978 resultados para REFERENCE SAMPLES
Neste trabalho são apresentados os procedimentos de caracterização de um sistema comercial portátil de Fluorescência de Raios X por dispersão em energia, o ARTAX 200, bem com seu processo de calibração. O sistema é composto por um tubo de Raios X, com anodo de Molibdênio e um detector XFlash (Silicon Drift Detector) refrigerado por Efeito Peltier. O procedimento de caracterização do sistema foi realizado utilizando-se uma amostra de referência contendo Ferro e Cromo. Foram também usadas amostras certificadas (National Bureau of Standards) D840, D845, D846, D847 e D849 para a realização do processo de calibração do sistema para análise quantitativa. O processo de calibração foi realizado por três metodologias diferentes a fim de avaliar qual deles apresentaria melhores resultados. A caracterização do sistema ARTAX 200 foi realizada executando testes de estabilidade do tubo de Raios X, repetibilidade, reprodutibilidade, resolução em energia do sistema, levantamento da curva de limite de detecção e verificação do centro geométrico do feixe (CG). Os resultados obtidos nos testes de estabilidade apresentaram um coeficiente de variação médio menor do que 2%, o teste de repetibilidade apresentou valores médios menores que 0,5 %. A reprodutibilidade apresentou um coeficiente de variação médio menor que 1,5%. A verificação do centro geométrica mostrou que o CG encontra-se alinhada com o centro ótimo do feixe em duas das três direções do plano cartesiano. A resolução em energia do sistema para a energia de 5,9 keV foi de 150 eV. O limite de detecção apresentou valores menores que 1 % do Si ao Cu. Na avaliação das metodologias para calibração verificou-se que uma das metodologias aplicadas apresentou melhor resultado. Comparando os resultados com outros sistemas portáteis de XRF observa-se que o ARTAX 200 apresenta eficiência superior em relação aos parâmetros analisados.
Contemporary striped bass population modeling efforts on coastal stocks point to a reduced population fecundity in Chesapeake Bay being partially responsible for declining reproduction (Anonymous 1985; Boreman and Goodyear 1984). Fecundity values used in these models were based on earlier work by jackson and tiller (1952), lewis and Bonner (1966), Hollis (1967) and Holland and Yelverton (1973). An important feature to the Boreman and Goodyear (1985) model (FSIM) is an accurate determination of the fecundity weight regression equation used to determine the rate of egg deposition over time. Egg deposition models in turn can be used to determine how reproductive potential is changing over time in response to various management actions, i.e. reducing fishing mortality rates. thus it is imperative to follow population stock structure in the Bay system and to develop a contemporary fecundity relationship for striped bass. This report deals with the gonadal material collected in 1986 and 1987 from a coordinated Maryland field program. Samples were obtained from drift gill net collections during the spawning season from four localities: Potomac Estuary, Upper Bay, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, and the Choptank Estuary (Figure 1).
In the past stock assessment surveys were generally reactive in response to a particular problem e.g. a pollution incident and as such were limited in the information they provided. A programme of strategic stock assessment would be more beneficial, providing up to date information on the status and composition of the stock. On a national level this could reveal trends in population dynamics and enable comparisons to be made between key rivers and between regions. The Stock Assessment Task Group (1991) has recommended annual strategic surveys for juvenile salmonids and triennial strategic surveys for coarse fish and non- migratory salmonids. The aim of this pilot study was to gain information on species distribution and their relative abundance within the River Lune catchment, and to compare the findings with the surveys carried out between 1981-1985. This would provide valuable information on the current status of the stock and provide an indication of the resources required to conduct such strategic surveys on other river catchments in the North West Region of the National Rivers Authority.
This study takes a preliminary step towards investigating the reports of poor rod catches of coarse fish in the River Lune. These poor catches and concern over the possible loss of coarse fish from the Lower Lune is investigated, using creel census data from 1991. Historical data is used where available for comparative studies. The conclusion that this report comes to is that there is a problem with the recruitment of coarse fish within the population. Dace, roach and bream all show good growth rates but only poor if any recruitment. Historical investigations suggest that roach and bream may never have successfully recruited without artificial induced conditions. The situation with dace is of more concern as populations in other rivers in Northern England are also in decline, whilst historically they were naturally recruiting.
This report presents data from the juvenile salmonid fish stock assessment which is part of the routine Environment Agency riverine monitoring programme. A total of 110 sites was electrofished throughout the Lune catchment between 15th July 1997 and 14th October 1997. These sites included 84 that had been previously sampled in the last comprehensive survey of the catchment, in 1991. The aim of this survey was to assess the distribution and abundance of juvenile salmon and trout in the River Lune catchment and to compare results with those of previous surveys.
Fisheries technical staff from the North West Central Area of the National Rivers Authority (NRA) currently provide a service for the ageing of salmon scales from fish caught by anglers on the Rivers Ribble and Hodder in order to gather information on the biological characteristics of the salmon population on the River Ribble system in terms of weight, freshwater age and sea age. At the beginning of each fishing season, scale envelopes are distributed by the NRA to angling clubs and some individual anglers. Scales taken from salmon caught on the rivers are returned to the NRA Central Area Office by the anglers, or more often, by NRA bailiffs. The age of each fish caught is then determined by the identification and counting of annuli for both the river and sea zones on the scale. Information is provided by the angler on the scale packet concerning the length and weight of the fish caught, and the date, location and method of capture. Both this information and the age of the fish is recorded on a database. These data can be used to investigate the distribution, and exploitation patterns of the different age classes of the salmon stock within the river system. This report is principally concerned with the scale samples received in 1994, although comparison is also made with samples from 1993 and 1992. References to data will all relate to that received in 1994 unless an alternate year is stated.
