984 resultados para SOIL SCIENCE


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Some Eucalyptus species are widely used as a plantation crop in tropical and subtropical regions. One reason for this is the diversity of end uses, but the main reason is the high level of wood production obtained from commercial plantings. With the advancement of biotechnology it will be possible to expand the geographical area in which eucalypts can be used as commercial plantation crops, especially in regions with current climatic restrictions. Despite the popularity of eucalypts and their increasing range, questions still exist, in both traditional planting areas and in the new regions: Can eucalypts invade areas of native vegetation, causing damage to natural ecosystems biodiversity? The objective of this study it was to assess whether eucalypts can invade native vegetation fragments in proximity to commercial stands, and what factors promote this invasive growth. Thus, three experiments were established in forest fragments located in three different regions of Brazil. Each experiment was composed of 40 plots (1 m(2) each one), 20 plots located at the border between the forest fragment and eucalypts plantation, and 20 plots in the interior of the forest fragments. In each experimental site, the plots were paired by two soil exposure conditions, 10 plots in natural conditions and 10 plots with soil exposure (no plant and no litter). During the rainy season, 2 g of eucalypts seeds were sown in each plot, including Eucalyptus grandis or a hybrid of E. urophylla x E. grandis, the most common commercial eucalypt species planted in the three region. At 15, 30, 45, 90, 180, 270 and 360 days after sowing, we assessed the number of seedlings of eucalypts and the number of seedlings of native species resulting from natural regeneration. Fifteen days after sowing, the greatest number of eucalypts seedlings (37 m(-2)) was observed in the plots with lower luminosity and exposed soil. Also, for native species, it was observed that exposed soil improved natural germination reaching the highest number of 163 seedlings per square meter. Site and soil exposure were the factors that have the greatest influence on seed germination of both eucalypt and native species. However, 270 days after sowing, eucalypt seedlings were not observed at any of the three experimental sites. The result shows the inability of eucalypts to adapt to condition outside of their natural range. However, native species demonstrated their strong capacity for natural regeneration in forest fragments under the same conditions where eucalypts were seeded. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The sustainability of fast-growing tropical Eucalyptus plantations is of concern in a context of rising fertilizer costs, since large amounts of nutrients are removed with biomass every 6-7 years from highly weathered soils. A better understanding of the dynamics of tree requirements is required to match fertilization regimes to the availability of each nutrient in the soil. The nutrition of Eucalyptus plantations has been intensively investigated and many studies have focused on specific fluxes in the biogeochemical cycles of nutrients. However, studies dealing with complete cycles are scarce for the Tropics. The objective of this paper was to compare these cycles for Eucalyptus plantations in Congo and Brazil, with contrasting climates, soil properties, and management practices. The main features were similar in the two situations. Most nutrient fluxes were driven by crown establishment the two first years after planting and total biomass production thereafter. These forests were characterized by huge nutrient requirements: 155, 10, 52, 55 and 23 kg ha(-1) of N, P, K, Ca and Mg the first year after planting at the Brazilian study site, respectively. High growth rates the first months after planting were essential to take advantage of the large amounts of nutrients released into the soil solutions by organic matter mineralization after harvesting. This study highlighted the predominant role of biological and biochemical cycles over the geochemical cycle of nutrients in tropical Eucalyptus plantations and indicated the prime importance of carefully managing organic matter in these soils. Limited nutrient losses through deep drainage after clear-cutting in the sandy soils of the two study sites showed the remarkable efficiency of Eucalyptus trees in keeping limited nutrient pools within the ecosystem, even after major disturbances. Nutrient input-output budgets suggested that Eucalyptus plantations take advantage of soil fertility inherited from previous land uses and that long-term sustainability will require an increase in the inputs of certain nutrients. