999 resultados para Sarcoplasmic proteins


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The Pol protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) harbours the viral enzymes critical for viral replication; protease (PR), reverse transcriptase (RT), and integrase (IN). PR, RT and IN are not functional in their monomeric forms and must come together as either dimers (PR), heterodimers (RT) or tetramers (IN) to be catalytically active. Our knowledge of the tertiary structures of the functional enzymes is well advanced, and substantial progress has recently been made towards understanding the precise steps leading from Pol protein synthesis through viral assembly to the release of active viral enzymes. This review will summarise our current understanding of how the Pol proteins, which are initially expressed as a Gag-Pol fusion product, are packaged into the assembling virion and discuss the maturation process that results in the release of the viral enzymes in their active forms. Our discussion will focus on the relationship between structure and function for each of the viral enzymes. This review will also provide an overview of the current status of inhibitors against the HIV-1 Pol proteins. Effective inhibitors of PR and RT are well established and we will discuss the next generation inhibitors of these enzymes as well recent investigations that have highlighted the potential of IN and RNase H as antiretroviral targets.


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All retroviruses contain two copies of genomic RNA that are linked noncovalently. The dimeric RNA of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) undergoes rearrangement during virion maturation, whereby the dimeric RNA genome assumes a more stable conformation. Previously, we have shown that the packaging of the HIV-1 polymerase (Pol) proteins reverse transcriptase (RT) and integrase (IN) is essential for the generation of the mature RNA dimer conformation. Analysis of HIV-1 mutants that are defective in processing of Pol showed that these mutant virions contained altered dimeric RNA conformation, indicating that the mature RNA dimer conformation in HIV-1 requires the correct proteolytic processing of Pol. The HIV-1 Pol proteins are multimeric in their mature enzymatically active forms; RT forms a heterodimer, and IN appears to form a homotetramer. Using RT and IN multimerization defective mutants, we have found that dimeric RNA from these mutant virions has the same stability and conformation as wild-type RNA dimers, showing that the mature enzymatically active RT and IN proteins are dispensable for the generation of mature RNA dimer conformation. This also indicated that formation of the mature RNA dimer structure occurs prior to RT or IN maturation. We have also investigated the requirement of Pol for RNA dimerization in both Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (M-PMV) and Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV) and found that in contrast to HIV-1, Pol is dispensable for RNA dimer maturation in M-PMV and MoMuLV, demonstrating that the requirement of Pol in retroviral RNA dimer maturation is not conserved among all retroviruses.


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Due to its small size and versatility, the biarsenical-tetracysteine system is an attractive way to label viral proteins for live cell imaging. This study describes the genetic labeling of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) structural proteins (matrix, capsid and nucleocapsid), enzymes (protease, reverse transcriptase, RNAse H and integrase) and envelope glycoprotein 120 with a tetracysteine tag in the context of a full-length virus. We measure the impact of these modifications on the natural virus infection and, most importantly, present the first infectious HIV-1 construct containing a fluorescently-labeled nucleocapsid protein. Furthermore, due to the high background levels normally associated with the labeling of tetracysteine-tagged proteins we have also optimized a metabolic labeling system that produces infectious virus containing the natural envelope glycoproteins and specifically labeled tetracysteine-tagged proteins that can easily be detected after virus infection of T-lymphocytes. This approach can be adapted to other viral systems for the visualization of the interplay between virus and host cell during infection.


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Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are mainly present in plants and function to inhibit protein synthesis through the removal of adenine residues from eukaryotic ribosomal RNA (rRNA). They are broadly classified into two groups: type I and type II. Type I RIPs are a diverse family of proteins comprising a single polypeptide chain, whereas type II RIPs are heterodimeric glycoproteins comprising an A-chain (functionally equivalent to a type I RIP) linked via a disulphide bond to a B chain, mediating cell entry. In this review, we describe common type I and type II RIPs, their diverse biological functions, mechanism of cell entry, stability in plasma and antigenicity. We end with a discussion of promising applications for RIPs in biomedicine.


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The Multidrug Resistance Associated Proteins (MRPI, MRP2, MRP3, MRp4, MRp5, MRP6, MRP7, MRPS and MRP9) belong to the ATP-binding cassette superfamily (ABCC family) of transporters expressed differentially in the liver, kidney, intestine and blood-brain barrier. MRps transport a structurally diverse array of endo- and xenobiotics and their metabolites (in particular conjugates) and are subject to induction and inhibition by a variety of compounds. An increased efflux of natural product anticancer drugs and other anticancer agents by MRPs in cancer cells is associated with tumor resistance. These transporting proteins play a role in the absorption, distribution and elimination of various compounds in the body. There are increased reports on the clinical impact of genetic mutations of genes encoding MRP1-9. Therefore, MRPs have an important role in drug development, since a better understanding of their function and regulating mechanism can help minimize and avoid drug toxicity, unfavorable drug-drug interactions, and to overcome drug resistance.


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Lactoferrin (Lf), an iron binding ~80 kDa glycoprotein is a well characterized multifunctional protein found to be present in mammalian milk and in most exocrine secretions. Besides Lf’s important physiological roles in the process of iron homeostasis, iron transportation and sequestration, it is well known for its properties such as anti-microbial, antiviral anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory functions. In the recent decade, Lf has gained significant attention for its future potential use as a safer natural food (bovine milk) derived anti-cancer therapeutic. With regards to Lf’s chemopreventive effects in targeting carcinogenesis, both animal and human studies have widely reported its immunomodulatory properties to play a significant role. The deregulation of apoptosis (programmed cell death) mechanisms has not only major implications for the development of uncontrolled tumour growth but evasion of apoptosis is also an important factor affecting drug resistance and radioresistance in cancer. With the exception of few studies, the molecular basis by Lf treatment remains unclear. In this review, by addressing the main features of Lf’s structure and function we discuss the recent developments in delineating the therapeutic mechanisms of Lf and its effects on the proteins and receptors modulating apoptosis.


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Predicting functions of un-annotated proteins is a significant challenge in the post-genomics era. Among existing computational approaches, exploiting interactions between proteins to predict functions of un-annotated proteins is widely used. However, it remains difficult to extract semantic associations between proteins (i.e. protein associations in terms of protein functionality) from protein interactions and incorporate extracted semantic associations to more effectively predict protein functions. Furthermore, existing approaches and algorithms regard the function prediction as a one-off procedure, ignoring dynamic and mutual associations between proteins. Therefore, deriving and exploiting semantic associations between proteins to dynamically predict functions are a promising and challenging approach for achieving better prediction results. In this paper, we propose an innovative algorithm to incorporate semantic associations between proteins into a dynamic procedure of protein function prediction. The semantic association between two proteins is measured by the semantic similarity of two proteins which is defined by the similarities of functions two proteins possess. To achieve better prediction results, function similarities are also incorporated into the prediction procedure. The algorithm dynamically predicts functions by iteratively selecting functions for the un-annotated protein and updating the similarities between the un-annotated protein and its neighbour annotated proteins until such suitable functions are selected that the similarities no longer change. The experimental results on real protein interaction datasets demonstrated that our method outperformed the similar and non-dynamic function prediction methods. Incorporating semantic associations between proteins into a dynamic procedure of function prediction reflects intrinsic relationships among proteins as well as dynamic features of protein interactions, and therefore, can significantly improve prediction results.