956 resultados para Rectangular patch


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A 3-D numerical model for pulsed laser transformation hardening (LTH) is developed using the finite element method. In this model, laser spatial and temporal intensity distribution, temperature-dependent thermophysical properties of material, and multi-phase transformations are considered. The influence of laser temporal pulse shape on connectivity of hardened zone, maximum surface temperature of material and hardening depth is numerically investigated at different pulse energy levels. Results indicate that these hardening parameters are strongly dependent on the temporal pulse shape. For the rectangular temporal pulse shape, the temperature field obtained from this model is in excellent agreement with analytical solution, and the predicted hardening depth is favorably compared with experimental one. It should be pointed out that appropriate temporal pulse shape should be selected according to pulse energy level in order to achieve desirable hardening quality under certain laser spatial intensity distribution.


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A general method is presented for solving the plane elasticity problem of finite plates with multiple microcracks. The method directly accounts for the interactions between different microcracks and the effect of outer boundary of a finite plate. Analysis is based on a superposition scheme and series expansions of the complex potentials. By using the traction-free conditions on each crack surface and resultant forces relations along outer boundary, a set of governing equations is formulated. The governing equations are solved numerically on the basis of a boundary collocation procedure. The effective Young's moduli for randomly oriented cracks and parallel cracks are evaluated for rectangular plates with microcracks. The numerical results are compared with those from various micromechanics models and experimental data. These results show that the present method provides a direct and efficient approach to deal with finite solids containing multiple microcracks.


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Free surface deformation is one of the most important physical phenomena in fluids with free surface. In the present paper, convection and surface deformation caused by thermocapillary effect in a rectangular cavity were investigated. In ground experiments, the convection was also affected by gravity. The cavity has a horizontal cross section of 52mm×42mm and the thikkness of the liquid layer is 4mm. Temperature difference between two sides of the liquid layer was increased gradually, and the flow in liquid layer will develop from steady to unstable convection. An optical diagnostic system consisting of a revised Michelson interferometer with image processor was developed to study fluid surface deformation in convection, and the displacements of free surface oscillation were determined. PIV technique was adopted to observe the evolution of flow pattern, and the velocity fields were obtained quantitatively. The present experiments demonstrate that surface deformation is quite distinct in buoyant-thermocapillary convection. in order to understand the mechanism of buoyant-thermocapillary convection, not only the hydrothermal wave instability but also the surface wave instability should be discussed.


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It is proved that Johnson's damage number is the sole similarity parameter for dynamic plastic shear failure of structures loaded impulsively, therefore, dynamic plastic shear failure can be understood when damage number reaches a critical value. It is suggested that the damage number be generally used to predict the dynamic plastic shear failure of structures under various kinds of dynamic loads (impulsive loading, rectangular pressure pulse, exponential pressure pulse, etc.,). One of the advantages for using the damage number to predict such kind of failure is that it is conveniently used for dissimilar material modeling.


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BACKGROUND: GABA(A) receptors are members of the Cys-loop family of neurotransmitter receptors, proteins which are responsible for fast synaptic transmission, and are the site of action of wide range of drugs. Recent work has shown that Cys-loop receptors are present on immune cells, but their physiological roles and the effects of drugs that modify their function in the innate immune system are currently unclear. We are interested in how and why anaesthetics increase infections in intensive care patients; a serious problem as more than 50% of patients with severe sepsis will die. As many anaesthetics act via GABA(A) receptors, the aim of this study was to determine if these receptors are present on immune cells, and could play a role in immunocompromising patients. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We demonstrate, using RT-PCR, that monocytes express GABA(A) receptors constructed of α1, α4, β2, γ1 and/or δ subunits. Whole cell patch clamp electrophysiological studies show that GABA can activate these receptors, resulting in the opening of a chloride-selective channel; activation is inhibited by the GABA(A) receptor antagonists bicuculline and picrotoxin, but not enhanced by the positive modulator diazepam. The anaesthetic drugs propofol and thiopental, which can act via GABA(A) receptors, impaired monocyte function in classic immunological chemotaxis and phagocytosis assays, an effect reversed by bicuculline and picrotoxin. SIGNIFICANCE: Our results show that functional GABA(A) receptors are present on monocytes with properties similar to CNS GABA(A) receptors. The functional data provide a possible explanation as to why chronic propofol and thiopental administration can increase the risk of infection in critically ill patients: their action on GABA(A) receptors inhibits normal monocyte behaviour. The data also suggest a potential solution: monocyte GABA(A) receptors are insensitive to diazepam, thus the use of benzodiazepines as an alternative anesthetising agent may be advantageous where infection is a life threatening problem.


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A rectangular structural unit cell of a-Al2O3 is generated from its hexagonal one. For the rectangular structural crystal with a simple interatomic potential [Matsui, Mineral Mag. 58A, 571 (1994)], the relations of lattice constants to homogeneous pressure and temperature are calculated by using Monte-Carlo method at temperature 298K and 0 GPa, respectively. Both numerical results agree with experimental ones fairly well. By comparing pair distribution function, the crystal structure of a-Al2O3 has no phase transition in the range of systematic parameters. Based on the potential model, pressure dependence of isothermal bulk moduli is predicted. Under variation of general strains, which include of external and internal strains, elastic constants of a-Al2O3 in the different homogeneous load are determined. Along with increase of pressure, axial elastic constants increase appreciably, but nonaxial elastic constants are slowly changed.


