928 resultados para Resíduo lignocelulósico


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O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar as características morfogenéticas e estruturais do capim-Tanzânia, a produção de forragem, as perdas de nitrogênio (N) por volatilização, reservas orgânicas e a avaliação do sistema radicular sob doses de nitrogênio sob pastejo. O experimento foi instalado na área Fazenda Experimental de Iguatemi da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, no período de março de 2007 a março de 2008. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos completos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas com quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, encontravam-se as doses de N (0, 150, 300 e 450 kg ha-1 de N) e, nas sub-parcelas, as estações do ano. As perdas de N por volatilização foram quantificadas depois da adubação N (1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12 e 15 dias). As amostragens das raízes foram realizadas nas profundidades de 0-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm. A aplicação do fertilizante N na pastagem foi parcelada em três aplicações. A produção de massa seca total e de lâmina foliar de forragem respondeu linearmente até 282 kg ha-1 de N na estação do verão. A adubação nitrogenada exerce efeito positivo nas taxas de alongamento e aparecimento foliar, e no número de folhas vivas em plantas de capim-Tanzânia nas estações da primavera e verão. Elevadas adubações nitrogenadas associada a intervalos menores de pastejo promovem uma maior porcentagem de lâmina foliar; no manejo de pastos de capim-Tanzânia sob lotação rotacionada com altura de 70 cm na entrada dos animais para o pastejo e saída com 30 cm de altura do resíduo. A interação entre o nível de adubação e o período depois da aplicação de uréia foi significativa para a variável volatilização acumulada de N-NH3. A aplicação da uréia acarreta perdas percentuais mais elevadas de N nos três primeiros dias após a aplicação. A perda média acumulada de N-NH3 no período para as três estações do ano... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Objetivo: Estimar as probabilidades acumuladas de sobrevida dos pacientes diagnosticados com carcinoma espinocelular nos 10 primeiros anos do Centro de Oncologia Bucal da UNESP, Campus de Araçatuba, de 1991 a 2000, observadas até 2005, estabelecendo os possíveis fatores prognósticos significativos para o óbito. Méttodo: A análise de sobrevida foi realizada em uma coorte de 280 pacientes com carcinoma espinocelular, no Centro de Oncologia Bucal da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba, UNESP, entre 1991 e 2000. Para avaliar a associação entre as variáveis independentes e o óbito, realizou-se o teste Log Rank. A probabilidade do teste com p-valor menor que 0,25 ficou estabelecida para a inclusão das covariáveis no processo de ajustamento do modelo. A sobrevida foi estimada pelo método de produto limite de Kaplan-Meier. Os fatores prognósticos foram estimados pelo modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox, calculando-se razão da função de risco (HR). A análise de resíduo foi realizada para verificar o ajuste do modelo. Resultados: As taxas de probabilidades acumuladas de sobrevida de 280 pacientes, para os casos em estádio IV, foram, 56,74%, 32,13%, 23,71% e 20,57%, respectivamente, até 1, 2, 3 e 5 anos após o diagnóstico. Pacientes no estádio I apresentaram sobrevida em 5 anos de 81,73%. O estadiamento clínico da doença no diagnóstico foi o único fator prognóstico definido no processo de ajuste de modelo. A estimativa da razão da função de riscos de morrer em pacientes diagnosticados no estádio III (HR=3,3), é praticamente três vezes o risco daqueles em estádio I; da mesma forma, o risco de morrer dos diagnosticados em estádio IV (HR=6,17) é cerca de seis vezes ao daqueles em estádio I. Conclusões: A covariável que permaneceu no modelo final foi estadiamento clínico no momento do diagnóstico, sendo, pois, o único fator prognóstico.


