987 resultados para Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


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Expression of caveolin-1 is up-regulated in prostate cancer metastasis and is associated with aggressive recurrence of the disease. Intriguingly, caveolin-1 is also secreted from prostate cancer cell lines and has been identified in secreted prostasomes. Caveolin-1 is the major structural component of the plasma membrane invaginations called caveolae. Co-expression of the coat protein Polymerase I and transcript release factor (PTRF) is required for caveolae formation. We recently found that expression of caveolin-1 in the aggressive prostate cancer cell line PC-3 is not accompanied by PTRF, leading to noncaveolar caveolin-1 lipid rafts. Moreover, ectopic expression of PTRF in PC-3 cells sequesters caveolin-1 into caveolae. Here we quantitatively analyzed the effect of PTRF expression on the PC-3 proteome using stable isotope labeling by amino acids in culture and subcellular proteomics. We show that PTRF reduced the secretion of a subset of proteins including secreted proteases, cytokines, and growth regulatory proteins, partly via a reduction in prostasome secretion. To determine the cellular mechanism accounting for the observed reduction in secreted proteins we analyzed total membrane and the detergent-resistant membrane fractions. Our data show that PTRF expression selectively impaired the recruitment of actin cytoskeletal proteins to the detergent-resistant membrane, which correlated with altered cholesterol distribution in PC-3 cells expressing PTRF. Consistent with this, modulating cellular cholesterol altered the actin cytoskeleton and protein secretion in PC-3 cells. Intriguingly, several proteins that function in ER to Golgi trafficking were reduced by PTRF expression. Taken together, these results suggest that the noncaveolar caveolin-1 found in prostate cancer cells generates a lipid raft microenvironment that accentuates secretion pathways, possibly at the step of ER sorting/exit. Importantly, these effects could be modulated by PTRF expression.


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The nervous systems can initially be divided up into the central and peripheral nervous systems. The central nervous system is the brain and spinal cord and drugs that modify the central nervous system are considered as a subject in systematic pharmacology (therapeutics) section. Everything neural, other that the central nervous system, can be considered peripheral nervous systems. The peripheral nervous systems can be divided into the autonomic(involuntary) nervous system, which is the system that performs without your conscious help, and the somatic or voluntary nervous system, which you can consciously control(Figure 7.1). In addition the autonomic nervous system is divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems...


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Drugs and the somatic nervous system 8.1 The somatic nervous system 8.2 Anticholinesterases 8.3 Neuromuscular blockers 8.4 Botox


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16.1. Agents to control acidity 16.1.1 Antacids 16.1.2 Proton pump inhibitors and antibiotics for Helicobacter pylori 16.1.3 Histamine H2 receptor antagonists 16.1.4 Misoprostol 16.1.5 Sucralfate 16.2. Prokinetics and emetics 16.2.1 Introduction to prokinetics 16.2.2 Prokinetic agents 16.2.3 Emesis with cytotoxic drugs and drugs for 16.2.4 Motion sickness and drugs for 16.2.5 Drugs for post-operative emesis 16.3. Agents used for diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome 16.3.1 Treatment for diarrhea 16.3.2 Treatment for constipation 16.3.3 Treatment for opioid-induced constipation 16.4. Drugs for inflammatory bowel disease 16.4.1 Mesalazine 16.4.2 Glucocorticoids 16.4.3 Infliximab


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17.1 Drugs for bronchial asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 17.1.1 Introduction to asthma 17.1.2 Introduction to COPD 17.1.3 Drug delivery by inhalation 17.1.4 Drugs to treat β2-adrenoceptor agonists Muscarinic receptor antagonists Leukotriene receptor antagonists Theophylline Oxygen for COPD 17.1.5 Drugs to prevent asthma 31.5.1 Glucocorticoids 31.5.2 Cromolyn sodium 17.1.6 Combination to treat and prevent asthma 17.1.7 Drug for allergic asthma – omalizumab 17.1.8 Emergency treatment of asthma 17.2. Expectorants, mucolytics, cough and oxygen 17.2.1 Introduction to expectorants and mucolytics 17.2.2 Expectorants 17.2.3 Mucolytics 17.2.4 Cough 17.2.5 Oxygen 17.3. Drugs for rhinitis and rhinorrea 17.3.1 Introduction 17.3.2 Histamine and H1-receptor antagonists 17.3.3 Sympathomimetic 17.3.4 Muscarinic receptor antagonists 17.3.4 Cromolyn sodium 17.3.5 Glucocorticoids