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In Rondonia State, Brazil, settlement processes have cleared 68,000 km 2 of tropical forests since the 1970s. The intensity of deforestation has differed by region depending on driving factors like roads and economic activities. Different histories of land-use activities and rates of change have resulted in mosaics of forest patches embedded in an agricultural matrix. Yet, most assessments of deforestation and its effects on vegetation, soil and water typically focus on landscape patterns of current conditions, yet historical deforestation dynamics can influence current conditions strongly. Here, we develop and describe the use of four land-use dynamic indicators to capture historical land-use changes of catchments and to measure the rate of deforestation (annual deforestation rate), forest regeneration level (secondary forest mean proportion), time since disturbance (mean time since deforestation) and deforestation profile (deforestation profile curvature). We used the proposed indices to analyze a watershed located in central Rondonia. Landsat TM and ETM+ images were used to produce historical land-use maps of the last 18 years, each even year from 1984 to 2002 for 20 catchments. We found that the land-use dynamics indicators are able to distinguish catchments with different land-use change profiles. Four categories of historical land-use were identified: old and dominant pasture cover on small properties, recent deforestation and dominance of secondary growth, old extensive pastures and large forest remnants and, recent deforestation, pasture and large forest remnants. Knowing historical deforestation processes is important to develop appropriate conservation strategies and define priorities and actions for conserving forests currently under deforestation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We examined resource limitations on growth and carbon allocation in a fast-growing, clonal plantation of Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla in Brazil by characterizing responses to annual rainfall, and response to irrigation and fertililization for 2 years. Productivity measures included gross primary production (GPP), total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA), bole growth, and net ecosystem production (NEP). Replicate plots within a single plantation were established at the midpoint of the rotation (end of year 3), with treatments of no additional fertilization or irrigation, heavy fertilization (to remove any nutrient limitation), irrigation (to remove any water limitation), and irrigation plus fertilization. Rainfall was unusually high in the first year (1769mm) of the experiment, and control plots had high rates of GPP (6.64 kg C m(-2) year(-1)), TBCA (2.14 kg C m(-2) year(-1)), and bole growth (1.81 kg C m(-2) year). Irrigation increased each of these rates by 15-17%. The second year of the experiment had average rainfall (1210 mm), and lower rainfall decreased production in control plots by 46% (GPP), 52% (TBCA), and 40% (bole growth). Fertilization treatments had neglible effects. The response to irrigation was much greater in the drier year, with irrigated plots exceeding the production in control plots by 83% (GPP), 239% (TBCA), and 24% (bole growth). Even though the rate of irrigation ensured no water limitation to tree growth, the high rainfall year showed higher production in irrigated plots for both GPP (38% greater than in drier year) and bole growth (23% greater). Varying humidity and supplies of water led to a range in NEP of 0.8-2.7 kg C m(-2) year. This difference between control and irrigated treatments, combined with differences between drier and wetter years, indicated a strong response of these Eucalyptus trees to both water supply and atmospheric humidity during the dry season. The efficiency of converting light energy into fixed carbon ranged from a low of 0.027 mol C to a high of 0.060 mol C per mol of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR), and the efficiency of bolewood production ranged from 0.78 to 1.98 g wood per MJ of APAR. Irrigation increased the efficiency of wood production per unit of water used from 2.55 kg wood m(-3) in the rainfed plot to 3.51 kg m(-3) in irrigated plots. Detailed information on the response of C budgets to environmental conditions and resource supplies will be necessary for accurate predictions of plantation yields across years and landscapes. (V) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study aimed to evaluate adult emergence and duration of the pupal stage of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), and emergence of the fruit fly parasitoid, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead), under different moisture conditions in four soil types, using soil water matric potential Pupal stage duration in C capitata was influenced differently for males and females In females, only soil type affected pupal stage duration, which was longer in a clay soil In males, pupal stage duration was individually influenced by moisture and soil type, with a reduction in pupal stage duration in a heavy clay soil and in a sandy clay, with longer duration in the clay soil As allude potential decreased, duration of the pupal stage of C capitata males increased, regardless of soil type C capitata emergence was affected by moisture, regardless of soil type, and was higher in drier soils The emergence of D longicaudata adults was individually influenced by soil type and moisture factors, and the number of emerged D longicaudata adults was three times higher in sandy loam and lower in a heavy clay soil Always, the number of emerged adults was higher at higher moisture conditions C capitata and D longicaudata pupal development was affected by moisture and soil type, which may facilitate pest sampling and allow release areas for the parasitoid to be defined under field conditions.


