983 resultados para Rocket engines


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Grid workflow authoring tools are typically specific to particular workflow engines built into Grid middleware, or are application specific and are designed to interact with specific software implementations. g-Eclipse is a middleware independent Grid workbench that aims to provide a unified abstraction of the Grid and includes a Grid workflow builder to allow users to author and deploy workflows to the Grid. This paper describes the g-Eclipse Workflow Builder and its implementations for two Grid middlewares, gLite and GRIA, and a case study utilizing the Workflow Builder in a Grid user's scientific workflow deployment.


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This paper develops fuzzy methods for control of the rotary inverted pendulum, an underactuated mechanical system. Two control laws are presented, one for swing up and another for the stabilization. The pendulum is swung up from the vertical down stable position to the upward unstable position in a controlled trajectory. The rules for the swing up are heuristically written such that each swing results in greater energy build up. The stabilization is achieved by mapping a stabilizing LQR control law to two fuzzy inference engines, which reduces the computational load compared with using a single fuzzy inference engine. The robustness of the balancing control is tested by attaching a bottle of water at the tip of the pendulum.


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Search engines exploit the Web's hyperlink structure to help infer information content. The new phenomenon of personal Web logs, or 'blogs', encourage more extensive annotation of Web content. If their resulting link structures bias the Web crawling applications that search engines depend upon, there are implications for another form of annotation rapidly on the rise, the Semantic Web. We conducted a Web crawl of 160 000 pages in which the link structure of the Web is compared with that of several thousand blogs. Results show that the two link structures are significantly different. We analyse the differences and infer the likely effect upon the performance of existing and future Web agents. The Semantic Web offers new opportunities to navigate the Web, but Web agents should be designed to take advantage of the emerging link structures, or their effectiveness will diminish.


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Search has become a hot topic in Internet computing, with rival search engines battling to become the de facto Web portal, harnessing search algorithms to wade through information on a scale undreamed of by early information retrieval (IR) pioneers. This article examines how search has matured from its roots in specialized IR systems to become a key foundation of the Web. The authors describe new challenges posed by the Web's scale, and show how search is changing the nature of the Web as much as the Web has changed the nature of search


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In this paper we report the observation of drifts in the responsivity of cryogenically cooled InSb detector-based infrared filter radiometers which have very strong wavelength dependence. These drifts can result in the increase or decrease of the response of the filter radiometers by over 5%. The origin of these variations was investigated and was shown to arise due to a thin film of ice formed on the multi-layer bandpass filter used to define the spectral response of the filter radiometer. The thin layer of ice interacts with the characteristics of the filter (which itself consists of a number of thin layers) and modifies the filter spectral transmission thus modifying the response of the filter radiometer of which the filter is part of. These observations are particularly relevant to space instruments which use infrared filter radiometers for earth observation. Debris from the spacecraft engines is known to accumulate on cold surfaces of instruments carried on board. The deposition of this debris on cold filters can modify the spectral response of the instruments, which use these filters to define a spectral response. Crown Copyright (c) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rate coefficients for reactions of nitrate radicals (NO3) with the anthropogenic emissions 2-methylpent-2-ene, (Z)-3-methylpent-2-ene.. ethyl vinyl ether, and the stress-induced plant emission ethyl vinyl ketone (pent-1-en-3-one) were determined to be (9.3 +/- 1.1) x 10(-12), (9.3 +/- 3.2) x 10(-12), (1.7 +/- 1.3) x 10(-12) and (9.4 + 2.7) x 10(-17) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1). We performed kinetic experiments at room temperature and atmospheric pressure using a relative-rate technique with GC-FID analysis. Experiments with ethyl vinyl ether required a modification of our established procedure that might introduce additional uncertainties, and the errors suggested reflect these difficulties. Rate coefficients are discussed in terms of electronic and steric influences. Atmospheric lifetimes with respect to important oxidants in the troposphere were calculated. NO3-initiated oxidation is found to be the strongly dominating degradation route for 2-methylpent-2-ene, (Z)-3-methylpent-2-ene and ethyl vinyl ether. Atmospheric concentrations of the alkenes and their relative contribution to the total NMHC emissions from trucks can be expected to increase if plans for the introduction of particle filters for diesel engines are implemented on a global scale. Thus more kinetic data are required to better evaluate the impact of these emissions.


