937 resultados para Rosensweig Instability
The paper describes the sensitivity of the simulated precipitation to changes in convective relaxation time scale (TAU) of Zhang and McFarlane (ZM) cumulus parameterization, in NCAR-Community Atmosphere Model version 3 (CAM3). In the default configuration of the model, the prescribed value of TAU, a characteristic time scale with which convective available potential energy (CAPE) is removed at an exponential rate by convection, is assumed to be 1 h. However, some recent observational findings suggest that, it is larger by around one order of magnitude. In order to explore the sensitivity of the model simulation to TAU, two model frameworks have been used, namely, aqua-planet and actual-planet configurations. Numerical integrations have been carried out by using different values of TAU, and its effect on simulated precipitation has been analyzed. The aqua-planet simulations reveal that when TAU increases, rate of deep convective precipitation (DCP) decreases and this leads to an accumulation of convective instability in the atmosphere. Consequently, the moisture content in the lower-and mid-troposphere increases. On the other hand, the shallow convective precipitation (SCP) and large-scale precipitation (LSP) intensify, predominantly the SCP, and thus capping the accumulation of convective instability in the atmosphere. The total precipitation (TP) remains approximately constant, but the proportion of the three components changes significantly, which in turn alters the vertical distribution of total precipitation production. The vertical structure of moist heating changes from a vertically extended profile to a bottom heavy profile, with the increase of TAU. Altitude of the maximum vertical velocity shifts from upper troposphere to lower troposphere. Similar response was seen in the actual-planet simulations. With an increase in TAU from 1 h to 8 h, there was a significant improvement in the simulation of the seasonal mean precipitation. The fraction of deep convective precipitation was in much better agreement with satellite observations.
The performance of the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) in simulating an extreme rainfall event is evaluated, and subsequently the physical mechanisms leading to its initiation and sustenance are explored. As a case study, the heavy precipitation event that led to 65 cm of rainfall accumulation in a span of around 6 h (1430 LT-2030 LT) over Santacruz (Mumbai, India), on 26 July, 2005, is selected. Three sets of numerical experiments have been conducted. The first set of experiments (EXP1) consisted of a four-member ensemble, and was carried out in an idealized mode with a model grid spacing of 1 km. In spite of the idealized framework, signatures of heavy rainfall were seen in two of the ensemble members. The second set (EXP2) consisted of a five-member ensemble, with a four-level one-way nested integration and grid spacing of 54, 18, 6 and 1 km. The model was able to simulate a realistic spatial structure with the 54, 18, and 6 km grids; however, with the 1 km grid, the simulations were dominated by the prescribed boundary conditions. The third and final set of experiments (EXP3) consisted of a five-member ensemble, with a four-level one-way nesting and grid spacing of 54, 18, 6, and 2 km. The Scaled Lagged Average Forecasting (SLAF) methodology was employed to construct the ensemble members. The model simulations in this case were closer to observations, as compared to EXP2. Specifically, among all experiments, the timing of maximum rainfall, the abrupt increase in rainfall intensities, which was a major feature of this event, and the rainfall intensities simulated in EXP3 (at 6 km resolution) were closest to observations. Analysis of the physical mechanisms causing the initiation and sustenance of the event reveals some interesting aspects. Deep convection was found to be initiated by mid-tropospheric convergence that extended to lower levels during the later stage. In addition, there was a high negative vertical gradient of equivalent potential temperature suggesting strong atmospheric instability prior to and during the occurrence of the event. Finally, the presence of a conducive vertical wind shear in the lower and mid-troposphere is thought to be one of the major factors influencing the longevity of the event.
