970 resultados para Retaining walls.


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Extended x-ray absorption fine-structure studies have been performed at the Zn K and Cd K edges for a series of solid solutions of wurtzite Zn1-xCdxS samples with x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0, where the lattice parameter as a function of x evolves according to the well-known Vegard's law. In conjunction with extensive, large-scale first-principles electronic structure calculations with full geometry optimizations, these results establish that the percentage variation in the nearest-neighbor bond distances are lower by nearly an order of magnitude compared to what would be expected on the basis of lattice parameter variation, seriously undermining the chemical pressure concept. With experimental results that allow us to probe up to the third coordination shell distances, we provide a direct description of how the local structure, apparently inconsistent with the global structure, evolves very rapidly with interatomic distances to become consistent with it. We show that the basic features of this structural evolution with the composition can be visualized with nearly invariant Zn-S-4 and Cd-S-4 tetrahedral units retaining their structural integrity, while the tilts between these tetrahedral building blocks change with composition to conform to the changing lattice parameters according to the Vegard's law within a relatively short length scale. These results underline the limits of applicability of the chemical pressure concept that has been a favored tool of experimentalists to control physical properties of a large variety of condensed matter systems.


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Sugganahalli, a rural vernacular community in a warm-humid region in South India, is under transition towards adopting modern construction practices. Vernacular local building elements like rubble walls and mud roofs are given way to burnt brick walls and reinforced cement concrete (RCC)/tin roofs. Over 60% of Indian population is rural, and implications of such transitions on thermal comfort and energy in buildings are crucial to understand. Vernacular architecture evolves adopting local resources in response to the local climate adopting passive solar designs. This paper investigates the effectiveness of passive solar elements on the indoor thermal comfort by adopting modern climate-responsive design strategies. Dynamic simulation models validated by measured data have also been adopted to determine the impact of the transition from vernacular to modern material-configurations. Age-old traditional design considerations were found to concur with modern understanding into bio-climatic response and climate-responsiveness. Modern transitions were found to increase the average indoor temperatures in excess of 7 degrees C. Such transformations tend to shift the indoor conditions to a psychrometric zone that is likely to require active air-conditioning. Also, the surveyed thermal sensation votes were found to lie outside the extended thermal comfort boundary for hot developing countries provided by Givoni in the bio-climatic chart.


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This report provides information about an electrodeposition based two-step synthesis methodology for producing core-shell Ag-(Ni-O) nanowires and their detailed structural and compositional characterization using electron microscopy technique. Nanowires were produced by employing anodic alumina templates with a pore diameter of 200 nm. In the first step of the synthesis process, nanocrystalline Ni-O was electrodeposited in a controlled manner such that it heterogeneously nucleated and grew only on the template pore walls without filling the pores from bottom upwards. This alumina template with pore walls coated with Ni-O was then utilized as a template during the electrodeposition of Ag in the second step. Electrodeposited Ag filled the template pores to finally produce Ag-(Ni-O) core-shell nanowires with an overall diameter of 200 nm.


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The transient natural convection flow with thermal stratification in a rectangular cavity filled with fluid saturated porous medium obeying Darcy's law has been studied. Prior to the time t* = 0, the flow in the cavity is assumed to be motionless and all four walls of the cavity are at the same constant temperature. At time t* = 0, the temperatures of the vertical walls are suddenly increased which vary linearly with the distance y and at the same time on the bottom wall an isothermal heat source is placed centrally. This sudden change in the wall temperatures gives rise to unsteadiness in the problem. The horizontal temperature difference induces and sustains a buoyancy driven flow in the cavity which is then controlled by the vertical temperature difference. The partial differential equations governing the transient natural convection flow have been solved numerically. The local and average Nusselt numbers decrease rapidly in a small time interval after the start of the impulsive change in the wall temperatures and the steady state is reached quickly. The time required to reach the steady state depends on the Rayleigh number and the thermal stratification parameter.


