954 resultados para Rotating shifts


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A rotating machine usually consists of a rotor and bearings that supports it. The nonidealities in these components may excite vibration of the rotating system. The uncontrolled vibrations may lead to excessive wearing of the components of the rotating machine or reduce the process quality. Vibrations may be harmful even when amplitudes are seemingly low, as is usually the case in superharmonic vibration that takes place below the first critical speed of the rotating machine. Superharmonic vibration is excited when the rotational velocity of the machine is a fraction of the natural frequency of the system. In such a situation, a part of the machine’s rotational energy is transformed into vibration energy. The amount of vibration energy should be minimised in the design of rotating machines. The superharmonic vibration phenomena can be studied by analysing the coupled rotor-bearing system employing a multibody simulation approach. This research is focused on the modelling of hydrodynamic journal bearings and rotorbearing systems supported by journal bearings. In particular, the non-idealities affecting the rotor-bearing system and their effect on the superharmonic vibration of the rotating system are analysed. A comparison of computationally efficient journal bearing models is carried out in order to validate one model for further development. The selected bearing model is improved in order to take the waviness of the shaft journal into account. The improved model is implemented and analyzed in a multibody simulation code. A rotor-bearing system that consists of a flexible tube roll, two journal bearings and a supporting structure is analysed employing the multibody simulation technique. The modelled non-idealities are the shell thickness variation in the tube roll and the waviness of the shaft journal in the bearing assembly. Both modelled non-idealities may cause subharmonic resonance in the system. In multibody simulation, the coupled effect of the non-idealities can be captured in the analysis. Additionally one non-ideality is presented that does not excite the vibrations itself but affects the response of the rotorbearing system, namely the waviness of the bearing bushing which is the non-rotating part of the bearing system. The modelled system is verified with measurements performed on a test rig. In the measurements the waviness of bearing bushing was not measured and therefore it’s affect on the response was not verified. In conclusion, the selected modelling approach is an appropriate method when analysing the response of the rotor-bearing system. When comparing the simulated results to the measured ones, the overall agreement between the results is concluded to be good.


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This paper is a literature review which describes the construction of state of the art of permanent magnet generators and motors constructing and discusses the current and possible application of these machines in industry. Permanent magnet machines are a well-know class of rotating and linear electric machines used for many years in industrial applications. A particular interest for permanent magnet generators is connected with wind mills, which seem to be becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Geared and direct-driven permanent magnet generators are described. A classification of direct-driven permanent magnet generators is given. Design aspects of permanent magnet generators are presented. Permanent magnet generators for wind turbines designs are highlighted. Dynamics and vibration problems of permanent magnet generators covered in literature are presented. The application of the Finite Element Method for mechanical problems solution in the field of permanent magnet generators is discussed.


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This work reviews recent studies of underpotential deposition (UPD) of several metals on Pt and Au substrates performed in the Grupo de Materiais Eletroquímicos e Métodos Eletroanalíticos (IQSC -- USP, São Carlos). The UPD Cu, Cd and Pb on Pt were analysed in terms of their influence in the oxygen evolution reaction. Partial blockage of surface active sites, promoted by Pb ad-atoms, resulted in a change from water to hydrogen peroxide as the final product. The Ag UPD on Pt and Au substrates was also discussed in this work. A detailed model of charge calculation for Ag monolayer was developed and confirmed by the rotating ring-disk data. The partial charge transfer in UPD studies was analysed in the Cd/Pt and Cd/Au systems and a value of 0.5 was found for the adsorption electrovalence of Cd ad-ions. The Sn/Pt UPD systems were studied from the point of view of the valences of metallic ions in solution. The deposition from Sn(IV) generates a full monolayer with a maximum occupation of approximately 40% of the surface active sites (340 µC cm-2) plus 105 µC cm-2 of Hads (half monolayer). Changing the metallic ion for Sn(II), it was possible to deposit a full monolayer (210 µC cm-2) without any detectable Hads. Finally, the effect of anions was discussed in the Zn/Pt and Zn/Au systems. Here, the hydrogen evolution reaction (her) and the hydrogen adsorption/desorption were used in order to investigate the maximum coverage of the surface with Zn ad-atoms. The full monolayer, characterised by the complete absence of Hads, was achieved only in 0.5 M HF solutions.


