978 resultados para Ribeira belt


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Laser scanning confocal microscopy and TEM were used to study the morphology of secondary plastids in algae of the genus Mallomonas (Synurophyceae). At interphase, Mallomonas splendens (G. S. West) Playfair, M. rasilis Dürrschm., M. striata Asmund, and M. adamas K. Harris et W. H. Bradley contained a single H-shaped plastid consisting of two large lobes connected by a narrow isthmus. Labeling of DNA revealed a necklace-like arrangement of plastid nucleoids at the periphery of the M. splendens plastid and a less-patterned array in M. rasilis. The TEM of M. splendens and M. rasilis showed an electron-dense belt surrounding the plastid isthmus in interphase cells; this putative plastid-dividing ring (PD ring) was adpressed to the inner pair of the four plastid membranes, suggesting that it is homologous to the PD ring of green and red plastids. The PD ring did not contain actin (indicated by lack of staining with phalloidin) and displayed filaments or tubules of 5–10 nm in diameter that may be homologous to the tubules described in red algal PD rings. Confocal microscopy of chl autofluorescence from M. splendens showed that the plastid isthmus was severed as mitosis began, giving rise to two single-lobed daughter plastids, which, as mitosis and cell division progressed, separated from one another and then each constricted to form the H-shaped plastids of daughter cells. Similar plastid division cycles were observed in M. rasilis and M. adamas; however, the plastid isthmus of M. striata was retained throughout most of cell division and was eventually severed by the cell cleavage furrow.


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Sydney Basin is located in the eastern part of Australia, Lachlan Fold Belt, and between the New England Fold Belt. From the Sydney basin at the end of the Late Carboniferous to Middle Triassic experienced back-arc spreading to the foreland basin at different stages: back-arc spreading stage (Carboniferous ), A passive thermal subsidence stage (early in the Permian Berry) and load deflection extruding stage (in Broughton Permian - Triassic). This time at the Sydney basin on the eastern side of the New England Fold Belt for the island Background of the arc. As a result, back-arc in the Permian Basin of the South Sydney basin by the back-arc spreading the eastern side of the arc and trench subduction before the impact of strong seismic activity, the development of a series of earthquake-related seismites to form various types and Seismic activity related to the deformation of soft sediment structure. Permian Basin, South Sydney's soft sediment deformation including cracks in shock-fold, liquefied vein, volcanic sand, load structure, flame Construction, pillow-like structure, spherical structure, pillow Layer structure slump, and so breccia. To which the cracks in shock-fold fibrillation is a direct result of earthquake faults and folds; pillow is a layer of sand caused by the earthquake fibrillation dehydration, the formation of the sinking; liquefied vein, Volcanic sand for the liquefaction of sand penetration of the formation of earthquake fissures formed; load structure, flame Construction, pillow-like structure, spherical structure is affected by the earthquake fibrillation in the sand, mudstone interface because of the sinking sand, mud layer formed through ; Slump structures and breccia of the earthquake was caused by the gravitational collapse or the formation of the debris flow. Fissures, earthquake-fold, liquefied vein, volcanic sand, load structure, flame Construction, pillow-like structure, spherical structure, pillow-like layer Equivalent to the original earthquake rocks the plot, and the slump structures and breccia of the plot belong to different earthquake rocks.


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Recent progress in the study of Permian stratigraphy of western Yunnan, southwest China, is reviewed with particular references to the Tengchong and Baoshan blocks and the Changning–Menglian Belt. Where confusion or controversy exists in stratigraphical nomenclature and/or dating, we attempt to clarify the situation based on our recent field observations and newly obtained research results. The Permian within the Changning–Menglian Belt embraces different stratigraphic successions, suggesting different tectonic settings, ranging from passive margin and active margin, to oceanic basin and seamounts. Permo-Carboniferous faunas in the carbonate sequences of the Changning–Menglian Belt are of typical Cathaysian affinity, as demonstrated by abundant fusulinaceans and compound rugose corals. The Permian stratigraphy and faunas of the Tenchong and Baoshan blocks are markedly different from those of the Changning–Menglian Belt. The Baoshan Block lacks Upper Carboniferous deposits, and its subsequent Lower Permian sequence consists predominantly of siliciclastic strata yielding cool-water faunas and possibly glaciogene diamictites, overlain by thick basaltic lava and volcaniclastics of probably rift origin. The upper part of the Permian in the Baoshan Block is characterized by carbonates containing mixed Cathaysian and Gondwanan faunas. The Tengchong Block has a similar evolutionary history to the Baoshan Block, but completely lacks volcanic rocks.