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Health care waste (HCW) is the type of waste that results from activities performed in health care services during care provision to humans or animals. Presently, according to RDC 306/04, issued in 2004 by Anvisa, and Resolution no. 358/05, by CONAMA, waste groups have the following classification: Group A (biological waste), Group B (chemical waste), Group C (waste containing radionucleotides), Group D (common waste) and Group E (piercing and cutting waste). In Brazil, 149 tons of wastes are collected every day, and HCW corresponds to approximately 1% to 3 % of that total. An efficient way to adequately manage HCW is through the Health Care Waste Management Plan (HCWMP), and it is possible to reduce the risk posed by certain materials in addition to ensuring disposal in an ecologically correct and economical fashion. According to the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), the management process enables health care establishments to adequately manage waste. Hence, there is greater control and reduction in the health risks caused by infectious or special waste, in addition to facilitated recycling, treatment, storage, transport and final disposal of solid hospital waste in an environmentally safe fashion. To evaluate the management of HCW of Groups A and D from the Intensive Care Unit of the University Emergency Hospital - FMB - UNESP in the city of Botucatu according to the guidelines presently in force. The waste flow was followed up, and during four random days in the month of September 2011, waste was quantified by estimating daily and monthly values, according to its classification. : In 2011, the University hospital has produced an average of 57,676.8 kg/month of biological and common waste. By adding Groups A and D, during the four days, approximately 209.8 Kg of waste (202.2 Kg of Group A and 7.6 Kg of Group D) were produced in the establishment under study, which... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Among numerous studies about the selective collection of solid waste and cooperatives of recyclable materials, this research aims to contribute with the study of these problems from the geographic space. As the world population increases, the issue of solid waste becomes increasingly worrying, due to new consumption patterns that create larger amounts of waste, especially in the urban centers. The recycling appears to be the best solution for this problem since most materials that are currently sent to landfills would become raw material for new products. The Triage Centers performs an important role in this process because they are responsible for sorting, packing and selling the materials arising from the selective collect, so it is necessary to analyze the places where these steps are performed. This study intend to examine the location and distribution of these enterprises in the city of São Paulo in order to provide support for the mitigation of impacts, both environmental and social, from their location, as well as provide support for the expansion of selective collection program in the city. The choice for studying this area was due to the curiosity of investigating the inefficiency of the recycling program in the city of São Paulo, which currently recycles about 1% of all household solid waste collected. Therefore, from a historical survey of the city's recycling programs, technical visits, interviews with responsible agencies and also analysis of the Triage Center's frameworks based on the guidelines from the municipal legislation, it will be evaluated the problems faced by the program for its expansion


