We present a theoretical analysis of three-dimensional (3D) matter-wave solitons and their stability properties in coupled atomic and molecular Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). The soliton solutions to the mean-field equations are obtained in an approximate analytical form by means of a variational approach. We investigate soliton stability within the parameter space described by the atom-molecule conversion coupling, the atom-atom s-wave scattering, and the bare formation energy of the molecular species. In terms of ordinary optics, this is analogous to the process of sub- or second-harmonic generation in a quadratic nonlinear medium modified by a cubic nonlinearity, together with a phase mismatch term between the fields. While the possibility of formation of multidimensional spatiotemporal solitons in pure quadratic media has been theoretically demonstrated previously, here we extend this prediction to matter-wave interactions in BEC systems where higher-order nonlinear processes due to interparticle collisions are unavoidable and may not be neglected. The stability of the solitons predicted for repulsive atom-atom interactions is investigated by direct numerical simulations of the equations of motion in a full 3D lattice. Our analysis also leads to a possible technique for demonstrating the ground state of the Schrodinger-Newton and related equations that describe Bose-Einstein condensates with nonlocal interparticle forces.
This paper reports on a short term mentoring project conducted in the Australian state of Queensland to foster non-traditional career exploration for girls in the communications/informa - tion technology industry. The aim of the study was to evaluate the possibilities of a short term mentoring program to foster girls’interest in a non-traditional industry. In addition it sought to exam - ine the viability of mentoring as a career guidance activity in schools. The findings indicate that mentoring could be a worthy addition to the repertoire of career guidance activities offered by schools and that it is a valuable process in promoting non-traditional career exploration for girls.
Spinal cord injury usually results in permanent paralysis because of lack of regrowth of damaged neurons. Here we demonstrate that adult mice lacking EphA4 (-/-), a molecule essential for correct guidance of spinal cord axons during development, exhibit axonal regeneration and functional recovery after spinal cord hemisection. Anterograde and retrograde tracing showed that axons from multiple pathways, including corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts, crossed the lesion site. EphA4 -/- mice recovered stride length, the ability to walk on and climb a grid, and the ability to grasp with the affected hindpaw within 1-3 months of injury. EphA4 expression was upregulated on astrocytes at the lesion site in wild-type mice, whereas astrocytic gliosis and the glial scar were greatly reduced in lesioned EphA4-/- spinal cords. EphA4 -/- astrocytes failed to respond to the inflammatory cytokines, interferon-gamma or leukemia inhibitory factor, in vitro. Neurons grown on wild-type astrocytes extended shorter neurites than on EphA4 -/- astrocytes, but longer neurites when the astrocyte EphA4 was blocked by monomeric EphrinA5-Fc. Thus, EphA4 regulates two important features of spinal cord injury, axonal inhibition, and astrocytic gliosis.
Data provided by 7380 middle managers from 60 nations are used to determine whether demographic variables are correlated with managers’ reliance on vertical sources of guidance in different nations and whether these correlations differ depending on national culture characteristics. Significant effects of Hofstede’s national culture scores, age, gender, organization ownership and department function are found. After these main effects have been discounted, significant although weak interactions are found, indicating that demographic effects are stronger in individualist, low power distance nations than elsewhere. Significant non-predicted interaction effects of uncertainty avoidance and masculinity-femininity are also obtained. The implications for theory and practice of the use of demographic attributes in understanding effective management procedures in various parts of the world are discussed.
At autopsy, Alzheimer's disease is characterised by the presence of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, made up of two peptide sequences, amyloid-beta(1-40) (A beta 40) and amyloid-beta(1-42) (A beta 42). In Tyrode's solution (2 mM Ca2+), 10 mu M A beta 42 peptide almost immediately aggregates and eventually forms p-sheets. This aggregation can be inhibited with 4,5-dianilinophthalimide (DAPH). Ca2+-permeant AMPA receptors are involved in the neuronal Ca2+ influx (neurotoxicity) induced by the A beta 42 peptide in cultured neuronal cells. The Ca2+ influx observed with pre-incubated A beta 42 peptide was inhibited by DAPH. DAPH also inhibits epidermal growth factor receptor kinase, and this will prevent its development for use in Alzheimer's disease. The potential of DAPH as a small-molecule lead compound for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease next requires the separation of the structural requirements that reverse fibril formation and inhibit epidermal growth factor receptor kinase.