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The Late Caledonian to Early Hercynian North Qilian orogenic belt in northwestern China is an elongate tectonic unit situated between the North China plate in the north and the Qaidam plate in the south. North Qilian started in the latest Proterozoic to Cambrian as a rift basin on the southern margin of North China, and evolved later to an archipelagic ocean and active continental margin during the Ordovician and a foreland basin from Silurian to the Early and Middle Devonian. The Early Silurian flysch and submarine alluvial fan, the Middle to Late Silurian shallow marine to tidal flat deposits and the Early and Middle Devonian terrestrial molasse are developed along the corridor Nanshan. The shallowing-upward succession from subabyssal flysch, shallow marine, tidal flat to terrestrial molasse and its gradually narrowed regional distribution demonstrate that the foreland basin experienced the transition from flysch stage to molasse stage during the Silurian and Devonian time.


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The latest Carboniferous to Triassic Sydney-Gunnedah-Bowen Basin System in the eastern Australia is an elongate structural basin that locates between the Lachlan Caledonian Fold Belt in the west and the New England Fold Belt in the east. Extending from the Gunnedah district in the north to the Batemans Bay in the south, the Sydney Basin is a subbasin located in the southern part of the Sydney-Gunnedah-Bowen Basin System. The Permian in Sydney Basin consists of sedimentary sequences of fluvial, delta, littoral and shallow marine environments, as well as volcanic rocks. In the southwest of southern Sydney Basin, the Permian unconformably onlaps the highly deformed and metamorphosed Lachlan Fold Belts. The Permian System from the southern Sydney Basin comprises the Lower Permian Tallaterang Group (consisting of Clyde Coal Measures and Wasp Head Formation), Shoalhaven Group ( consisting of the Lower Permian Yadboro & Tallong Conglomerate, Yarrunga Coal Measures, Pebbly Beach Formation, Snapper Point Formation and the Middle Permian Wandrawandian Siltstone, Nowra Sandstone, Berry Siltstone and Broughton Formation) and the Upper Permian Illwarra Coal Measures. From the latest Carboniferous to the Middle Triassic, the SydneyBowen Basin had experienced different tectonic phases from a back-arc extensional regime to a typical foreland basin: a back-arc extensional phase, a passive thermal sag phase and a flexural loading and increased compressional phase.


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The Sydney-Bowen basin in eastern Australia is an elongate back arc-converted foreland basin system situated between the Lachlan Fold Belt in the west and the New England Fold Belt in the east. The Middle Permian Wandrawandian Siltstone at Warden Head near Ulladulla in the southern Sydney Basin is dominated by fossiliferous siltstone and mudstone, with a large amount of dropstones and minor pebbly sandstone beds. Two general types of deposits are recognized from the siltstone unit in view of the timing and mechanism of formation. One is represented by the primary deposits from offshore to subtidal environments with abundant dropstones of glacial marine origin. The second type is distinguished by secondary, soft-sediment deformational deposits and structures, and comprises three layers of mudstone dykes of seismic origin. In the latter type, metre scale, laterally extensive syn-depositional slump deformation structures occur in the middle part of the Wandrawandian Siltstone. The deformation structures vary in morphol-ogy and pattern, including large-scale complex-type folds, flexural stratification, concave-up structures, faulting of small displacements accompanied by folding and brecciation. The slumps and associated syn-sedimentary structures are attributed to penecontemporaneous deformations of soft sediments (mostly silty mud) formed as a result of mass movement of unconsolidated and/or semi-consolidated substrate following an earthquake event. The occurrence of the earthquake event deposits supports the current view that the Sydney Basin was located in a back-arc setting near the New England magmatic arc on an active continental margin during the Middle Permian.


