979 resultados para RNA, Ribosomal, 16S


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In this study, using a combined data set of SSU rDNA and gGAPDH gene sequences, we provide phylogenetic evidence that supports Clustering of crocodilian trypanosomes from the Brazilian Caiman yacare (Alligatoridae) and Trypanosoma grayi, a species that Circulates between African crocodiles (Crocodilydae) and tsetse flies. In a survey of trypanosomes in Caiman yacare from the Brazilian Pantanal, the prevalence of trypanosome infection was 35% as determined by microhaematocrit and haemoculture, and 9 cultures were obtained. The morphology of trypomastigotes from caiman blood and tissue imprints was compared with those described for other crocodilian trypanosomes. Differences in morphology and growth behaviour of caiman trypanosomes were corroborated by molecular polymorphism that revealed 2 genotypes. Eight isolates were ascribed to genotype Cay01 and 1 to genotype Cay02. Phylogenetic inferences based on concatenated SSU rDNA and gGAPDII sequences showed that caiman isolates are closely related to T. grayi, constituting a well-supported monophyletic assemblage (clade T. grayi). Divergence time estimates based on clade composition, and biogeographical and geological events were used to discuss the relationships between the evolutionary histories of crocodilian trypanosomes and their hosts.


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Five species of mycoplasma are associated with several rat diseases. Mycoplasma pulmonis is the most important and most studied, possibly causing disease in rats and undermining the validity of laboratory experiments. M. pulmonis was isolated in 144/240 laboratory rats and identified by PCR in 155/240. This species was also detected in 12 human individuals (technicians of a laboratory animal house hold) in contact with these rats. The results were confirmed by sequencing of DNA products. Mycoplasma species are host specific; however, M. pulmonis was identified in humans, suggesting a case of unspecific colonization. Statistical analysis shows a greater risk for M. pulmonis colonizing individuals who are exposed to infected rats in animal facilities than individuals who do not. The detection of M. pulmonis in humans indicates a new status for this mollicute mycoplasmas in animal-holding facilities.


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Blood examination by microhaematocrit and haemoculture of 459 snakes belonging to 37 species revealed 24% trypanosome prevalence in species of Viperidae (Crotalus durissus and Bothrops jararaca) and Colubridae (Pseudoboa nigra). Trypanosome cultures from C. durissus and P. nigra were behaviourally and morphologically indistinguishable. In addition, the growth and morphological features of a trypanosome from the sand fly Viannaniyia tuberculata were similar to those of snake isolates. Cross-infection experiments revealed a lack of host restriction, as snakes of 3 species were infected with the trypanosome from C. durissus. Phylogeny based on ribosomal sequences revealed that snake trypanosomes clustered together with the sand fly trypanosome, forming a new phylogenetic lineage within Trypanosoma closest to a clade of lizard trypanosomes transmitted by sand flies dagger. The clade of trypanosomes from snakes and lizards suggests an association between the evolutionary histories of these trypanosomes and their squamate hosts. Moreover, data strongly indicated that these trypanosomes are transmitted by sand flies. The flaws of the current taxonomy of snake trypanosomes are discussed, and the need for molecular parameters to be adopted is emphasized. To our knowledge, this is the first molecular phylogenetic study of snake trypanosomes.