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OBJECTIVES: To measure the thickness at which primary schoolchildren apply sunscreen on school day mornings and to compare it with the thickness (2.00 mg/cm(2)) at which sunscreen is tested during product development, as well as to investigate how application thickness was influenced by age of the child (school grades 1-7) and by dispenser type (500-mL pump, 125-mL squeeze bottle, or 50-mL roll-on). DESIGN: A crossover quasiexperimental study design comparing 3 sunscreen dispenser types. SETTING: Children aged 5 to 12 years from public primary schools (grades 1-7) in Queensland, Australia. PARTICIPANTS: Children (n=87) and their parents randomly recruited from the enrollment lists of 7 primary schools. Each child provided up to 3 observations (n=258). INTERVENTION: Children applied sunscreen during 3 consecutive school weeks (Monday through Friday) for the first application of the day using a different dispenser each week. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Thickness of sunscreen application (in milligrams per square centimeter). The dispensers were weighed before and after use to calculate the weight of sunscreen applied. This was divided by the coverage area of application (in square centimeters), which was calculated by multiplying the children's body surface area by the percentage of the body covered with sunscreen. RESULTS: Children applied their sunscreen at a median thickness of 0.48 mg/cm(2). Children applied significantly more sunscreen when using the pump (0.75 mg/cm(2)) and the squeeze bottle (0.57 mg/cm(2)) compared with the roll-on (0.22 mg/cm(2)) (P<.001 for both). CONCLUSIONS: Regardless of age, primary schoolchildren apply sunscreen at substantially less than 1.00 mg/cm(2), similar to what has been observed among adults. Some sunscreen dispensers seem to facilitate thicker application than others.


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Prostate cancer (CaP) is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in North American males and the most common newly diagnosed cancer in men world wide. Biomarkers are widely used for both early detection and prognostic tests for cancer. The current, commonly used biomarker for CaP is serum prostate specific antigen (PSA). However, the specificity of this biomarker is low as its serum level is not only increased in CaP but also in various other diseases, with age and even body mass index. Human body fluids provide an excellent resource for the discovery of biomarkers, with the advantage over tissue/biopsy samples of their ease of access, due to the less invasive nature of collection. However, their analysis presents challenges in terms of variability and validation. Blood and urine are two human body fluids commonly used for CaP research, but their proteomic analyses are limited both by the large dynamic range of protein abundance making detection of low abundance proteins difficult and in the case of urine, by the high salt concentration. To overcome these challenges, different techniques for removal of high abundance proteins and enrichment of low abundance proteins are used. Their applications and limitations are discussed in this review. A number of innovative proteomic techniques have improved detection of biomarkers. They include two dimensional differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), quantitative mass spectrometry (MS) and functional proteomic studies, i.e., investigating the association of post translational modifications (PTMs) such as phosphorylation, glycosylation and protein degradation. The recent development of quantitative MS techniques such as stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC), isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) have allowed proteomic researchers to quantitatively compare data from different samples. 2D-DIGE has greatly improved the statistical power of classical 2D gel analysis by introducing an internal control. This chapter aims to review novel CaP biomarkers as well as to discuss current trends in biomarker research from two angles: the source of biomarkers (particularly human body fluids such as blood and urine), and emerging proteomic approaches for biomarker research.


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This paper is a reflection on a design teaching project that endeavours to establish a culture of critical design thinking in a tertiary game design course. In the first instance, the ‘performing design’ project arose as a response to contemporary issues and tensions in the Australian games industry and game design education, in essence, the problem of how to scaffold undergraduate students from their entry point as ‘players’ (the impressed) into becoming designers. The performing design project therefore started as a small-scale intervention to inspire reflection in a wider debate that includes: the potential evolution of the contemporary games industry; the purpose of game design education; and the positioning of game design as a design discipline. Our position is that designing interactive playful works or games is victim of a tendency to simplify the discipline and view it from either the perspective of science or art. In this paper we look at some of the historical discussions on the distinct identity of games. Then we present an overview of the typical state of play in contemporary game design education which inspires the performing design project as an intervention or teaching technique. This leads us to question understandings of education and training and creativity and innovation. Finally we reflect on insights arising from the performing design project which lead us to support Archer’s call for a ‘third area’ that balances the monolithic practices of the two major academic disciplines.


