project was to create a marketing plan for the Portuguese brand O’Templus Gin, owned and managed by Oficina de Espíritos in Évora, Portugal. Here O’Templus gin is marketed as an artisanal, organic gin for organic consumers. Information collected to understand the market was consistent with previous research, however there continues to be a lack of information on the organic alcoholic drinks market in Portugal. Identifying the needs of the organic consumer in Portugal, and gauging interest in the product itself, a marketing plan was developed to bring O’Templus to a wider audience.
The purpose of this work is to understand the internal and external structure in which the company operates to provide an idea of the strategic actions needed to accomplish their organizational objectives. A strategic software was employed to build up phase one and phase two, phase one involved analysing internal and external factors that influence the company, comprehending their core competences, factors that influence the market and identification of strengths and weaknesses. Phase two consisted on providing an idea of their real competitive position and the suggestion of a development strategy, given the possible limitations in the external factors, the company should carefully analyse some of the opportunities present in the industry overseas to continue to develop their business and increase its profitability. Furthermore, a source of competitive advantage was found in their outbound logistics which could serve a differentiator between their competitors.
This work project is about developing a marketing plan for a new gin brand in Germany. It is based on consumer and market research, including Portugal as a trend market for the qualitative research. For the undertaking it is seen as fundamental to understand the industry as well as the consumer needs, attitudes and preferences. Furthermore, it is important to consider the estimation of opinion leaders and trendsetters in the industry. In this context it turned out that barkeepers have a key-influencing role for the stimulation of demand. Based on the insights from this research as well as on the gained market knowledge, the marketing plan was developed. The goal is to convince other brand users to switch brands.
O intuito desta dissertação é investigar em que medida a Teoria Moderna do Portfólio pode ser aplicada à selecção de um portfólio de canais ou de tácticas de Marketing Digital, de modo a obter o melhor compromisso entre o retorno esperado do investimento e o respectivo risco. Anteriores aplicações da teoria do portfólio ao Marketing, enquanto meio de racionalizar a selecção do portfólio, concentraram-se no uso deste modelo em decisões relacionadas com portfólios de produtos, de clientes e segmentos de clientes, de formatos de retalho e de promoções de preço. Não se encontraram evidências de que a abordagem proposta neste texto tenha já sido tentada. A evolução tecnológica nas últimas duas décadas trouxe a adopção generalizada de smartphones e tablets e também a revolução da internet, originando a proliferação do e-mail, dos blogs e dos sites de redes sociais. Devido à infinidade de meios para chegar aos consumidores, os marketers enfrentam actualmente grandes desafios no planeamento e na definição das suas estratégias de Marketing. Em resposta, consultoras detêm ferramentas para a análise de portfólios de canais de Marketing que permitem às empresas e aos marketers, em particular, melhorar o desempenho da sua actividade e maximizar o rendimento da sua despesa de Marketing. Contudo, além de dispendiosas e estritamente analíticas, estas ferramentas são muito sofisticadas, baseando-se em algoritmos e raciocínios complexos que nem sempre são evidentes para os marketers, o que dificulta a sua compreensão e consequentemente a sua adopção. Sem uma ferramenta de análise, é frequente os marketers fundamentarem as suas decisões nos resultados das campanhas online anteriores, registados pelas Web Analytics, e na sua experiência profissional. Assim, crê-se que a Teoria Moderna do Portfólio, baseando-se em conceitos estatísticos simples, possa representar para os marketers uma ferramenta útil no apoio à selecção do conjunto de canais ou de tácticas de Marketing Digital que melhor se adequa aos interesses e aos objectivos estratégicos das organizações. A Teoria Moderna do Portfólio tem como principais vantagens a análise e selecção de portfólios com base na sua combinação de retorno esperado e risco de investimento (retorno ajustado ao risco), por oposição a considerar exclusivamente o retorno esperado, e a simplicidade estatística do modelo, por oposição aos softwares das consultoras. O presente estudo fundamentou-se na literatura existente acerca da Teoria Moderna do Portfólio, concebida em 1952 por Harry Markowitz, bem como no conceito de Sharpe Ratio, por William Sharpe, tendo-se revisto também conceitos genéricos de Marketing e Marketing Digital. Dado que a medição do retorno financeiro do investimento em Marketing – central ao estudo – não é tão linear quanto a medição dos retornos de activos financeiros, revelou-se necessário introduzir algumas alterações à teoria do portfólio original. Estas alterações tomaram em consideração as principais conclusões dos estudos anteriores sobre a aplicação do modelo a outras áreas. Para desenvolver o modelo proposto, utilizou-se o Microsoft Excel. Seguidamente, procedeu-se à sua prova de conceito através de uma abordagem empírica, utilizando dados de uma empresa portuguesa de Marketing Digital. Concluiu-se que é possível aplicar a Teoria Moderna do Portfólio à selecção de canais ou tácticas de Marketing Digital de uma empresa, com as devidas adaptações, para determinar as parcelas do orçamento de comunicação de uma organização a alocar a cada tipo de canal ou táctica.
Prevention plays a central role in early detection of cervical cancer. Common Sense Model proposes that the nature and organization of illness representations can guide actions related to health and how self-care is exercised. The aim of this study was to describe and compare illness perception, knowledge and self-care in women with and without cancer precursor lesions. Participants were 92 women (aged 18-59) from primary care unity divided into two groups: women with and without premalignant lesion. Measures for illness perception, knowledge and self-care were used. There was no statistically signifi cant difference (t test e chi-square test) between groups in the variables analyzed. Despite the risk for cervical cancer, women with precursor lesions do not adjust their illness perceptions, knowledge and self-care to the situation. These data show the need to warn women against the cervical cancer risks, because their distorted perceptions and lack of knowledge about the disease may hamper the screening and control of cervical cancer.
One facet of self-transcendence is creative self-forgetfulness (CSF; tendency to be attentionally absorbed in mindaltering experiences). Proneness to mind-altering attentional absorption and other aspects of self-transcendence were previously related to vaginal intercourse frequency, sexual arousability, and female coital orgasm. Given that sexual responsiveness is enhanced by focused attention, itwas testedwhether CSF correlates with sexual responsiveness, and if maladaptive defenses, openness to experience, and testosterone explain the hypothesized relationships. One hundred thirty-nine Portuguese (98 women) provided saliva samples for testosterone determination by luminescence immunoassays before and after a romantic movie scene and reported how intensely they felt sexual desire and arousal during the movie. CSF was measured by the Temperament and Character Inventory– Revised, maladaptive defenses by the immature defenses subscale of the Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40), male and female past month desire by the desire dimensions of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), and Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Female desire and arousal during themoviewere independently predicted by CSF, openness to experience and testosterone, but not by immature defenses. Female past month desire was independently predicted by CSF, testosterone, and less immature defenses. Possible psychobiological processes linking self-transcendence and sexual responsiveness are discussed.