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We characterized four Brazilian trypanosomes isolated from domestic rats and three from captive nonhuman primates that were morphologically similar to T. lewisi, a considered non-pathogenic species restricted to rodents and transmitted by fleas, despite its potential pathogenicity for infants. These isolates were identified as T. lewisi by barcoding using V7V8 SSU rDNA sequences. In inferred phylogenetic trees, all isolates clustered tightly with reference T. lewisi and T. lewisi-like trypanosomes from Europe, Asia and Africa and despite their high sequence conservation formed a homogeneous clade separate from other species of the subgenus T. (Herpetosoma). With the aim of clearly resolving the relationships between the Brazilian isolates from domestic rats and primates, we compared sequences from more polymorphic ITS rDNA. Results corroborated that isolates from Brazilian rats and monkeys were indeed of the same species and quite close to T. lewisi isolates of humans and rats from different geographical regions. Morphology of the monkey isolates and their behaviour in culture and in experimentally infected rats were also compatible with T. lewisi. However, infection with T. lewisi is rare among monkeys. We have examined more than 200 free-ranging and 160 captive monkeys and found only three infected individuals among the monkeys held in captivity. The findings of this work suggest that proximity of monkeys and infected rats and their exposure to infected fleas may be responsible for the host switching of T. Iewisi from their natural rodent species to primates. This and previous studies reporting T. lewisi in humans suggest that this trypanosome can cause sporadic and opportunistic fleaborne infection in primates. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) is an important avian pathogen may cause both respiratory disease and joint inflammation synovitis in poultry, causing economic losses to the Brazilian poultry industry. The genotypic variation in 16S rRNA gene is unknown. Partial sequences of 16S rRNA gene of 19 strains of M. synoviae were sequenced and analyzed in order to obtain molecular characterization and evaluation of the genetic variability of strains from distinct Brazilian areas of poultry production. Different polymorphic patterns were observed. The number of polymorphic alterations in the studied strains ranged from 0 to 6. The nucleotide variations, including deletion, insertion and substitutions, ranged from 3 to 5. The genotypic diversity observed in this study may be explained by spontaneous mutations that may occur when a lineage remains in the same flock for long periods. The culling and reposition in poultry flocks may be responsible for the entry of new strains in different areas. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ureaplasma diversum infection in bulls may result in seminal vesiculitis, balanoposthitis and alterations in spermatozoids. In cows, it can cause placentitis, fetal alveolitis, abortion and the birth of weak calves. U. diversum ATCC 49782 (serogroups A), ATCC 49783 (serogroup C) and 34 field isolates were used for this study. These microorganisms were submitted to Polymerase Chain Reaction for 16S gene sequence determination using Tact High Fidelity and the products were purified and bi-directionally sequenced. Using the sequence obtained, a fragment containing four hypervariable regions was selected and nucleotide polymorphisms were identified based on their position within the 16S rRNA gene. Forty-four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were detected. The genotypic variability of the 16S rRNA gene of U. diversum isolates shows that the taxonomy classification of these organisms is likely much more complex than previously described and that 16S rRNA gene sequencing may be used to suggest an epidemiologic pattern of different origin strains. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The majority of individuals in the chronic phase of Chagas disease are asymptomatic (indeterminate form, IF). Each year, similar to 3% of them develop lesions in the heart or gastrointestinal tract. Cardiomyopathy (CCHD) is the most severe manifestation of Chagas disease. The factors that determine the outcome of the infection are unknown, but certainly depend on complex interactions amongst the genetic make-up of the parasite, the host immunogenetic background and environment. In a previous study we verified that the maxicircle gene NADH dehydrogenase (mitochondrial complex 1) subunit 7 (ND7) from IF isolates had a 455 bp deletion compared with the wild type (WT) ND7 gene from CCHD strains. We proposed that ND7 could constitute a valuable target for PCR assays in the differential diagnosis of the infective strain. In the present study we evaluated this hypothesis by examination of ND7 structure in parasites from 75 patients with defined pathologies, from Southeast Brazil. We also analysed the structure of additional mitochondrial genes (ND4/CR4, COIII and COII) since the maxicircle is used for clustering Trypanosoma cruzi strains into three clades/haplogroups. We conclude that maxicircle genes do not discriminate parasite populations which induce IF or CCHD forms. Interestingly, the great majority of the analysed isolates belong to T cruzi 11 (discrete typing unit, (DTU) IIb) genotype. This scenario is at variance with the prevalence of hybrid (DTU IId) human isolates in Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. The distribution of WT and deleted ND7 and ND4 genes in T cruzi strains suggests that mutations in the two genes occurred in different ancestrals in the T cruzi 11 cluster, allowing the identification of at least three mitochondrial sub-lineages within this group. The observation that T. cruzi strains accumulate mutations in several genes coding for complex I subunits favours the hypothesis that complex I may have a limited activity in this parasite. (C) 2009 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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U3 snoRNA is transcribed from two intron-containing genes in yeast, snR17A and snR17B. Although the assembly of the U3 snoRNP has not been precisely determined, at least some of the core box C/D proteins are known to bind pre-U3 co-transcriptionally, thereby affecting splicing and 3 `-end processing of this snoRNA. We identified the interaction between the box C/D assembly factor Nop17p and Cwc24p, a novel yeast RING finger protein that had been previously isolated in a complex with the splicing factor Cef1p. Here we show that, consistent with the protein interaction data, Cwc24p localizes to the cell nucleus, and its depletion leads to the accumulation of both U3 pre-snoRNAs. U3 snoRNA is involved in the early cleavages of 35 S pre-rRNA, and the defective splicing of pre-U3 detected in cells depleted of Cwc24p causes the accumulation of the 35 S precursor rRNA. These results led us to the conclusion that Cwc 24p is involved in pre-U3 snoRNA splicing, indirectly affecting pre-rRNA processing.


