877 resultados para River Styles
Total (HgT), reactive (HgR) and organic (Hg ORG) mercury species have been quantified in non-filtered waters collected from the Negro River Basin, Amazon (from January/2002 through January/2004), in both black and white water bodies. Black waters presented the highest HgT, HgORG and HgR concentration (29.1 ng L-1, 1.63 ng L-1 and 3.9 ng L-1, respectively), while, white waters presented the lowest HgT, Hg ORG and HgR concentration (8.8 ng L-1, 0.49 ng L-1 and 1.2 ng L-1, respectively). An inverse correlation between HgT and the water level over the basin was obtained, although the HgORG concentration has increased in the first rainy months and then decreased as the water level rose. Total mercury in surface sediments (0-10 cm) ranged from 70 to 271 mg kg-1 being the methylmercury 0.47-1.79 % of this stock. The results indicate that HgR and the labile dissolved organic matter were introduced into the aquatic environment during the flooding season, especially in the earlier stages, thus contributing to mercury methylation. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
In this work, humic substances were extracted from water samples collected monthly from the Negro River basin in the Amazon state (Brazil) to study their properties in the Amazonian environment and interactions with the mercury ion considering the influence of seasonalness in this formation. The C/H, C/N and C/O atomic ratio parameters, functional groups, concentration of semiquinone-type free radicals, pH, pluviometric and fluviometric indices, and mercury concentrations were interpreted using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). The statistical analyses showed that when the pluviometric index was greater and the fluviometric index was smaller, the degree of humification of aquatic substances was greater. The following decreasing order of the degree of humification of the AHS collected monthly was established: Nov/02 to Feb/03 > Mar/02 to May/02 > Jun/02 to Oct/02. The greatest concentrations of mercury were detected in more humidified samples. These results suggest that due to inter and/or intra-molecular rearrangements, the degree of humification of aquatic humic substances is related to its affinity for Hg(II) ions. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
In this work, the foraging activity of Protopolybia exigua (de Saussure) was studied, aiming to verify the amplitude of the foraging time, the relation between the physical factors of weather (temperature, relative air humidity, luminosity and wind speed) and the daily activity of searching for resources, as well as to analyze the influence of the colony development phases and the number of individuals (adults and immatures) engaged in such activity. The study was carried out in two areas of the city of Bom Jesus da Lapa, Bahia, Brazil, during the period from January to June 2006, when the observation of 12 colonies of P. exigua was performed. The results revealed this species presented an amplitude of activity of almost 13 hours. There was an average of 44.4 nest exits and 37.6 returns a day by the nest workers and the Returns with Resources Index for this species was 93.5%. The foraging activity increased as of 10:01, and became more intense, with the peak from 1:01 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., when the highest temperatures (°C) and the lowest values of relative air humidity (%) were observed. The colonies that had a larger number of larvae presented a higher average number of trips to the field per hour (10.94) and the number of females in the colony tends to induce foraging activity. There were no differences between the numbers of nest exits by the workers regarding the three phases of colony development.
The waters of Corumbataí River in the middle and eastern part of São Paulo State, Brazil, are extensively used for human consumption; their water quality has been modified mainly due to increasing pressure caused by population growth, accompanied by a more accentuated industrial development for the whole São Paulo State in the early 1970s. The Corumbataí River basin has, over time, received significant emissions of municipal waste products and discharges of wastewater, sludge, sewage, sanitary and industrial effluents, but the first effluent treatment plant at Rio Claro city was only inaugurated at the end of the 1990s. Data on river water quality from two widely spaced locations in the Corumbataí River basin are reported in this paper; they indicate the need for continuous initiatives and efforts by decision makers in order to improve and preserve the water quality in the basin for the 21st century. Copyright © 2007 IAHS Press.