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When a shock wave interacts with a group of solid spheres, non-linear aerodynamic behaviors come into effect. The complicated wave reflections such as the Mach reflection occur in. the wave propagation process. The wave interactions with vortices behind each sphere's wake cause fluctuation in the pressure profiles of shock waves. This paper reports an experimental study for the aerodynamic processes involved in the interaction between shock waves and solid spheres. A schlieren photography was applied to visualize the various shock waves passing through solid spheres. Pressure measurements were performed along different downstream positions. The experiments were conducted in both rectangular and circular shock tubes. The data with respect to the effect of the sphere array, size, interval distance, incident Mach number, etc., on the shock wave attenuation were obtained.


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Con el objetivo de identificar genotipos promisorios de sorgo para grano y forraje, se estableció en el Centro Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (CNIA) del Instituto Nicaragüense de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), un experimento con 30 genotipos de sorgo en el período comprendido de septiembre 2003 a enero 2004. El diseño utilizado fue un látice rectangular modificado 15 x 2 con 3 repeticiones. Los datos obtenidos en campo de las variables de crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento fueron sometidos al análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) y separación de medias por Tukey al 95 % de confiabilidad (∝=0.05). Los resultados revelaron que todas las variables estudiadas mostraron una alta significancia estadística, esto demuestra que hay diferencias muy marcadas entre los genotipos. En cuanto a las repeticiones no hubo efectos significativos sobre la mayoría de las variables, a excepción de la altura de planta, días a floración, días a madurez fisiológica, número de hojas, rendimiento de biomasa foliar, total y de grano ya que mostraron efectos estadísticos altamente significativos y de manera significativa en las variables diámetro de tallo, rendimiento fresco de biomasa tallo y plantas cosechadas. Referente a los bloques, estos influyeron de manera altamente significativa en el diámetro de tallo, sin embargo no ejercieron efectos sobre la mayoría de las variables, a excepción del número de hojas que fue afectada de forma significativa. En algunas de las variables como altura de planta y número de hojas, los genotipos H16 y testigo V30 se destacaron con valores de 303.21 cm y 12 hojas, respectivamente. Respecto a grados brix y senescencia foliar los genotipos L13 y L19 sobresalieron con los mayores valores, obteniendo éstos 15.10 % y 68.19 %, respectivamente. Los genotipos que se destacaron con el mayor rendimiento fresco de biomasa total fueron H15 y el testigo V29, mostrando valores de 71,200 y 70,867 kg/ha, respectivamente. Finalmente L18 se destacó con el mayor rendimiento de grano presentando un valor de 7,796 kg/ha.


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Con el objetivo de identificar híbridos de maíz con alto rendimiento y buena estabilidad en diferentes ambientes, se evaluaron 20 genotipos de grano blanco en 5 localidades de Nicaragua. El diseño utilizado fue un Látice rectangular 5 x 4 con 3 repeticiones. Cada unidad experimental estuvo constituida por 2 hileras de 5 metros de longitud, con un espaciamiento de 0.20 y 0.80 metros entre plantas e hileras respectivamente, para una densidad poblacional de aproximadamente 62,500 plantas por hectárea. La parcela útil la constituyeron las dos hileras que conformaron cada unidad experimental. Se realizó análisis de varianza para el rendimiento de grano por localidad y a través de localidades. La interacción genotipo x ambiente se determinó mediante el análisis de efectos principales aditivos e interacciones multiplicativas (modelo AMMI). Los híbridos H10 y H13 mostraron los mayores rendimientos promedios a través de todas las localidades, superando al mejor testigo H19 (H-INTA 991) en 13 y 14 % respectivamente, no obstante, expresaron su mayor potencial en ambientes favorables. Los híbridos H11, H15 y H17 superaron en rendimiento a la media general y fueron identificados por AMMI como estables, por presentar puntuaciones cercanas a cero (0.11, 0.17 y 0.16, respectivamente). En este estudio se identificó como ambientes favorables a Quilalí y Campos Azules y como menos favorable a la localidad de Melchorita


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We have fabricated using high-resolution electron beam lithography circular magnetic particles (nanomagnets) of diameter 60 nm and thickness 7 nm out of the common magnetic alloy supermalloy. The nanomagnets were arranged on rectangular lattices of different periods. A high-sensitivity magneto-optical method was used to measure the magnetic properties of each lattice. We show experimentally how the magnetic properties of a lattice of nanomagnets can be profoundly changed by the magnetostatic interactions between nanomagnets within the lattice. We find that simply reducing the lattice spacing in one direction from 180 nm down to 80 nm (leaving a gap of only 20 nm between edges) causes the lattice to change from a magnetically disordered state to an ordered state. The change in state is accompanied by a peak in the magnetic susceptibility. We show that this is analogous to the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition which occurs in conventional magnetic materials, although low-dimensionality and kinetic effects must also be considered.