The human brain assembles an incredible network of over a billion neurons. Understanding how these connections form during development in order for the brain to function properly is a fundamental question in biology. Much of this wiring takes place during embryonic development. Neurons are generated in the ventricular zone, migrate out, and begin to differentiate. However, neurons are often born in locations some distance from the target cells with which they will ultimately form connections. To form connections, neurons project long axons tipped with a specialized sensing device called a growth cone. The growing axons interact directly with molecules within the environment through which they grow. In order to find their targets, axonal growth cones use guidance molecules that can either attract or repel them. Understanding what these guidance cues are, where they are expressed, and how the growth cone is able to transduce their signal in a directionally specific manner is essential to understanding how the functional brain is constructed. In this chapter, we review what is known about the mechanisms involved in axonal guidance. We discuss how the growth cone is able to sense and respond to its environment and how it is guided by pioneering cells and axons. As examples, we discuss current models for the development of the spinal cord, the cerebral cortex, and the visual and olfactory systems. (c) 2005, Elsevier Inc.
DCC (deleted in colorectal cancer)-the receptor of the netrin-1 neuronal guidance factor-is expressed and is active in the central nervous system (CNS) during development, but is down-regulated during maturation. The substantia nigra contains the highest level of netrin-1 mRNA in the adult rodent brain, and corresponding mRNA for DCC has also been detected in this region but has not been localized to any particular neuron type. In this study, an antibody raised against DCC was used to determine if the protein was expressed by adult dopamine neurons, and identify their distribution and projections. Significant DCC-immunoreactivity was detected in midbrain, where it was localized to ventrally displaced A9 dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra, and ventromedial A10 dopamine neurons predominantly situated in and around the interfascicular nucleus. Strong immunoreactivity was not detected in dopamine neurons found elsewhere, or in non-dopamine-containing neurons in the midbrain. Terminal fields selectively labeled with DCC antibody corresponded to known nigrostriatal projections to the dorsolateral striatal patches and dorsomedial shell of the accumbens, and were also detected in prefrontal cortex, septum, lateral habenular and ventral pallidum. The unique distribution of DCC-immunoreactivity in adult ventral midbrain dopamine neurons suggests that netrin-1/DCC signaling could function in plasticity and remodeling previously identified in dopamine projection pathways. In particular, a recent report that DCC is regulated through the ubiquitin-proteosome system via Siah/Sina proteins, is consistent with a potential involvement in genetic and sporadic forms of Parkinson's disease. (c) 2005 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Primary sensory neurons in the vertebrate olfactory systems are characterised by the differential expression of distinct cell surface carbohydrates. We show here that the histo-blood groups Sda (or CT1 antigen) and H are expressed by primary sensory neurons in the olfactory system, while the blood group A carbohydrate is expressed by a subset of vomeronasal neurons only in the developing accessory olfactory system. We have used both loss-of-function and gain-of-function approaches to manipulate expression of these carbohydrates in the olfactory system. In null mutant mice lacking the alpha(1,2)fucosyltransferase FUT1, the blood group H and A carbohydrates were not expressed in the olfactory systems which caused delayed development of the nerve fibre and glomerular layers in the main olfactory bulb. In contrast, ubiquitous expression of blood group A on olfactory axons in gain-of-function transgenic mice perturbed the ability of vomeronasal axons to terminate in the accessory olfactory bulb and affected the selective targeting of axons in the main olfactory bulb. During regeneration following bulbectomy, vomeronasal axons were unable to effectively sort out from the main olfactory axons when blood group A was misexpressed. These results provide in vivo evidence for a role of specific cell surface carbohydrates during development and regeneration of the olfactory nerve pathways.