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Chalcone (1) and its fluorinated derivatives 2-4, as well as their cyclic analogues 5-10, were synthesized through an aldol condensation reaction between the corresponding ketone and aldehyde. These compounds were characterized by IR, EIMS and ¹H and 13C NMR spectral data. Modern NMR techniques allowed us to conclude that the compounds obtained show E configuration. These techniques were also employed to investigate the equilibrium involving the s-cis and s-trans conformations of 1-4, with this equilibrium being dependent on the fluorine substitution on both aromatic rings, A or B. IR studies indicated that the yield of the s-cis conformation in the fluorinated derivatives is 57.4±1.4; 88.1±0.4 and 66.4±0.7%, for 2, 3 and 4, respectively, based on previous ¹H NMR calculations for chalcone. Theoretical calculations, using the MMX method, were employed to justify the variation of chemical shifts for the fluorinated derivatives and cyclic analogues. These chemical shifts are consequence of the anisotropic effect showed by the carbonyl group on these compounds.


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The reaction between hydroxy-terminated polybutadiene and isophorone diisocyanate constitutes the base of the curing process of the most composite solid propellant used in the propulsion of solid rocket propellant. In this work, differential scanning calorimetry and viscosity measurements were used to evaluate the effect of the ferric acetylacetonate catalyst concentration on the reaction between HTBR and IPDI. These analyses show one exotherm, which shifts to lower temperatures as the catalyst concentration increases. The viscosity analyses show that the increase of temperature causes, at first, a reduction in the mixture viscosity, reaching a minimum range called gelification region (increasing the crosslinking density).


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Työssä tutkittiin sinkin uutossa käytettävän di(2-etyyliheksyyli)fosforihappo (D2EHPA) -uuttoreagenssin faasikäyttäytymistä ja miten laimentimen koostumus, lämpötila ja orgaanisen faasin sinkkipitoisuus vaikuttavat faasitasapainoon. Laimentimen vaikutuksen havaittiin olevan pientä, kun taas lämpötilan nostaminen yli huoneenlämpötilan leventää faasidiagrammin yksifaasialuetta. Pienet orgaanisen faasin sinkkipitoisuudet eivät juuri vaikuta faasitasapainoon. Sinkin ja D2EHPA:n moolisuhteen ollessa välillä 0,1–0,2 kompleksin rakenne ilmeisesti muuttuu. Sinkkipitoisuuden kasvaessa yksifaasialue muodostuu pienemmillä ammoniakkimäärillä. Suurilla orgaanisen faasin sinkkipitoisuuksilla ja ammoniakkimäärillä muodostuu orgaanisen faasin ja vesifaasin välille kolmas nestefaasi. D2EHPA:n (40 p %) vesipitoisuuden ja viskositeetin pH riippuvuutta tutkittiin, kun laimentimena oli alifaattinen hiilivetyliuotin. Nostettaessa pH yli 3,5:n uuttoreagenssi alkoi muodostaa käänteismisellejä, jolloin orgaanisen faasin vesipitoisuus ja viskositeetti kasvoivat eksponentiaalisesti. Sinkin mukana uuttautuu epäpuhtauksia kuten Al3+, Co2+, Cu2+, Na+, Ni2+, Cl- ja F-. Takaisinuuton kautta epäpuhtaudet joutuvat talteenottoelektrolyysiin, jossa ne voivat vaikuttaa tuotteen laatuun ja laskea virtahyötysuhdetta. Tarkoituksena oli tutkia väheneekö epäpuhtauksien myötäuuttautuminen jollakin tietyllä sinkin latausasteella. Fluoridin ja kuparin uuttautumisen havaittiin vähenevän vasta, kun sinkin pitoisuus orgaanisessa faasissa oli yli 20 g/L lämpötilasta riippumatta. Fluoridi uuttautuu mahdollisesti alumiinikompleksina ja/tai fluorihappona. Koboltin ja nikkelin myötäuuttautumisen havaittiin vähenevän, kun sinkin latausaste oli yli 10 g/L. Natrium ja kloridi eivät myötäuuttautuneet.


