963 resultados para SUBUNIT RIBOSOMAL-RNA


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Argonaute 2 gene plays a pivotal role in RNAi in many species. Herein is the first report of the cloning and characterization of Argonaute 2 gene in fish. The full-length cDNA of Gobiocypris rarus Argonaute 2 (GrAgo2) consisted of 3073 nucleotides encoding 869 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 98.499 kDa and an estimated isoelectric point of 9.18. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence showed the presence of two signature domains, PAZ and Piwi. RT-PCR analysis indicated that GrAgo2 mRNA expression could be detected in widespread tissues. After infection with grass carp reovirus, GrAgo2 expression was up-regulated from 12 h post-injection (p < 0.05) and returned to control levels at 48 h post-injection (p > 0.05). These data imply that GrAgo2 is involved in antiviral defense in rare minnow. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Short hairpin RNA (shRNA) directed by RNA polymerase III (Pol III) or Pol II promoter was shown to be capable of silencing gene expression, which should permit analyses of gene functions or as a potential therapeutic tool. However, the inhibitory effect of shRNA remains problematic in fish. We demonstrated that silencing efficiency by shRNA produced from the hybrid construct composed of the CMV enhancer or entire CMV promoter placed immediately upstream of a U6 promoter. When tested the exogenous gene, silencing of an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) target gene was 89.18 +/- 5.06% for CMVE-U6 promoter group and 88.26 +/- 6.46% for CMV-U6 promoter group. To test the hybrid promoters driving shRNA efficiency against an endogenous gene, we used shRNA against no tail (NTL) gene. When vectorized in the zebrafish, the hybrid constructs strongly repressed NTL gene expression. The NTL phenotype occupied 52.09 +/- 3.06% and 51.56 +/- 3.68% for CMVE-U6 promoter and CMV-U6 promoter groups, respectively. The NTL gene expression reduced 82.17 +/- 2.96% for CMVE-U6 promoter group and 83.06 +/- 2.38% for CMV-U6 promoter group. We concluded that the CMV enhancer or entire CMV promoter locating upstream of the U6-promoter could significantly improve inhibitory effect induced by the shRNA for both exogenous and endogenous genes compared with the CMV promoter or U6 promoter alone. In contrast, the two hybrid promoter constructs had similar effects on driving shRNA.


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The family Cyprinidae is the largest freshwater fish group in the world, including over 200 genera and 2100 species. The phylogenetic relationships of major clades within this family are simply poorly understood, largely because of the overwhelming diversity of the group; however, several investigators have advanced different hypotheses of relationships that pre- and post-date the use of shared-derived characters as advocated through phylogenetic systematics. As expected, most previous investigations used morphological characters. Recently, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and combined morphological and mtDNA investigations have been used to explore and advance our understanding of species relationships and test monophyletic groupings. Limitations of these studies include limited taxon sampling and a strict reliance upon maternally inherited mtDNA variation. The present study is the first endeavor to recover the phylogenetic relationships of the 12 previously recognized monophyletic subfamilies within the Cyprinidae using newly sequenced nuclear DNA (nDNA) for over 50 species representing members of the different previously hypothesized subfamily and family groupings within the Cyprinidae and from other cypriniform families as outgroup taxa. Hypothesized phylogenetic relationships are constructed using maximum parsimony and Basyesian analyses of 1042 sites, of which 971 sites were variable and 790 were phylogenetically informative. Using other appropriate cypriniform taxa of the families Catostomidae (Myxocyprinus asiaticus), Gyrinocheilidae (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri), and Balitoridae (Nemacheilus sp. and Beaufortia kweichotvensis) as outgroups, the Cyprinidae is resolved as a monophyletic group. Within the family the genera Raiamas, Barilius, Danio, and Rasbora, representing many of the tropical cyprinids, represent basal members of the family. All other species can be classified into variably supported and resolved monophyletic lineages, depending upon analysis, that are consistent with or correspond to Barbini and Leuciscini. The Barbini includes taxa traditionally aligned with the subfamily Cyprininae sensu previous morphological revisionary studies by Howes (Barbinae, Labeoninae, Cyprininae and Schizothoracinae). The Leuciscini includes six other subfamilies that are mainly divided into three separate lineages. The relationships among genera and subfamilies are discussed as well as the possible origins of major lineages. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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The ability to utilize the RNA interference (RNAi) machinery for silencing target-gene expression has created a lot of excitement in the research community. In the present study, we used a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter-driven DNA template approach to induce short hairpin RNA (shRNA) triggered RNAi to block exogenous Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) and endogenous No Tail (NTL) gene expressions. We constructed three plasmids, pCMV-EGFP-CMV-shGFP-SV40, pCMV-EGFP-CMV-shNTL-SV40, and pCMV-EGFP-CMV-shScrambled-SV40, each containing a CMV promoter driving an EGFP reporter cDNA and DNA coding for one shRNA under the control of another CMV promoter. The three shRNA-generating plasmids and pCMV-EGFP control plasmid were introduced into zebrafish embryos by microinjection. Samples were collected at 48 h after injection. Results were evaluated by phenotype observation and real-time fluorescent quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR). The shGFP-generating plasmid significantly inhibited the EGFP expression viewed under fluorescent microscope and reduced by 70.05 +/- 1.26% of exogenous EGFP gene mRNA levels compared with controls by Q-PCR. The shRNA targeting endogenous NTL gene resulted in obvious NTL phenotype of 30 +/- 4% and decreased the level of their corresponding mRNAs up to 54.52 +/- 2.05% compared with nontargeting control shRNA. These data proved the feasibility of the CMV promoter-driven shRNA expression technique to be used to inhibit exogenous and endogenous gene expressions in zebrafish in vivo.


