876 resultados para Random error


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Tradicionalmente, o método dos mínimos quadrados tem sido empregado na inversão não linear de dados de campo potencial. No caso em que as observações dos campos gravimétrico ou magnético contém apenas ruído Gaussiano. O método dos mínimos quadrados não apresenta problemas. Entretanto, quando as observações são perturbadas por ruído não Gaussiano, ou mesmo por ruído não aleatório, como é o caso de muitos ruídos geológicos, o método dos mínimos quadrados torna-se bastante ineficiente, e métodos alternativos devem ser empregados a fim de produzir interpretações realísticas. Neste trabalho, uma comparação é feita entre os métodos dos mínimos quadrados, dos mínimos absolutos e do ajuste-M, aplicados à inversão não linear de dados de campo potencial. A comparação é efetuada usando-se dados teóricos, onde diversas situações geológicas são simuladas. Os resultados mostram que na presença de ruído geológico, caracterizado por pequeno corpo raso acima do corpo principal, ou por corpo grande, adjacente ao corpo principal, o ajuste-M apresenta desempenho muito superior ao dos mínimos quadrados e dos mínimos absolutos. Na presença de ruído Gaussiano, entretanto, o ajuste-M tem um desempenho inferior aos outros dois métodos. Como o ruído Gaussiano é um ruído branco, parte dele pode ser removido por um filtro passa baixa adequado, sem muita perda do sinal, o que não ocorre com o ruído geológico que contém componentes importantes de baixo número de onda. Desse modo o ajuste-M se torna uma ferramenta importante na interpretação de áreas geologicamente complexas, onde é comum a contaminação das anomalias por ruído geológico. Os três métodos em estudo são aplicados a uma anomalia magnética real causada por uma intrusão de diabásio em forma de dique, em sedimentos arenosos da formação Piauí na Bacia do Parnaíba. Os três métodos apresentaram resultados semelhantes indicando que tanto o nível de ruído Gaussiano como geológico são baixos nesta anomalia.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this research was to estimate (co) variance functions and genetic parameters for body weight in Colombian buffalo populations using random regression models with Legendre polynomials. Data consisted of 34,738 weight records from birth to 900 days of age from 7815 buffaloes. Fixed effects in the model were contemporary group and parity order of the mother. Random effects were direct and maternal additive genetic, as well as animal and maternal permanent environmental effects. A cubic orthogonal Legendre polynomial was used to model the mean curve of the population. Eleven models with first to sixth order polynomials were used to describe additive genetic direct and maternal effects, and animal and maternal permanent environmental effects. The residual was modeled considering five variance classes. The best model included fourth and sixth order polynomials for direct additive genetic and animal permanent environmental effects, respectively, and third-order polynomials for maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects. The direct heritability increased from birth until 120 days of age (0.32 +/- 0.05), decreasing thereafter until one year of age (0.18 +/- 0.04) and increased again, reaching 0.39 +/- 0.09, at the end of the evaluated period. The highest maternal heritability estimates (0.11 +/- 0.05), were obtained for weights around weaning age (weaning age range is between 8 and 9.5 months). Maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental variances increased from birth until about one year of age, decreasing at later ages. Direct genetic correlations ranged from moderate (0.60 +/- 0.060) to high (0.99 +/- 0.001), maternal genetic correlations showed a similar range (0.41 +/- 0.401 and 0.99 +/- 0.003), and all of them decreased as time between weighings increased. Direct genetic correlations suggested that selecting buffalos for heavier weights at any age would increase weights from birth through 900 days of age. However, higher heritabilities for direct genetic weights effects after 600 days of age suggested that selection for these effects would be more effective if done during this age period. A greater response to selection for maternal ability would be expected if selection used maternal genetic predictions for weights near weaning. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The physical properties of novel thermoplastic random copolyesters [-(CH2)(n)-COO-/-(CH2)(n)-COO-](x) made of long (n=12) and medium (n=8) chain length -hydroxyfatty esters [HO-(CH2)(n)-COOCH3] derived from bio-based vegetable oil feedstock are described. Poly(-hydroxy tridecanoate/-hydroxy nonanoate) P(-Me13-/-Me9-) random copolyesters (M-n=11,000-18,500 g/mol) with varying molar ratios were examined by TGA, DSC, DMA and tensile analysis, and WAXD. For the whole range of P(-Me13-/-Me9-) compositions, the WAXD data indicated an orthorhombic polyethylene-like crystal packing. Their melting characteristics, determined by DSC, varied with composition suggesting an isomorphic cocrystallization behavior. TGA of the P(-Me13-/-Me9-)s indicated improved thermal stability determined by their molar compositions. The glass transition temperature, investigated by DMA, was also found to vary with composition. The crystallinities of P(-Me13-/-Me9-)s however, were unaffected by the composition. The stiffness (Young's modulus) of these materials was found to be related to their degrees of crystallinity. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014, 131, 40492.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Given the importance of Guzera breeding programs for milk production in the tropics, the objective of this study was to compare alternative random regression models for estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values. Test-day milk yields records (TDR) were collected monthly, in a maximum of 10 measurements. The database included 20,524 records of first lactation from 2816 Guzera cows. TDR data were analyzed by random regression models (RRM) considering additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual effects as random and the effects of contemporary group (CG), calving age as a covariate (linear and quadratic effects) and mean lactation curve as fixed. The genetic additive and permanent environmental effects were modeled by RRM using Wilmink, All and Schaeffer and cubic B-spline functions as well as Legendre polynomials. Residual variances were considered as heterogeneous classes, grouped differently according to the model used. Multi-trait analysis using finite-dimensional models (FDM) for testday milk records (TDR) and a single-trait model for 305-days milk yields (default) using the restricted maximum likelihood method were also carried out as further comparisons. Through the statistical criteria adopted, the best RRM was the one that used the cubic B-spline function with five random regression coefficients for the genetic additive and permanent environmental effects. However, the models using the Ali and Schaeffer function or Legendre polynomials with second and fifth order for, respectively, the additive genetic and permanent environmental effects can be adopted, as little variation was observed in the genetic parameter estimates compared to those estimated by models using the B-spline function. Therefore, due to the lower complexity in the (co)variance estimations, the model using Legendre polynomials represented the best option for the genetic evaluation of the Guzera lactation records. An increase of 3.6% in the accuracy of the estimated breeding values was verified when using RRM. The ranks of animals were very close whatever the RRM for the data set used to predict breeding values. Considering P305, results indicated only small to medium difference in the animals' ranking based on breeding values predicted by the conventional model or by RRM. Therefore, the sum of all the RRM-predicted breeding values along the lactation period (RRM305) can be used as a selection criterion for 305-day milk production. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article deals with classification problems involving unequal probabilities in each class and discusses metrics to systems that use multilayer perceptrons neural networks (MLP) for the task of classifying new patterns. In addition we propose three new pruning methods that were compared to other seven existing methods in the literature for MLP networks. All pruning algorithms presented in this paper have been modified by the authors to do pruning of neurons, in order to produce fully connected MLP networks but being small in its intermediary layer. Experiments were carried out involving the E. coli unbalanced classification problem and ten pruning methods. The proposed methods had obtained good results, actually, better results than another pruning methods previously defined at the MLP neural network area. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cognitive radio is a growing zone in wireless communication which offers an opening in complete utilization of incompetently used frequency spectrum: deprived of crafting interference for the primary (authorized) user, the secondary user is indorsed to use the frequency band. Though, scheming a model with the least interference produced by the secondary user for primary user is a perplexing job. In this study we proposed a transmission model based on error correcting codes dealing with a countable number of pairs of primary and secondary users. However, we obtain an effective utilization of spectrum by the transmission of the pairs of primary and secondary users' data through the linear codes with different given lengths. Due to the techniques of error correcting codes we developed a number of schemes regarding an appropriate bandwidth distribution in cognitive radio.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)