Primary sensory neurons in the vertebrate olfactory systems are characterised by the differential expression of distinct cell surface carbohydrates. We show here that the histo-blood group H carbohydrate is expressed by primary sensory neurons in both the main and accessory olfactory systems while the blood group A carbohydrate is expressed by a subset of vomeronasal neurons in the developing accessory olfactory system. We have used both loss-of-function and gain-of-function approaches to manipulate expression of these carbohydrates in the olfactory system. In null mutant mice lacking the alpha(1,2)fucosyltransferase FUT1, the absence of blood group H carbohydrate resulted in the delayed maturation of the glomerular layer of the main olfactory bulb. In addition, ubiquitous expression of blood group A on olfactory axons in gain-of-function transgenic mice caused mis-routing of axons in the glomerular layer of the main olfactory bulb and led to exuberant growth of vomeronasal axons in the accessory olfactory bulb. These results provide in vivo evidence for a role of specific cell surface carbohydrates during development of the olfactory nerve pathways. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Cortical midline glia are critical to the formation of the corpus callosum during development. The glial wedge is a Population of midline glia that is located at the corticoseptal boundary and expresses repulsive/growth-inhibitory molecules that guide callosal axons as they cross the midline. The glial wedge are the first cells within the cortex to express GFAP and thus may express molecules specific for glial maturation. The corticoseptal boundary is a genetically defined boundary between the cingulate cortex (dorsal telencephalon) and the septum (ventral telencephalon). The correct dorso-ventral position of this boundary is vital to the formation of both the glial wedge and the corpus callosum. Our aim was to identify genes expressed specifically within the glial wedge that might be involved in either glial differentiation, formation of the corticoseptal boundary or development of the corpus callosum. To identify such genes we have performed a differential display PCR screen comparing RNA isolated from the glial wedge with RNA isolated from control tissues such as the neocortex and septum, of embryonic day 17 mouse brains. Using 200 different combinations of primers, we identified and cloned 67 distinct gene fragments. In situ hybridization analysis confirmed the differential expression of many of the genes, and showed that clones G24F3, G39F8 and transcription factor LZIP have specific expression patterns in the telencephalon of embryonic and postnatal brains. An RNase Protection Assay (RPA) revealed that the expression of G39F8, G24173 and LZIP increase markedly in the telencephalon at E16 and continue to be expressed until at least PO, during the period when the corpus callosum is forming. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Members of the Wnt family and their receptors, the Frizzleds, are key regulators of pivotal developmental processes including embryonic patterning, specification of cell fate, and determination of cell polarity. The versatility and complexity of Wnt signaling has been further highlighted by the emergence of a novel family of Wnt receptors, the Ryk family. In mammals and flies, Ryk is a key chemorepulsive axon guidance receptor responsible for the establishment of important axon tracts during nervous system development. Although the function of Ryk is currently best understood with respect to this role, its widespread expression, both in developing tissues and in the adult, suggests that Ryk may regulate many essential biological processes. This hypothesis is supported by the multiple developmental phenotypes apparent in Ryk loss-of-function mice. These mice display a variety of embryonic abnormalities, including disruption of skeletal, craniofacial and cardiac development. Here we review Ryk structure and function focusing on its activity as an axon guidance receptor. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A proposal for using single molecules as nanoprobes capable of detecting the trajectory of an elementary charge is discussed in detail. Presented numerical simulations prove that this singlemolecule technique allows determination of a three-dimensional single-electron displacement within a few seconds with an accurocy better than 0.006 nm. Surprisingly, this significantly exceeds the accuracy with which the probe;, molecule itself can be localized (given the same measuring time by means of single-molecule microscopy. It is also shown that the optimal concentration of probe molecules in the vicinity of:the electron (i.e. the concentration which provides the best accuracy of the inferred electron displacement) is of the order of 10(-5) m.
Ryk (receptor related to tyrosine kinase) has been shown to be a novel Wnt receptor in both Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. Recently, Ryk-Wnt interactions were shown to guide corticospinal axons down the embryonic mouse spinal cord. Here we show that, in Ryk-deficient mice, cortical axons project aberrantly across the major forebrain commissure, the corpus callosum. Many mouse mutants have been described in which loss-of-function mutations result in the inability of callosal axons to cross the midline, thereby forming Probst bundles on the ipsilateral side. In contrast, loss of Ryk does not interfere with the ability of callosal axons to cross the midline but impedes their escape from the midline into the contralateral side. Therefore, Ryk(-/-) mice display a novel callosal guidance phenotype. We also show that Wnt5a acts as a chemorepulsive ligand for Ryk, driving callosal axons toward the contralateral hemisphere after crossing the midline. In addition, whereas callosal axons do cross the midline in Ryk(-/-) embryos, they are defasciculated on the ipsilateral side, indicating that Ryk also promotes fasciculation of axons before midline crossing. In summary, this study expands the emerging role for Wnts in axon guidance and identifies Ryk as a key guidance receptor in the establishment of the corpus callosum. Our analysis of Ryk function further advances our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of this important commissure.