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Rhodacaridae are cosmopolitan mites mentioned as predators, although nothing is known about their potential as biological control agents. One of the objectives of the work reported in this paper was to evaluate the potential of Protogamasellopsis posnaniensis (Acari: Rhodacaridae) as predator of representative species of insects of the families Sciaridae (Bradysia matogrossensis (Lane)) and Thripidae (Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)), of mites of the family Acaridae (Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) and Rhizoglyphus echinopus (Fumouze & Robin) and of nematodes of the family Rhabditidae (Protorhabditis sp.). Another objective was to determine the biological cycle of P. posnaniensis when fed the prey on which it performed best in the preceding predation test. The study was conducted in a laboratory where the experimental units were maintained at 25 +/- 1 degrees C, 97 +/- 3% RH and in the dark. Although the predator was able to kill all prey species considered in this study, the most favorable prey were T. putrescentiae, F. occidentalis and Protorhabditis sp. Survivorship of the predator in predation tests was always 98% or higher. Life table biological parameters when the predator was fed T. putrescentiae were: R(o) = 109.29; T = 19.06 days; lambda = 1.28 e r(m) = 0.32 female/female/day. Despite preying upon larvae of B. matogrossensis, eggs of the former can also be killed by the latter. The results indicated that A posnaniensis is a promising biological control agent, deserving additional studies on its possible use for the control of soil pests. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Proteinase inhibitors (PI) are present in plant tissues, especially in seeds, and act as a defense mechanism against herbivores and pathogens. Serine PI from soybean such as Bowman-Birk (BBPI) and Kunitz have been used to enhance resistance of sugarcane varieties to the sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), the major pest of this crop. The use of these genetically-modified plants (GM) expressing PI requires knowledge of its sustainability and environmental safety, determining the stability of the introduced characteristic and its effects on non-target organisms. The objective of this study was to evaluate direct effects of ingestion of semi-purified and purified soybean PI and GM sugarcane plants on the soil-dwelling mite Scheloribates praeincisus (Berlese) (Acari: Oribatida). This mite is abundant in agricultural soils and participates in the process of organic matter decomposition; for this reason it will be exposed to PI by feeding on GM plant debris. Eggs of S. praeincisus were isolated and after larvae emerged, immatures were fed milled sugarcane leaves added to semi-purified or purified PI (Kunitz and BBPI) or immatures were fed GM sugarcane varieties expressing Kunitz and BBPI type PI or the untransformed near isogenic parental line variety as a control. Developmental time (larva-adult) and survival of S. praeincisus was evaluated. Neither Kunitz nor BBPI affected S. praeincisus survival. On the other hand, ingestion of semi-purified and purified Kunitz inhibitor diminished duration of S. praeincisus immature stages. Ingestion of GM senescent leaves did not have an effect on S. praeincisus immature developmental time and survival, compared to ingestion of leaves from the isogenic parental plants. These results indicate that cultivation of these transgenic sugarcane plants is safe for the non-target species S. praeincisus.