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In this study, an alternative splicing transcript GtH-alpha 291 was identified by RT-PCR, which is 291 nt and exists not only in the pituitary but also in the ovary in common carp Cyprinus carpio. The analysis of GtH-alpha 291 amino acid sequence by the SignalP server predicted that the 'missing segment' might characterize as a signal peptide. In the secretion experiment, GtH-alpha 357 subunit could be secreted out of HeLa cells while GtH-alpha 291 could not, which confirmed the prediction. Co-immunoprecipitation assay proved that GtH-alpha 291 subunit is able to interact with both FSH-beta and LH-beta as GtH-alpha 357 does. This is the first report concerning an alternative splicing transcript of a GtH alpha subunit. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the specific role of this variant in the regulation of gonadal development and sexual maturation. (c) 2007 The Authors.


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A short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) expression system, based on T7 RNA polymerase (T7RP) directed transcription machinery, has been developed and used to generate a knock down effect in zebrafish embryos by targeting green fluorescent protein (gfp) and no tail (ntl) mRNA. The vector pCMVT7R harboring T7RP driven by CMV promoter was introduced into zebrafish embryos and the germline transmitted transgenic individuals were screened out for subsequent RNAi application. The shRNA transcription vectors pT7shRNA were constructed and validated by in vivo transcription assay. When pT7shGFP vector was injected into the transgenic embryos stably expressing T7RP, gfp relative expression level showed a decrease of 68% by analysis of fluorescence real time RT-PCR. As a control, injection of chemical synthesized siRNA resulted in expression level of 40% lower than the control when the injection dose was as high as 2 mu g/mu l. More importantly, injection of pT7shNTL vector in zebrafish embryos expressing T7RP led to partial absence of endogenous ntl transcripts in 30% of the injected embryos when detected by whole mount in situ hybridization. Herein, the T7 transcription system could be used to drive the expression of shRNA in zebrafish embryos and result in gene knock down effect, suggesting a potential role for its application in RNAi studies in zebrafish embryos.


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C-Phycocyanin (C-PC) from blue-green algae has been reported to have various pharmacological characteristics, including antiinflammatory and anti-tumor activities. In this study, we expressed the beta-subunit of C-PC (ref to as C-POP) in Escherichia coli. We found that the recombinant C-PC/beta has anti-cancer properties. Under the treatment of 5 mu M of the recombinant C-PC/beta, four different cancer cell lines accrued high proliferation inhibition and apoptotic induction. Substantially, a lower response occurred in non-cancer cells. We investigated the mechanism by which C-PC/beta inhibits cancer cell proliferation and induces apoptosis. We found that the C-PC/beta interacts with membrane-associated beta-tubulin and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). Under the treatment of the C-PC/beta, depolymerization of microtubules and actin-filaments were observed. The cells underwent apoptosis with an increase in caspase-3, and caspase-8 activities. The cell cycle was arrested at the G0/G1 phase under the treatment of C-PC/beta. In addition, the nuclear level of GAPDH decreased significantly. Decrease in the nuclear level of GAPDH prevents the cell cycle from entering into the S phase. Inhibition of cancer cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis may potentate the C-POP as a promising cancer prevention or therapy agent. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Based on morphological characters, peritrich ciliates (Class Olygohymenophorea, Subclass Peritrichia) have been subdivided into the Orders Sessilida and Mobilida. Molecular phylogenetic studies on peritrichs have been restricted to members of the Order Sessilida. In order to shed more light into the evolutionary relationships within peritrichs, the complete small subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) sequences of four mobilid species, Trichodina nobilis, Trichodina heterodentata, Trichodina reticulata, and Trichodinella myakkae were used to construct phylogenetic trees using maximum parsimony, neighbor joining, and Bayesian analyses. Whatever phylogenetic method used, the peritrichs did not constitute a monophyletic group: mobilid and sessilid species did not cluster together. Similarity in morphology but difference in molecular data led us to suggest that the oral structures of peritrichs are the result of evolutionary convergence. In addition, Trichodina reticulata, a Trichodina species with granules in the center of the adhesive disc, branched separately from its congeners, Trichodina nobilis and Trichodina heterodentata, trichodinids without such granules. This indicates that granules in the adhesive disc might be a phylogenetic character of high importance within the Family Trichodinidae.


