940 resultados para RNA, ribosomal, 45S
PURPOSE: Activation of the double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase (PKR) leads to the induction of various pathways including the down-regulation of translation through phosphorylation of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha (eIF-2alpha). There have been no reports to date about the role of PKR in radiation sensitivity. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: A clonogenic survival assay was used to investigate the sensitivity of PKR mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEF) to radiation therapy. 2-Aminopurine (2-AP), a chemical inhibitor of PKR, was used to inhibit PKR activation. Nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation was assessed by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). Expression of PKR and downstream targets was examined by Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence. RESULTS: Ionizing radiation leads to dose- and time-dependent increases in PKR expression and function that contributes to increased cellular radiation resistance as shown by clonogenic survival and terminal nucleotidyl transferase-mediated nick end labeling (TUNEL) apoptosis assays. Specific inhibition of PKR with the chemical inhibitor 2-AP restores radiation sensitivity. Plasmid transfection of the PKR wild-type (wt) gene into PKR(-/-) MEFs leads to increased radiation resistance. The protective effect of PKR to radiation may be mediated in part through NF-kappaB and Akt because both NF-kappaB and Akt are activated after ionizing radiation in PKR+/+ but not PKR-/- cells. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest a novel role for PKR as a mediator of radiation resistance modulated in part through the protective effects of NF-kappaB and Akt activation. The modification of PKR activity may be a novel strategy in the future to overcome radiation resistance.
Here we describe a collection of methods that have been adapted to produce highly efficient nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts from adenovirus-infected HeLa cells. We describe how to produce extracts from virus-infected cells and how to analyze RNA splicing in vitro using T7 RNA polymerase-derived splicing substrate RNAs.
Microarrays have established as instrumental for bacterial detection, identification, and genotyping as well as for transcriptomic studies. For gene expression analyses using limited numbers of bacteria (derived from in vivo or ex vivo origin, for example), RNA amplification is often required prior to labeling and hybridization onto microarrays. Evaluation of the fidelity of the amplification methods is crucial for the robustness and reproducibility of microarray results. We report here the first utilization of random primers and the highly processive Phi29 phage polymerase to amplify material for transcription profiling analyses. We compared two commercial amplification methods (GenomiPhi and MessageAmp kits) with direct reverse-transcription as the reference method, focusing on the robustness of mRNA quantification using either microarrays or quantitative RT-PCR. Both amplification methods using either poly-A tailing followed by in vitro transcription, or direct strand displacement polymerase, showed appreciable linearity. Strand displacement technique was particularly affordable compared to in vitro transcription-based (IVT) amplification methods and consisted in a single tube reaction leading to high amplification yields. Real-time measurements using low-, medium-, and highly expressed genes revealed that this simple method provided linear amplification with equivalent results in terms of relative messenger abundance as those obtained by conventional direct reverse-transcription.
Background Molecular characterization of breast and other cancers by gene expression profiling has corroborated existing classifications and revealed novel subtypes. Most profiling studies are based on fresh frozen (FF) tumor material which is available only for a limited number of samples while thousands of tumor samples exist as formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) blocks. Unfortunately, RNA derived of FFPE material is fragmented and chemically modified impairing expression measurements by standard procedures. Robust protocols for isolation of RNA from FFPE material suitable for stable and reproducible measurement of gene expression (e.g. by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR, QPCR) remain a major challenge. Results We present a simple procedure for RNA isolation from FFPE material of diagnostic samples. The RNA is suitable for expression measurement by QPCR when used in combination with an optimized cDNA synthesis protocol and TaqMan assays specific for short amplicons. The FFPE derived RNA was compared to intact RNA isolated from the same tumors. Preliminary scores were computed from genes related to the ER response, HER2 signaling and proliferation. Correlation coefficients between intact and partially fragmented RNA from FFPE material were 0.83 to 0.97. Conclusion We developed a simple and robust method for isolating RNA from FFPE material. The RNA can be used for gene expression profiling. Expression measurements from several genes can be combined to robust scores representing the hormonal or the proliferation status of the tumor.