The physical properties of surface soil horizons, essentially pore size, shape, continuity and affinity for water, regulate water entry into the soil. These properties are prone to changes caused by natural forces and human activity. The hydraulic properties of the surface soil greatly impact the generation of surface runoff and accompanied erosion, the major concern of agricultural water protection. The general target of this thesis was to improve our understanding of the structural and hydraulic properties of boreal clay soils. Physical properties of a clayey surface soil (0 - 10 cm, clay content 51%), with a micaceous/illitic mineralogy subjected to three different management practices of perennial vegetation, were studied. The study sites were vegetated buffer zones located side by side in SW Finland: 1) natural vegetation with no management, 2) harvested once a year, and 3) grazed by cattle. The soil structure, hydraulic properties, shrinkage properties and soil water repellency were determined at all sites. Two distinct flow domains were evident. The surface soil was characterized by subangular blocky, angular blocky and platy aggregates. Hence, large, partially accommodated, irregular elongated pores dominated the macropore domain at all sites. The intra-aggregate pore system was mostly comprised of pores smaller than 30 μm, which are responsible for water storage. Macropores at the grazed site, compacted by hoof pressure, were horizontally oriented and pore connectivity was poorest, which decreased water and air flux compared with other sites. Drying of the soil greatly altered its structure. The decrease in soil volume between wet and dry soil was 7 - 10%, most of which occurred in the moisture range of field conditions. Structural changes, including irreversible collapse of interaggregate pores, began at matric potentials around -6 kPa indicating, instability of soil structure against increasing hydraulic stress. Water saturation and several freezethaw cycles between autumn and spring likely weakened the soil structure. Soil water repellency was observed at all sites at the time of sampling and when soil was dryer than about 40 vol.%. (matric potential < -6 kPa). Therefore, water repellency contributes to water flow over a wide moisture range. Water repellency was also observed in soils with low organic carbon content (< 2%), which suggests that this phenomenon is common in agricultural soils of Finland due to their relatively high organic carbon content. Aggregate-related pedofeatures of dense infillings described as clay intrusions were found at all sites. The formation of these intrusions was attributed to clay dispersion and/or translocation during spring thaw and drying of the suspension in situ. These processes generate very new aggregates whose physical properties are most probably different from those of the bulk soil aggregates. Formation of the clay infillings suggested that prolonged wetness in autumn and spring impairs soil structure due to clay dispersion, while on the other hand it contributes to the pedogenesis of the soil. The results emphasize the dynamic nature of the physical properties of clay soils, essentially driven by their moisture state. In a dry soil, fast preferential flow is favoured by abundant macropores including shrinkage cracks and is further enhanced by water repellency. Increase in soil moisture reduces water repellency, and swelling of accommodated pores lowers the saturated hydraulic conductivity. Moisture- and temperature-related processes significantly alter soil structure over a time span of 1 yr. Thus, the pore characteristics as well as the hydraulic properties of soil are time-dependent.
Thunderstorm is a dangerous electrical phenomena in the atmosphere. Thundercloud is formed when thermal energy is transported rapidly upwards in convective updraughts. Electrification occurs in the collisions of cloud particles in the strong updraught. When the amount of charge in the cloud is large enough, electrical breakdown, better known as a flash, occurs. Lightning location is nowadays an essential tool for the detection of severe weather. Located flashes indicate in real time the movement of hazardous areas and the intensity of lightning activity. Also, an estimate for the flash peak current can be determined. The observations can be used in damage surveys. The most simple way to represent lightning data is to plot the locations on a map, but the data can be processed in more complex end-products and exploited in data fusion. Lightning data serves as an important tool also in the research of lightning-related phenomena, such as Transient Luminous Events. Most of the global thunderstorms occur in areas with plenty of heat, moisture and tropospheric instability, for example in the tropical land areas. In higher latitudes like in Finland, the thunderstorm season is practically restricted to the summer season. Particular feature of the high-latitude climatology is the large annual variation, which regards also thunderstorms. Knowing the performance of any measuring device is important because it affects the accuracy of the end-products. In lightning location systems, the detection efficiency means the ratio between located and actually occurred flashes. Because in practice it is impossible to know the true number of actually occurred flashes, the detection efficiency has to be esimated with theoretical methods.