To address daily fluctuations in electricity demands, the quantities of water passing through the turbines of hydropower plants can vary significantly (up to fourfold) during a 24-h cycle. This study evaluates the effects of hourly variations in water discharges on the limnological conditions observed in two below-dam river stretches. The study reservoirs, Capivara and Taquaruçu, are the 9th and 10th reservoirs in a cascade of dams in the Paranapanema River in south-east Brazil. The reservoirs exhibit different trophic conditions, water retention times, thermal regimes and spillway positions. Capivara Reservoir is deeper, meso-eutrophic, with a high water retention time and hypolimnetic discharges (32 m) varying between 500 and 1400 m3 s-1. In contrast, Taquaruçu Reservoir is relatively shallow, oligo-mesotrophic, and has a low retention time, with water discharges varying between 500 and 2000 m3 s-1. Its turbine water intake zone also is more superficial (7 m). For two periods of the year, winter and summer, profiles of limnological measurements were developed in the lacustrine (above-dam site) zones of the reservoirs, as well as in the downstream river stretches (below-dam site). In both cases, the sampling was carried out at 4-h intervals over a complete nictemeral cycle. The results demonstrated that the reservoir operating regime (water discharge variations) promoted significant differences in the conditions of the river below the dams, especially for water velocity, turbidity, and nutrient and suspended solids concentrations. The reservoir physical characteristics, including depth, thermal stratification and outlet structure, are also key factors influencing the limnology and water quality at the below-dam sampling sites. In the case of Capivara Reservoir, for example, the low dissolved oxygen concentration (<5.0 mg L-1) in its bottom water layer was transferred to the downstream river stretches during the summer. These study results demonstrated that it is important to continue such investigations as a means of verifying whether or not these high-amplitude/low-frequency variations could negatively affect the downstream river biota. © 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.
Due to growing urbanization and industrialization, the environment is suffering from pollution of rivers, degradation of soils and deteriorated air quality. Quality indices appear to be useful to evaluate the conditions of these media. The aim of this study was the development of a water quality index using a fuzzy inference system, since such an approach has proved advantageous in addressing problems that are subjective by nature or for which the data are uncertain. The methodology employed was based on this inference system, and considered the nine water quality parameters employed by CETESB (Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental, São Paulo, Brazil) to evaluate water quality. After assessment of the data using the index, a comparison was made with the WQI (Water Quality Index), which is used for the monitoring of various water bodies, including in the study region. The results obtained using the index developed on the basis of fuzzy inference were found to be more useful than those derived from the method currently used by CETESB, since losses and/or omissions concerning individual parameters were minimized. © 2010 IEEE.
A high surface area silica gel (737 ± m2 g-1) was synthesized modified through a two-step reaction with a 4-amino-2-mercaptopyrimidine ligand and applied to Cu(II) and Cd(II) adsorption from an aqueous medium. The modified material was characterized by FTIR, which showed that attachment of the molecule occurred via thiol groups at 2547 and 2600 cm-1, and by elemental analysis that indicated the presence of 0.0102 mmol of ligand. The data from adsorption experiments were adjusted to a modified Langmuir equation and the maximum adsorption capacity was 6.6 and 3.8 μmol g-1 for Cu(II) and Cd(II), respectively. After adjusting several parameters, the material was applied in the preconcentration of natural river water using a continuous flow system before and after sample mineralization, and the results showed a 10-fold enrichment factor. The proposed method was validated through preconcentration and analysis of certified standard reference material (1643e), whose results were in agreement with the values provided by the manufacturer.