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We conducted a study of the quality of water distributed by Artesian Well in relation to water supply served by the public for purposes of human consumption of UNESP Campus Guaratinguetá. Two sections of the network were randomly chosen and monitored for 105 days: the stretch of the pipeline started off the Water Treatment Station of the Autonomous Service of Water, Sewage and waste in the Municipality of Guaratinguetá and ended in a point consumption of the Child Family Center, while the section B began at the output of an artesian well and finished in a point of consumption of the Department of Civil Engineering. It is the deterioration of water quality in parts A and B, through comparative analysis of Bicarbonates, Total Hardness, Total Iron, free residual chlorine, pH, Total Residual, Turbidity, Conductivity, Color, Fecal Coliforms and Total Coliforms. Among the observations that can be highlighted: the Total Hardness was found in highest concentration in the extract; for Total Iron significant variations were obtained for both parts, and reduction of this parameter in two points of consumption analyzed, not the expected increase concentration, because the contact of water along the pipe, the CRL showed significant depletion to section A, which can be related to impurities in the water, the presence of biofilm on the walls of pipes, or because this is the stretch of greater extent to be covered by water for pH, this indicated that the water is alkaline and slightly acidic stretch in section B; Turbidity was found for the higher concentration to the passage, and a considerable reduction of this parameter at point consumption due to deposition of particulate matter along the stretch, the conductivity also showed a higher concentration in the extract, as well as an increase in this parameter at the point of consumption. Upon leaving ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o micro-organismo Y15C previamente isolado no laboratório de microbiologia industrial, da UNESP de Rio Claro, utilizando técnicas bioquímicas, além de otimizar a produção de ácido lático por meio de fermentação batelada simples e batelada alimentada. Considerando o potencial do micro-organismo para a produção de D(-) ácido lático, com 100% de pureza, isômero usado na síntese de polímeros empregados na produção de diversos materiais resistentes e biodegradáveis, foi feita a otimização do meio de cultura, tendo como fonte de carbono a manipueira. A manipueira por ser um resíduo do processamento da mandioca que contém grande quantidade de amido e quando hidrolisado pode ser uma fonte de carbono de baixo custo, quando utilizado pelo micro-organismo. O isolado Y15C foi identificado como Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp delbrueckii, por meio de testes bioquímicos. Em relação à otimização dos parâmetros de fermentação, usando planejamento experimental, observou-se que a adição de componentes ao meio de cultivo, assim como a variação da temperatura não aumentou significamente a produção de ácido lático. Desta forma optou-se por trabalhar com as menores concentrações de AMM (1,6 mL/L) e citrato (0,96 g/L) e maior temperatura (43,4ºC). Para que haja aumento na produção de ácido lático podem ser realizados diversos tipos de fermentações, no caso deste trabalho foram comparados dois tipos de fermentação, batelada simples e batelada com alimentação constante. A maior concentração de ácido lático (41,6 g/L) foi observada que quando utilizada fermentação do tipo de fermentação em batelada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The tanning wastes are characterized to be significant sources of pollution in the hydrosphere when non adjusted or disposed adequated form. That happens because this industry type uses the chromium to tan hides, and this element is present in discharges concentrations in final wastes, characterizing this waste type as dangerous, according to the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas, através da Norma Brasileira 10.004 de 2004. Due to this, the research proposes a form to reduction chromium of the tanning wastes through the process of adsorption. For that were used mining-wastes of Corumbataí Formation clays, material commonly used in the production of ceramic products in Rio Claro (SP). They were accomplished laboratory essays that involved the preparation of different clays pulps and subsequent mixture of these with the tanning wastes, maintaining them under different mixing times and adsorption contacts. After the separation of the mixtures, the leached were chemically analyzed and it was seen the efficiency of chromium reduction and your relationship with the variation of different times of contact clays/wastes and different grain sizes used in the pulps preparation.


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A preocupação ambiental em relação aos resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos (REEE) vem crescendo muito nos últimos anos devido à presença de substâncias perigosas que podem causar danos ao ambiente e à saúde. O trabalho teve por objetivo investigar o destino de REEE gerados no Campus Quadrilátero da Saúde/Direito (CQS/D) da Universidade de São Paulo (Faculdade de Medicina, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Escola de Enfermagem, Instituto de Medicina Tropical e Faculdade de Direito), a partir do momento em que os mesmos deixam as dependências da Instituição e identificar potenciais riscos à saúde e ao ambiente, decorrentes das atuais ações de gerenciamento dos REEE nas unidades estudadas. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se em 3 etapas: a) pesquisa bibliográfica e documental; b) visitas às unidades que compõem o CQS/D, e identificação de cinco intituições filantrópicas como principais destinos; c) visitas aos locais identificados para investigar as atividades desenvolvidas para a recuperação de equipamentos, componentes ou materiais recicláveis, com base em um formulário desenvolvido. Adicionalmente, foram realizadas visitas a outros quatro locais de destino de REEE. Foi identificado que as etapas realizadas nas instituições são: recebimento, teste, conserto e desmontagem manual e que o destino dos REEE pode ser considerado problemático, já que os rejeitos acabam sendo descartados como resíduo comum, podendo causar danos ao ambiente e à saúde. Além disso há riscos ocupacionais, pois os trabalhadores, além de não utilizarem equipamentos de proteção individual necessários, nem sempre recebem capacitação para exercer suas funções