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We report the fabrication of dual enzyme responsive hollow nanocapsules which can be targeted to deliver anticancer agents specifically inside cancer cells. The enzyme responsive elements, integrated in the nanocapsule walls, undergo degradation in the presence of either trypsin or hyaluronidase leading to the release of encapsulated drug molecules. These nanocapsules, which were crosslinked and functionalised with folic acid, showed minimal drug leakage when kept in pH 7.4 PBS buffer, but released the drug molecules at a rapid rate in the presence of either one of the triggering enzymes. Studies on cellular interactions of these nanocapsules revealed that doxorubicin loaded nanocapsules were taken up by cervical cancer cells via folic acid receptor medicated endocytosis. Interestingly the nanocapsules were able to disintegrate inside the cancer cells and release doxorubicin which then migrated into the nucleus to induce cell death. This study indicates that these nanocapsules fabricated from biopolymers can serve as an excellent platform for targeted intracellular drug delivery to cancer cells.


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Edge cracked specimens have been widely utilized for fracture testing. Edge cracked semicircular disk (ECSD) specimen has now been well characterized with regard to its form factor and weight function. This paper presents a modified semicircular ring version of this specimen to enhance the form factor in general while retaining other desirable features. The efficacy of the modified design is proved by combining theory of elasticity solutions with finite element results to arrive at the optimum design geometry. New insights emerging from this work are used to theoretically re-examine the arch-tension and the four-point bend specimens. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Retaining the morphology of gallium oxide nanostructures during structural transformations or after doping with lanthanide ions is not facile. Here we report on the sonochemical synthesis of nearly monodisperse similar to 550 nm long nano-spindles of undoped and La-doped alpha-GaOOH. The transformation of as-prepared undoped and La-doped alpha-GaOOH powders into the corresponding undoped and La-doped Ga2O3 phases (alpha and beta) was achieved by carrying out controlled annealing at elevated temperatures under optimized conditions. The formation of gallium oxide nano-spindles is explained by invoking the phenomenon of oriented attachment, as amply supported by electron microscopy. Interestingly, the morphology of the gallium oxide nano-spindles remained conserved even after doping them with more than 1.4 at% of La3+ ions. Such robust structural stability could be attributed to the oriented attachment-type growth observed in the nano-spindles. The as-prepared samples and the corresponding annealed ones were thoroughly characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), electron microscopy (SEM, TEM, and STEM-EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Finally, photoluminescence from the single-crystalline undoped and La-doped beta-Ga2O3 was explored.


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In the present study, we have synthesised carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) through a relatively simple process using a hydrocarbon precursor. These synthesised CNPs in the form of elongated spherules and/or agglomerates of 30-55 nm were further used as a support to anchor platinum nanoparticles. The broad light absorption (300-700 nm) and a facile charge transfer property of CNPs in addition to the plasmonic property of Pt make these platinized carbon nanostructures (CNPs/Pt) a promising candidate in photocatalytic water splitting. The photocatalytic activity was evaluated using ethanol as the sacrificial donor. The photocatalyst has shown remarkable activity for hydrogen production under UV-visible light while retaining its stability for nearly 70 h. The broadband absorption of CNPs, along with the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) effect of PtNPs singly and in composites has pronounced influence on the photocatalytic activity, which has not been explored earlier. The steady rate of hydrogen was observed to be 20 mu mol h(-1) with an exceptional cumulative hydrogen yield of 32.16 mmol h(-1) g(-1) observed for CNPs/Pt, which is significantly higher than that reported for carbon-based systems.