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Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) non-structural protein 5B (NS5B) encodes an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), a key enzyme which initiates RNA replication by a de novo mechanism without a primer and is a potential target for anti-virus therapy. We expressed the NS5B protein in Escherichia coli. The rGTP can stimulate de novo initiation of RNA synthesis and mutation of the GDD motif to Gly-Asp-Asp (GAA) abolishes the RNA synthesis. To better understand the mechanism of viral RNA synthesis in CSFV, a three-dimensional model was built by homology modeling based on the alignment with several virus RdRps. The model contains 605 residues folded in the characteristic fingers, palm and thumb domains. The fingers domain contains an N-terminal region that plays an important role in conformational change. We propose that the experimentally observed promotion of polymerase efficiency by rGTP is probably due to the conformational changes of the polymerase caused by binding the rGTP. Mutation of the GDD to GAA interferes with the interaction between the residues at the polymerase active site and metal ions, and thus renders the polymerase inactive. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) has been shown to be a useful tool for silencing genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio), while the blocking specificity of dsRNA is still of major concern for application. It was reported that siRNA (small interfering RNA) prepared by endoribonuclease digestion (esiRNA) could efficiently silence endogenous gene expression in mammalian embryos. To test whether esiRNA could work in zebrafish, we utilized Escherichia coli RNaseIII to digest dsRNA of zebrafish no tail (ntl), a mesoderm determinant in zebrafish and found that esi-ntl could lead to developmental defects, however, the effective dose was so close to the toxic dose that esi-ntl often led to non-specific developmental defects. Consequently, we utilized SP6 RNA polymerase to produce si-ntl, siRNA designed against ntl, by in vitro transcription. By injecting in vitro synthesized si-ntl into zebrafish zygotes, we obtained specific phenocopies of reported mutants of ntl. We achieved up to a 59%no tail phenotype when the injection concentration was as high as 4 mu g/mu L. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis showed that si-ntl could largely and specifically reduce mRNA levels of the ntl gene. As a result, our data indicate that esiRNA is unable to cause specific developmental defects in zebrafish, while siRNA should be an alternative for downregulation of specific gene expression in zebrafish in cases where RNAi techniques are applied to zebrafish reverse genetics.


