945 resultados para Radar simulators


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道路交通信息采集在智能交通系统中,担负着提供准确可靠的信息源以使整个智能交通系统得以顺利准确运行的重任。毫米波雷达交通检测器作为获取路面信息的一种方式,因其特有的优势具有广阔的应用前景。本论文是围绕一个基于毫米波雷达的车辆检测系统的研究课题进行的。 本文的主要工作及创新之处在于: (1) 结合毫米波车辆检测雷达的应用背景,首先阐述毫米波车辆检测雷达在智能交通系统中的应用,介绍了智能交通系统中路面信息采集各种不同方式的优缺点,同时给出采用毫米波车辆检测雷达系统进行交通信息采集的优越性和必要性,说明了本文的选题背景及主要研究内容。 (2) 针对毫米波车辆检测雷达的具体应用需要,在提出车辆检测雷达的工作原理,阐述毫米波车辆检测雷达的系统构成和整体框架结构之后,分别从系统硬件设计与实现、数字脉冲压缩原理和基于一维距离像的车辆目标识别三个方面进行阐述。根据实际应用提出了车辆检测雷达系统的性能技术参数要求,确定了系统实际的工作频段和工作体制,分析了线性调频系统的组成原理,对系统主要参数进行了定量计算和误差估计。 (3) 分析了几种简单形状目标的散射特性,对典型车辆的雷达截面积进行了粗略的工程估算。对宽带雷达杂波特性进行了分析,采用幅度为韦布尔分布、功率谱为高斯分布的杂波模型I模拟地杂波,幅度为瑞利分布、功率谱为高斯分布的杂波模型II来模拟气象杂波。 (4) 介绍了一维距离像的基本概念和获得一维距离像的方法,深入分析了一维距离像的基本特性。通过对基于位置信息的全程相关检测方法和基于能量积累的几种滑窗检测方法的比较,分析了它们在宽带雷达信号检测中的性能特点和应用条件。在此基础上,提出了一种适合宽带雷达的检测方法,即相邻脉冲重复周期相关检测(IPCD)方法。当采用多脉冲积累后,其检测能力比能量相加脉间非相干积累EAD检测平均提高2dB。


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Neutral winds and electric fields in the ionospheric F layer play important roles in the variations of the ionosphere, and also affect the thermospheric circulation via the close coupling between the ionosphere and the thermosphere. By now, the neutral winds and electric drifts are generally observed with ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPI) and incoherent scatter radars (ISR), rockets, and satellite-borne instrument. Based on the servo theory, the ionospheric equivalent winds, which include the information of both the neutral winds and electric fields, can be derived from these characteristic parameters observed by ionosondes. This indirect derivation has potential values in climatological researches and space weather forecast. With the data set of the incoherent scatter radar observations at Millstone Hill, USA, from 1976 to 2006, we statistically analyzed the climatological variations of the vertical component of the equivalent winds (VEWs) over Millstone Hill, which are derived from the ionospheric key parameters (the peak electron number density and peak height of the F2 layer, NmF2 and hmF2) on the basis of the servo theory, Liu's method, and measurements from the ion line-of-sight velocity as well. The main results of this analysis are summarized as follows: (1) The values of VEWs over Millstone Hill during nighttime are stronger than in the daytime, and the upward drift dominates most of the day. In 1993, Hagan found that the component of the neutral winds in the magnetic meridion in daytime is weaker than during nighttime under both solar maximum and minimum conditions; he also found that the equatorward winds dominate most of the day. Both results suggest that the thermosphere in Millstone Hill is modulated by the aurorally driven high-latitude circulation cell; that is, during geomagnetic quiet periods, the average auroral activity is strong enough to drive thermospheric circulation equatorward for most of the day at Millstone Hill. Moreover, since ion drag is the strongest during daytime when F region densities are enhanced by photoionization, the wind speeds are smaller during the daytime than in the nighttime. (2) There is equinoctial symmetry in VEWs at Millstone Hill. The amplitudes and phases of VEWs in spring are quite similar to those in autumn. In contrast, the nighttime upward drift in winter is weaker than in summer and the difference becomes more significant with increasing solar activity. This solstice asymmetry indicates that, the aurorally driven circulation in the northern hemisphere at Millstone Hill latitude is weaker in winter due to arctic darkness, because the subsolar point is in the southern hemisphere. (3) The comparison of the VEWs derived from three methods, i.e., the servo theory, Liu's method, and the ISR ion line-of-sight velocity measurements, indicates that the amplitudes and main phase tendencies of these VEWs accord well with each other during nighttime hours. However, the case in the daytime is relatively worse. This daytime discrepancy can be explained in terms of the effects of photochemical processes and the choices of the servo constants. A larger servo constant gives a stronger plasma drift in daytime. Therefore, this study tells how important to choose a suitable constant for deriving VEWs at Millstone Hill.