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This paper presents a review of the design and development of the Yorick series of active stereo camera platforms and their integration into real-time closed loop active vision systems, whose applications span surveillance, navigation of autonomously guided vehicles (AGVs), and inspection tasks for teleoperation, including immersive visual telepresence. The mechatronic approach adopted for the design of the first system, including head/eye platform, local controller, vision engine, gaze controller and system integration, proved to be very successful. The design team comprised researchers with experience in parallel computing, robot control, mechanical design and machine vision. The success of the project has generated sufficient interest to sanction a number of revisions of the original head design, including the design of a lightweight compact head for use on a robot arm, and the further development of a robot head to look specifically at increasing visual resolution for visual telepresence. The controller and vision processing engines have also been upgraded, to include the control of robot heads on mobile platforms and control of vergence through tracking of an operator's eye movement. This paper details the hardware development of the different active vision/telepresence systems.


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Rocket is a leafy brassicaceous salad crop that encompasses two major genera (Diplotaxis and Eruca) and many different cultivars. Rocket is a rich source of antioxidants and glucosinolates, many of which are produced as secondary products by the plant in response to stress. In this paper we examined the impact of temperature and light stress on several different cultivars of wild and salad rocket. Growth habit of the plants varied in response to stress and with different genotypes, reflecting the wide geographical distribution of the plant and the different environments to which the genera have naturally adapted. Preharvest environmental stress and genotype also had an impact on how well the cultivar was able to resist postharvest senescence, indicating that breeding or selection of senescence-resistant genotypes will be possible in the future. The abundance of key phytonutrients such as carotenoids and glucosinolates are also under genetic control. As genetic resources improve for rocket it will therefore be possible to develop a molecular breeding programme specifically targeted at improving stress resistance and nutritional levels of plant secondary products. Concomitantly, it has been shown in this paper that controlled levels of abiotic stress can potentially improve the levels of chlorophyll, carotenoids and antioxidant activity in this leafy vegetable.


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Lorenz’s theory of available p otential energy (APE) remains the main framework for studying the atmospheric and oceanic energy cycles. Because the APE generation rate is the volume integral of a thermodynamic efficiency times the local diabatic heating/cooling rate, APE theory is often regarded as an extension of the theory of heat engines. Available energetics in classical thermodynamics, however, usually relies on the concept of exergy, and is usually measured relative to a reference state maximising entropy at constant energy, whereas APE’s reference state minimises p otential energy at constant entropy. This review seeks to shed light on the two concepts; it covers local formulations of available energetics, alternative views of the dynamics/thermodynamics coupling, APE theory and the second law, APE production/dissipation, extensions to binary fluids, mean/eddy decomp ositions, APE in incompressible fluids, APE and irreversible turbulent mixing, and the role of mechanical forcing on APE production.


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The 20th World Computer Chess Championship took place in Yokohama, Japan during August 2013. It was narrowly won by JUNIOR from JONNY with HIARCS, PANDIX, SHREDDER and MERLIN occupying the remaining positions. There are references to the detailed chess biographies of the engines and engine-authors in the Chessprogramming Wiki. The games, occasionally annotated, are available here.


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The 3rd World Chess Software Championship took place in Yokohama, Japan during August 2013. It pits chess engines against each other on a common hardware platform - in this instance, the Intel i7 2740 Ivy Bridge with 16GB RAM supporting a potential eight processing threads. It was narrowly won by HIARCS from JUNIOR and PANDIX with JONNY, SHREDDER and MERLIN taking the remaining places. Games, occasionally annotated, are available here.