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A database of 4471 Roadian–Wordian (Guadalupian, Middle Permian) occurrences of 381 brachiopod genera in 44 different operational geographical units (stations) was analyzed by both Q-mode and R-mode quantitative methods. Four distinct brachiopod biogeographical realms and nine provinces, and 11 brachiopod associations are recognized. The Boreal Realm in the Northern Hemisphere includes the Verkolyman Province in the northern and northeastern Siberian Platform and the eastern European Province in the Ural seaway between the European and Siberian platforms. Both provinces are characterized by containing typical Boreal cold-water brachiopod associations. The Gondwanan Realm in the south also includes two provinces. The Austrazean Province in eastern Australia and New Zealand is probably the most stable province throughout the Permian and characterized by typical Gondwanan brachiopod associations. The Westralian Province centered in Western Australia is also characterized by typical Gondwanan brachiopods, but also demonstrates biogeographical links with the Tethyan stations. The Palaeoequatorial Realm located mainly in the palaeotropical zone contains highly diverse and abundant brachiopod faunas. Two regions/subrealms and four provinces are recognized within this realm. The North America Subrealm contains a distinct Grandian Province characterized by many endemic brachiopod genera and a few coldwater genera. East-central Alaska and Yukon Territory may constitute another brachiopod province. All the stations in the Tethyan Ocean (both Palaeotethys and Neotethys) constitute a distinct Asian–Tethyan Region/ Subrealm and incorporate three different provinces. The Cathaysian Province is comprised of the stations in South China and its surrounding terranes/blocks and a few stations in the northern and western margin of the Palaeotethys. Two transitional provinces (Sino–Mongolian–Japanese Province and Cimmerian Province) in the northern and southern temperate zones are also recognizable. The brachiopod fauna from the Mino Belt in Japan is well distinguished from those from other regions, and is hence assigned to the palaeoceanic Panthalassan Realm. Principal coordinates analysis and minimum spanning tree analysis suggest that a latitude-related thermal gradient was the major control for the palaeobiogeography of Roadian–Wordian global brachiopod faunas and for the latitudinal of pattern of decreasing brachiopod generic diversities from the equator to the poles. In addition, geographic separation and oceanic currents may also have played some role in the spatial distribution of brachiopods during Roadian–Wordian times.


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The giant crab Pseudocarcinus gigas occurs along the continental shelf break of southern Australia. During the summer alongshore winds cause cooler water to upwell onto the shelf, and the crabs move from deeper water onto the shelf where there is more food. The combination of a preferred thermal niche and a depth-stratified food supply defines the favorable foraging environments that enhance the growth of P. gigas. Climate change is expected to cause a southerly shift of the austral subtropical high-pressure belt, and modelers have predicted more upwelling-favorable winds. The associated increase in the circulation of cooler water across the shelf is likely to provide P. gigas with an increased access to benthic food resources and their growth rate may increase in some regions.


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This paper presents a human daily activity classification approach based on the sensory data collected from a single tri-axial accelerometer worn on waist belt. The classification algorithm was realized to distinguish 6 different activities including standing, jumping, sitting-down, walking, running and falling through three major steps: wavelet transformation, Principle Component Analysis (PCA)-based dimensionality reduction and followed by implementing a radial basis function (RBF) kernel Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Two trials were conducted to evaluate different aspects of the classification scheme. In the first trial, the classifier was trained and evaluated by using a dataset of 420 samples collected from seven subjects by using a k-fold cross-validation method. The parameters σ and c of the RBF kernel were optimized through automatic searching in terms of yielding the highest recognition accuracy and robustness. In the second trial, the generation capability of the classifier was also validated by using the dataset collected from six new subjects. The average classification rates of 95% and 93% are obtained in trials 1 and 2, respectively. The results in trial 2 show the system is also good at classifying activity signals of new subjects. It can be concluded that the collective effects of the usage of single accelerometer sensing, the setting of the accelerometer placement and efficient classifier would make this wearable sensing system more realistic and more comfortable to be implemented for long-term human activity monitoring and classification in ambulatory environment, therefore, more acceptable by users.


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Denpasar City is one of cities in Bali Province which faces the problem of landscape change. Most land use is for rice fields, dry lands, crops, housing, grave yards, fish ponds, forests and other functions. Based on Agriculture Office, in 2010 Denpasar City has 20% rice fields of the city’s total area, compared to 41% rice fields of the city’s area in 1992. This shows that Denpasar landscape has changed from agriculture field to commerce, housing, industry etc. and that changing landscape also happened in several green belt areas. This fact is supported by the Agriculture Office report that Denpasar City lose rice field about 25 hectares every year. In contrast, Denpasar City must provide at least 30% of land for open spaces. Furthermore, Denpasar City should keep city based on traditional philosophy such as Tri Hita Karana concept, Rwa Bhineda concept, etc. This paper examines the causes of landscape changes due to growing of population, tourism facilities, economic, and lack of government policy. There are the negative impacts of landscape changes which are associated with social economics and environmental issues. This study seeks to offer guidance for the legitimate use of landscape planning for sustainability development in Denpasar City. Some recommendations could be applied such as prevention of population growth, tourism development base, strict building regulation and increase tax property, and provide the policy and institutional options in land use planning.


