990 resultados para Relation père-fils
Seven different electron microscopy techniques habe been employed to study the RecA protein of E. coli. This review provides a summary of the conclusions that have been drawn from these studies, and attempts to relate these observations to models for the role of RecA protein in homologous recombination.
Carcasses represent a trophic and reproductive resource or shelter for arthropods, which are a representative component of the decomposition process. Four experiments, one per season, were conducted in a semi-rural area of Bahía Blanca, Argentina, to study the trophic roles of cadaveric beetles, evaluating the abundance, composition and dominance during all decomposition stages and seasons. Species of necrophagous, necrophilous and omnivorous habits were found. Abundance, composition and dominance of beetles in relation to their trophic roles changed according to seasons and decomposition stages. Guilds and patterns of succession were established in relation to those periods. Trophic roles could be an indicator of beetle associations with decomposition stages and seasons.
Prior to their Alpine overprinting, most of the pre-Mesozoic basement areas in Alpine orogenic structures shared a complex evolution, starting with Neoproterozoic sediments that are thought to have received detrital input from both West and East Gondwanan cratonic sources. A subsequent Neoproterozoic-Cambrian active margin setting at the Gondwana margin was followed by a Cambrian-Ordovician rifting period, including an Ordovician cordillera-like active margin setting. During the Late Ordovician and Silurian periods, the future Alpine domains recorded crustal extension along the Gondwana margin, announcing the future opening of the Paleotethys oceanic domain. Most areas then underwent Variscan orogenic events, including continental subduction and collisions with Avalonian-type basement areas along Laurussia and the juxtaposition and the duplication of terrane assemblages during strike slip, accompanied by contemporaneous crustal shortening and the subduction of Paleotethys under Laurussia. Thereafter, the final Pangea assemblage underwent Triassic and Jurassic extension, followed by Tertiary shortening, and leading to the buildup of the Alpine mountain chain. Recent plate-tectonic reconstructions place the Alpine domains in their supposed initial Cambrian-Ordovician positions in the eastern part of the Gondwana margin, where a stronger interference with the Chinese blocks is proposed, at least from the Ordovician onward. For the Visean time of the Variscan continental collision, the distinction of the former tectonic lower-plate situation is traceable but becomes blurred through the subsequent oblique subduction of Paleotethys under Laurussia accompanied by large-scale strike slip. Since the Pennsylvanian, this global collisional scenario has been replaced by subsequent and ongoing shortening and strike slip under rising geothermal conditions, and all of this occurred before all these puzzle elements underwent the complex Alpine reorganization.
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of hyperuricemia has rarely been investigated in developing countries. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of hyperuricemia and the association between uric acid levels and the various cardiovascular risk factors in a developing country with high average blood pressures (the Seychelles, Indian Ocean, population mainly of African origin). METHODS: This cross-sectional health examination survey was based on a population random sample from the Seychelles. It included 1011 subjects aged 25 to 64 years. Blood pressure (BP), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, total and HDL cholesterol, serum triglycerides and serum uric acid were measured. Data were analyzed using scatterplot smoothing techniques and gender-specific linear regression models. RESULTS: The prevalence of a serum uric acid level >420 micromol/L in men was 35.2% and the prevalence of a serum uric acid level >360 micromol/L was 8.7% in women. Serum uric acid was strongly related to serum triglycerides in men as well as in women (r = 0.73 in men and r = 0.59 in women, p < 0.001). Uric acid levels were also significantly associated but to a lesser degree with age, BMI, blood pressure, alcohol and the use of antihypertensive therapy. In a regression model, triglycerides, age, BMI, antihypertensive therapy and alcohol consumption accounted for about 50% (R2) of the serum uric acid variations in men as well as in women. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that the prevalence of hyperuricemia can be high in a developing country such as the Seychelles. Besides alcohol consumption and the use of antihypertensive therapy, mainly diuretics, serum uric acid is markedly associated with parameters of the metabolic syndrome, in particular serum triglycerides. Considering the growing incidence of obesity and metabolic syndrome worldwide and the potential link between hyperuricemia and cardiovascular complications, more emphasis should be put on the evolving prevalence of hyperuricemia in developing countries.
Contient : « Récit de deux conférences ou entretiens particuliers, tenus les vendredy premier et mardy cinquième février 1647. » Affaire de Jacques Forton (frère St Ange, Capucin) ; cf. un art. de V. Cousin dans la Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, t. IV, p. 111 et suiv ; Correspondance de Pascal et du P. Étienne Noël, jésuite, sur la question du vide. — Copies, auxquelles sont joints deux opuscules imprimés : « Expériences nouvelles touchant le vuide,... par le sieur B. P. » [Pascal]. Paris, 1647, 32 pages, in-8°. — « Lettre de M. Pascal le fils, addressante à M. le premier Président de la Cour des aydes de Clermont-ferrand, sur le subjet de ce qui s'est passé en sa présence, dans le collège des Jésuites de Montferrand, aux thèses de philosophie qui luy ont esté dediées et qui ont esté soubstenuës le 25. juin 1651. » (S. l.), 16 pages, in-4° ; Note sur l'abbaye de Saint-Allyre de Clermont ; Protestations des Pères de l'Oratoire de la maison de S. Honoré, à Paris, de Clermont-Ferrand et de Riom au sujet de l'assemblée générale de la Congrégation (1746) ; Copies de pièces relatives à une prétendue rétractation de Pascal avant sa mort ; Copie de l'épitaphe de Pascal