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Contamination of rivers and lakes, waste disposed by infiltration into the soil as fertilizer, for example, has been highlighted around the world, since such compounds can contain toxic elements, causing changes in aquatic and/or terrestrial ecosystem. Due to the possible presence of these elements in these wastes, it is possible assess damage to organisms exposed through breaks in genetic material and mutations. In this sense, this work aimed at exploring the cytotoxic, mutagenic and genotoxic vinasse pontential, residue used as fertilizer, from the processing of sugar cane into alcohol, using fish (Oreochromis niloticus - Cichlidae) as a test organism. The individuals were exposed to different dilutions of vinasse in the water and later carried out analysis of their erythrocytes using the micronucleus test and nuclear abnormalities associated and the comet assay. In the first bioassay, tilapia exhibited 5% and 10% vinasse concentrations died after 48h. The number of micronucleated erythrocytes was statistically significant for the 1% vinasse concentration and also for nuclear abnormalities such as broken-egg and nuclear bud, when compared with negative and positive controls; were also significant lobed type erythrocytes, when compared to the negative control. The test results of the comet assay were not significant for 1% vinasse when compared to the negative control, due to the high rate of comets with damage control, which is unusual. The same was observed for changes as notched and blebbed type. In the second chemical analyzes conducted, the detection of heavy metals in the vinasse sample, charged only the presence of copper and chromium, the latter with a concentration 89 times higher than in the first test. Differentially the first bioassay, fish exposed to dilution of 5% did not die... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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When exhausted, the batteries are classified as hazardous waste because it has potentially toxic heavy metals and bio-accumulators, such as mercury, cadmium and lead in their internal composition functional. Due to the high level of danger, such waste should be properly designed to not allow theses chemical components to cause significant impacts on the environment. Thus, the recycling of waste in question is the best destination. In this context, was wanted to know, through a questionnaire in interview format, how the graduates of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho of Rio Claro / SP are involved with this environmental issue. Since then, has been developed and implemented an environmental management for internal batteries


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Since the early twenty-first century, the construction sector has been the second largest on the rise in the Brazilian industrial sector, with a growth of 1.4% in 2012, and is likely to remain at this level for a long time. However, unlike decades ago, the industry has been seeking in its manufacturing process, sustainable materials, encompassing in their works the concept of sustainability. Thus, the timber sector seeks to satisfy a market increasingly demanding, innovating techniques and utilization being less aggressive to the environment. The purpose of this study was to produce and evaluate the mechanical strength of the composite cement with the addition of wood residues and slag low oven. Therefore, it was made 42 specimen cement-slag-wood, carried out in two steps. Since at the first, it was varied only the slag particle size, and at the second, through the best result of the previous step, it was varied the wood particles granulometry. The mechanical performance of the composite was evaluated by the results obtained in the compression test and the physical test for determining the density of the material. In the first step of the process can be concluded that the best result was achieved with the use of slag particles retained on the 60 mesh sieve. In the second phase of the study concluded that the best results were achieved with wood particles with the large particles, i.e. particles retained on the 10 mesh sieve. Both in the first and in the second step it can be seen that there has been the influence of the particle size of the waste materials. With the obtained results, could be evaluated that the use of waste for the production of cement-slag-wood composite showed lower performance when compared to the results obtained in studies without the use of waste. However, some applications are feasible to be performed with the use of composite wood-cement-slag