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 Noncontact detection characteristic of Doppler radar provides an unobtrusive means of respiration detection and monitoring. This avoids additional preparations, such as physical sensor attachment or special clothing, which can be useful for certain healthcare applications. Furthermore, robustness of Doppler radar against environmental factors, such as light, ambient temperature, interference from other signals occupying the same bandwidth, fading effects, reduce environmental constraints and strengthens the possibility of employing Doppler radar in long-term respiration detection, and monitoring applications such as sleep studies. This paper presents an evaluation in the of use of microwave Doppler radar for capturing different dynamics of breathing patterns in addition to the respiration rate. Although finding the respiration rate is essential, identifying abnormal breathing patterns in real-time could be used to gain further insights into respiratory disorders and refine diagnostic procedures. Several known breathing disorders were professionally role played and captured in a real-time laboratory environment using a noncontact Doppler radar to evaluate the feasibility of this noncontact form of measurement in capturing breathing patterns under different conditions associated with certain breathing disorders. In addition to that, inhalation and exhalation flow patterns under different breathing scenarios were investigated to further support the feasibility of Doppler radar to accurately estimate the tidal volume. The results obtained for both experiments were compared with the gold standard measurement schemes, such as respiration belt and spirometry readings, yielding significant correlations with the Doppler radar-based information. In summary, Doppler radar is highlighted as an alternative approach not only for determining respiration rates, but also for identifying breathing patterns and tidal volumes as a preferred nonwearable alternative to the conventional - ontact sensing methods.


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Energy harvesting for wireless sensors and consumer electronic devices can significantly improve reliability and environmental sustainability of the devices. This is achieved by eliminating the dependency of these devices on rechargeable batteries, using clean and/or renewable energy sources. Energy harvesting from various energy sources is widely discussed among researchers and entrepreneurs, including harvesting energy from microscale phenomena. This topic is receiving increasing attention due to the rising numbers of low-power consumer electronic devices and wireless sensors, but also the increasing demand for more convenient and available devices. This article presents a feasibility study for an energy harvesting system based on a human's breathing motion. The system is based on a modified pants belt that is integrated with an array of piezoelectric films and a harvesting circuit. The proposed energy harvester generates electricity from reciprocal abdominal motions of the human subject. In comparison with existing breathing-based energy harvesters, the proposed system allows for safe and convenient energy harvesting with no influence on the natural movement of the lungs. Stomach pressure analysis and measurement, as well as the design and simulations of the proposed harvester, are presented. © 2013 The Author(s).


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Interconnected microspheres of V2O5 composed of ultra-long nanobelts are synthesized in an environmental friendly way by adopting a conventional anodization process combined with annealing. The synthesis process is simple and low-cost because it does not require any additional chemicals or reagents. Commercial fish-water is used as an electrolyte medium to anodize vanadium foil for the first time. Electron microscopy investigation reveals that each belt consists of numerous nanofibers with free space between them. Therefore, this novel nanostructure demonstrates many outstanding features during electrochemical operation. This structure prevents self-aggregation of active materials and fully utilizes the advantage of active materials by maintaining a large effective contact area between active materials, conductive additives, and electrolyte, which is a key challenge for most nanomaterials. The electrodes exhibit promising electrochemical performance with a stable discharge capacity of 227 mAh·g–1 at 1C after 200 cycles. The rate capability of the electrode is outstanding, and the obtained capacity is as high as 278 at 0.5C, 259 at 1C, 240 at 2C, 206 at 5C, and 166 mAh·g–1 at 10C. Overall, this novel structure could be one of the most favorable nanostructures of vanadium oxide-based cathodes for Li-ion batteries. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]


