992 resultados para Renal impairment


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RESUME: Contexte : l'objectif de cette étude de cohorte prospective était de déterminer la relation entre la survenue d'infections et la dépendance fonctionnelle chez des résidents d'établissements de long séjour durant une période de 6 mois. Population et méthode : les patients inclus (1324 résidents) étaient âgés de 65 ans et plus (âge moyen 85.7 ans, 76.6% de femmes), étaient des résidents de 39 EMS du canton de Vaud. Au baseline, des données démographiques, médicales, concernant les facteurs de risque et protecteurs des infections ont été récoltées. Au cours du suivi de 6 mois, les infirmières des EMS ont documenté la survenue de symptômes et signes d'infection en utilisant les critères développés spécifiquement par l'APIC pour les établissements de long séjour. Les mesures du status fonctionnel ont été évaluées au baseline, à 3 mois et à 6 mois. Deux outcomes différents ont été utilisés : a) le déclin fonctionnel défini comme le décès ou une diminution des capacités fonctionnelles au suivi, b) le status fonctionnel mesuré par une échelle standardisée. Résultats : à la fin du suivi, la mortalité était de 14.6%, similaire pour les résidents avec et sans infection (16.2% versus 13.1%, P .11). Durant les 2 périodes de suivi de 3 mois, les sujets ayant présenté une ou plusieurs infections avaient des odds de déclin fonctionnel plus élevés, y compris après ajustement pour les caractéristiques démographiques, médicales et fonctionnelles du baseline, ainsi que la survenue de nouvelles maladies (odds ratio ajustés (OR) = 1.6, intervalle de confiance à 95% (IC) = 1.2-2.2, P = .002 et OR = 1.5, 95% IC= 1.1-2.0, P= .008, respectivement). Comparés aux résidents non infectés, les odds de déclin fonctionnel augmentaient significativement et graduellement chez ceux ayant eu une, respectivement 2 infections ou plus. L'analyse prédisant le score fonctionnel (restreinte aux sujets ayant survécu) a donné des résultats similaires. Finalement, une analyse de survie prédisant le temps jusqu'à la première infection a confirmé une augmentation progressive de la probabilité d'infection chez les sujets avec dépendance fonctionnelle modérée, respectivement sévère, comparés aux sujets indépendants à la ligne de base. Conclusion : chez les résidents de long séjour, les infections sont à la fois cause et conséquence de la dépendance fonctionnelle. Des études futures devraient être entreprises pour investiguer si des programmes de prévention des infections peuvent également contribuer à prévenir le déclin fonctionnel, un facteur important pour la qualité de vie de ces résidents. ABSTRACT: Objectives: To determine the relationship between infections and functional impairment in nursing home residents. Design: Prospective cohort study (follow-up period, 6 months). Setting: Thirty-nine nursing homes in western Switzerland. Participants: A total of 1,324 residents aged 65 and older (mean age 85.7; 76.6% female) who agreed to participate, or their proxies, by oral informed consent. Measurements: Functional status measured every 3 months. Two different outcomes were used: (a) functional decline defined as death or decreased function at follow-up and (b) functional status score using a standardized measure. Results: At the end of follow-up, mortality was 14.6%, not different for those with and without infection (16.2% vs 13.1%, P= .11) During both 3-month periods, subjects with infection had higher odds of functional decline, even after adjustment for baseline characteristics and occurrence of a new illness (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.6, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.2-2.2, P = .002, and AOR 1.5, 95% CI 1.1-2.0, P .008, respectively). The odds of decline increased in a stepwise fashion in patients with zero, one, and two or more infections. The analyses predicting functional status score (restricted to subjects who survived) gave similar results. A survival analysis predicting time to first infection confirmed a stepwise greater likelihood of infection in subjects -with moderate and severe impairment at baseline than in subjects with no or mild functional impairment at baseline. Conclusion: Infections appear to be both a cause and a consequence of functional impairment in nursing home residents. Further studies should be undertaken to investigate whether effective infection control programs can also contribute to preventing functional decline, an important component of these residents' quality of life.