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The use of tolls is being widespread around the world. Its ability to fund infrastructure projects and to solve budget constraints have been the main rationale behind its renewed interest. However, less attention has been payed to the safety effects derived from this policy in a moment of increasing concern on road fatalities. Pricing best infrastructures shifts some drivers onto worse alternative roads usually not prepared to receive high traffic in comparable safety standards. In this paper we provide evidence of the existence of this perverse consequence by using an international European panel in a two way fixed effects estimation.


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Internal energy dependence of the competitive unimolecular dissociation channels of dimethyl ether were studied with the statistical RRKM formalism. The C-O and C-H fission reactions and the 1,2-H and 1,3-H shifts, and 1,1-H2 and 1,3-H2 molecular eliminations are discussed as a function of energy dependence of k a(E*), the microcanonical rate constant for production of transition states. C-O fission is the dominant process while reaction channels involving C-H fission, 1,1-H2 and 1,3-H2 elimination and production of MeOH should be competitive at energies around 400 kJ mol-1. The less favorable process is the channel of CH4 formation.


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As a result of climate change, streams are warming and their runoff has been decreasing in most temperate areas. These changes can affect consumers directly by increasing their metabolic rates and modifying their physiology and indirectly by changing the quality of the resources on which organisms depend. In this study, a common stream detritivore (Echinogammarus berilloni Catta) was reared at two temperatures (15 and 20°C) and fed Populus nigra L. leaves that had been conditioned either in an intermittent or permanent reach to evaluate the effects of resource quality and increased temperatures on detritivore performance, stoichiometry and nutrient cycling. The lower quality (i.e., lower protein, soluble carbohydrates and higher C:P and N:P ratios) of leaves conditioned in pools resulted in compensatory feeding and lower nutrient retention capacity by E. berilloni. This effect was especially marked for phosphorus, which was unexpected based on predictions of ecological stoichiometry. When individuals were fed pool-conditioned leaves at warmer temperatures, their growth rates were higher, but consumers exhibited less efficient assimilation and higher mortality. Furthermore, the shifts to lower C:P ratios and higher lipid concentrations in shredder body tissues suggest that structural molecules such as phospholipids are preserved over other energetic C-rich macromolecules such as carbohydrates. These effects on consumer physiology and metabolism were further translated into feces and excreta nutrient ratios. Overall, our results show that the effects of reduced leaf quality on detritivore nutrient retention were more severe at higher temperatures because the shredders were not able to offset their increased metabolism with increased consumption or more efficient digestion when fed pool-conditioned leaves. Consequently, the synergistic effects of impaired food quality and increased temperatures might not only affect the physiology and survival of detritivores but also extend to other trophic compartments through detritivore-mediated nutrient cycling.


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Electron scattering on a thin layer where the potential depends self-consistently on the wave function has been studied. When the amplitude of the incident wave exceeds a certain threshold, a soliton-shaped brightening (darkening) appears on the layer causing diffraction of the wave. Thus the spontaneously formed transverse pattern can be viewed as a self-induced nonlinear quantum screen. Attractive or repulsive nonlinearities result in different phase shifts of the wave function on the screen, which give rise to quite different diffraction patterns. Among others, the nonlinearity can cause self-focusing of the incident wave into a beam, splitting in two "beams," single or double traces with suppressed reflection or transmission, etc.


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The ¹H NMR data set of a series of 3-aryl (1,2,4)-oxadiazol-5-carbohydrazide benzylidene derivatives synthesized in our group was analyzed using the chemometric technique of principal component analysis (PCA). Using the original ¹H NMR data PCA allowed identifying some misassignments of the proton aromatic chemical shifts. As a consequence of this multivariate analysis, nuclear Overhauser difference experiments were performed to investigate the ambiguity of other assignments of the ortho and meta aromatic hydrogens for the compound with the bromine substituent. The effect of the 1,2,4-oxadiazol group as an electron acceptor, mainly for the hydrogens 12,13, has been highlighted.