BACKGROUND: Culture-independent methods based on the 16S ribosomal RNA molecule are nowadays widely used for assessment of the composition of the intestinal microbiota, in relation to host health or probiotic efficacy. Because Bifidobacterium thermophilum was only recently isolated from human faeces until now, no specific real-time PCR (qPCR) assay has been developed for detection of this species as component of the bifidobacterial community of the human intestinal flora. RESULTS: Design of specific primers and probe was achieved based on comparison of 108 published bifidobacterial 16S rDNA sequences with the recently published sequence of the human faecal isolate B. thermophilum RBL67. Specificity of the primer was tested in silico by similarity search against the sequence database and confirmed experimentally by PCR amplification on 17 Bifidobacterium strains, representing 12 different species, and two Lactobacillus strains. The qPCR assay developed was linear for B. thermophilum RBL67 DNA quantities ranging from 0.02 ng/microl to 200 ng/microl and showed a detection limit of 10(5) cells per gram faeces. The application of this new qPCR assay allowed to detect the presence of B. thermophilum in one sample from a 6-month old breast-fed baby among 17 human faecal samples tested. Additionally, the specific qPCR primers in combination with selective plating experiments led to the isolation of F9K9, a faecal isolate from a 4-month old breast-fed baby. The 16S rDNA sequence of this isolate is 99.93% similar to that of B. thermophilum RBL67 and confirmed the applicability of the new qPCR assay in faecal samples. CONCLUSION: A new B. thermophilum-specific qPCR assay was developed based on species-specific target nucleotides in the 16S rDNA. It can be used to further characterize the composition of the bifidobacterial community in the human gastrointestinal tract. Until recently, B. thermophilum was considered as a species of animal origin, but here we confirm with the application of this new PCR assay the presence of B. thermophilum strains in the human gut.
RNA helicases represent a large family of proteins implicated in many biological processes including ribosome biogenesis, splicing, translation and mRNA degradation. However, these proteins have little substrate specificity, making inhibition of selected helicases a challenging problem. The prototypical DEAD box RNA helicase, eIF4A, works in conjunction with other translation factors to prepare mRNA templates for ribosome recruitment during translation initiation. Herein, we provide insight into the selectivity of a small molecule inhibitor of eIF4A, hippuristanol. This coral-derived natural product binds to amino acids adjacent to, and overlapping with, two conserved motifs present in the carboxy-terminal domain of eIF4A. Mutagenesis of amino acids within this region allowed us to alter the hippuristanol-sensitivity of eIF4A and undertake structure/function studies. Our results provide an understanding into how selective targeting of RNA helicases for pharmacological intervention can be achieved.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of CD4+ T-cell counts and other characteristics of HIV-infected individuals on hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA levels. METHODS: All HIV-HCV-coinfected Swiss HIV Cohort Study participants with available HCV RNA levels and concurrent CD4+ T-cell counts before starting HCV therapy were included. Potential predictors of HCV RNA levels were assessed by multivariate censored linear regression models that adjust for censored values. RESULTS: The study included 1,031 individuals. Low current and nadir CD4+ T-cell counts were significantly associated with higher HCV RNA levels (P = 0.004 and 0.001, respectively). In individuals with current CD4+ T-cell counts < 200/microl, median HCV RNA levels (6.22 log10 IU/ml) were +0.14 and +0.24 log10 IU/ml higher than those with CD4+ T-cell counts of 200-500/microl and > 500/microl. Based on nadir CD4+ T-cell counts, median HCV RNA levels (6.12 log10 IU/ml) in individuals with < 200/microl CD4+ T-cells were +0.06 and +0.44 log10 IU/ml higher than those with nadir T-cell counts of 200-500/microl and > 500/microl. Median HCV RNA levels were also significantly associated with HCV genotype: lower values were associated with genotype 4 and higher values with genotype 2, as compared with genotype 1. Additional significant predictors of lower HCV RNA levels were female gender and HIV transmission through male homosexual contacts. In multivariate analyses, only CD4+ T-cell counts and HCV genotype remained significant predictors of HCV RNA levels. Conclusions: Higher HCV RNA levels were associated with CD4+ T-cell depletion. This finding is in line with the crucial role of CD4+ T-cells in the control of HCV infection.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of cognitive-behavioral stress management (CBSM) training on clinical and psychosocial markers in HIV-infected persons. METHODS: A randomized controlled trial in four HIV outpatient clinics of 104 HIV-infected persons taking combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), measuring HIV-1 surrogate markers, adherence to therapy and well-being 12 months after 12 group sessions of 2 h CBSM training. RESULTS: Intent-to-treat analyses showed no effects on HIV-1 surrogate markers in the CBSM group compared with the control group: HIV-1 RNA < 50 copies/ml in 81.1% [95% confidence interval (CI), 68.0-90.6] and 74.5% (95% CI, 60.4-85.7), respectively (P = 0.34), and mean CD4 cell change from baseline of 53.0 cells/microl (95% CI, 4.1-101.8) and 15.5 cells/microl (95% CI, -34.3 to 65.4), respectively (P = 0.29). Self-reported adherence to therapy did not differ between groups at baseline (P = 0.53) or at 12 month's post-intervention (P = 0.47). Significant benefits of CBSM over no intervention were observed in mean change of quality of life scores: physical health 2.9 (95% CI, 0.7-5.1) and -0.2 (95% CI, -2.1 to 1.8), respectively (P = 0.05); mental health 4.8 (95% CI, 1.8-7.3) and -0.5 (95% CI, -3.3 to 2.2) (P = 0.02); anxiety -2.1 (95% CI, -3.6 to -1.0) and 0.3 (95% CI, -0.7 to 1.4), respectively (P = 0.002); and depression -2.1 (95% CI, -3.2 to -0.9) and 0.02 (95% CI, -1.0 to 1.1), respectively (P = 0.001). Alleviation of depression and anxiety symptoms were most pronounced among participants with high psychological distress at baseline. CONCLUSION: CBSM training of HIV-infected persons taking on cART does not improve clinical outcome but has lasting effects on quality of life and psychological well-being.
Quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR (QRT-PCR) is a robust method to quantitate RNA abundance. The procedure is highly sensitive and reproducible as long as the initial RNA is intact. However, breaks in the RNA due to chemical or enzymatic cleavage may reduce the number of RNA molecules that contain intact amplicons. As a consequence, the number of molecules available for amplification decreases. We determined the relation between RNA fragmentation and threshold values (Ct values) in subsequent QRT-PCR for four genes in an experimental model of intact and partially hydrolyzed RNA derived from a cell line and we describe the relation between RNA integrity, amplicon size and Ct values in this biologically homogenous system. We demonstrate that degradation-related shifts of Ct values can be compensated by calculating delta Ct values between test genes and the mean values of several control genes. These delta Ct values are less sensitive to fragmentation of the RNA and are unaffected by varying amounts of input RNA. The feasibility of the procedure was demonstrated by comparing Ct values from a larger panel of genes in intact and in partially degraded RNA. We compared Ct values from intact RNA derived from well-preserved tumor material and from fragmented RNA derived from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples of the same tumors. We demonstrate that the relative abundance of gene expression can be based on FFPE material even when the amount of RNA in the sample and the extent of fragmentation are not known.
BACKGROUND: With current treatment strategies, nearly half of all medulloblastoma (MB) patients die from progressive tumors. Accordingly, the identification of novel therapeutic strategies remains a major goal. Deregulation of c-MYC is evident in numerous human cancers. In MB, over-expression of c-MYC has been shown to cause anaplasia and correlate with unfavorable prognosis. METHODS: To study the role of c-MYC in MB biology, we down-regulated c-MYC expression by using small interfering RNA (siRNA) and investigated changes in cellular proliferation, cell cycle analysis, apoptosis, telomere maintenance, and response to ionizing radiation (IR) and chemotherapeutics in a representative panel of human MB cell lines expressing different levels of c-MYC (DAOY wild-type, DAOY transfected with the empty vector, DAOY transfected with c-MYC, D341, and D425). RESULTS: siRNA-mediated c-MYC down-regulation resulted in an inhibition of cellular proliferation and clonogenic growth, inhibition of G1-S phase cell cycle progression, and a decrease in human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) expression and telomerase activity. On the other hand, down-regulation of c-MYC reduced apoptosis and decreased the sensitivity of human MB cells to IR, cisplatin, and etoposide. This effect was more pronounced in DAOY cells expressing high levels of c-MYC when compared with DAOY wild-type or DAOY cells transfected with the empty vector. CONCLUSION: In human MB cells, in addition to its roles in growth and proliferation, c-MYC is also a potent inducer of apoptosis. Therefore, targeting c-MYC might be of therapeutic benefit when used sequentially with chemo- and radiotherapy rather than concomitantly.
Metazoan replication-dependent histone mRNAs do not have a poly(A) tail but end instead in a conserved stem-loop structure. Efficient translation of these mRNAs is dependent on the stem-loop binding protein (SLBP). Here we explore the mechanism by which SLBP stimulates translation in vertebrate cells, using the tethered function assay and analyzing protein-protein interactions. We show for the first time that translational stimulation by SLBP increases during oocyte maturation and that SLBP stimulates translation at the level of initiation. We demonstrate that SLBP can interact directly with subunit h of eIF3 and with Paip1; however, neither of these interactions is sufficient to mediate its effects on translation. We find that Xenopus SLBP1 functions primarily at an early stage in the cap-dependent initiation pathway, targeting small ribosomal subunit recruitment. Analysis of IRES-driven translation in Xenopus oocytes suggests that SLBP activity requires eIF4E. We propose a model in which a novel factor contacts eIF4E bound to the 5' cap and SLBP bound to the 3' end simultaneously, mediating formation of an alternative end-to-end complex.