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Black carbon aerosol plays a unique and important role in Earth’s climate system. Black carbon is a type of carbonaceous material with a unique combination of physical properties. This assessment provides an evaluation of black-carbon climate forcing that is comprehensive in its inclusion of all known and relevant processes and that is quantitative in providing best estimates and uncertainties of the main forcing terms: direct solar absorption; influence on liquid, mixed phase, and ice clouds; and deposition on snow and ice. These effects are calculated with climate models, but when possible, they are evaluated with both microphysical measurements and field observations. Predominant sources are combustion related, namely, fossil fuels for transportation, solid fuels for industrial and residential uses, and open burning of biomass. Total global emissions of black carbon using bottom-up inventory methods are 7500 Gg yr�-1 in the year 2000 with an uncertainty range of 2000 to 29000. However, global atmospheric absorption attributable to black carbon is too low in many models and should be increased by a factor of almost 3. After this scaling, the best estimate for the industrial-era (1750 to 2005) direct radiative forcing of atmospheric black carbon is +0.71 W m�-2 with 90% uncertainty bounds of (+0.08, +1.27)Wm�-2. Total direct forcing by all black carbon sources, without subtracting the preindustrial background, is estimated as +0.88 (+0.17, +1.48) W m�-2. Direct radiative forcing alone does not capture important rapid adjustment mechanisms. A framework is described and used for quantifying climate forcings, including rapid adjustments. The best estimate of industrial-era climate forcing of black carbon through all forcing mechanisms, including clouds and cryosphere forcing, is +1.1 W m�-2 with 90% uncertainty bounds of +0.17 to +2.1 W m�-2. Thus, there is a very high probability that black carbon emissions, independent of co-emitted species, have a positive forcing and warm the climate. We estimate that black carbon, with a total climate forcing of +1.1 W m�-2, is the second most important human emission in terms of its climate forcing in the present-day atmosphere; only carbon dioxide is estimated to have a greater forcing. Sources that emit black carbon also emit other short-lived species that may either cool or warm climate. Climate forcings from co-emitted species are estimated and used in the framework described herein. When the principal effects of short-lived co-emissions, including cooling agents such as sulfur dioxide, are included in net forcing, energy-related sources (fossil fuel and biofuel) have an industrial-era climate forcing of +0.22 (�-0.50 to +1.08) W m-�2 during the first year after emission. For a few of these sources, such as diesel engines and possibly residential biofuels, warming is strong enough that eliminating all short-lived emissions from these sources would reduce net climate forcing (i.e., produce cooling). When open burning emissions, which emit high levels of organic matter, are included in the total, the best estimate of net industrial-era climate forcing by all short-lived species from black-carbon-rich sources becomes slightly negative (�-0.06 W m�-2 with 90% uncertainty bounds of �-1.45 to +1.29 W m�-2). The uncertainties in net climate forcing from black-carbon-rich sources are substantial, largely due to lack of knowledge about cloud interactions with both black carbon and co-emitted organic carbon. In prioritizing potential black-carbon mitigation actions, non-science factors, such as technical feasibility, costs, policy design, and implementation feasibility play important roles. The major sources of black carbon are presently in different stages with regard to the feasibility for near-term mitigation. This assessment, by evaluating the large number and complexity of the associated physical and radiative processes in black-carbon climate forcing, sets a baseline from which to improve future climate forcing estimates.


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This study examines the evolution of prices in markets with Internet price-comparison search engines. The empirical study analyzes laboratory data of prices available to informed consumers, for two industry sizes and two conditions on the sample (complete and incomplete). Distributions are typically bimodal. One of the two modes of distribution, corresponding to monopoly pricing, tends to attract such pricing strategies increasingly over time. The second one, corresponding to interior pricing, follows a decreasing trend. Monopoly pricing can serve as a means of insurance against more competitive (but riskier) behavior. In fact, experimental subjects who initially earn low profits due to interior pricing are more likely to switch to monopoly pricing than subjects who experience good returns from the start.


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The focus here is on the influence of the endgame KRPKBP on endgames featuring duels between rook and bishop. We take advantage of the range of endgame tablebases and tools now available to ratify and extend previous analyses of five examples, including the conclusion of the justly famous 1979 Rio Interzonal game, Timman-Velimirović. The tablebases show that they can help us understand the hidden depths of the chess endgame, that the path to the draw here is narrower than expected, that chess engines without tablebases still do not find all the wins, and that there are further surprises in store when more pawns are added.


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NDIR is proposed for monitoring of air pollutants emitted by ship engines. Careful optical filtering overcomes the challenge of optical detection of NO2 in humid exhaust gas, despite spectroscopic overlap with the water vapour band.