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Solos do nordeste do Estado de São Paulo; Sistema de Avaliação da Aptidão Agrícola das Terras; Mapeamento da Aptidão Agrícola das Terras do Nordeste do Estado de São Paulo.


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O levantamento visou atender o CPAC que em convenio com a SUDECO se propos a estudar os recursos naturais da area Programa Especial da Regiao Geoeconomica de Brasilia, de maneira que sirvam de suporte para indicacao de sistemas alternativos de producao agropecuaria condizente com o potencial de uso das terras. O SNLCS se propos a executar o mapeamento de solos e a avaliacao da aptidao agricola das terras, a nivel de reconhecimento de baixa intensidade de uma area prioritaria indicada pelo CPAC de aproximadamente 68.000km2. Este estudo propiciou o conhecimento da potencialidade da area e a obtencao de indicadores seguros e economicos para a escolha de locais apropriados a merecerem maiores atencoes e recursos. A metodologia empregada foi basicamente a utilizadapelo SNLCS. Utilizou-se como material basico de mapeamento, imagens de radar na escla 1:250.000, plantas alti-planimetricas 1:100.000 e 1:250.000. A escala final dos mapas e de 1:500.000. Foram mapeados os seguintes solos : Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro, Latossolo Roxo, Latossolo Petroplintico, Podzolico Vermelho-Amarelo, Podzolico Vermelho-Escuro, Cambissolo, Plintossolo, Podzol, Solos Aluviais, Solos Hidromorficos e Solos Litolicos. Quando necessario, foram subdivididos de acordo com a saturacao de bases, tipo de horizonte A, textura, ocorrencia de cascalhos e calhaus, drenagem e fasados de acordo com o relevo e vegetacao. A interpretacao da aptidao agricola das terras indicou que aproximadamente 36% das terras pertencem a classe ...


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O desenvolvimento desta dissertação está vinculado ao projeto de RAD (recuperação de áreas degradadas) do Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro, sendo seu objeto o processo de recuperação da voçoroca do Morro do Radar. Através da realização de uma investigação do comportamento hidrológico desta voçoroca após a implantação do projeto, buscou-se fornecer informações que possam constituir um subsídio à avaliação dos efeitos das práticas adotadas A metodologia utilizada compreendeu seis etapas: avaliação das variações da topografia local; monitoramento da precipitação; monitoramento da intercepção das chuvas promovida pelas copas arbóreas e pela serrapilheira; avaliação das propriedades fisico-hídricas dos solos em diferentes profundidades; avaliação dos potenciais matriciais e das cargas totais nos solos nas mesmas profundidades, através de gráficos e construção de mapas de equipotenciais; avaliação da relação entre os condicionantes locais e o desempenho das práticas de RAD. Os valores de intercepção pelas copas arbóreas e pela serrapilheira revelaram uma proteção eficaz do solo contra o impacto direto das águas pluviais. Os resultados de condutividade hidráulica mostraram uma boa relação com o comportamento das cargas de pressão e totais. Com relação à expansão e contração da zona de saturação, observou-se que a umidade antecedente está condicionando de forma decisiva o processo de expansão. Foi encontrada também ao longo de todas as discussões grande influência da topografia sobre os processos de recuperação, o que indica a importância do planejamento adequado da reconformação do talude. As áreas com menores declives apresentaram uma recuperação proporcionalmente mais rápida, o que se relacionou tanto ao estabelecimento da cobertura vegetal e à incorporação de serrapilheira, quanto à própria dinâmica hidro-erosiva inerente.


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Lee M.H., Qualitative Modelling of Linear Networks in ECAD Applications, Expert Update, Vol. 3, Num. 2, pp23-32, BCS SGES, Summer 2000. Qualitative modeling of linear networks in ecad applications (1999) by M Lee Venue: Pages 146?152 of: Proceedings 13th international workshop on qualitative reasoning, QR ?99


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Clare, A., Williams, H. E. and Lester, N. M. (2004) Scalable Multi-Relational Association Mining. In proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Data Mining ICDM '04.