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Long-period orbital forcing is a crucial component of the major global climate shifts during the Cenozoic as revealed in marine pelagic records. A complementary regional perspective of climate change can be assessed from internally drained lake basins, which are directly affected by insolation and precipitation balance. The Ebro Basin in northeastern Iberia embraces a 20 Myr long continuous sedimentary record where recurrent expansions and retractions of the central lacustrine system suggest periodic shifts of water balance due to orbital oscillations. In order to test climatic (orbital) forcing a key-piece of the basin, the Los Monegros lacustrine system, has been analyzed in detail. The cyclostratigraphic analysis points to orbital eccentricity as pacemaker of short to long-term lacustrine sequences, and reveals a correlation of maxima of the 100-kyr, 400-kyr and 2.4-Myr eccentricity cycles with periods of lake expansion. A magnetostratigraphy-based chronostratigraphy of the complete continental record allows further assessing long-period orbital forcing at basin scale, a view that challenges alternate scenarios where the stratigraphic architecture in foreland systems is preferably associated to tectonic processes. We conclude that while the location of lacustrine depocenters reacted to the long-term tectonic-driven accommodation changes, shorter wavelenght oscillations of lake environments, still million-year scale, claims for a dominance of orbital forcing. We suggest a decoupling between (tectonic) supply-driven clastic sequences fed from basin margins and (climatic) base level-driven lacustrine sequences in active settings with medium to large sediment transfer systems.


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We show the existence of families of hip-hop solutions in the equal-mass 2N-body problem which are close to highly eccentric planar elliptic homographic motions of 2N bodies plus small perpendicular non-harmonic oscillations. By introducing a parameter ϵ, the homographic motion and the small amplitude oscillations can be uncoupled into a purely Keplerian homographic motion of fixed period and a vertical oscillation described by a Hill type equation. Small changes in the eccentricity induce large variations in the period of the perpendicular oscillation and give rise, via a Bolzano argument, to resonant periodic solutions of the uncoupled system in a rotating frame. For small ϵ ≠ 0, the topological transversality persists and Brouwer's fixed point theorem shows the existence of this kind of solutions in the full system


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Työn tavoitteena on selvittää erilaisten työaikamallien ja henkilöstön määrän vaikutuksia Finnsteven henkilöstökustannuksiin ja ylitöiden määrään. Selvitystyö toteutetaan simuloimalla vaihtoehtoisia työaikamalleja ja henkilöstömääriä tilastollisten menetelmien avulla. Työn toisena tavoitteena on ehdottaa yritykselle toimintatapaa suorittaa lopullinen henkilöstöresurssien optimointi. Työn teoriaosuudessa esitellään aluksi yritystä ja sen toimintaympäristöä. Tämän jälkeen tarkastellaan nykyisen TE-sopimuksen mahdollistamia työaikamalleja. Seuraavaksi perustellaan käytettävät tilastolliset menetelmät ja tiedonkeruumenetelmät. Edetessään työ syventyy tarkastelemaan yrityksen tekemän työn kohdentumista aikatyöhön ja ylityöhön sekä viikonpäiville että työvuoroille. Lopuksi kuvataan työn optimoinnissa käytetty logiikka, analysoidaan saatuja tuloksia ja esitellään optimointityökalun toteutussuunnitelma. Diplomityössä tehdyn selvityksen mukaan satamatyössä tehdään nykyisellään erittäin paljon ylitöitä. Siten työaikamallien optimointi on perusteltua. Optimoinnilla saavutettavat potentiaaliset kustannussäästöt ovat erittäin huomattavia. Lopullinen optimointi on haastava tehtävä, jota henkilöstöhallinto ei pysty ratkaisemaan pelkkään kokemukseensa luottaen. Tuotannonsuunnittelun avuksi tarvitaan täten työkalu, joka palvelee paitsi mallien luontia, toimii suunnittelun apuna jatkossakin.


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Plectranthus barbatus is largely used in the Northeast region of Brazil by the local population for treatment of digestive problems as substitute of boldo (Pneumus boldus). Phytochemical analysis of the leaf extracts of Plectranthus barbatus (Labiatae) cultivated in this region yielded two abietane diterpenoids, cyclobubatusin (1) and barbatusin (2) and a new one named 7beta-acetyl-12-deacetoxycyclobutatusin (3). The structures of the isolated compounds were established by spectral analysis, using mainly mass spectra and ¹H and 13CNMR (1D and 2D). These procedures permitted the assignment of all chemical shifts in the diterpenoids.