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Australian research on Indigenous sentencing disparities of the standard of international work is somewhat recent. Contrary to expectations based on international research, Australian studies generally have not found Indigenous offenders to be treated substantively more harshly than non-Indigenous offenders in similar circumstances. However, this research has primarily focused on adult higher courts, with little attention to lower courts and children’s courts. In this article, we examine whether Indigeneity has a direct impact on the judicial decision to incarcerate for three courts (adult higher, adult lower, children’s higher court) in Queensland. We found no significant differences in the likelihood of a sentence of incarceration in the higher courts (adult and children’s). In contrast, in the lower courts, Indigenous defendants were more likely to be imprisoned than non-Indigenous defendants when sentenced under statistically similar circumstances.


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The Sudbury Basin is a non-cylindrical fold basin occupying the central portion of the Sudbury Impact Structure. The impact structure lends itself excellently to explore the structural evolution of continental crust containing a circular region of long-term weakness. In a series of scaled analogue experiments various model crustal configurations were shortened horizontally at a constant rate. In mechanically weakened crust, model basins formed that mimic several first-order structural characteristics of the Sudbury Basin: (1) asymmetric, non-cylindrical folding of the Basin, (2) structures indicating concentric shortening around lateral basin termini and (3) the presence of a zone of strain concentration near the hinge zones of model basins. Geometrically and kinematically this zone corresponds to the South Range Shear Zone of the Sudbury Basin. According to our experiments, this shear zone is a direct mechanical consequence of basin formation, rather than the result of thrusting following folding. Overall, the models highlight the structurally anomalous character of the Sudbury Basin within the Paleoproterozoic Eastern Penokean Orogen. In particular, our models suggest that the Basin formed by pure shear thickening of crust, whereas transpressive deformation prevailed elsewhere in the orogen. The model basin is deformed by thickening and non-cylindrical synformal buckling, while conjugate transpressive shear zones propagated away from its lateral tips. This is consistent with pure shear deformation of a weak circular inclusion in a strong matrix. The models suggest that the Sudbury Basin formed as a consequence of long-term weakening of the upper crust by meteorite impact.


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The cause of upper-crustal segmentation into rhomb-shaped, shear zone-bound domains associated with contractional sedimentary basins in hot, wide orogens is not well understood. Here we use scaled multilayered analogue experiments to investigate the role of an orogen-parallel crustal-strength gradient on the formation of such structures. We show that the aspect ratio and size of domains, the sinuous character and abundance of transpressional shear zones vary with the integrated mechanical strength of crust. Upper-crustal deformation patterns and the degree of strain localization in the experiments are controlled by the ratio between the brittle and ductile strength in the model crust as well as gradients in tectonic and buoyancy forces. The experimental results match the first-order kinematic and structural characteristics of the southern Central Andes and provide insight on the dynamics of underlying deformation patterns in hot, wide orogens.


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The purpose of this paper is to analyse the complex nature of practice within Artistic research. This will be done by considering practice through the lens of Bourdieu’s conceptualisation of practice. The focus of the paper is on developing an understanding of practice-led approaches to research and how these are framed by what Coessens et al. (2009) call the artistic turn in research. The paper begins with a brief introduction to the nature of practice and then continues on to discuss the broader field of artistic research, describing the environment which has shaped its evolution and foregrounding several of its key dispositions. The paper aims to not simply describe existing methodology but to rethink what is meant by artistic research and practice-led strategies.


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This thesis explores Raphael Rubinstein’s notion of provisionality as detailed in his influential article from 2009, Provisional Painting and his subsequent exhibition of the same name from 2011. Rubenstein’s writing is discussed in relation to modern art’s rhetoric around the many ‘deaths’ or ‘ends’ of painting as a contemporary art‐making medium, particularly in reference to Yve‐Alain Bois’ 1986 article, Painting: the task of mourning. While Rubenstein predominantly views the provisional via an abstract lens, it is through the work of Sigmar Polke and then Luc Tuymans, Peter Doig and Daniel Richter, that I build an argument to include the work of contemporary representational painters within his notion of provisionality. These new ideas of provisionality are then examined in the context of my recent paintings, which are viewed as contemporary examples of provisionality extended into the representational.