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Jaú National Park is a large rain forest reserve that contains small populations of four caiman species. We sampled crocodilian populations during 30 surveys over a period of four years in five study areas. We found the mean abundance of caiman species to be very low (1.0 ± 0.5 caiman/km of shoreline), independent of habitat type (river, stream or lake) and season. While abundance was almost equal, the species' composition varied in different waterbody and study areas. We analysed the structure similarity of this assemblage. Lake and river habitats were the most similar habitats, and inhabited by at least two species, mainly Caiman crocodilus and Melanosuchus niger. However, those species can also inhabit streams. Streams were the most dissimilar habitats studied and also had two other species: Paleosuchus trigonalus and P. palpebrosus. The structure of these assemblage does not suggest a pattern of species associated and separated by habitat. Trends in species relationships had a negative correlation with species of similar size, C. crocodilus and P. trigonatus, and an apparent complete exclusion of M. niger and P. trigonatus. Microhabitat analysis suggests a slender habitat partitioning: P. trigonatus was absent from river and lake lgapo (flooded forest), but frequent in stream Igapó. This species was the most terrestrial and found in microhabitats similar to C crocodilus (shallow waters, slow current). Melanosuchus niger inhabits deep, fast moving waters in different study areas Despite inhabiting the same waterbodies in many surveys, M. niger and C. crocodilus did not share the same microhabitats. Paleosuchus palpebrosus was observed only in running waters and never in stagnant lake habitats. Cluster analysis revealed three survey groups: two constitute a mosaic in floodplains. (a) a cluster with both M. niger and C crocodilus, and another (b) with only C. crocodilus. A third cluster (c) included more species, and the presence of Paleosuchus species. There was no significant difference among wariness of caimans between disturbed and undisturbed localities. However, there was a clear trend to increase wariness during the course of consecutive surveys at four localities, suggesting that we, more than local inhabitants, had disturbed caimans. The factors that are limiting caiman populations can be independent of human exploitation. Currently in Amazonia, increased the pressure of hunting, habitat loss and habitat alteration, and there is no evidence of widespread recovery of caiman populations. In large reserves as Jaú without many disturbance, most caiman populations can be low density, suggesting that in blackwater environments their recovery from exploitation should be very slow.


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The mucosa that covers the residual ridges of edentulous patients may present some distortion or displacement when occlusal loading is applied in complete dentures. This distortion and movement of the denture can result in acceleration of residual ridge resorption and loss of retention and stability. The aim of this study was to analyze the pattern of upper complete denture movement related to underlying mucosa displacement. A sample of 10 complete denture wearers was randomly selected, which had acceptable upper and lower dentures and normal volume and resilience of residual ridges. The kinesiographic instrument K6-I Diagnostic System was used to measure denture movements, according to the method proposed by Maeda et al.7, 1984. Denture movements were measured under the following experimental conditions: (A) 3 maximum voluntary clenching cycles and (B) unilateral chewing for 20 seconds. The results showed that under physiological load, oral mucosa distortion has two distinct phases: a fast initial displacement as load is applied and a slower and incomplete recovery when load is removed. Intermittent loading such as chewing progressively reduces the magnitude of the denture displacement and the recovery of the mucosa is gradually more incomplete.


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The effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on wound healing were evaluated at the graft-cornea transition in dogs following lamellar keratoplasty using tunica vaginalis preserved in 98% glycerin. Twenty-one dogs were subdivided into three groups of seven animals. The first group (W/US) received daily treatment of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (20 mW/cm 2) for 15 min for the first 10 days post surgery. The second group (N/US) was submitted to the same procedure but with the ultrasound apparatus turned off. The third group, the control (CO), underwent the surgical procedure only. The animals were clinically evaluated during the initial (1-15 days), intermediate (16-30 days) and late (31-120 days) postoperative period. The corneas were evaluated by light microscopy at 1, 3, 7, 15, 30, 60 and 120 days after surgery. Clinically, there were no differences which would promote an advantage to any of the treatments. Light microscopy, however, revealed more extensive vascularization and more advanced wound healing in the W/US group, as well as a tendency towards early graft incorporation. Based on the present results, low-intensity pulsed ultrasound shows advantages, especially in situations where trophic support is a mandatory condition, facilitating better graft incorporation and rapid recovery of stromal organization.