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RNA isolation is essential to study gene expression at the molecular level. However, RNA isolation is difficult in organisms (plants and algae) that contain large amounts of polysaccharides, which co-precipitate with RNA. Currently, there is no commercial kit available, specifically for the isolation of high-quality RNA from these organisms. Furthermore, because of the large amounts of polysaccharides, the common protocols for RNA isolation usually result in poor yields when applied to algae. Here we describe a simple method for RNA isolation from the marine red macroalga Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui Zhang et Xia (Rhodophyta), which can be applied to other plants and algae.


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In eukaryotes, pre-rRNA processing depends on a large number of nonribosomal trans-acting factors that form intriguingly organized complexes. Two intermediate complexes, pre-40S and pre-60S, are formed at the early stages of 35S pre-rRNA processing and give rise to the mature ribosome subunits. Each of these complexes contains specific pre-rRNAs, some ribosomal proteins and processing factors. The novel yeast protein Utp25p has previously been identified in the nucleolus, an indication that this protein could be involved in ribosome biogenesis. Here we show that Utp25p interacts with the SSU processome proteins Sas10p and Mpp10p, and affects 18S rRNA maturation. Depletion of Utp25p leads to accumulation of the pre-rRNA 35S and the aberrant rRNA 23S, and to a severe reduction in 40S ribosomal subunit levels. Our results indicate that Utp25p is a novel SSU processome subunit involved in pre-40S maturation.


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Trypanosoma cruzi is highly diverse genetically and has been partitioned into six discrete typing units (DTUs), recently re-named T. cruzi I-VI. Although T. cruzi reproduces predominantly by binary division, accumulating evidence indicates that particular DTUs are the result of hybridization events. Two major scenarios for the origin of the hybrid lineages have been proposed. It is accepted widely that the most heterozygous TcV and TcVI DTUs are the result of genetic exchange between TcII and TcIII strains. On the other hand, the participation of a TcI parental in the current genome structure of these hybrid strains is a matter of debate. Here, sequences of the T. cruzi-specific 195-bp satellite DNA of TcI, TcII, Tat, TcV, and TcVI strains have been used for inferring network genealogies. The resulting genealogy showed a high degree of reticulation, which is consistent with more than one event of hybridization between the Tc DTUs. The data also strongly suggest that Tat is a hybrid with two distinct sets of satellite sequences, and that genetic exchange between TcI and TcII parentals occurred within the pedigree of the TcV and TcVI DTUs. Although satellite DNAs belong to the fast-evolving portion of eukaryotic genomes, in >100 satellite units of nine T. cruzi strains we found regions that display 100% identity. No DTU-specific consensus motifs were identified, inferring species-wide conservation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The systematic relationships among Australian palaemonid shrimps have been the subject of speculation for some time. A preliminary phylogenetic study was undertaken to clarify the relationships of five species, Macrobrachium intermedium (Stimpson), M. australiense (Holthuis), M. atactum (Riek), M. rosenbergii (de Man) and Palaemon serenus (Heller), using 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene sequences. Phylogenetic analyses indicated inconsistencies with the current classification in two respects. First, M. intermedium formed a very well-supported clade with P. serenus distinct from M. australiense, M. atactum and M. rosenbergii. Second, the two species from inland Australia, M. australiense and M. atactum, showed a high level of genetic similarity over a substantial geographic range, suggesting that they may represent conspecific populations. The taxonomic and biogeographic implications of these findings for Macrobrachium in Australia are discussed.