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Fabry disease is a lysosomal storage disorder (LSD) caused by a deficiency in alpha-galactosidase A. The disease is characterized by severe major organ involvement, but the pathologic mechanisms responsible have not been elucidated. Disruptions of autophagic processes have been reported for other LSDs, but have not yet been investigated in Fabry disease. Renal biopsies were obtained from five adult male Fabry disease patients before and after three years of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with agalsidase alfa. Vacuole accumulation was seen in renal biopsies from all patients compared with control biopsies. Decreases in the number of vacuoles were seen after three years of ERT primarily in renal endothelial cells and mesangial cells. Measurement of the levels of LC3, a specific autophagy marker, in cultured cells from Fabry patients revealed increased basal levels compared to cells from non-Fabry subjects and a larger increase in response to starvation than seen in non-Fabry cells. Starvation in the presence of protease inhibitors did not result in a significant increase in LC3 in Fabry cells, whereas a further increase in LC3 was observed in non-Fabry cells, an observation that is consistent with impaired autophagic flux in Fabry disease. Overexpression of LC3 mRNA in Fabry fibroblasts compared to control cells is consistent with an upregulation of autophagy. Furthermore, LC3 and p62/SQSTM1 (that binds to LC3) staining in renal tissues and in cultured fibroblasts from Fabry patients supports impairment of autophagic flux. These findings suggest that Fabry disease is linked to a deregulation of autophagy.


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In AKI, dying renal cells release intracellular molecules that stimulate immune cells to secrete proinflammatory cytokines, which trigger leukocyte recruitment and renal inflammation. Whether the release of histones, specifically, from dying cells contributes to the inflammation of AKI is unknown. In this study, we found that dying tubular epithelial cells released histones into the extracellular space, which directly interacted with Toll-like receptor (TLR)-2 (TLR2) and TLR4 to induce MyD88, NF-κB, and mitogen activated protein kinase signaling. Extracellular histones also had directly toxic effects on renal endothelial cells and tubular epithelial cells in vitro. In addition, direct injection of histones into the renal arteries of mice demonstrated that histones induce leukocyte recruitment, microvascular vascular leakage, renal inflammation, and structural features of AKI in a TLR2/TLR4-dependent manner. Antihistone IgG, which neutralizes the immunostimulatory effects of histones, suppressed intrarenal inflammation, neutrophil infiltration, and tubular cell necrosis and improved excretory renal function. In summary, the release of histones from dying cells aggravates AKI via both its direct toxicity to renal cells and its proinflammatory effects. Because the induction of proinflammatory cytokines in dendritic cells requires TLR2 and TLR4, these results support the concept that renal damage triggers an innate immune response, which contributes to the pathogenesis of AKI.


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BACKGROUND: In Fabry nephropathy, alpha-galactosidase deficiency leads to accumulation of glycosphingolipids in all kidney cell types, proteinuria and progressive loss of kidney function. METHODS: An international working group of nephrologists from 11 Fabry centres identified adult Fabry patients, and pathologists scored histologic changes on renal biopsies. A standardized scoring system was developed with a modified Delphi technique assessing 59 Fabry nephropathy cases. Each case was scored independently of clinical information by at least three pathologists with an average final score reported. RESULTS: We assessed 35 males (mean age 36.4 years) and 24 females (43.9 years) who mostly had clinically mild Fabry nephropathy. The average serum creatinine was 1.3 mg/dl (114.9 micromol/l); estimated glomerular filtration rate was 81.7 ml/min/1.73 m(2) and urine protein to creatinine ratio was 1.08 g/g (122.0 mg/mmol). Males had greater podocyte vacuolization on light microscopy (mean score) and glycosphingolipid inclusions on semi-thin sections than females. Males also had significantly more proximal tubule, peritubular capillary and vascular intimal inclusions. Arteriolar hyalinosis was similar, but females had significantly more arterial hyalinosis. Chronic kidney disease stage correlated with arterial and glomerular sclerosis scores. Significant changes, including segmental and global sclerosis, and interstitial fibrosis were seen even in patients with stage 1-2 chronic kidney disease with minimal proteinuria. CONCLUSIONS: The development of a standardized scoring system of both disease-specific lesions, i.e. lipid deposition related, and general lesions of progression, i.e. fibrosis and sclerosis, showed a spectrum of histologic appearances even in early clinical stage of Fabry nephropathy. These findings support the role of kidney biopsy in the baseline evaluation of Fabry nephropathy, even with mild clinical disease. The scoring system will be useful for longitudinal assessment of prognosis and responses to therapy for Fabry nephropathy.