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Leaching is disadvantageous, both for economical and environmental reasons since it may decrease the ecosystem productivity and may also contribute to the contamination of surface and ground water. The objective of this paper was to quantify the loss of nitrogen and sulfur by leaching, at the depth of 0.9 m, in an Ultisol in Sao Paulo State (Brazil) with high permeability, Cultivated with sugarcane during the agricultural cycle of crop plant. The following ions were evaluated: nitrite, nitrate, ammonium, and sulfate. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphate were also evaluated at the same depth. The sugarcane was planted and fertilized in the furrows with 120 log ha(-1) of N-urea. In order to find out the fate of N-fertilizer, four microplots with (15)N-enriched fertilizer were installed. Input and output of the considered ions at the depth of 0.9 m were quantified from the flux density of water and the concentration of the elements in the soil solution at this soil depth: tensiometers, soil water retention curve and soil solution extractors were used for this quantification. The internal drainage was 205 mm of water, with a total loss of 18 kg ha(-1) of N and 10 kg ha(-1) of S. The percentage of N in the soil solution derived from the fertilizer (%NSSDF) was 1.34, resulting in only 25 g ha(-1) of N fertilizer loss by leaching during all agricultural cycle. Under the experimental conditions of this crop plant, that is, high demand of nutrients and high incorporation of crop residues, the leached N represented 15% of applied N and S leaching were not considerable; the higher amount of leached N was native nitrogen and a minor quantity from N fertilizer; and the leached amount of Ca, Mg, K and P did not exceed the applications performed in the crop by lime and fertilization. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Time-domain reflectometry (TDR) is an important technique to obtain series of soil water content measurements in the field. Diode-segmented probes represent an improvement in TDR applicability, allowing measurements of the soil water content profile with a single probe. In this paper we explore an extensive soil water content dataset obtained by tensiometry and TDR from internal drainage experiments in two consecutive years in a tropical soil in Brazil. Comparisons between the variation patterns of the water content estimated by both methods exhibited evidences of deterioration of the TDR system during this two year period at field conditions. The results showed consistency in the variation pattern for the tensiometry data, whereas TDR estimates were inconsistent, with sensitivity decreasing over time. This suggests that difficulties may arise for the long-term use of this TDR system under tropical field conditions. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Due to the rapid depletion of water resources, water must be used more efficiently in agriculture to maintain current levels of yield in irrigated areas. The efficiency of irrigation systems can be increased by adjusting the amount of water applied to specific conditions of soil and crop, which may vary in a field. Taking into account spatial and temporal variability, it is evident that an equipment capable of providing different irrigation levels is necessary to meet the water requirement of the soil. This work aims to develop and evaluate a flow rate sprinkler to be used in center pivots or linear moving irrigation systems, with potential for utilization in irrigation scheduling. A prototype was developed by duplicating its calibrations, and discharge coefficient adjustment was carried out in the laboratory. To predict the flow rate, a successful model that represented the operation of the flow rate sprinkler was established. The calibration of the flow rate sprinkler prototype showed satisfactory statistical and technical results. Automation of the prototype was achieved by driving a step motor using communication from the parallel port of a microcomputer, which was controlled by a software developed for this purpose. The results were satisfactory and technically feasible.


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Crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was measured as evaporative heat flux from an irrigated acid lime orchard (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) using the aerodynamic method. Crop transpiration (T) was determined by a stem heat balance method. The irrigation requirements were determined by comparing the orchard evapotranspiration (ETc) and T with the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) derived from the Penman-Monteith equation, and the irrigation requirements were expressed as ETc/ETo (Kc) and T/ETo (Kcb) ratios. The influence of inter-row vegetation on the ETc was analyzed because the measurements were taken during the summer and winter, which are periods with different regional soil water content. In this study, the average Mc values obtained were 0.65 and 0.24 for the summer and winter, respectively. The strong coupling of citrus trees to the atmosphere and the sensitivity of citrus plants to large vapor pressure deficits and air/leaf temperatures caused variations in the Kcb in relation to the ETo ranges. During the summer, the Kcb value ranged from 0.34 when the ETo exceeded 5 mm d(-1) to 0.46 when the ETo was less than 3 mm d(-1). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant responses of three bacteria (SD1. KD and K9) isolated from soil previously treated with the herbicides metolachlor and acetochlor. By 165 rRNA gene sequencing, we determined that SD1 is phylogenetically related to Enterobacter asburiae, while KD and K9 have divergent genomes that more closely resemble that of Enterobacter amnigenus. Decreased levels of lipid peroxidation were observed in SD1 and KD following treatment with 34 mM metolachlor or 62 mM acetochlor, respectively, indicating that both bacteria were able to adapt to an increase in ROS production. In the presence of 34 mM metolachlor or 62 mM acetochlor, all bacterial isolates exhibited increases in total catalase (CAT) activity (81% for SDI, 53% for KD and 59% for K9), whereas total SOD activity (assessed based on the profile and intensity of the bands) was slightly reduced when the bacteria were exposed to high concentrations of the herbicides (340 mM metolachlor or 620 mM acetochlor). This effect was due to a specific reduction in SOD IV (K9 and KD isolates) by 45% and 90%, respectively, and SOD V (SD1 isolate) isoenzymes by 60%. The most striking result was obtained in the SD1 isolate, where two novel isoenzymes of glutathione reductase (GR) that responded specifically to metolachlor were identified. In addition, acetochlor was shown to induce the expression of a new 57 kDa protein band in the K9 and KD isolates. The bacteria isolated from the herbicide-contaminated soil exhibited an efficient antioxidant system response at herbicide concentrations of up to 34 mM metolachlor or 62 mM acetochlor. These data suggest a mechanism for tolerance that may include the control of an imbalance in ROS production versus scavenging. The data suggest that specific isoenzymes of CAT and GR could be involved in this herbicide tolerance mechanism. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Experimental results obtained from a greenhouse trial with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) plants performed to test model hypotheses regarding the onset of limiting hydraulic conditions and the shape of the transpiration reduction curve in the falling rate phase are presented. According to these hypotheses based on simulations with an upscaled single-root model, the matric flux potential at the onset of limiting hydraulic conditions is as a function of root length density and potential transpiration rate, while the relative transpiration in the falling rate phase equals the relative matric flux potential. Transpiration of bean plants in water stressed pots with four different soils was determined daily by weighing and compared to values obtained from non-stressed pots. This procedure allowed determining the onset of the falling rate phase and corresponding soil hydraulic conditions. At the onset of the falling rate phase, the value of matric flux potential M(I) showed to differ in order of magnitude from the model predicted value for three out of four soils. This difference between model and experiment can be explained by the heterogeneity of the root distribution which is not considered by the model. An empirical factor to deal with this heterogeneity should be included in the model to improve predictions. Comparing the predictions of relative transpiration in the falling rate phase using a linear shape with water content, pressure head or matric flux potential, the matric flux potential based reduction function, in agreement with the hypothesis, showed the best performance, while the pressure head based equation resulted in the highest deviations between observed and predicted values of relative transpiration rates. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The climatic water balance is one of the most used tools to assess, indirectly the amount of water present in the soil is capable of meeting the water needs of the plant. This study analyzed the climatologic hydric balance, the effective soil water storage and coffee plant transpiration in dry regimen cultivation. Daily climatologic hydric balance was calculated for coffee from January 2003 to May 2006. It was concluded that even in the most rainy months of the year, there is a hydric deficit in coffee plants grown in a dry regimen; effective soil water storage varied greatly through the years evaluated, and September was the most critical month, when this value remained below 30%; relative transpiration can not be taken as the single evaluation method for yield losses of coffee, grown in a dry regimen.


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Xylopia aromatica is a species of the Annonaceae family, native to the Brazilian ""Cerrado"". Seeds of this species usually possess morphophysiological dormancy which makes propagation more difficult. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of removing the aril and sarcotesta and applying plant growth regulators to overcome dormancy in X. aromatica seeds. Seeds were separated into two groups: one consisting of seeds with aril and sarcotesta and another without these two seed coat appendices. Seeds with and without these appendices were soaked for 48 hours in distilled water or Promalin (R) (gibberellin 4 [GA(4)] + gibberellin 7 [GA(7)] and cytokinin [6-Benziladenine]) solutions of 250, 500 and 1,000 mg.L(-1), and sown in ""Cerrado"" soil. Later, seeds without the aril and sarcotesta were soaked for 48 hours in distilled water. Promalin (R) or GA(4) + GA(7) solutions at same concentrations and sown in sand or ""Cerrado"" soil. The removal of the aril and sarcotesta had a positive effect on the seed germination. Application of plant growth regulators helped to overcome dormancy in X. aromatica, with the greatest percentage of seedling emergence being observed in seeds treated with Promalin at 250 and 500 mg.L(-1) then sown in sand.