982 resultados para SINGLET OXYGEN OXIDATION


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The complex chemical and physical nature of combustion and secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) in general precludes the complete characterization of both bulk and interfacial components. The bulk composition reveals the history of the growth process and therefore the source region, whereas the interface controls--to a large extent--the interaction with gases, biological membranes, and solid supports. We summarize the development of a soft interrogation technique, using heterogeneous chemistry, for the interfacial functional groups of selected probe gases [N(CH(3))(3), NH(2)OH, CF(3)COOH, HCl, O(3), NO(2)] of different reactivity. The technique reveals the identity and density of surface functional groups. Examples include acidic and basic sites, olefinic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) sites, and partially and completely oxidized surface sites. We report on the surface composition and oxidation states of laboratory-generated aerosols and of aerosols sampled in several bus depots. In the latter case, the biomarker 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine, signaling oxidative stress caused by aerosol exposure, was isolated. The increase in biomarker levels over a working day is correlated with the surface density N(i)(O3) of olefinic and/or PAH sites obtained from O(3) uptakes as well as with the initial uptake coefficient, γ(0), of five probe gases used in the field. This correlation with γ(0) suggests the idea of competing pathways occurring at the interface of the aerosol particles between the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) responsible for oxidative stress and cellular antioxidants.


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Tässä työssä on tutkittu kuparin (510)-askelpinnan reaktiivisuutta käyttäen apuna kvanttimekaanisia ab initio laskentamenetelmiä. Tutkimus on toteutettu laskemalla happiatomin adsorptioenergia ja tilatiheys erilaisissa potentiaalisissa adsorptiopaikoissa pinnalla. Myös happimolekyylin adsorptiota ja hajoamista ontarkasteltu laskemalla pintaa lähestyvälle molekyylille potentiaalienergiapintoja. Energiapintojen tuloksia on myös täydennetty kvanttimekaanisilla molekyylidynamiikkalaskuilla. Metallisia askelpintoja pidetään yleisesti sileitä pintoja reaktiivisempina happea kohtaan, johtuen askeleen reunan pienentävästä vaikutuksesta molekyylin hajoamisen tiellä olevaan energiavaliin. On kuitenkin olemassa myös tuloksia, jotka osoittavat hapen tarttumisprosessin olevan hallitseva juuri terassialueella, askeleen reunan sijasta. Tässä työssä on todettu hapen adsorboituvan Cu(510)-pinnalla tehokkaimmin juuri terassilla olevaan hollow-paikkaan. Myös adsorptioenergiat ovat tällä pinnalla pienempiä kuin sileällä (100)-pinnalla. Potentiaalienergiapintojen perusteella Cu(510)-pinnan todetaan myös olevan vähemmän reaktiivinen kuin askelpintojen yleisesti odotetaan olevan, vaikka askeleen reunan todetaankin pienentävän happiatominhajoamisen esteenä olevaa energiavallia.


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The presence of hydrogen in polysilicon films obtained at low temperatures by hot-wire CVD and the post-deposition oxidation by air-exposure of the films are studied in this paper. The experimental results from several characterization techniques (infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry and wavelength dispersive spectroscopy) showed that hydrogen and oxygen are homogeneously distributed at grain boundaries throughout the depth of the films. Hydrogen is introduced during the growth process and its concentration is higher in samples deposited at lower temperatures. Oxygen diffuses along the grain boundaries and binds to silicon atoms, mainly in Si 2O groups.


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Vaahdonestoaineiden haitallinen vaikutus hapen liukenemisnopeuteen biologisen puhdistamon jätevesissä on yleisesti tunnettua. Aineiden eri vaikutusmekanismien takia on silti vaikea etukäteen arvioida, miten ja kuinka paljon aineensiirto muuttuu. Työn tavoitteena oli saada tietoa vaahdonestoaineiden ja muiden pinta-aktiivisten aineiden vaikutuksesta kuplakokoon, kaasun tilavuusosuuteen ja kaasu-neste aineensiirtoon. Työn teoriaosassa on kuvailtu vaahdon muodostumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä eri vaahdonestoaineiden vaikutusmekanismeja sellu- ja paperitehtaan jätevedessä. Edelleen on esitetty useita hapen siirtoa estäviä ja parantavia aineita. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin kahdenkymmenenviiden eri pinta-aktiivisen aineen vaikutusta hapen liukenemisnopeuteen yksivaiheisessa kuplakolonnissa. Kokeet tehtiin kahdella pitoisuudella, kahdella eri kaasunjakolaitteella ja kolmella eri kaasun tyhjäputkinopeudella. Aineensiirtokokeiden rinnalla tutkittiin jätevesien laatu- ja fysikaalisiaominaisuuksia, niiden vaikutusta hapen liukenemisnopeuteen sekä testattavien koeaineiden vaikutusta fysikaalisin ominaisuuksiin. Kokeet osoittavat että pinta-aktiivisten aineiden vaikutus hapen aineensiirtoon vaihtelee riippuen kaasunjakolaitteesta ja aineen pitoisuuksista. Testatuista vaahdonestonaineista pienin negatiivinen vaikutus oli aineella AT 35 ja positiivinen vaikutustodettiin olevan vaahdonestoaineiden komponenteilla: P2, S1, F4 ja T9.