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The present work aimed to quantify the generation of group B health care`s residuals in places such as drugstores and pharmacies, in the municipality of Uberaba, MG, Brazil, as well as to identify their final destination in those places during the months of July and September, 2010. In order to also verify the medicaments generated by the whole community, some delivery campaigns were arranged to capture out-of-date medicaments at 3 drugstores. In this sense, all people who effectively looked for a pharmacy/drugstore to deposit the medicaments were invited to respond some questions, containing information about the name of the medicament, the pharmaceutical composition, the color applicable to the medicament and the expiration date. At the end of the period of research, 76 interviews were performed and 90 medicaments were observed (1.18 products per interview, in average). Results obtained suggested that pharmacies/drugstores located downtown tend to generate more medicaments than others located in the districts and periphery zones. Moreover, manipulation drugstores tend to generate more products than their conventional counterparts. Regarding the therapeutic classes, the anti-hypertensive medicaments represented the most substantial percentage of the medicaments delivered, accounting for 21,11%. However, the worst scenario tends to show that people usually do not know exactly how to discard this sort of product – about 65% of the people consulted discard chemical pharmaceutical residuals in the same place the domestic trash is thrown away – what may represent a serious risk in terms of contamination of the environment, so that a strong campaign towards the proper usage and discharge of medicaments should be strongly encouraged


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The slugde from decanters in Water Treatment Plants (WTP) has different composition varying, according to the region, coagulant type and dosages, the plant layout. In this work, the physical characterization of the sludge generated from decenties (ETAII the municipality of Rio Claro, Brazil), the manufacture of bodies of evidence-sludge mixture of clay (with humidity of 8% and concentrations of sludge, 5, 15 and 30%) the testing technology after burning the mixture to a temperature of 950 ° C were investigated. The main aim assess the possibility of its use as raw material in the ceramic red production. For comparison of the obtained results it was used values of the testing technology of bodies of evidence only with clay, prepared under the same conditions. In general, the addition of sludge from ETA made worse the properties of the ceramic body, however, the values obtained from the tests on the concentration of 5% of sludge, still remain within the acceptable limits for the production of red pottery pieces.


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Ethanol, the main automotive biofuel, has its production based on the fermentation of sugars found in biological materials and on the distillation of the alcoholic media formed during the fermentative process. Stillage is the main residue from ethanol production, containing a high organic loading in addition to acidic and corrosive characteristics. Considering the available technologies to treat stillage, we highlight anaerobic digestion, which allows the reduction of the impacts associated to pollutants loading of this effluent and the generation of energy from the methane gas produced in the process. Based on the high treatment efficiency usually associated to the anaerobic process, this work aimed to assess whether anaerobic systems applied to the treatment of stillage are energetically self-sufficient. First we evaluated the energy recovery capacity in an anaerobic reactor applied to the treatment of stillage resulting from corn-to-ethanol processing. The results indicated the great influence that a correct selection of electrical equipment and their respective operating periods have on the net energy balance of the anaerobic treatment. The high energy consumption of the heater would not allow the system to achieve a positive net energy balance – the maximum energy recovery would reach only 0.68% of the consumption. However, the replacement of the mixture equipment would result in energy gains ranging from 8.5 to 967.9% of the consumption. In this work we also assessed the efficiency of methane yields for a few studies and the correlation between some parameters of the anaerobic process. With respect to the methane yield, we noted that mesophilic systems tend to be more advantageous than the thermophilic ones (efficiency of 76.45 ± 22.51% vs. 69.40 ± 30.36%). Considering the study... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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In Brazil, rates of urban solid waste generation increase proportionally more than the annual growing of the population. The government, from its federal authority to the municipal spheres, faces increasing challenges for Urban and Environmental management regarding to solid waste in general and, in particular, municipal solid waste. Financial problems added to public health problems that worsen with the serious environmental impacts generated every year. In August 2010 Brazil the PNRS (National Policy on Solid Waste) was approved and sanctioned in which represented a true watershed in the country as a legal framework extremely ambitious and visionary. This work presents the successes and challenges that the municipality of Sorocaba/SP is facing after more than three years of PNRS sanctioned to conduct an Urban and Environmental management suited to the new legal bases towards the subject of solid waste. The results show a large gap between the content proposed by the law and the technical, financial and temporal reality to practical implementation by the municipal government. New legislation and federal incentives, consortiums among the cities, flexible deadlines and environmental education at all levels are certainly some proposals to catalyze processes that aim to solve and overcome the challenges of solid waste