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Jones, R. A.; Breen, A. R.; Fallows, R. A.; Canals, A.; Bisi, M. M.; Lawrence, G. (2007). Interaction between coronal mass ejections and the solar wind, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, Issue A8 RAE2008


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I. Miguel and Q. Shen. Exhibiting the behaviour of time-delayed systems via an extension to qualitative simulation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 35(2):298-305, 2005.


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We define and construct efficient depth universal and almost size universal quantum circuits. Such circuits can be viewed as general purpose simulators for central classes of quantum circuits and can be used to capture the computational power of the circuit class being simulated. For depth we construct universal circuits whose depth is the same order as the circuits being simulated. For size, there is a log factor blow-up in the universal circuits constructed here. We prove that this construction is nearly optimal. Our results apply to a number of well-studied quantum circuit classes.


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The analysis of remotely sensed altimeter data and in situ measurements shows that ERS 2 radar can monitor the ocean permanent thermocline from space. The remotely sensed sea level anomaly data account for similar to 2/3 of the temperature variance or vertical displacement of isotherms at a depth of similar to 550 m in the Subtropical North Atlantic Ocean near 32.5 degree N. This depth corresponds closely to the region of maximum temperature gradient in the permanent thermocline where near semi-annual internal vertical displacements reach 200 to 300 m. The gradient of the altimeter sea level anomaly data correlates well with measured ocean currents to a depth of 750 m. It is shown that observations from space can account for similar to 3/4 of the variance of ocean currents measured in situ in the permanent thermocline over a 2-y period. The magnification of the permanent thermocline displacement with respect to the displacement of the sea surface was determined as - x650 and gives a measure of the ratio of barotropic to baroclinic decay scale of geostrophic current with depth. The overall results are used to interpret an eight year altimeter data tie series in the Subtropical North Atlantic at 32.5 degree N which shows a dominant wave or eddy period near 200 days, rather than semi-annual and increases in energy propagating westward in 1995 (west of 25 degree W). The effects of rapid North Atlantic Oscillation climate change on ocean circulation are discussed. The altimeter data for the Atlantic were Fourier analysed. It is shown how the annual and semi-annual components relate to the seasonal maximum cholorophyll-a SeaWiFS signal in tropical and equatorial regions due to the lifting of the thermocline caused by seasonally varying ocean currents forced by wind stress.


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A multi-sensor satellite approach based on ocean colour, sunglint and Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery is used to study the impact of interacting internal tidal (IT) waves on near-surface chlorophyll-a distribution, in the central Bay of Biscay. Satellite imagery was initially used to characterize the internal solitary wave (ISW) field in the study area, where the “local generation mechanism” was found to be associated with two distinct regions of enhanced barotropic tidal forcing. IT beams formed at the French shelf-break, and generated from critical bathymetry in the vicinities of one of these regions, were found to be consistent with “locally generated” ISWs. Representative case studies illustrate the existence of two different axes of IT propagation originating from the French shelf-break, which intersect close to 46°N, − 7°E, where strong IT interaction has been previously identified. Evidence of constructive interference between large IT waves is then presented and shown to be consistent with enhanced levels of chlorophyll-a concentration detected by means of ocean colour satellite sensors. Finally, the results obtained from satellite climatological mean chlorophyll-a concentration from late summer (i.e. September, when ITs and ISWs can meet ideal propagation conditions) suggest that elevated IT activity plays a significant role in phytoplankton vertical distribution, and therefore influences the late summer ecology in the central Bay of Biscay.


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MURAWSKI AND COLLEAGUES STATE THAT OUR assessment of the impacts of global marine biodiversity loss is overly pessimistic. They imply that management interventions are likely to reverse current trends of overfishing, and that the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has already met that goal. They cite Georges Bank haddock as an example and contest that catch metrics (as used in our global analysis) are sufficient to track the status of this particular fish stock and possibly others. We agree that precise biomass data are preferable, but these are rarely available. Here, we illustrate that catches are a good proxy of the status of haddock, although there can be a short delay in detecting recovery under intense management. While NMFS’s own data show that full recovery is still uncommon (<5% of overfished stocks) (1), we strongly agree that destructive trends can be turned around and that rebuilding efforts need to be intensified to meet that goal. But we must not miss the forest for the trees: Continuing focus on single, well-assessed, economically viable species will leave most of the ocean’s declining biodiversity under the radar.