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The first step in the synthesis of the bicyclic rings of D-biotin is mediated by 8-amino-7-oxononanoate (AON) synthase, which catalyzes the decarboxylative condensation of l-alanine and pimelate thioester. We found that the Aspergillus nidulans AON synthase, encoded by the bioF gene, is a peroxisomal enzyme with a type 1 peroxisomal targeting sequence (PTS1). Localization of AON to the peroxisome was essential for biotin synthesis because expression of a cytosolic AON variant or deletion of pexE, encoding the PTS1 receptor, rendered A. nidulans a biotin auxotroph. AON synthases with PTS1 are found throughout the fungal kingdom, in ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, and members of basal fungal lineages but not in representatives of the Saccharomyces species complex, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A. nidulans mutants defective in the peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase AoxA or the multifunctional protein FoxA showed a strong decrease in colonial growth rate in biotin-deficient medium, whereas partial growth recovery occurred with pimelic acid supplementation. These results indicate that pimeloyl-CoA is the in vivo substrate of AON synthase and that it is generated in the peroxisome via the β-oxidation cycle in A. nidulans and probably in a broad range of fungi. However, the β-oxidation cycle is not essential for biotin synthesis in S. cerevisiae or Escherichia coli. These results suggest that alternative pathways for synthesis of the pimelate intermediate exist in bacteria and eukaryotes and that Saccharomyces species use a pathway different from that used by the majority of fungi.


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The Jalta and Jebel Ghozlane ore deposits are located in the extreme North of Tunisia, within the Nappe zone. The mineralization of Jalta, hosted in Triassic dolostones and the overlying Mio-Pliocene conglomerates, consists of abundant galena, barite, and cerussite with accessory sphalerite, pyrite, and jordanite. At Jebel Ghozlane, large Pb-Zn concentrations occur in the Triassic dolostones and Eocene limestones. The mineral association consists of galena, sphalerite, barite, and celestite and their oxidation products (cerussite, smithsonite, and anglesite). Lead isotope ratios in galena from both districts are relatively homogeneous ((206)Pb/(204)Pb = 18.702-18.823, (207)Pb/(204)Pb = 15.665-15.677, (208)Pb/(204)Pb = 38.725-38.875). The delta(34)S values for sulfates from both areas (+12.2 to +16.2 parts per thousand at Jalta and + 14.3 to + 19.4 parts per thousand at Jebel Ghozlane) are compatible with a derivation of sulfur from marine sulfates, possibly sourced from the Triassic evaporites. The delta(34)S values of the sulfides have a range between -10 and +12.5 parts per thousand at Jalta, and between -9.1 and +22.1 parts per thousand at Jebel Ghozlane. The large range of values suggests reduction of the sulfate by bacterial and/or thermochemical reduction of sulfate to sulfur. The high delta(34)S values of sulfides require closed-system reduction processes. The isotopically light carbon in late calcites (-6.3 to -2.5 parts per thousand) and authigenic dolomite (-17.6 parts per thousand) suggests an organic source of at least some of the carbon in these samples, whereas the similarity of the delta(18)O values between calcite (+24.8 parts per thousand) and the authigenic dolomite (+24.7 parts per thousand) of Jalta and their respective host rocks reflects oxygen isotope buffering of the mineralizing fluids by the host rock carbonates. The secondary calcite isotope compositions of Jalta are compatible with a hydrothermal fluid circulation at approximately 100 to 200 degrees C, but temperatures as low as 50 degrees C may be indicated by the late calcite of Jebel Ghozlane (delta(18)O of +35.9 parts per thousand). Given the geological events related to the Alpine orogeny in the Nappe zone (nappe emplacement, bimodal volcanism, and reactivation of major faults, such as Ghardimaou-Cap Serrat) and the Neogene age of the host rocks in several localities, a Late-Miocene age is proposed for the Pb-Zn ore deposits considered in this study. Remobilization of deep-seated primary deposits in the Paleozoic sequence is the most probable source for metals in both localities considered in this study and probably in the Nappe zone as a whole. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fiber damages comprise fiber deformations, characterized as fiber curl, kink, dislocations and strength losses as well as some yet unidentified factors. This recently discovered phenomenon is especially evident in mill scale kraftpulps. Laboratory produced pulps tend to have less damages and superior strength properties compared to those produced in pulp mills. Generally fiber damages pose a problem in the production of reinforcement pulp because they tend to decrease the ability of fibers to transmit load. Previous studies on fiber damage have shown that most of the fiber damages occur during brown stock processing starting from cooking and discharging. This literature review gives an overall picture on fiber damages occurring during softwood kraft pulp production with an emphasis on the oxygen delignification stage. In addition the oxygen delignification stage itself is described in more detailed extent in order to understand the mechanisms behind the delignification and fiber damaging effect. The literature available on this subject is unfortunately quite contradictory and implicates a lotof different terms. Only a few studies have been published which help to understand the nature of fiber damages. For that reason the knowledge presented in this work is not only based on previous studies but also on research scientist and mill staff interviews.