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The prevalence of resistant hypertension ranges between 5-30%. Patients with resistant hypertension are at increased risk of cardiovascular events. Radiofrequency renal denervation is a recent and promising technique that can be used in the setting of resistant hypertension. However, long-term safety and efficacy data are lacking and evidence to use this procedure outside the strict setting of resistant hypertension is missing. The aim of the article is to propose a common work-up for nephrologists, hypertensiologists, cardiologists and interventional radiologists in order to avoid inappropriate selection of patients and a possible misuse of this procedure.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Previous studies have shown that a variety of specific renal functions exhibit circadian oscillations. This review aims to provide an update on the molecular mechanisms underlying circadian rhythms in the kidney, and to discuss how dysregulation of circadian rhythms can interfere with kidney function. RECENT FINDINGS: The molecular mechanism responsible for generating and maintaining circadian rhythms has been unraveled in great detail. This mechanism, known as the circadian clock, drives circadian oscillation in expression levels of a large number of renal mRNA transcripts. Several proteins critically involved in renal homeostatic functions have been shown to exhibit significant circadian oscillation in their expression levels or in their posttranslational modifications. In transgenic mouse models, disruption of circadian clock activity results in dramatic changes in the circadian pattern of urinary sodium and potassium excretion and causes significant changes in arterial blood pressure. A growing amount of evidence suggests that dysregulation of circadian rhythms is associated with the development of hypertension and accelerated progression of chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease in humans. Chronotherapy studies have shown that the efficacy of antihypertensive medication is greatly dependent on the circadian time of drug administration. SUMMARY: Recent research points to the major role of circadian rhythms in renal function and in control of blood pressure.


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We report the technique and outcome of percutaneous drainage and sclerotherapy as primary treatment of renal lymphangiomatosis. Between January and May 2009, two patients presenting with symptomatic renal lymphangiomatosis were treated in our department by a minimally invasive modality combining percutaneous drainage with repeated sclerotherapy. We retrospectively analysed recurrence, complications and patient satisfaction. In this limited case series, percutaneous drainage and repeated sclerotherapy proved to be safe and effective for treating renal lymphangiomatosis. This procedure provides a minimally invasive option for selected patients, potentially avoiding a surgical procedure and any risk of complications.


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The physiological processes that maintain body homeostasis oscillate during the day. Diurnal changes characterize kidney functions, comprising regulation of hydro-electrolytic and acid-base balance, reabsorption of small solutes and hormone production. Renal physiology is characterized by 24-h periodicity and contributes to circadian variability of blood pressure levels, related as well to nychthemeral changes of sodium sensitivity, physical activity, vascular tone, autonomic function and neurotransmitter release from sympathetic innervations. The circadian rhythmicity of body physiology is driven by central and peripheral biological clockworks and entrained by the geophysical light/dark cycle. Chronodisruption, defined as the mismatch between environmental-social cues and physiological-behavioral patterns, causes internal desynchronization of periodic functions, leading to pathophysiological mechanisms underlying degenerative, immune related, metabolic and neoplastic diseases. In this review we will address the genetic, molecular and anatomical elements that hardwire circadian rhythmicity in renal physiology and subtend disarray of time-dependent changes in renal pathology.


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The Cognitive Performance Scale (CPS) was initially designed to assess cognition in long term care residents. Subsequently, the CPS has also been used among in-home, post-acute, and acute care populations even though CPS' clinimetric performance has not been studied in these settings. This study aimed to determine CPS agreement with the Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) and its predictive validity for institutionalization and death in a cohort (N=401) of elderly medical inpatients aged 75 years and over. Medical, physical and mental status were assessed upon admission. The same day, the patient's nurse completed the CPS by interview. Follow-up data were gathered from the central billing system (nursing home stay) and proxies (death). Cognitive impairment was present in 92 (23%) patients according to CPS (score >or= 2). Agreement with MMSE was moderate (kappa 0.52, P<.001). Analysis of discordant results suggested that cognitive impairment was overestimated by the CPS in dependent patients with comorbidities and depressive symptoms, and underestimated in older ones. During follow-up, subjects with abnormal CPS had increased risks of death (adjusted hazard ratio (adjHR) 1.7, 95% CI 1.0-2.8, P=.035) and institutionalization (adjHR 2.7, 95% CI 1.3-5.3, P=.006), independent of demographic, health and functional status. Interestingly, subjects with abnormal CPS were at increased risk of death only if they also had abnormal MMSE. The CPS predicted death and institutionalization during follow-up, but correlated moderately well with the MMSE. Combining CPS and MMSE provided additional predictive information, suggesting that domains other than cognition are assessed by professionals when using the CPS in elderly medical inpatients.