The coherent plasma process such as parametric decay instability (PDI) has been applied to a homogeneous and unmagnetized plasma. These instabilities cause anomalous absorption of strong electromagnetic radiation under specific conditions of energy and momentum conservation and thus cause anomalous heating of the plasma. The maximum plasma temperatures reached are functions of luminosity of the radio radiation and plasma parameters. We believe that these processes may be taking place in many astrophysical objects. Here, the conditions in the sources 3C 273, 3C 48 and Crab Nebula are shown to be conducive to the excitation of PDI. These processes also contribute towards the absorption of 21cm radiation
Fracture behaviour of notched and un-notched plain concrete slender beams subjected to three-point or four-point bending is analyzed through a one-dimensional model, also called Softening Beam Model. Fundamental equations of equilibrium are used to develop the model. The influence of structural size in altering the fracture mode from brittle fracture to plastic collapse is explained through the stress distribution across the uncracked ligament obtained by varying the strain softening modulus. It is found that at the onset of fracture instability, stress at the crack tip is equal to zero. The maximum load and fracture load are found to be different and a unique value for the fracture load is obtained. It is shown that the length of the fracture process zone depends on the value of the strain softening modulus. Theoretical limits for fracture process zone length are also calculated. Several nonlinear fracture parameters, such as, crack tip opening displacement, crack mouth opening displacement and fracture energy are computed for a wide variety of beam specimens reported in the literature and are found to compare very well with experimental and theoretical results. It is demonstrated that by following a simple procedure, both pre-peak and post-peak portions of load versus crack mouth opening displacement curve can be obtained quite accurately. Further, a simple procedure to calculate the maximum load is also developed. The predicted values of maximum load are found to agree well with the experimental values. The Softening Beam Model (SBM), proposed in this investigation is very simple and is based on rational considerations. It can completely describe the fracture process from the beginning of formation of the fracture process zone till the onset of fracture instability.A l'aide d'un modèle unidimensionnel dit ldquoSoftening Beam Modelrdquo (SBM), on analyse le comportement à rupture de poutres élancées pleines entaillées ou non, soumises en flexion en trois ou quatre points. Des équations fondamentales d'équilibre sont utilisées pour développer le modèle. On explique l'influence de la taille du composant sur l'altération du mode de rupture en rupture fragile et en effondrement plastique par la distribution par la distribution des contraintes sur le ligament non fissuré lorsque varie le module d'adoucissement. On trouve que la contrainte à l'extrémité de la fissure est nulle est nulle au début de l'instabilité de la rupture. La charge maximum et la charge à la rupture sont trouvées différentes, et on obtient une valeur unique de la charge à la rupture. On montre que la longueur de la zone concernée par le processus de rupture d'pend de la valeur du module d'adoucissement. On calcule également les limites théoriques de longueur de cette zone. Divers paramètres de rupture non linéaire sont calculés pour une large gamme d'éprouvettes en poutres reprises dans la littérature; on trouve qu'il existe une bonne concordance avec les résultats expérimentaux et théoriques. On démontre qu'en suivant une procédure simple on peut obtenir avec une bonne précision la courbe reliant les portions avant et après le pic de sollicitation en fonction du COD de la fissure. En outre, on développe une procédure simple pour calculer la charge maximum. Les valeurs prédites sont en bon accord avec les valeurs expérimentales. Le modèle SBM proposé est très simple et est basé sur des considérations rationnelles. Il est susceptible de décrire complètement le processus de rupture depuis le début de la formation de la zone intéressée jusqu'à l'amorçage de la rupture instable.
Assuming an entropic origin for phason elasticity in quasicrystals, we derive predictions for the temperature dependence of grain-boundary structure and free energy, the nature of the elastic instability in these systems, and the behavior of sound damping near the instability. We believe that these will provide decisive tests of the entropic model for quasicrystals.
Numerous reports from several parts of the world have confirmed that on calm clear nights a minimum in air temperature can occur just above ground, at heights of the order of $\frac{1}{2}$ m or less. This phenomenon, first observed by Ramdas & Atmanathan (1932), carries the associated paradox of an apparently unstable layer that sustains itself for several hours, and has not so far been satisfactorily explained. We formulate here a theory that considers energy balance between radiation, conduction and free or forced convection in humid air, with surface temperature, humidity and wind incorporated into an appropriate mathematical model as parameters. A complete numerical solution of the coupled air-soil problem is used to validate an approach that specifies the surface temperature boundary condition through a cooling rate parameter. Utilizing a flux-emissivity scheme for computing radiative transfer, the model is numerically solved for various values of turbulent friction velocity. It is shown that a lifted minimum is predicted by the model for values of ground emissivity not too close to unity, and for sufficiently low surface cooling rates and eddy transport. Agreement with observation for reasonable values of the parameters is demonstrated. A heuristic argument is offered to show that radiation substantially increases the critical Rayleigh number for convection, thus circumventing or weakening Rayleigh-Benard instability. The model highlights the key role played by two parameters generally ignored in explanations of the phenomenon, namely surface emissivity and soil thermal conductivity, and shows that it is unnecessary to invoke the presence of such particulate constituents as haze to produce a lifted minimum.
The restricted three-body method is used to model the effect of the mean tidal field of a cluster of galaxies on the internal dynamics of a disk galaxy falling into the cluster for the first time. In the model adopted the galaxy experiences a tidal field that is compressive within the core of the cluster. The planar random velocities of all components in the disk increase after the galaxy passes through the core of the cluster. The low-velocity dispersion gas clouds experience a relatively larger increase in random velocity than the hotter stellar components. The increase in planar velocities results in a strong anisotropy between the planar and vertical velocity dispersions. It is argued that this will make the disk unstable to the 'fire-hose instability' which leads to bending modes in the disk and which will thicken the disk slightly. The mean tidal fields in rich clusters were probably stronger during the epoch of cluster formation and relaxation than they are in present-day relaxed clusters.