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Background: Wine Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, adapted to anaerobic must fermentations, suffer oxidative stress when they are grown under aerobic conditions for biomass propagation in the industrial process of active dry yeast production. Oxidative metabolism of sugars favors high biomass yields but also causes increased oxidation damage of cell components. The overexpression of the TRX2 gene, coding for a thioredoxin, enhances oxidative stress resistance in a wine yeast strain model. The thioredoxin and also the glutathione/glutaredoxin system constitute the most important defense against oxidation. Trx2p is also involved in the regulation of Yap1p-driven transcriptional response against some reactive oxygen species. Results: Laboratory scale simulations of the industrial active dry biomass production process demonstrate that TRX2 overexpression increases the wine yeast final biomass yield and also its fermentative capacity both after the batch and fed-batch phases. Microvinifications carried out with the modified strain show a fast start phenotype derived from its enhanced fermentative capacity and also increased content of beneficial aroma compounds. The modified strain displays an increased transcriptional response of Yap1p regulated genes and other oxidative stress related genes. Activities of antioxidant enzymes like Sod1p, Sod2p and catalase are also enhanced. Consequently, diminished oxidation of lipids and proteins is observed in the modified strain, which can explain the improved performance of the thioredoxin overexpressing strain. Conclusions: We report several beneficial effects of overexpressing the thioredoxin gene TRX2 in a wine yeast strain. We show that this strain presents an enhanced redox defense. Increased yield of biomass production process in TRX2 overexpressing strain can be of special interest for several industrial applications.


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The AMPK/Snf1 kinase has a central role in carbon metabolism homeostasis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we show that Snf1 activity, which requires phosphorylation of the Thr210 residue, is needed for protection against selenite toxicity. Such protection involves the Elm1 kinase, which acts upstream of Snf1 to activate it. Basal Snf1 activity is sufficient for the defense against selenite, although Snf1 Thr210 phosphorylation levels become increased at advanced treatment times, probably by inhibition of the Snf1 dephosphorylation function of the Reg1 phosphatase. Contrary to glucose deprivation, Snf1 remains cytosolic during selenite treatment, and the protective function of the kinase does not require its known nuclear effectors. Upon selenite treatment, a null snf1 mutant displays higher levels of oxidized versus reduced glutathione compared to wild type cells, and its hypersensitivity to the agent is rescued by overexpression of the glutathione reductase gene GLR1. In the presence of agents such as diethyl maleate or diamide, which cause alterations in glutathione redox homeostasis by increasing the levels of oxidized glutathione, yeast cells also require Snf1 in an Elm1-dependent manner for growth. These observations demonstrate a role of Snf1 to protect yeast cells in situations where glutathione-dependent redox homeostasis is altered to a more oxidant intracellular environment and associates AMPK to responses against oxidative stress.


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Various studies suggest that oxidative modifications of low density lipoprotein (LDL), and also other lipoproteins, have an important role in the development of atherosclerosis. In addition to the oxidation products formed endogenously, oxidised triacylglycerols (TAG) and oxysterols in the diet contribute to the oxidised lipoproteins found in circulation. However, studies on both the effect of oxidised dietary lipids on lipoprotein lipid oxidation and the reactions that modify oxidised fat after ingestion have been scarce. Studies on the effects of dietary antioxidants on the lipid oxidation in vivo and the risk of atherosclerosis have been inconclusive. More clinical trials are needed to test the importance of lipoprotein oxidation as a cardiovascular risk factor in humans. In the recent years, various methods have been optimised and applied to the analysis of lipid oxidation products in vivo, and information on the molecular structures of oxidised lipids in plasma, lipoproteins and atherosclerotic plaques has started to accumulate. However, specific structures of oxidised TAG molecules present in these tissues and lipoprotein fractions have not been investigated earlier. In the orginal research in this thesis, an approach based on highperformance liquid chromatographyelectrospray ionisationmass spectrometry (HPLCESIMS) and baseline diene conjugation (BDC) methods was used in order to investigate lipid oxidation level and oxidised TAG molecular structures in pig and human lipoproteins after dietary interventions. The approach was optimised with human LDL samples, which contained various oxidation products of TAG. LDL particles of hyperlipidaemic subjects contained an elevated amount of conjugated dienes. In the pig studies, several oxidised TAG structures with hydroxy, keto, epoxy or aldehydic groups were found in chylomicrons and VLDL after diets rich in sunflower seed oil. Also, the results showed that oxidised sunflower seed oil increased the oxidation of lipoprotein lipids and their TAG molecules. TAG hydroperoxides could be detected neither in the small intestinal mucosa of the pigs fed on the oxidised oil nor in their chylomicrons or VLDL.6 In the clinical studies, dietary flavonol aglycones extracted from sea buckthorn berries did not have an effect on lipoprotein lipid oxidation and other potential risk factors of atherosclerosis, but their absorption was demonstrated. Oil supplementation seemed to increase the bioavailability of the flavonols. Oxidised TAG molecules were detected in LDL particles of the subjects after both flavonol and control diets.