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Renin angiotensin system (RAS) blockers are generally considered as contraindicated when an atheromatous renal artery stenosis (ARAS) is diagnosed. The main reason is the fear of inducing renal ischemia and, hence, accelerating renal fibrosis and the progression towards end stage renal disease, albeit RAS blocker have been shown to be highly effective in controlling blood pressure. Part of the solution came by the development of the revascularization. There is now growing evidence showing no superiority of angioplasty over medical treatment on cardiovascular events and mortality, renal function and blood pressure control. Hence, RAS blockers resurfaced based on their proven beneficial effects on blood pressure control and cardiovascular prevention in high risk atherosclerotic patients. Thus, RAS blockers belong today to the standard treatment of hypertensive patients with ARAS. However they were not systematically prescribed in trials focusing on ARAS. The ongoing CORAL trial will give us further information on the place of this class of antihypertensive drugs in patients with ARAS.


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Urotensin-II controls ion/water homeostasis in fish and vascular tone in rodents. We hypothesised that common genetic variants in urotensin-II pathway genes are associated with human blood pressure or renal function. We performed family-based analysis of association between blood pressure, glomerular filtration and genes of the urotensin-II pathway (urotensin-II, urotensin-II related peptide, urotensin-II receptor) saturated with 28 tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms in 2024 individuals from 520 families; followed by an independent replication in 420 families and 7545 unrelated subjects. The expression studies of the urotensin-II pathway were carried out in 97 human kidneys. Phylogenetic evolutionary analysis was conducted in 17 vertebrate species. One single nucleotide polymorphism (rs531485 in urotensin-II gene) was associated with adjusted estimated glomerular filtration rate in the discovery cohort (p = 0.0005). It showed no association with estimated glomerular filtration rate in the combined replication resource of 8724 subjects from 6 populations. Expression of urotensin-II and its receptor showed strong linear correlation (r = 0.86, p<0.0001). There was no difference in renal expression of urotensin-II system between hypertensive and normotensive subjects. Evolutionary analysis revealed accumulation of mutations in urotensin-II since the divergence of primates and weaker conservation of urotensin-II receptor in primates than in lower vertebrates. Our data suggest that urotensin-II system genes are unlikely to play a major role in genetic control of human blood pressure or renal function. The signatures of evolutionary forces acting on urotensin-II system indicate that it may have evolved towards loss of function since the divergence of primates.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as concentrações séricas de minerais e as funções hepática e renal de frangos de corte intoxicados, experimentalmente, com 3 ppm de aflatoxina, e submetidos a diferentes concentrações de montmorilonita sódica na dieta. Foram utilizados 720 frangos, machos, da linhagem Cobb, divididos em seis tratamentos: T1, dieta normal; T2, dieta com aflatoxina (3 ppm); T3, dieta com montmorilonita sódica (0,25%); T4, dieta com aflatoxina (3 ppm) + montmorilonita sódica (0,25%); T5, dieta com montmorilonita sódica (0,5%); T6, dieta com aflatoxina (3 ppm) + montmorilonita sódica (0,5%), com seis repetições por tratamento. A dieta com 3 ppm de aflatoxina (T2) resultou em uma diminuição significativa na concentração sérica de proteínas totais, albumina, globulinas e aspartato amino transferase; a concentração sérica de ácido úrico diminuiu, significativamente, na dieta com aflatoxina (3 ppm) + momtmorilonita sódica a 0,25%; ocorreu diminuição significativa nas concentrações séricas de fósforo na dieta com aflatoxina + montmorilonita sódica a 0,5%. A aflatoxina na concentração de 3 ppm altera a função hepática de frangos de corte; o uso da montmorilonita sódica, na concentração de 0,5%, é eficaz na prevenção dos efeitos tóxicos da aflatoxina, mas diminui os níveis séricos de fósforo.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Calcium homeostasis requires regulated cellular and interstitial systems interacting to modulate the activity and movement of this ion. Disruption of these systems in the kidney results in nephrocalcinosis and nephrolithiasis, important medical problems whose pathogenesis is incompletely understood. METHODS: We investigated 25 patients from 16 families with unexplained nephrocalcinosis and characteristic dental defects (amelogenesis imperfecta, gingival hyperplasia, impaired tooth eruption). To identify the causative gene, we performed genome-wide linkage analysis, exome capture, next-generation sequencing, and Sanger sequencing. RESULTS: All patients had bi-allelic FAM20A mutations segregating with the disease; 20 different mutations were identified. CONCLUSIONS: This autosomal recessive disorder, also known as enamel renal syndrome, of FAM20A causes nephrocalcinosis and amelogenesis imperfecta. We speculate that all individuals with biallelic FAM20A mutations will eventually show nephrocalcinosis.