OBJECTIVES: CD4 cell count and plasma viral load are well known predictors of AIDS and mortality in HIV-1-infected patients treated with combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). This study investigated, in patients treated for at least 3 years, the respective prognostic importance of values measured at cART initiation, and 6 and 36 months later, for AIDS and death. METHODS: Patients from 15 HIV cohorts included in the ART Cohort Collaboration, aged at least 16 years, antiretroviral-naive when they started cART and followed for at least 36 months after start of cART were eligible. RESULTS: Among 14 208 patients, the median CD4 cell counts at 0, 6 and 36 months were 210, 320 and 450 cells/microl, respectively, and 78% of patients achieved viral load less than 500 copies/ml at 6 months. In models adjusted for characteristics at cART initiation and for values at all time points, values at 36 months were the strongest predictors of subsequent rates of AIDS and death. Although CD4 cell count and viral load at cART initiation were no longer prognostic of AIDS or of death after 36 months, viral load at 6 months and change in CD4 cell count from 6 to 36 months were prognostic for rates of AIDS from 36 months. CONCLUSIONS: Although current values of CD4 cell count and HIV-1 RNA are the most important prognostic factors for subsequent AIDS and death rates in HIV-1-infected patients treated with cART, changes in CD4 cell count from 6 to 36 months and the value of 6-month HIV-1 RNA are also prognostic for AIDS.
Several bacteria belonging to the family Pasteurellaceae are potential pathogens in rabbits. In particular, Pasteurella multocida is considered to be important, and outbreaks caused by this species result in considerable economic losses in rabbitries. However, Pasteurellaceae spp. isolated from rabbits are poorly characterized, and thus, proper identification of P. multocida isolates from these animals is problematic and often unsatisfactory, thereby hampering epidemiological investigations. Therefore, 228 isolates from rabbit populations originating from a breeding and fattening organization with group management and postmortem cases with pasteurellosis from individual owners were phenotypically and genotypically analyzed using biochemical tests and repetitive extragenic palindromic polymerase chain reaction (REP-PCR). Furthermore, 41 samples representing observed phenotypes were selected for phylogenetic analysis using 16S ribosomal RNA and rpoB genes. The REP-PCR typing and phylogenetic analyses correlated well and appeared to be distinct molecular methods for characterization of rabbit isolates. Phenotyping, however, diverged from molecular recognition, reflecting the problematic conventional diagnosis of these strains. The fermentation of sorbitol appeared to be an imprecise indicator for P. multocida subspecies classification. According to REP-PCR and sequencing results, 82% of the isolates were characterized as P. multocida subsp. multocida, 3% as P. multocida subsp. septica, and 5% as P. multocida. Further, 5% were identified as Pasteurella canis. The other 5% represented a homogeneous group of unknown species belonging to the Pasteurellaceae. Samples obtained from individual postmortem cases demonstrated a higher phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity than samples from group management rabbits.
Tritrichomonas foetus, a parasite well known for its significance as venereally transmitted pathogen in cattle, has recently been identified as a cause of chronic large-bowel diarrhea in domestic cats in the US, UK, and, more recently, also in Norway. In a period of 3 months (October to December 2007), 45 cats of Switzerland suffering from chronic diarrhea were investigated for intestinal infections, including a search for trichomonads. A commercially available in vitro culture system was used to screen for infection, complemented with a PCR and subsequent amplicon sequencing to support speciation. The PCR is based upon amplification of a sequence derived from the internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1) on the ribosomal RNA gene (rRNA) using primers designed to detect a broad range of genera and species belonging to the family of Trichomonadidae. The method was furthermore adapted to the uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) system in order to prevent carry-over contamination and it included a recombinant internal control to track for inhibitory reactions. Eleven out of the 45 cats were culture-positive, as revealed by microscopic identification of trichomonadid organisms. One of the isolates was subjected to scanning electron microscopy and findings revealed the presence of three flagella, thus placing the isolate into the gender Tritrichomonas sp. PCR and subsequent amplicon sequencing were carried out with ten of the 11 isolates. A total homology with published T. foetus sequences was confirmed in all of the cases. T. foetus therefore appears to range among those organisms that can cause chronic diarrhea in cats in Switzerland.