This paper deals with the development and use of biological reference points for salmon conservation on the River Lune, England. The Lune supports recreational and net fisheries with annual catches in the region of 1,000 and 1356 salmon respectively. Using models transported from other river systems, biological reference points exclusive to the Lune were developed; specifically the number of eggs deposited and carrying capacity estimates for age 0+ and 1+ parr. The conservation limit was estimated at 11.9 million eggs and between 1989 and 1998 was exceeded in two years. Comparison of juvenile salmon densities in 1991 and 1997 with estimates of carrying capacity indicated that 0+ and 1+ parr densities were at around 60 % of carrying capacity and may relate to the number of eggs deposited in 1990 and 1996 being approximately 70% of the target value. The paper discusses the management actions taken in order to ensure that the management target of the conservation limit being met four years out of five is delivered. It also discusses the balance between conservation and exploitation and the socio-economic decisions made in order to ensure parity of impacts on the rod and net fisheries. The regulations have been enforced since 1999 and the paper concludes with an assessment of the actions taken to deliver the management targets, over the last five years.
O nível sérico do Fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo I (IGF-I) é fundamental para auxiliar no dignóstico e controle terapêutico dos transtornos relacionados à secreção do Hormônio de Crescimento (GH), bem como no diagnóstico e seguimento de outras doenças. Estabelecer valores de referência para as dosagens séricas de IGF-I por um ensaio imunoquimioluminométrico (ICMA), utilizando o sistema automatizado Immulite 2000/Diagnostic Products Corporation (DPC), e por um ensaio imunoradiométrico (IRMA), utilizando o kit comercial ACTIVE IGF-I/Diagnostic System Laboratories (DSL)-5600, numa população brasileira adulta da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Este estudo, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética do Instituto Estadual de Hematologia Arthur de Siqueira Cavalcanti, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, incluiu amostras de 484 indivíduos saudáveis (251 homens e 233 mulheres) com idades entre 18 e 70 anos. As amostras foram estudadas por ICMA- Immulite 2000/DPC and IRMA- ACTIVE IGF-I/DSL-5600. Para análise dos dados foram utilizados modelos específicos para idade e sexo, após transformação dos dados de IGF-I. Foi observada uma lenta diminuição dos níveis de IGF-I com a idade usando ambos os ensaios. Os níveis de IGF-I foram signicativamente (p=0,0181) mais elevados em mulheres do que em homens, quando as amostras foram analisadas usando ICMA. Não houve diferença significativa dos níveis de IGF-I entre homens e mulheres quando as amostras foram analisadas usando IRMA. Este estudo estabeleceu valores de referência de IGF-I específicos para idade e sexo, determinados com o sistema automatizado ICMA-Immulite 2000/DPC, e valores de referência de IGF-I específicos para idade, determinados com o kit comercial IRMA- ACTIVE IGF-I/DSL-5600, em uma população adulta brasileira, da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
Estimating the abundance of marine macro-invertebrates is complicated by a variety of factors: 1) human factors, such as diver efficiency and diver error; and 2) biological factors, such as aggregation of organisms, crypsis, and nocturnal emergence behavior. Diver efficiency varied according to the detectability of an organism causing under-estimation of density by up to 50% in some species. All common species were aggregated at scales from 10-50 m. Transects need to be long enough to transcend the scale of patchiness to improve accuracy. Some species of sea urchins and sea cucumbers (pepinos) which are cryptic by day emerged at night so that daytime censuses underestimated their abundance by up to 10 times. In the sea cucumber fishery, estimates of abundance need to be made at the scale of the population, i.e. at hundreds of km. A strategy for this is proposed.
O presente estudo propõe uma metodologia para dissolução de tecidos biológicos em sistema de micro-ondas com radiação focalizada e posterior análise elementar por espectrometria de massas com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICPMS). Foram determinados os elementos arsênio (As), cádmio (Cd), cobre (Cu), chumbo (Pb), níquel (Ni), vanádio (V) e zinco (Zn). A matriz nitro-peroxo-sulfúrica foi comparada com outra sem o ácido sulfúrico e apresentou melhor padrão de recuperação (acima de 90%) na quantificação dos elementos certificados no material de referência TORT-2. As interferências causadas pela presença do ácido sulfúrico na matriz digestora foram contornadas com o uso da célula de reação/colisão com gás hélio (He) e adição deste ácido na composição da curva de quantificação. O ganho analítico proporcionado pelo método de digestão em matriz sulfúrica, em sistema não pressurizado, baseia-se no incremento da temperatura reacional e na degradação completa da matéria orgânica. As digestões tradicionalmente realizadas para quantificação por ICPMS, compostas unicamente de ácido nítrico (HNO3) e peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2), não apresentam a mesma eficiência na degradação da matéria orgânica em sistemas abertos. Por fim, este método foi aplicado satisfatoriamente em amostras de tecido hepático de peixe Mugil liza (tainha), comprovando sua eficiência em monitorar a bioacumulação, utilizando-se da sensibilidade da técnica multielementar de ICPMS