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The influence of He-Ne laser radiation on the formation of new blood vessels in the bone marrow compartment of a regenerating area of the mid-cortical diaphysis of the tibiae of young adult rats was studied. A small hole was surgically made with a dentistry burr in the tibia and the injured area received a daily laser therapy over 7 or 14 days transcutaneously starting 24 h from surgery. Incident energy density dosages of 31.5 and 94.5 Jcm-2 were applied during the period of the tibia wound healing investigated. Light microscopic examination of histological sections of the injured area and quantification of the newly-formed blood vessels were undertaken. Low-level energy treatment accelerated the deposition of bone matrix and histological characteristics compatible with an active recovery of the injured tissue. He-Ne laser therapy significantly increased the number of blood vessels after 7 days irradiation at an energy density of 94.5 Jcm-2, but significantly decreased the number of vessels in the 14-day irradiated tibiae, independent of the dosage. These effects were attributed to laser treatment, since no significant increase in blood vessel number was detected between 8 and 15 non-irradiated control tibiae. Molecular mechanisms involved in low-level laser therapy of angiogenesis in post-traumatic bone regeneration needs further investigation.


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This work describes the synthesis and characterization of 2-aminothiazole modified silica gel (SiAT), and the results of a study of the adsorption and pre-concentration (in batch and using a flow-injection system coupled to an absorption atomic spectrometer) of Cu(II), Ni(II) and Pb(II) in aqueous medium. The adsorption capacities for each metal ions in mmol g -1 were: Cu(II)= 1.18, Ni(II)= 1.15 and Pb(II)= 1.10. The results obtained in the flow experiments showed a recovery of practically 100% of the metal ions adsorbed in a mini-column packed with 100 mg of SiAT, using 100 μL of 2.0 mol L -1 HCl solution as eluent. The sorption-desorption of the metal ions made possible the application of a flow-injection system for the pre-concentration and quantification by FAAS of metal ions at trace level in natural water samples digested and not digest by an oxidizing UV photolysis.


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The mining process promotes land modification and complete landscape alteration. Those alterations in the surface are shown more obviously in the aesthetical aspect as the visual elements of form, texture, climbs, complexity and color which composes the landscape. As a consequence, mining has impacts on the topography, in the soil, in the vegetation and in the area's drainage, with a direct influence on the enterprise. A quite common problem in the recovery of degraded areas in mineral exploration is the compaction of the soil due to the intense traffic of machines and earth movement. The most common problem of the compaction of a degraded surface is an increase of the mechanical resistance to the penetration of plant roots, a reduction of the aeration, an alteration of the flow of water and heat, also in the availability of water and nutrients. Thus, the present work had the basic objective of diagnosing the compaction of an area degraded by mining in a spacial way, through the mechanical resistance and the penetration, to guide the future subsoiling in the area requiring recovery. Through the studies, it was concluded that the krigagem method in agreement with the space variation allows the division of the area under study into sub areas facilitating a future work to reduce costs and unnecessary interference to the atmosphere. The method was shown to be quite appropriate and it can be used in the diagnosis of compaction in a degraded area by mining, foreseeing the subsoiling requirement.


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Polysaccharicles, as alginate and chitosan, have been used to obtain modified release dosage forms. Alginate, due to its property of building gels during the complex formation with calcium ions, allows the building of capsules containing a core constituted by calcium alginate. This work had for objective to determine the appropriate calcium concentration for the preparation of alginate-chitosan capsules, by means of calcium quantification using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The methodology of calcium quantification was validated through analysis of the limit of detection, precision, accuracy and recovery of the method. The capsules, containing or not the drug, were prepared by the complex coacervation/ionotropic gelification method. Calcium was quantified after samples mineralization and dilution in lantanium solution. The results showed that the amount of calcium incorporated into the capsules depends on the amount of calcium added to the medium, and this ratio increases until the concentration of 1.5% of initial calcium chloride and above this concentration there is a decrease in the proportion of calcium bonded. It was observed that the proportion of calcium that links to the polymer is inversely proportional to the amount of calcium added. The calcium amount incorporated depends on the concentration of the polymeric dispersions used as well as on the ratio between the two polymers.