We consider the ergodic control for a controlled nondegenerate diffusion when m other (m finite) ergodic costs are required to satisfy prescribed bounds. Under a condition on the cost functions that penalizes instability, the existence of an optimal stable Markov control is established by convex analytic arguments.
The deformation characteristics of 304L stainless steel in compression in the temperature range 20–700°C and strain rate range 0·001–100 s−1 have been studied with the aim of characterising the .flow instabilities occurring in the microstructure. At higher temperatures and strain rates the stainless steel exhibits flow localisation, whereas at temperatures below 500°C and strain rates lower than 0·1 s−1 the flow instabilities are due to dynamic strain aging. Strain induced martensite formation is responsible for the flow instabilities at room temperature and low strain rates (0·01 s−1). In view of the occurrence of these instabilities, cold working is preferable to warm working to achieve dimensional tolerance and reproducible properties in the product. Among the different criteria tested to explain the occurrence of instabilities, the continuum criterion, developed on the basis of the principles of maximum rate of entropy production and separability of the dissipation function, predicts accurately all the above instability features.
Processing maps for hot working of as-cast and wrought stainless steels of type AISI 304 have been developed in the temperature range 600 to 1250°C and strain rate range 0.001 to 100 s−1. The domain of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) in as-cast material occurs at higher temperatures (1250°C) and lower strain rates (0.001 s−1) than in the wrought steel (1100°C and 0.01 s−1). The effect is explained in terms of enhanced nucleation rate of DRX due to the carbide, ferrite particles, stable oxides/nitrides and second-phase intermetallics in the as-cast microstructure. The DRX domain is wider in the wrought material although the peak efficiency is less (32%) than in the as-cast case (40%). The flow instability regime is not significantly affected by the initial microstructure
Subcutaneous administration of the LD50 dose of methyl isocyanate (MIC) to rats induced severe hyperglycaemia, lactic acidosis and uraemia in rats. Neither methylamine (MA) nor N,N′-dimethylurea (DMU), the hydrolysis products of MIC, administered in equimolar doses had any influence on these parameters except for a marginal transient increase in plasma urea by DMU. Methyl isocyanate administration led to haemoconcentration, resulting in an increase in the plasma concentration of total proteins and a decrease in both the plasma concentration of albumin and the plasma cholinesterase activity. The hydrolysis products of MIC had no influence on any of these parameters. Thus, it seems reasonable to suggest that the systemic effects of MIC are caused by MIC per se, in spite of its high hydrolytic instability.
Processing maps for hot working of stainless steel of type AISI 304L have been developed on the basis of the flow stress data generated by compression and torsion in the temperature range 600–1200 °C and strain rate range 0.1–100 s−1. The efficiency of power dissipation given by 2m/(m+1) where m is the strain rate sensitivity is plotted as a function of temperature and strain rate to obtain a processing map, which is interpreted on the basis of the Dynamic Materials Model. The maps obtained by compression as well as torsion exhibited a domain of dynamic recrystallization with its peak efficiency occurring at 1200 °C and 0.1 s−1. These are the optimum hot-working parameters which may be obtained by either of the test techniques. The peak efficiency for the dynamic recrystallization is apparently higher (64%) than that obtained in constant-true-strain-rate compression (41%) and the difference in explained on the basis of strain rate variations occurring across the section of solid torsion bar. A region of flow instability has occurred at lower temperatures (below 1000 °C) and higher strain rates (above 1 s−1) and is wider in torsion than in compression. To achieve complete microstructure control in a component, the state of stress will have to be considered.
Flow visualization studies of plane laminar bubble plumes have been conducted to yield quantitative data on transition height, wavelength and wave velocity of the most unstable disturbance leading to transition. These are believed to be the first results of this kind. Most earlier studies are restricted to turbulent bubble plumes. In the present study, the bubble plumes were generated by electrolysis of water and hence very fine control over bubble size distribution and gas flow rate was possible to enable studies with laminar bubble plumes. Present observations show that (a) the dominant mode of instability in plane bubble plumes is the sinuous mode, (b) transition height and wavelength are related linearly with the proportionality constant being about 4, (c) wave velocity is about 40 % of the mean plume velocity, and (d) normalized transition height data correlate very well with a source Grashof number. Some agreement and some differences in transition characteristics of bubble plumes have been observed compared to those for similar single-phase flows.