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Approximately 440 base pairs (bp) of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal ribose nucleic acid (rRNA) coding region were sequenced from 13 marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith), samples from six locations and samples of two additional Cherax species from Western Australia. The results indicated that, with the exception of the Margaret River, no variation was found within or between marron populations. In contrast, marron from the Margaret River were found to be polymorphic for two divergent haplotypes (2.76% divergence). These findings were consistent with allozyme data that highlight the general lack of genetic variability within and between populations of this species apart from the Margaret River stocks. The genetic polymorphisms in the Margaret River stocks contrasted with earlier studies and indicated the recent translocation and mixing of genetically differentiated stocks within this river system. The implications of these findings for the conservation and management of genetic diversity within marron are discussed.


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One of the most important requirements for systematic and phylogenetic studies is the identification of gene regions with the appropriate level of variation for the question of interest. Molecular phylogenetic and systematic studies of freshwater crayfish have made use of DNA sequences mainly from ribosomal genes, especially the 16S rRNA gene region. Thus, little information is available on other potentially useful mitochondrial gene regions for systematic studies in these animals. In this study, we look at nucleotide variation and phylogenetic relations within and between four species of freshwater crayfish of the genus Cherax from the southwest of Western Australia using four fragments amplified from the 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI), and Cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene regions. Samples of Engaeus strictifrons, Euastacus bispinosus, and Geocharax falcata were also sequenced for comparative purposes. The size of the fragments varied from 358 bp to 600 bp. Across all samples, the four fragments showed significant phylogenetic signal and showed similar proportions of variable sites (28.81–37.33%). Average divergence within species for the mitochondrial gene regions varied from 1.18% to 4.91%, with the 16S rRNA being the least variable and Cyt b the most variable. Average divergence between species ranged 7.63–15.53%, with 16S rRNA being the least variable and COI the most variable. At the generic level, average divergence ranged 17.21–23.82%. Phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, and COI regions generated four clades consistent with the presence of four species previously identified on the basis of allozyme and morphological studies. The relationships among samples were largely congruent across the data set, although some relationships remained unresolved. Not all samples could be amplified using the Cyt b primers, and some of those that were showed quite anomalous relationships, suggesting that one or more Cyt b pseudogenes were being amplified.


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This study uses nucleotide sequences from the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene to investigate the taxonomy and phylogeny of freshwater crayfish belonging to the 'Cherax destructor' complex. The sequencing of an approximately 440-bp fragment of this gene region from freshwater crayfish sampled from 14 locations identified significant haplotype diversity. Phylogenetic analysis found three distinct clades that correspond to the species C. rotundus, C. setosus and C. destructor. C. rotundus is largely confined to Victoria, and C. setosus is restricted to coastal areas north of Newcastle in New South Wales. C. destructor is widely distributed in eastern Australia and shows significant phylogeographic structure, with three well supported clades. None of these clades, however, correspond to species previously recognised as C. esculus, C. davisi or C. albidus. The failure to genetically distinguish these morphologically defined species is consistent with reproductive information and morphological plasticity relating to habitat similar to that documented for other Cherax species.