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The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of isolation of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) in 100 patients with chronic periodontitis, 14 patients with aggressive periodontitis, 142 pre-school children with gingivitis and 134 periodontally healthy subjects. Samples of subgingival plaque were taken using sterilized paper points introduced into periodontal pockets or gingival crevice for 60 seconds and inoculated on TSBV agar, which was incubated under anaerobiosis at 37°C, for 4 days. Microbial identification was performed through biochemical methods and morphocellular and morphocolonial analysis. Aa was detected in 40.3% of healthy subjects, 68% of patients with chronic periodontitis, 92.86% of patients with aggressive periodontitis and 40.14% of children with gingivitis. The rate of recovery of Aa in the tested human groups proved to be higher than previously reported and in agreement with participation of this facultative anaerobe as a member of native microbiota of the periodontium and its relation with aggressive and chronic periodontitis in Brazil.


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Scaling and root planing contribute to the recovery of periodontal health. All periodontal instruments loose their fine cutting angle after use. To maintain this angle, correct sharpening is required using specifically designed stones. The characteristics of sharpening stones can be compared to the blade of the instruments and also transported to root surface during instrumentation. Root smoothness is related to the quality of the blade. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of 9 sharpening stones by scanning electron microscopic and profilometric analyses. Ceramic and Neumar stones were very fine and both may be recommended to maintain the sharpness of the instruments. Arkansas, Thompson and CE stones presented greater roughness with very regular and round particles, and are suitable for maintenance of the cutting angle. In addition, these stones may be indicated for the routine sharpening of the instruments that are partly dull. Oxide Aluminum, Carborundum and JON stones were the coarsest with large irregular particles and may be indicated for initial sharpening of totally dull instruments with completion of sharpening with finer stones.


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The effect of an organic acid mixture (OA) and a Lactobacillus-based probiotic culture on Salmonella enteritidis (SE) infection in broiler chicks was evaluated. In exp. 1, chicks were challenged by oral gavage with SE, held in chick boxes for 2 h and randomly assigned to either untreated control or continuous OA treatment in the drinking water. Crop and cecal tonsils were cultured at 48 h and 5 d post-challenge for recovery of SE. Recovery of SE in the crop and cecal tonsils at 48 h was significantly (p<0.05) lower in the OA treated group as compared to control chickens but not different at 5d. In exps.2 and 3, chicks were SE challenged, held in chick boxes for 2 h and randomly assigned to either untreated control, probiotic, OA, or probiotic+OA. After 24 or 48 h, crop and cecal tonsils were cultured for the presence or absence of SE. After 24 h, probiotic or probiotic+OA significantly reduced SE recovery from the crop as compared to controls. All treatments reduced SE recovery from the cecal tonsils at 24 h. While no significant differences were observed in SE recovery from crop at 48 h, SE recovery from probiotic and or probiotic+OA groups was significantly lower than the controls in the cecal tonsils. These data suggest that combination treatment with the selected OA and Lactobacillus-based probiotic culture is more effective than individual treatment for Salmonella reduction in chicks. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2007.


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Objectives: To examine the change in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and its determinants in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) treated with methotrexate (MTX). Methods: Patients were extracted from the PRINTO clinical trial which aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety profile of MTX administered in standard, intermediate or higher doses (10, 15 and 30 mg/m2/week respectively). Children with polyarticular-course JIA, who were less than 18 years and had a complete HRQOL assessment were included. Results: A total of 521 children were included. At baseline, patients with JIA showed poorer HRQOL (p<0.01) than healthy children. In 207/412 (50%) and 63 (15%) children, HRQOL values were 2 standard deviations below the mean of healthy controls in the physical and psychosocial summary scale, respectively. After 6 months of treatment with standard dose MTX, there was a statistically significant improvement in all HRQOL health concepts, particularly the physical ones. Similar improvements were observed in those who did not respond to a standard dose of MTX and were subsequently randomised to a higher dose. The presence of marked disability at baseline was associated with a fivefold increased risk of retaining poor physical health after 6 months of active treatment with standard dose MTX. Other less important determinants of retaining poor physical well-being were the baseline level of systemic inflammation, pain intensity and an antinuclear-antibody-negative status. Conclusions: MTX treatment produces a significant improvement across a wide range of HRQOL components, particularly in the physical domains, in patients with JIA.


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