Vascular plants were investigated in oxbow lakes of Turvo River, Upper Paraná River basin, between Icém and Nova Granada municipalities, state of São Paulo, Brazil. In this region, six lagoons were sampled: Ganzella, Mustafá, Braço Morto, 45, Federal, and Parente. The survey showed a total of 54 species, 36 genera and 22 families. The species richest families were Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Polygonaceae. Eichhornia crassipes (Pontederiaceae) was the single species encountered in all the six lakes. © 2010 Check List and Authors.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of stocking ponds using graded and ungraded juveniles and performing drained and combined harvesting on the production of M. amazonicum. A randomized completed-blocks design with 4 treatments (farming strategies) and 3 replicates was used. Treatments were: Upper size-graded juveniles, Lower size-graded juveniles, Ungraded juveniles, all with total drained harvesting, and Combined Harvesting (ungraded juveniles). Twelve earthen ponds were stocked at 40 juveniles.m -2, according to the treatment. After 3.5 months prawns were completely harvested. Lower size-graded prawns showed smaller average weight (3.37 ± 0.25 g) than upper size-graded (4.03 ± 0.40 g) and ungraded ones (3.80 ± 0.16 g). Survival percentage varied from 68 ± 9 to 76 ± 10, productivity was slightly higher than 1,000 kg.ha -1 and apparent feed conversion rate varied from 3.0 ± 0.7 to 3.7 ± 1.3. These parameters did not differ among the farming strategies. The best strategy for short term grow-out M. amazonicum in earthen ponds is stocking ungraded juveniles and performing total harvesting by draining ponds at the end of rearing cycle. Grading juveniles before stocking and selective-harvesting managements are not advantageous because they increase costs and do not improve any production parameter.
Thoracocharax stellatus (Characiformes, Gasteropelecidae) is a small Neotropical species of fish, widely distributed in several rivers of South America. Evidence for karyotype heteromorphysm in populations from different geographical regions has been reported for this species. In this way, populations of T. stellatus from the Paraguay River basin were cytogenetically characterized and the results were compared with other studies performed in the same species but from different basins. The results showed a diploid number of 2n = 54 for T. stellatus, with chromosomes arranged in 6 metacentric (m), 6 submetacentric (sm), 2 subtelocentric (st) and 40 acrocentric (a), for both sexes, with a simple Nucleolus Organiser Region (NOR) system reported by the techniques of silver nitrate impregnation and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) using 18S rDNA sequences as probe. The distribution of constitutive heterochromatin, observed by the C-band technique and Chromomycin A3 staining showed great similarity among the analyzed populations and consists mainly of discrete blocks in the pericentromeric and telomeric regions of most chromosomes. The presence of female heterogamety was alsoobserved indicating a ZZ/ZW system with W chromosome almost totally heterochromatic. The results also show cytogenetic diversity of the group and are useful to understand the mechanisms of karyotype evolution of the family. © Edson Lourenço da Silva et al.
Sponge spicules are siliceous microfossils that are especially useful for analysis of sandy fluvio-lacustrine sediments. Sponge spicules in a long sediment core (~550 cm below surface), consisting of fine sand, sandy silt, and organic-rich mud, recovered from the floodplain of the Nabileque River, southern Pantanal, Brazil (S20°16′38. 3″/W57°33′00. 0″), form the basis of a novel paleoenvironmental interpretation for this region. Optically stimulated luminescence dates constrain the timing of deposition to the middle-late Holocene and all spicules identified are typical of the Brazilian cerrado biome. The base of the section is dominated by Oncosclera navicella Carter 1881, Metaniaspinata Carter 1881, and Corvospongilla seckti Bonetto and Ezcurra de Drago 1966, which indicate a lotic to semi-lotic environment strongly influenced by an actively meandering river channel at ~6. 7-5. 7 ka BP. The appearance of Heterorotula fistula Volkmer-Ribeiro and Motta 1995, Dosilia pydanieli Volkmer-Ribeiro 1992 and Radiospongilla amazonensis Volkmer-Ribeiro and Maciel 1983 at ~340 cm downcore suggests a reduction in flowing water and a more stable lentic environment, consistent with deposition in an oxbow lake. This oxbow lake environment existed during an interval of regional aridity between ~4. 5 and 3. 9 ka BP. Spicules, as well as phytoliths and diatoms, are highly variable moving up-section, with species from both lotic and lentic ecosystems present. Above ~193 cm, the total abundance of spicules declines, consistent with wetter climate conditions and development of an underfit river similar to the modern floodplain. Results support hypotheses related to migration of the Paraguay River inferred from geomorphological studies and add a key southern-region dataset to the emerging Holocene database of paleoenvironmental records from the Pantanal wetlands. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.