971 resultados para Saraste, Leena
Essee Sanojen kuvat on kirjoitettu Juha Mannerkorven runon Onkija pohjalta. Teksti on esitetty alunperin Unkarin kääntäjäseminaarissa 2013.
Perhe, lasten oikeudet ja osallisuus -seminaari 20.11.2013 Jyväskylässä.
The removal of organics from copper electrolyte solutions after solvent extraction by dual media filtration is one of the most efficient ways to ensure the clean electrolyte flow into the electrowinning. The clean electrolyte will ensure the good quality cathode plate production. Dual media filtration uses two layers of filter media for filtration as anthracite and garnet respectively. The anthracite layer will help the coalescing of the entrained organic droplets which will then float to the top of the filter, and back to the solvent extraction process. The garnet layer will catch any solids left in the electrolyte traveling through the filter media. This thesis will concentrate on characterization of five different anthracites in order to find some differences using specific surface area analysis, particle size analysis, and morphology analysis. These results are compared to the pressure loss values obtained from lab column tests and bed expansion behavior. The goal of the thesis was to find out if there were any differences in the anthracite which would make the one perform better than the other. There were no big differences found on any aspect of the particle characterization, but some found differences should be further studied in order to confirm the meaning of the porosity, surface area, intensity mean and intensity SD (Standard Deviation) on anthracites and their use in dual media filtration. The thesis work analyzed anthracite samples the way that is not found on any public literature sources, and further studies on the issue would bring more knowledge to the electrolyte process.
Oppaassa esitellään Elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskuksen ja Tekesin biotalouteen liittyvään innovaatiotoimintaan tarjoamia rahoitusmahdollisuuksia Pohjois-Karjalan näkökulmasta.
Tekijä: Rafael Ferdinand Saraste.
Shinzo Aben hallitus on pyrkinyt nostamaan Japanin valtion pitkään jatkuneesta lamasta uudella, mediassa Abenomicsiksi nimetyllä, talouspolitiikallaan. Tutkielmassa selvitetään miten uusi talouspolitiikka on vaikuttanut japanilaisten yritysten osakeindeksituottoihin.