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Mapeamentos geológicos feitos pelo autor na região do Arroio Cambaizinho - são Gabriel/RS, resultaram na definição do Complexo Cambaizinho, representado pelas seqüências meta-sedimentar e máfica-ultramáfica, intimamente associadas ao longo de toda a extensão da associação supracrustal. A seqüência meta-se dimentar é constitu1da por gnaisses quartzo-feldspáticos dominan tes, anfibolitos bandados e quartzitos subordinados, derivados de sedimentos areno-pelítico-carbonatados estruturados, de forma ritmica em ambiente subaquoso. Niveis composicionais de ocorrência restrita contendo estaurolita, definem o grau metamórfico (médio) para esta região. Intercalações de serpentinitos, xistos magnesianos variados e anfibolitos a granulação fina, na forma de camadas e/ou lentes interestratificadas nos meta-sedimentos indicam suas derivações a partir de derrames e/ou intrusões , ígneas de pequena profundidade de composição básica-ultrabásica. Este juntamente com níveis de sedimentos qu1micos intercalados e corpos de gabros, constituem a seqüência máfica-ultramáfica. O complexo, representa o segmento norte de um cintu rão supracrustal polideformado de forma geométrica aproximadamente linear, com orientação NNE, que se extende desde a localidade de Passo do Ivo, situado mais a sul, até a região objeto deste trabalho. Quatro fases de deformação dúcteis foram das para a área, estando as duas primeiras (Dl e D2) identifica associadas xx aos eventos metamórficos regionais Ml e M2. O metamorfismo mais antigo (Ml), assinalado por paragêneses diagnósticas em metapelitos alcançou o fácies anfibolito (zona da estaurolita), estando representado em outras litologias pela ocorrência de olivina metamórfica em paragênese com tremolita e/ou talco (meta-serpentinitos) e hornblenda mais oligoclásio/andesina em meta-básicas. O M2, mais jovem, atingiu o fácies xistos verdes, cujas assembléias mineralógicas se associam à foliação S2, de distribuição ir regular ao longo do cinturão. As condições fisicas de Ml foram de média P/T, similares às do metamorfismo Dalradiano. Intrusões graniticas na forma de lâminas (corpos ta bulares) durante a segunda fase de deformação D2, datados pelo mé todo Rb/Sr em 661 :: 29 Ma e agrupados sob a denominação de Granatóides Sanga do Jobim, fornecem idades mínimas para o complexo. Os vários grupos composiciconais da seqüência máfic~ -ultramáfica, individualizados com base em critérios petrográf~ cos e conteúdo de elementos maiores correspondem a: serpentinitos e olivina-talco ultramafitos (cumulados komatilticos); xis tos magnesianos à talco e clorita e anfibólio xistos (komatiitos); clorita-hornblenda xistos (basaltos komatiiticos), litos e metagabros (basaltos e gabros tolelticos). anfibo Estes vários tipos litológicos foram originados através de diferentes graus de fusão parcial do manto como indicado pelo hiato composicional de MgO (11 à 17%) e os diferentes padrões de ETR existentes entre os anfibolitos/metagabros (toleitos) e os serpentinitos/xistos magnesianos (komatiltos).As variações composicionais no interior de cada grupo, foram controladas pelo fracionamento (acumulação ou extração) de olivina e pouco ortopiroxênio (serpentinitos e olivina-talco ultramafitos)clinopiroxênios (clorita e anfibólios xistos, clorita hornblenda xistos), clinopiroxênio e plagioclásio (anfibolitos e metagabros). As abundâncias e os padrões de ERTL (elementos terras raras leves) enriquecidos, juntamente com os baixos valores das razões A1203/Ti02 e CaO/Ti02 das amostras de xistos magnesiinos das camadas A e B sugerem derivações deste material a partir de baixas percentagens de fusão de um manto enriquecido em mentos incompatíveis. As anomalias negativas de Ce e Eu na ele maio ria das rochas da seqüência máfica-ultramáfica indicam que protólitos ígneossofreram alterações em ambiente submarino.


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Esse trabalho tem como principal objetivo analisar e montar um quadro referencial de três casos de sucesso que utilizaram a metodologia Seis Sigma. Os projetos ocorreram na área de manufatura e em períodos e processos diferentes de uma empresa do setor de Papel e Celulose. A metodologia utilizada para fazer a dissertação foi o estudo de caso múltiplo. Foram entrevistados os Champions dos projetos, um Green Belt, o Black Belt e o Líder do programa Seis Sigma responsáveis pelos três projetos. Foram também utilizadas todas as informações geradas durante a realização dos projetos como sumário executivo, comportamento dos indicadores, e resultados. A análise destes casos mais a revisão bibliográfica possibilitou montar um quadro referencial dos fatores críticos para o sucesso. Os fatores críticos significativos identificados foram liderança, gestão, projetos, comunicação e acompanhamento, e treinamento. Este quadro será utilizado para nortear a implantação dos próximos projetos na empresa estudada. Foi possível também avaliar o impacto positivo do programa Seis Sigma no desempenho operacional, satisfação dos clientes e na cultura de qualidade dos funcionários participantes dos projetos.