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Vernacular dwellings are well-suited climate-responsive designs that adopt local materials and skills to support comfortable indoor environments in response to local climatic conditions. These naturally-ventilated passive dwellings have enabled civilizations to sustain even in extreme climatic conditions. The design and physiological resilience of the inhabitants have coevolved to be attuned to local climatic and environmental conditions. Such adaptations have perplexed modern theories in human thermal-comfort that have evolved in the era of electricity and air-conditioned buildings. Vernacular local building elements like rubble walls and mud roofs are given way to burnt brick walls and reinforced cement concrete tin roofs. Over 60% of Indian population is rural, and implications of such transitions on thermal comfort and energy in buildings are crucial to understand. Types of energy use associated with a buildings life cycle include its embodied energy, operational and maintenance energy, demolition and disposal energy. Embodied Energy (EE) represents total energy consumption for construction of building, i.e., embodied energy of building materials, material transportation energy and building construction energy. Embodied energy of building materials forms major contribution to embodied energy in buildings. Operational energy (OE) in buildings mainly contributed by space conditioning and lighting requirements, depends on the climatic conditions of the region and comfort requirements of the building occupants. Less energy intensive natural materials are used for traditional buildings and the EE of traditional buildings is low. Transition in use of materials causes significant impact on embodied energy of vernacular dwellings. Use of manufactured, energy intensive materials like brick, cement, steel, glass etc. contributes to high embodied energy in these dwellings. This paper studies the increase in EE of the dwelling attributed to change in wall materials. Climatic location significantly influences operational energy in dwellings. Buildings located in regions experiencing extreme climatic conditions would require more operational energy to satisfy the heating and cooling energy demands throughout the year. Traditional buildings adopt passive techniques or non-mechanical methods for space conditioning to overcome the vagaries of extreme climatic variations and hence less operational energy. This study assesses operational energy in traditional dwelling with regard to change in wall material and climatic location. OE in the dwellings has been assessed for hot-dry, warm humid and moderate climatic zones. Choice of thermal comfort models is yet another factor which greatly influences operational energy assessment in buildings. The paper adopts two popular thermal-comfort models, viz., ASHRAE comfort standards and TSI by Sharma and Ali to investigate thermal comfort aspects and impact of these comfort models on OE assessment in traditional dwellings. A naturally ventilated vernacular dwelling in Sugganahalli, a village close to Bangalore (India), set in warm - humid climate is considered for present investigations on impact of transition in building materials, change in climatic location and choice of thermal comfort models on energy in buildings. The study includes a rigorous real time monitoring of the thermal performance of the dwelling. Dynamic simulation models validated by measured data have also been adopted to determine the impact of the transition from vernacular to modern material-configurations. Results of the study and appraisal for appropriate thermal comfort standards for computing operational energy has been presented and discussed in this paper. (c) 2014 K.I. Praseeda. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The function of a building is to ensure safety and thermal comfort for healthy living conditions. Buildings primarily comprise an envelope, which acts as an interface separating the external environment from the indoors environment. The building envelope is primarily responsible for regulating indoor thermal comfort in response to external climatic conditions. It usually comprises a configuration of building materials to thus far provide requisite structural performance. However, studies into building-envelope configurations to provide a particular thermal performance are limited. As the building envelope is exposed to the external environment there will be heat and moisture transfer to the indoor environment through it. The overall phenomenon of heat and moisture transfer depends on the microstructure and configuration within the building material. Further, thermal property of a material is generally dependent on its microstructure, which comprises a network of pores and particles arranged in a definite structure. Thermal behaviour of a building material thus depends on the thermal conductivities of the solid particles, pore micro-structure and its constituent fluid (air and/or moisture). The thermal response of a building envelope is determined by the thermal characteristics of the individual building materials and its configuration. Understanding the heat transfer influenced by the complex networks of pores and particles is a relatively new study in the area of building climatic-response. The current study reviews the heat-transfer mechanisms that determine the thermal performance of a building material attributed to its micro-structure. A theoretical basis for the same is being evolved and its relevance in regulating heat-transfer through building envelopes, walls in particular, is reviewed in this paper. (C) 2014 N.C. Balaji. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).


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Using the dynamic inversion philosophy, a nonlinear partial integrated guidance and control approach is presented in this paper for formation flying. It is based on the evolving philosophy of integrated guidance and control. However, it also retains the advantages of the conventional guidance then control philosophy by retaining the timescale separation between translational and rotational dynamics explicitly. Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed technique is effective in bringing the vehicles into formation quickly and maintaining the formation.