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The RNA helicase Vasa is a germ cell marker in animals, and its homolog in vertebrates to date has been limited to bisexual reproduction. We cloned and characterized CagVasa, a Vasa homolog from the gibel carp, a fish that reproduces bisexually or gynogenetically. CagVasa possesses 14 RGG repeats and eight conserved motifs of Vasa proteins. In bisexually reproducing gibel carp, vasa is maternally supplied and its zygotic expression is restricted to gonads. By in situ hybridization on testicular sections, vasa is low in spermatogonia, high in primary spermatocytes, reduced in secondary spermatocytes, but disappears in spermatids and sperm. In contrast, vasa persists throughout oogenesis, displaying low-high-low levels from oogonia over vitellogenic oocytes to maturing oocytes. A rabbit anti-Vasa antibody (alpha Vasa) was raised against the N-terminal CagVasa for fluorescent immunohistochemistry. On testicular sections, Vasa is the highest in spermatogonia, reduced in spermatocytes, low in spermatids, and absent in sperm. In the ovary, Vasa is the highest in oogonia but persists throughout oogenesis. Subcellular localization of vasa and its protein changes dynamically during oogenesis. The aVasa stains putative primordial germ cells in gibel carp fry. It detects gonadal germ cells also in several other teleosts. Therefore, Cagvasa encodes a Vasa ortholog that is differentially expressed in the testis and ovary. Interestingly, the alpha Vasa in combination with a nuclear dye can differentiate critical stages of spermatogenesis and oogenesis in fish. The cross-reactivity and the ability to stain stage-specific germ cells make this antibody a useful tool to identify fish germ cell development and differentiation. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We have cloned and characterized the full-length cDNA encoding thyroid-stimulating hormone beta-subunit (TSHbeta) from orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides. It contains 913 nucleotides with an open reading frame encoding 146 amino acids with a 20 amino acid signal peptide. The grouper mature TSHbeta has 75, 70, 61, 59, 41, 42 and 40% identities to that of rainbow trout, Atlantic salmon, zebrafish, European eel, chicken. mouse and human, respectively. RT-PCR analysis indicated that the TSHbeta mRNA was expressed abundantly not only in pituitary but also in gonads. A more interesting finding is to reveal the differential TSHbeta expressions between the ovaries and the transitional gonads or testes in natural individuals of orange-spotted grouper and red-spotted grouper Epinephelus akaara, and in artificial sex reversal individuals of red-spotted grouper induced by MT feeding. In situ hybridization localization provided direct evidence that the TSHbeta was transcribed in the germ cells. In the growing oocytes, the TSHbeta transcripts were concentrated on the ooplasm periphery. In testicular tissues, the intensively expressed TSHbeta cells were found to be spermatogonia and spermatocytes in the spermatogenic cysts. This is the first report of a TSHbeta expressed in the gonads of any vertebrates in addition to the expected expression in the pituitary, and it expresses more transcripts in the gonads during sex reversal or testis than in the ovaries both in E. coioides and E. akaara. Importantly, the TSHbeta identification in germ cells allows us to further investigate the functional roles and the molecular mechanisms in gametogenesis of groupers, especially in sex reversal and in spermatogenesis. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The phylogenetic relationships among peritrichs remain unresolved. In this study, the complete small subunit rRNA (SSrRNA) gene sequences of seven species (Epistylis galea, Campanella umbellaria, Carchesium polypinum, Zoothamnium arbuscula, Vaginicola crystallina, Ophrydium versatile, and Opercularia microdiscum) were determined. Trees were constructed using distance-matrix, maximum-likelihood and maximum-parsimony methods, all of which strongly supported the monophyly of the subclass Peritrichia. Within the peritrichs, 1) E. galea grouped with Opercularia microdiscum and Campanella umbellaria but not the other Epistylis species, which indicates that the genus Epistylis might not be monophyletic; 2) the topological position of Carchesium and Campanella suggested that Carchesium should be placed in the family Zoothammidae, or be elevated to a higher taxonomic rank, and that Campanella should be independent of the family Epistylididae, and probably be given a new rank; and 3) Opisthonecta grouped strongly with Asty/ozoon, which suggested that Opisthonecta species were not the ancestors of the stalked peritrichs.


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Based on the variation of site 34, 46, 241, 305 and 322 in the 18S-ITS1 rDNA sequence, 19 Carchesium polypinum populations collected from eight provinces of China were separated into northern and southern population along the delineation between the Yangtze River and the Pearl River. This geographic distribution pattern of Carchesium polypinum maybe results from two factors: the vicariance resulting from the formation of the delineation between the Pearl River and the Yangtze River accompanied with the uplift of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, and the different dispersal paths of C. polypinum affected by the climate.


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Cyprinidae is the largest fish family in the world and contains about 210 genera and 2010 species. Appropriate DNA markers must be selected for the phylogenetic analyses of Cyprinidae. In present study, the 1st intron of the S7 ribosomal protein (r-protein) gene is first used to examine the relationships among cyprinid fishes. The length of the 1st intron obtained by PCR amplification ranges from 655 to 859 by in the 16 cyprinid species investigated, and is 602 by in Myxocyprinus asiaticus. Out of the alignment of 925 nucleotide sites obtained, the parsimony informative sites are 499 and occupy 54% of the total sites. The results indicate that the 1st intron sequences of the S7 r-protein gene in cyprinids are rich in informative sites and vary remarkably in sequence divergence from 2.3% between close species to 66.6% between distant species. The bootstrap values of the interior nodes in the NJ (neighbor-joining) and MP (most-parsimony) trees based on the present S7 r-protein gene data are higher than those based on cytochrome b and the d-loop region respectively. Therefore, the 1st intron sequences of the S7 r-protein gene in cyprinids are sensitive enough for phylogenetic analyses, and the 1st intron is an appropriate genetic marker for the phylogenetic reconstruction of the taxa in different cyprinid subfamilies. However, attempts to discuss whether the present S7 r-protein gene data can be applied to the phylogeny of the taxa at the level of the family or the higher categories in Cypriniformes need further studies.