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A visual observation of liquid-gas two-phase flow in anode channels of a direct methanol proton exchange membrane fuel cells in microgravity has been carried out in a drop tower. The anode flow bed consisted of 2 manifolds and 11 parallel straight channels. The length, width and depth of single channel with rectangular cross section was 48.0 mm, 2.5 mm and 2.0 mm, respectively. The experimental results indicated that the size of bubbles in microgravity condition is bigger than that in normal gravity. The longer the time, the bigger the bubbles. The velocity of bubbles rising is slower than that in normal gravity because buoyancy lift is very weak in microgravity. The flow pattern in anode channels could change from bubbly flow in normal gravity to slug flow in microgravity. The gas slugs blocked supply of reactants from channels to anode catalyst layer through gas diffusion layer. When the weakened mass transfer causes concentration polarization, the output performance of fuel cells declines.


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El presente estudio se realizó en el municipio d e Tisma, Masaya y en el Centro de Experimentación y Validación de T ecnología ( CEVT ) Las Mercedes, UNA, con el objetivo de generar información sobre el comportamiento agronómico de 12 cul tivares de tomate ( Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) producidos en condiciones de campo abierto y de casa malla. El diseño experimental utilizado en Tisma fue un ensayo preliminar sin replica, en casa malla el diseño experimental utilizado fue un Látice rectangular 3x4 con dos replicas . Los datos en Tisma se analizaron a través de la obtención de medias, desviación estándar, y rendimientos relativos, en casa malla fueron evaluados a través del análisis de varianza ANDEVA y DMS u tilizado el programa SAS, 2003, V. 9.1 . Se registró la información de diez variables basada s en el comportamiento agronómico , siete cuantitativas y tres cualitativa . Los cultivares en las condiciones de casa malla mostraron diferencia significativa con respecto a las variables evaluadas, mientras que en las condiciones de campo en Tisma los cultivares presentaron diferentes medias y desviaciones estándar. Los cultivares AVTO1004 y AVTO1023 mostraron mejores re ndimientos en las condiciones de Tisma respecto al cultivar Shanty; en cambio en casa malla los cultivares Shanty, CLN3125L, AVTO 1032 , AVTO1059 , AVTO1058, AVTO1078 y AVTO10 05 presentaron los mayores rendimientos.


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Thermocapillary convection coupling with the evaporation effect of evaporating liquids is studied experimentally. This study focused on an evaporation liquid layer in a rectangular cavity subjected to a horizontal temperature gradient when the top evaporating surface is open to air, while most previous works only studied pure thermocapillary convection without evaporation. Two liquids with different evaporating rates are used to study the coupling of evaporation and thermocapillary convection, and the interfacial temperature profiles for different temperature gradients are measured. The experimental results indicate evidently the influence of evaporation effect on the thermocapillary convection and interfacial temperature profiles. The steady multicellular flow and the oscillatory multicellular flow in the evaporation liquid layer are observed by using the particle-image-velocimetry method.


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A more generalized model of a beam resting on a tensionless Reissner foundation is presented. Compared with the Winkler foundation model, the Reissner foundation model is a much improved one. In the Winkler foundation model, there is no shear stress inside the foundation layer and the foundation is assumed to consist of closely spaced, independent springs. The presence of shear stress inside Reissner foundation makes the springs no longer independent and the foundation to deform as a whole. Mathematically, the governing equation of a beam on Reissner foundation is sixth order differential equation compared with fourth order of Winkler one. Because of this order change of the governing equation, new boundary conditions are needed and related discussion is presented. The presence of the shear stress inside the tensionless Reissner foundation together with the unknown feature of contact area/length makes the problem much more difficult than that of Winkler foundation. In the model presented here, the effects of beam dimension, gap distance, loading asymmetry and foundation shear stress on the contact length are all incorporated and studied. As the beam length increases, the results of a finite beam with zero gap distance converge asymptotically to those obtained by the previous model for an infinitely long beam. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the surface deformations of buoyant-thermocapillary convection in a rectangular cavity clue to gravity and temperature gradient between the two sidewalls. The cavity is 52mm x 42mm in horizontal cross section, the thickness of liquid layer h is changed from 2.5mm to 6.5mm. Surface deformations of h = 3.5mm and 6.0mm are discussed and compared. Temperature difference is increased gradually, and the flow in the liquid layer will change from stable convection to unstable convection. Two kinds of optical diagnostic system with image processor are developed for study of the kinetics of buoyant-thermocapillary convection, they give out the information of liquid free surface. The quantitative results are calculated by Fourier transform and correlation analysis, respectively. With the increasing temperature gradient, surface deformations calculated are more declining. It is interesting phenomenon that the inclining directions of the convections in thin and thick liquid layers are different. For a thin layer, the convection is mainly controlled by thermocapillary effect. However, for a thick layer, the convection is mainly controlled by buoyancy effect. The surface deformation theoretically analysed is consistent with our experimental results. The present experiment proves that surface deformation is related to temperature gradient and thickness of the liquid layer. In other words, surface deformation lies on capillary convection and buoyancy convection.