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The goal of this work is to reduce the cost of computing the coefficients in the Karhunen-Loeve (KL) expansion. The KL expansion serves as a useful and efficient tool for discretizing second-order stochastic processes with known covariance function. Its applications in engineering mechanics include discretizing random field models for elastic moduli, fluid properties, and structural response. The main computational cost of finding the coefficients of this expansion arises from numerically solving an integral eigenvalue problem with the covariance function as the integration kernel. Mathematically this is a homogeneous Fredholm equation of second type. One widely used method for solving this integral eigenvalue problem is to use finite element (FE) bases for discretizing the eigenfunctions, followed by a Galerkin projection. This method is computationally expensive. In the current work it is first shown that the shape of the physical domain in a random field does not affect the realizations of the field estimated using KL expansion, although the individual KL terms are affected. Based on this domain independence property, a numerical integration based scheme accompanied by a modification of the domain, is proposed. In addition to presenting mathematical arguments to establish the domain independence, numerical studies are also conducted to demonstrate and test the proposed method. Numerically it is demonstrated that compared to the Galerkin method the computational speed gain in the proposed method is of three to four orders of magnitude for a two dimensional example, and of one to two orders of magnitude for a three dimensional example, while retaining the same level of accuracy. It is also shown that for separable covariance kernels a further cost reduction of three to four orders of magnitude can be achieved. Both normal and lognormal fields are considered in the numerical studies. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we have explored the prospect of segmenting crowd flow in H. 264 compressed videos by merely using motion vectors. The motion vectors are extracted by partially decoding the corresponding video sequence in the H. 264 compressed domain. The region of interest ie., crowd flow region is extracted and the motion vectors that spans the region of interest is preprocessed and a collective representation of the motion vectors for the entire video is obtained. The obtained motion vectors for the corresponding video is then clustered by using EM algorithm. Finally, the clusters which converges to a single flow are merged together based on the bhattacharya distance measure between the histogram of the of the orientation of the motion vectors at the boundaries of the clusters. We had implemented our proposed approach on the complex crowd flow dataset provided by 1] and compared our results by using Jaccard measure. Since we are performing crowd flow segmentation in the compressed domain using only motion vectors, our proposed approach performs much faster compared to other pixel domain counterparts still retaining better accuracy.


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Determining the concentrations of acetylcholine (ACh) and choline (Ch) is clinically important. ACh is a neurotransmitter that acts as a key link in the communication between neurons in the spinal cord and in nerve skeletal junctions in vertebrates, and plays an important role in transmitting signals in the brain. A bienzymatic sensor for the detection of ACh was prepared by co-immobilizing choline oxidase (ChO) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) on graphene matrix/platinum nanoparticles, and then electrodepositing them on an ITO-coated glass plate. Graphene nanoparticles were decorated with platinum nanoparticles and were electrodeposited on a modified ITO-coated glass plate to form a modified electrode. The modified electrode was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) studies. The optimum response of the enzyme electrode was obtained at pH 7.0 and 35 degrees C. The response time of this ACh-sensing system was shown to be 4 s. The linear range of responses to ACh was 0.005-700 mu M. This biosensor exhibits excellent anti-interferential abilities and good stability, retaining 50% of its original current even after 4 months. It has been applied for the detection of ACh levels in human serum samples.


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In this paper, we derive analytical expressions for mass and stiffness functions of transversely vibrating clamped-clamped non-uniform beams under no axial loads, which are isospectral to a given uniform axially loaded beam. Examples of such axially loaded beams are beam columns (compressive axial load) and piano strings (tensile axial load). The Barcilon-Gottlieb transformation is invoked to transform the non-uniform beam equation into the axially loaded uniform beam equation. The coupled ODEs involved in this transformation are solved for two specific cases (pq (z) = k (0) and q = q (0)), and analytical solutions for mass and stiffness are obtained. Examples of beams having a rectangular cross section are shown as a practical application of the analysis. Some non-uniform beams are found whose frequencies are known exactly since uniform axially loaded beams with clamped ends have closed-form solutions. In addition, we show that the tension required in a stiff piano string with hinged ends can be adjusted by changing the mass and stiffness functions of a stiff string, retaining its natural frequencies.